Best of
Grace Is Not God's Backup Plan: An Urgent Paraphrase of Paul's Letter to the Romans
Adam S. Miller - 2015
It’s more like a paraphrase. Rather than worry over the letter of the text, the goal has been to illuminate the large scale patterns that structure it. The King James Version, for instance, renders Paul’s letter with uncanny beauty but is opaque as an argument. Modern translations tend to have the same problem. Their overriding concern is with the letter of the text, not with its logic. As a result, Paul’s forest is always getting sacrificed for the sake of his trees. But Paul’s work is too important, his good news too urgent, to leave so much of him locked in the first century. We need our renderings to do more than mimic the original, we need them to bleed and breathe. This work argues that the deep logic of Romans comes into sharp focus around a single premise: Paul’s claim that grace is not God’s backup plan. Paul never quite puts it like this, but he implies it at every turn.
Reader's Gospels-ESV
Anonymous - 2015
The text is presented in a beautifully designed single-column format and is printed on cream, opaque book paper. All verse numbers, chapter numbers, footnotes, and cross-references have been removed, resulting in a text that reads like a novel. Occasional section headings alert the reader to thematic shifts in the narrative, and these headings are also located at the top of the page to assist in navigation.The Reader's Gospels helps readers immerse themselves in God's Word so that they can see afresh the beauty and glory of Jesus Christ and the power of the gospel.Features:Size: 5.25" x 7.75" 12-point TrinitE type 324 pages Single-column, paragraph format Black letter text No verse numbers, chapter numbers, or footnotes Printed on high-quality European book paper Ribbon marker Smyth-sewn binding Packaging: permanent slipcase
New Testament Basics for Catholics
John Bergsma - 2015
Using simple illustrations and the same clear, conversational style that characterized his earlier book, Bergsma introduces four of the most important writers in the New Testament: Matthew, Luke, Paul, and John.With humor and simple illustrations, theology professor John Bergsma focuses on Matthew, Luke, Paul, and John, whose writings comprise about 90 percent of the New Testament. The gospel of Matthew, written for Jewish Christians, illuminates the life and teachings of Christ as the long-promised Messiah. In Luke's gospel, readers will delve into the infancy and Triduum narratives, as well as the Acts of the Apostles and the life of the early Church. This leads the reader to discover St. Paul and his first and arguably greatest theological treatise: Romans. Finally, "the beloved apostle" St. John draws us in to the unsurpassed beauty of the fourth gospel, as well as the most mysterious book of the New Testament: the book of Revelation. A concluding chapter offers suggestions for further study.Intended as an introductory work for those who are new to scripture study, this New Testament book does not aspire to be a comprehensive guide to all twenty-seven books of the New Testament, but is intended to lay the foundation for a lifetime of scripture reading.
Paul and the Gift
John M.G. Barclay - 2015
He offers a new appraisal of Paul's theology of the Christ-event as gift as it comes to expression in Galatians and Romans, and he presents a nuanced and detailed discussion of the history of reception of Paul. This exegetically responsible, theologically informed, hermeneutically useful book shows that a respectful, though not uncritical, reading of Paul contains resources that remain important for Christians today.
The Gospel According to Mark, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout Mark: With vividness and details, activity and energy, Mark portrays the active career of Jesus on earth, laying emphasis on His works rather than His words. The word "straightway" occurs 41 times, quickly moving from one event to the next.Large print complete Gospel According to Mark from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
The Gospel According to John, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
The large print, readable type, light weight, and portable size of this edition is ideal for seniors, travelers, the disabled, and students.
