Best of
Stories And Fables (Childcraft: The How and Why Library 1984, #2)
Childcraft International - 1934
Contents: Animals TalesFablesFairy Tales Favorites Old and NewTales From Other LandsMyths and Legends
Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches
Mary Thomas - 1934
Updated by Jan Eaton, it pictures and describes over 400 embroidery stitches arranged by usage, ranging from basic outline and border stitches to more complex detached-filling and pulled-fabric stitches. This is an outstanding reference book that will enable all needle-workers to master the art of embroidery.
Zohar (5 Volume set)
Maurice Simon - 1934
In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible, bringing to the surface the deeper meanings behind the commandments and biblical narrative.
Starr's Guide to the John Muir Trail and the High Sierra Region: A Sierra Club Totebook
Walter A. Starr Jr. - 1934
Originally published in 1934, this is the classic guide to the John Muir Trail, one of America's most famous hiking trails and the premier route for high-country foot travel in the West.
Minor Latin Poets, Volume I: Publilius Syrus. Elegies on Maecenas. Grattius. Calpurnius Siculus. Laus Pisonis. Einsiedeln Eclogues. Aetna
Publilius Syrus - 1934
The two-volume anthology covers a period of four and a half centuries, beginning with the work of the mime-writer Publilius Syrus, who flourished ca. 45 BCE, and ending with the graphic and charming poem of Rutilius Namatianus recording a sea voyage from Rome to Gaul in 416 CE. A wide variety of theme gives interest to the poems: hunting in a poem of Grattius; an inquiry into the causes of volcanic activity by the author of "Aetna"; pastoral poems by Calpurnius Siculus and by Nemesianus; fables by Avianus; a collection of "Dicta," moral sayings, as if by the elder Cato; eulogy in "Laus Pisonis"; and the legend of the "Phoenix," a poem of the fourth century. Other poets complete the edition.
A Short History of English Literature
Émile Legouis - 1934
As the work of a French scholar of the highest distinction, carried out with characteristic French acuteness and lucidity of statement, it has outstanding value for English readers. Attention is focused upon the greater writers, but Professor Legouis has succeeded in presenting a consecutive view of the main course of development and leading characteristics of every period of English literature. Within a framework of division by period, the treatment follows the subject division of poetry, prose and the drama.
Documents of American History
Henry Steele Commager - 1934
Childcraft How And Why Library 1990 Ed
Childcraft International - 1934
Since then, it has undergone substantial revision several times. This edition is a 15-volume resource library designed especially for preschool and primary-grade children and for the older child who needs high-interest, easy-to-read materials. Childcraft also serves as a resource for parents, teachers, and librarians.
The Home Book of Quotations: Classical & Modern
Burton Egbert Stevenson - 1934
Animal Friends and Adventures (Childcraft, Volume 4)
Childcraft International - 1934