Hebrews (Kjv)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout Hebrews: In a letter that reads like a sermon, the author (whose identity is debated, but is traditionally believed to be Paul) shows, by a series of comparisons, the superiority of Jesus Christ over the forms of the Jewish religion that preceded Him.Large print complete books of Hebrews from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
First and Second Thessalonians, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout I & II Thessalonians: 2 books in 1 volume. Paul wrote these two letters to instruct new converts concerning the Christian life, and to inspire comfort, patience, and watchfulness for the Lord's return. These letters are believed to be the oldest documents in the New Testament.Large print complete books of First and Second Thessalonians from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
Colossians, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout Colossians: Like Ephesians, Colossians focuses on the relationship between Christ and His church. Half doctrinal and half practical, it aims to exalt the person of the Lord Jesus as Creator of the universe, Head of the church, and Preeminent over all things.Large print complete Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
The Gospel of John
Francis Martin - 2015
Increasingly scholars see the importance of putting historical analysis of the scriptural texts in dialogue with theology, spirituality, and the dogmatic tradition. Francis Martin and William Wright have produced just such a reading of the Gospel of John. Their commentary is textured, smart, accessible, and spiritually alert. I would recommend it to novices and scholars alike."--Robert Barron, rector/president, Mundelein Seminary"Commentaries on John are beyond counting. But amid the many books devoted to this great Gospel, this volume stands out for its easy accessibility, academic thoroughness, and enthusiastic support of the Roman Catholic tradition, its liturgical calendar, and its teachings. Abundant fascinating sidebars draw the reader back in time to both the biblical world and the great voices of the Catholic Church. An ideal commentary for lay leaders, teachers, and priests in the Catholic tradition."--Gary M. Burge, professor of New Testament, Wheaton College and Graduate SchoolPraise for the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture"The Word of God is the source of Christian life, and the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture is an ideal tool for living our faith more deeply. This extraordinary resource feeds both the mind and the heart and should be on the shelf of every committed Catholic believer. I highly recommend it."--Charles J. Chaput, OFM Cap, Archbishop of Philadelphia"When the Scripture is read in the liturgy, it is heard as a living voice. But when expounded in a commentary, it is too often read as a document from the past. This fine series unites the ancient and the contemporary by offering insight into the biblical text--verse by verse--as well as spiritual application to the lives of Christians today."--Robert Louis Wilken, University of VirginiaFor more information on the series, visit
The Gospel According to Luke, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout Luke: Luke sets forth the life of Jesus as the Savior of the world in the style of a trained historian. His is the longest, most detailed of the four Gospels. It is an accurate and artistic account, precise and beautiful in language with songs and praise.Large print complete Gospel According to Luke from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
A Year with Mary: Daily Meditations on the Mother of God
Paul Thigpen - 2015
Bernard of Clairvaux still ring true: “Of Mary, there is never enough!” She is a mystery that faithful Christians seek to understand more fully, an ocean “full of grace” still awaiting deeper exploration. In
A Year with Mary: Daily Meditations on the Mother of God
, best-selling Catholic author Paul Thigpen sets sail on that ocean, using as his map the profound insights of saints and other spiritual writers. These 365 reflections, drawn from their writings, reveal Mary’s role in God’s plan, the virtues she so perfectly models, and the rich benefits of Marian devotion. Premium Ultrasoft with two-tone sewn binding, ribbon marker and gold edges.
First and Second Timothy, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout I & II Timothy: 2 books in 1 volume. Paul writes to encourage a young pastor in spiritual warfare, to instruct in sound doctrine and church government, and to inspire Christian behavior. The second letter was written near the end of Paul's life, while he was imprisoned in Rome.Large print complete books of First and Second Timothy from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
James, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout James: In an open letter to all churches, James, a half-brother of Jesus, exhorts believers to be patient and rejoice under trials. A complementary teaching to Galatians, James urges us to show our faith in good works, shunning empty words.Large print complete General Epistle of James from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
Titus, Philemon, and Jude, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout Titus, Philemon, and Jude: 3 books in 1 volume. Paul instructs a young pastor and informs a dear friend that his runaway servant is returning as a brother in the Lord. Jude, the half-brother of Jesus, warns of false teachers and apostasy.Large print complete Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Titus and Philemon plus the General Epistle of Jude from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
I Corinthians, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
It contains the full biblical text from the First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians in the Holy Bible (King James Version). The slim size and light weight of this book makes it easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal Bible studies or given as a gift. "My hand is weaker than it used to be, and it is harder for me to hold the Bible. These Bible books are so wonderful. Look, I can hold [it] in one hand. These books are perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene S. (age 74) Key Features: 1. Large print for easy reading 2. Single-column format for undistracted reading 3. No introductions, footnotes, cross-references, or commentaries for focused attention on God's Word 4. Clear chapter headings on each page and indented verse numbers for quick reference 5. Room to write personal commentary, study notes, prayer lists, and other annotations 6. Professionally bound with glossy paperback covers to minimize wear and tear 7. Book is 6x9 inches, slim (34 pages), and light weight (3 ounces) for daily use and traveling 8. King James Version, also known as the Authorized Version, is the standard Bible version used in English-speaking churches for centuries. (See _English Bible Translations: By What Standard?_ by William O. Einwechter.) "My Mom was an outstanding Bible teacher and pastor's wife. Every morning she [would] sit in the living room marking her Bible. She got to the place in her nineties when the Bible was too HEAVY for her to hold. How she would have loved to read from separate books." - Roberta P.
Hints of Heaven
George William Rutler - 2015
In these pages, Fr. George Rutler — acclaimed author and EWTN television host — unveils these deceptively simple stories, showing you their hidden meanings and how they apply to our own age and way of life.
Judges, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout Judges: Gives a history of 12 judges, the spiritual and military leaders of Israel. It shows the readiness of God to accept repentance and to give deliverance.Large print complete book of Judges from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
The Love of God: A Canonical Model
John C. Peckham - 2015
. .We believe these words, but what do they really mean? Does God choose to love, or does God love necessarily? Is God's love emotional? Does the love of God include desire or enjoyment? Is God's love conditional? Can God receive love from human beings?Attempts to answer these questions have produced sharply divided pictures of God's relationship to the world. One widely held position is that of classical theism, which understands God as necessary, self-sufficient, perfect, simple, timeless, immutable and impassible. In this view, God is entirely unaffected by the world and his love is thus unconditional, unilateral and arbitrary.In the twentieth century, process theologians replaced classical theism with an understanding of God as bound up essentially with the world and dependent on it. In this view God necessarily feels all feelings and loves all others, because they are included within himself.In The Love of God, John Peckham offers a comprehensive canonical interpretation of divine love in dialogue with, and at times in contrast to, both classical and process theism. God's love, he argues, is freely willed, evaluative, emotional and reciprocal, given before but not without conditions. According to Peckham's reading of Scripture, the God who loves the world is both perfect and passible, both self-sufficient and desirous of reciprocal relationships with each person, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
Joshua, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout Joshua: Follows Israel's conquest of 31 kings, as Joshua leads them to possess the land that God promised to Abraham's seed.Large print complete book of Joshua from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
First and Second Peter, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout I & II Peter: 2 books in 1 volume. Courageous, hopeful, loving, and faithful, Peter writes to hearten persecuted believers with the grace of hope, to direct their thoughts to the glorious inheritance that awaits them, and to guard against false teaching by growing in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.Large print complete books of First and Second Peter from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
A Christian's Pocket Guide to Loving the Old Testament
J. Alec Motyer - 2015
But how do we view its importance in relation to New Testament teaching and our 21st century experiences? This accessible yet powerful addition to the Pocket Guide series draw together the threads of Scripture to help us understand the power of God's word when viewed in its completeness.
2 Samuel
Robert Barron - 2015
In this addition to the series, highly acclaimed author, speaker, and theologian Robert Barron offers a theological exegesis of 2 Samuel. He highlights three major themes: God's non-competitive transcendence, the play between divine and non-divine causality, and the role of Old Testament kingship. As with other volumes in the series, this book is ideal for those called to ministry, serving as a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups.
II Corinthians, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
It contains the full biblical text from the Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians in the Holy Bible (King James Version). The slim size and light weight of this book makes it easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal Bible studies or given as a gift. "My hand is weaker than it used to be, and it is harder for me to hold the Bible. These Bible books are so wonderful. Look, I can hold [it] in one hand. These books are perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene S. (age 74) Key Features: 1. Large print for easy reading 2. Single-column format for undistracted reading 3. No introductions, footnotes, cross-references, or commentaries for focused attention on God's Word 4. Clear chapter headings on each page and indented verse numbers for quick reference 5. Room to write personal commentary, study notes, prayer lists, and other annotations 6. Professionally bound with glossy paperback covers to minimize wear and tear 7. Book is 6x9 inches, slim (24 pages), and light weight (2.5 ounces) for daily use and traveling 8. King James Version, also known as the Authorized Version, is the standard Bible version used in English-speaking churches for centuries. (See _English Bible Translations: By What Standard?_ by William O. Einwechter.) "My Mom was an outstanding Bible teacher and pastor's wife. Every morning she [would] sit in the living room marking her Bible. She got to the place in her nineties when the Bible was too HEAVY for her to hold. How she would have loved to read from separate books." - Roberta P.
The Flow of the Psalms: Discovering Their Structure and Theology
O. Palmer Robertson - 2015
But is this a correct understanding?O. Palmer Robertson equips us to see a clear redemptive-historical progression that develops across the five books of Psalms. With the aid of charts in full color, he demonstrates how an intentional structure is indicated by elements such as the placement of acrostic psalms, strategic couplings of Messianic psalms with Torah psalms, and the grouping of psalms by topics.If you love the psalms, Robertson will give you a better grasp of the whole Psalter and a deeper appreciation of each individual poem.To download a free PDF of Dr. Robertson's groundbreaking full-color charts of the structure of the Psalms, click here. The PDF may be printed, photocopied, distributed, and used for noncommercial purposes, with appropriate credit. “With his customary clarity and insight, Robertson presents a psalter that is at once theologically rich, historically relevant, and practically impactful.”—John Scott Redd Jr., Reformed Theological Seminary “Easily understood and available to serve pastors and other church leaders as they preach and teach Christ from the Psalms. . . . One of the very best studies of this part of Scripture.”—Richard L. Pratt Jr., Third Millennium Ministries“A pleasure to read! …Robertson’s fresh and insightful work on this majestic book of Scripture is sure to expand your mind, warm your heart, and open your mouth to join with all creation in shouts of ‘Hallelu-YAH.’”—Douglas Sean O’Donnell,Queensland Theological College “A courageous and thought-provoking proposal to read the Psalter afresh. Palmer Robertson argues that the Psalms exhibit… an organized development of thought progression from the beginning to the end… His joy of discovery is contagious.”—Eric Peels, Theological University ApeldoornThe AuthorO. Palmer Robertson (ThM, ThD, Union Theological Seminary, Virginia) is director and principal of African Bible College, Uganda. He previously taught at Reformed, Westminster, Covenant, and Knox Seminaries.
Christ Is King: Paul's Royal Ideology
Joshua W. Jipp - 2015
One result, Joshua W. Jipp argues, is that important aspects of Paul's thinking about Jesus' messiahship have gone unrecognized. Jipp argues that kingship discourse is an important source for Paul's christological language: Paul uses royal language to present Christ as the good king. Jipp surveys Greco-Roman and Jewish depictions of the ideal king and argues for the influence of these traditions on several aspects of Paul's thought: king and law (Galatians 5–6; Romans 13–15; 1 Corinthians 9); hymning to the king (Colossians 1:15-20); the just and faithful king; the royal roots of Paul's language of participation "in Christ"; and the enthroned king (Romans 1:3-4; 1 Corinthians 15:20-28). Jipp finds that Paul's use of royal tropes is indeed significant. Christos is a royal honorific within Paul's letters, and Paul is another witness to ancient discussions of monarchy and ideal kingship. In the process, Jipp offers new and noteworthy solutions to outstanding questions concerning Christ and the law, the pistis Christou debate, and Paul's participatory language.
Pauses for Lent: 40 Words for 40 Days
Trevor Hudson - 2015
It gives us the chance to regroup, reflect, and refocus on God.In Pauses for Lent, Trevor Hudson offers a beautifully minimalist book in which he focuses on one word for each day of Lent. You are invited to pause, focus on the word, read a scripture and a brief meditation related to the word, and then offer a prayer.Pausing in this way will help you carve out time for God and refresh your spirit even in the midst of a busy life. You may find yourself sensing God's presence in a new way and discovering that God wants to meet you in the midst of your life as it is, muddles and all.
The Epistles of John, KJV (Bible)
Anonymous - 2015
perfect for Bible studies." - Darlene Sauber"The size of the print ... is so easy to read, even at a distance." - Paul CarpenterAbout The Epistles of John: 3 books in 1 volume. John sets forth the true doctrine that Christ was perfectly divine and perfectly human, to teach how we may know we have eternal life and rejoice in the full assurance of the truth. He provides warnings against false teachers and doctrines.Large print complete books of First, Second, and Third John from the Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV). Printed in clear, large print, the slim size and light weight of this book is easy to hold and carry. It can be used for personal and group Bible studies or given as a gift.
L. Daniel Hawk - 2015
The deeper import of the story, however, has to do with the internal boundaries that define the people of God. Is Israel a closed community, held together exclusively by bonds of kinship, or a nation that welcomes faithful outsiders into its sphere of belonging? Ruth appropriates marriage as the symbolic vehicle of a transformation in Israel's self-understanding from a community articulated by Naomi's declaration that her daughters-in-law marry within their own people, to the acclamations by the people of Bethlehem that endorse Boaz's marriage to a Moabite. L. Daniel Hawk undertakes a detailed narrative analysis of Ruth that goes beyond the description of its content and stylistic features to illumine its deep structure and use of metaphor. Informed by contemporary studies on ethnicity, he discovers a work of remarkable sophistication that employs a story of intermarriage to address opposing ideas of Israelite identity. Hawk's meticulous attention to patterned structures, stylistic devices and characterization reveals the strategy by which the narrator constructs a vision of Israel that looks beyond rigid internal boundaries to the welcome of faithful foreigners as agents of blessing.
The Illuminated Life of Christ: The Gospels and Great Master Paintings
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers - 2015
Eighty passages from the Bible and 120 works of art printed in five colors, including simulated gold ink, recall the life of Jesus paired with Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper, Venziano's Walking on Water, Van der Weyden's Annunciation, Raphael's Madonna and Child, Gerard van Honthorst's Adoration of the Shepherds, and more.
Navigating the Interior Life: Finding God Through Meditation
Peter of Alcantara - 2015
This series is a goldmine for Catholics to deepen your relationship with God and to grow into a deeper union with Jesus Christ. Finding God Through Meditation by St. Peter of Alcantara is little known, as is the saint himself. Don’t let that fool you. He directed the great mystic St. Teresa of Avila on difficult questions she had about prayer, for which she has written about in her Interior Castle. St. Teresa turned to this great treatise on meditation by St. Peter for guidance. St. Peter of Alcantara’s work is a sure antidote to much of the false teaching of our day. His insights on prayer are profound and far reaching. You will find here the gems that God has in store for all who truly desire to grow in relationship with Him in prayer. Finding God Through Meditation gives you a window into perspectives on prayer that should challenge and enrich you for years to come. About the Series: Dan Burke’s Navigating series brings the wisdom of the saints into your hands. This series is a goldmine for Catholics to deepen your relationship with God and to grow into a deeper union with Jesus Christ.
I Found God in Me: A Womanist Biblical Hermeneutics Reader
Mitzi J. Smith - 2015
In it readers have access, in one volume, to articles on womanist interpretative theories and theology as well as cutting-edge womanist readings of biblical texts by womanist biblical scholars. This book is an excellent resource for women of color, pastors, and seminarians interested in relevant readings of the biblical text, as well as scholars and teachers teaching courses in womanist biblical hermeneutics, feminist interpretation, African American hermeneutics, and biblical courses that value diversity and dialogue as crucial to excellent pedagogy. ""The seed for this wide-ranging volume in womanist biblical hermeneutics was first planted at Howard University Divinity School and has now grown into an excellent collection of essays which constitute a significant contribution to an ever-growing corpus. It provides rich and rewarding reading for those--female and male alike--who would wish to hear the Bible as a liberating word of life for our time--especially for African and African-American women. Highly recommended."" --Gosnell L. Yorke, Institute for African Renaissance Studies, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa ""Smith has brought together outstanding studies by established scholars and skilled doctoral candidates and given us a challenging and thought-provoking collection of essays. It is good reading for pastor and academician alike: for pastors to see the many implications of a growing movement for fellowship in the black church; for academicians to engage in a continuing activity that is not dissipating but growing, a movement which has significant implications for the interpretation of Scripture and the development of Christian theology and ethics in the future. The church and the academy are indebted to Smith for this significant, stimulating study."" --Thomas B. Slater, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University, Macon, GA Mitzi J. Smith, PhD, is Associate Professor of New Testament at Ashland Theological Seminary/Detroit. She is author of The Literary Construction of the Other in the Acts of the Apostles: Charismatics, the Jews, and Women (Pickwick 2011), and coeditor of Teaching All Nations: Interrogating the Matthean Great Commission (2014).
Opening the Rabbinic Doors to the Gospels: An Introduction
Thomas B. Tribelhorn - 2015
Petersburg Seminary and Yeshiva's most respected professors.Based on popular lectures presented by the author at the prestigious 2015 ABA International Archaeology Conference held at the Schönblick Convention Center in Germany, Dr. Tom argues that a comprehensive understanding of the Jewish foundation and framework of the Biblical text is one of the most critical components of Biblical exegesis and textual research. Its longtime neglect has produced numerous mistranslations and misinterpretations, fueling the fires of Biblical criticism and anti-Semitism. In a clear readable format Dr. Tom demonstrates how being true to the time, culture, and spirit of the Jewish foundation and framework of the Bible evaporates many of the so-called contradictions and historical-criticisms. Drawing upon first-century rabbinic sources, unmistakably clear evidence for the deity of Jesus is revealed in the Jewish Targums, the Tetragrammaton, and in the rabbinic linguistics of the Synoptics. A sincere and authentic quest for the historical Jesus begins here.Join us in restoring the Gospels to their Jewish heritage and historical integrity. Every page is a treasure chest of faith building Biblical illumination. (158pp. illus. index. Masthof Press, 2015.)
Al Hartley - 2015
Al Hartley’s comics have been called “the largest selling comics in history,” with sales exceeding 40 million copies including international distribution. Hartley’s comics have been called “the most wholesome, creative, inspiring comics ever written.” Al Hartley, who worked for Stan Lee and Marvel comics drawing Spiderman, The Hulk and Ironman, received Christ as His Lord and Savior in 1967. His artistic creativity went to a whole new level with Archie comics. “God got a hold of my life” he often said, “And the Creator began to download to me like never before.” Jesus is the comic version of John's gospel account of the life of Jesus. Read this comic and it will change your life. Let us rephrase that, read this comic and Jesus will change your life.
A Consuming Passion: Essays on Hell and Immortality in Honor of Edward Fudge
Christopher M. Date - 2015
Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi
Anthony R. Petterson - 2015
God's people are minnows in the vast Persian Empire, and the promises of the earlier prophets for a glorious restoration of Jerusalem seem far from their experience. These books, from beginning to end, restate God's intention to establish his glorious kingdom, and explain what this means for the lives of his people. For Haggai and Zechariah, the immediate challenge was to rebuild the temple in view of God's return. For Malachi, the challenge was covenant unfaithfulness which had infected the people's attitudes towards God, and how this needed to change in view of future judgment. God used each of these prophets to remind the people of the true King and to re-order their lives and their community in the light of the reality of his coming kingdom. In this Apollos Old Testament Commentary, Anthony Petterson offers detailed commentary on these prophetic books, setting them in their wider biblical-theological context. He shows the connections between the post-exilic world and our own, and explains how these books contain a vital message for the church today, living in the gap between promise and reality. The Apollos Old Testament Commentary series aims to take with equal seriousness the divine and human aspects of Scripture. It expounds the books of the Old Testament in a scholarly manner accessible to non-experts, and shows the relevance of the Old Testament to modern readers. Intended primarily to serve the needs of those who preach from the Old Testament, they are equally suitable for use by scholars and all serious students of the Bible.
The Friends of Jesus - Bible Study Book
Karen Kingsbury - 2015
Martha is known for her busyness and work ethic, but she also learned to worship through her friendship with Jesus. Saturated in legalism, Jairus was a religious and synagogue leader who learned much more about his beliefs and what it means to value relationships over religion. Mary Magdalene came to personally know her Savior, Jesus. Her life then was marked by devotion as a friend and follower of Jesus. And, Peter, a man of both faith and failure, challenges the reader to step up after failure and become a person of obedience and commitment to Jesus. Finally, the Bible study closes with the life and friendship of John. This beloved disciple and friend of Jesus begins his journey with Jesus as one of the sons of thunder, but transforms into a man marked by humility and love. All six of these friends of Jesus bring a variety of experiences and examples that show the ups and downs of friendship and remind us that true friendship is worth the time and commitment involved through those challenging and joyful times. Most of all, this Bible study reminds readers that Jesus is the greatest friend they could ever have. He is your Savior and your Lord, now make Him your friend.Sessions Topics Include: Simon the Leper: GratitudeMartha: WorshipJairus: BeliefMary Magdalene: DevotionPeter: ObedienceJohn: HumilityFeatures: Interactive teaching video approximately 25-30 minutes each weekBiblically rooted and gospel-centered on the friends of JesusLeader material (guides to questions and discussion with small group)Personal study segments in member book to complete between group sessions set up in daily format but can we used at the leisure of the learnerEach week focuses on a friend of Jesus (Simon the Leper, Martha of Bethany, Jairus, Mary Magdalene, Peter, John)Includes excerpts from Karen Kingsbury s book The Friends of Jesus using storytelling to relate the scripture and charactersBenefits: Focus on the gospel of Jesus and learn to recognize the power of forgiveness in forging real relationshipsBelieve that your broken relationships can be the background for beautiful redemptionEscape loneliness and enjoy deep friendship with JesusEmbrace Jesus as a friend, not only Savior and LordFind new life in the fertile soil of friendship with Jesus and with othersOvercome busyness and distraction by finding friendship at the feet of JesusTrade sickness and shame for a second chance at a soul connection with others through Christ"