Best of
The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe
Stephen Hawking - 2002
"The Theory of Everything" presents the most complex theories, both past and present, of physics; yet it remains clear and accessible. It will enlighten readers and expose them to the rich history of scientific thought and the complexities of the universe in which we live.
On the Shoulders of Giants: The Great Works of Physics and Astronomy
Stephen Hawking - 2002
Depicting the great challenges these men faced and the lasting contributions they made, Hawking explains how their works transformed the course of science – and gave us a better understanding of the universe and our place in it.
The Essential David Bohm
David Bohm - 2002
For the first time in a single volume, The Essential David Bohm offers a comprehensive overview of Bohm's original works from a non-technical perspective. Including three chapters of previously unpublished material, each reading has been selected to highlight some aspect of the implicate order process, and to provide an introduction to one of the most provocative thinkers of our time.
Introduction to Cosmology
Barbara Ryden - 2002
The book is designed for advanced undergraduates or beginning graduate students and assumes no prior knowledge of general relativity. An emphasis is placed on developing the readers' physical insight rather than losing them with complex math. An approachable writing style and wealth of fresh and imaginative analogies from "everyday" physics are used to make the concepts of cosmology more accessible. The book is unique in that it not only includes recent major developments in cosmology, like the cosmological constant and accelerating universe, but also anticipates key developments expected in the next few years, such as detailed results on the cosmic microwave background.
Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity
James B. Hartle - 2002
Using a "physics first" approach to the subject, renowned relativist James B. Hartle provides a fluent and accessible introduction that uses a minimum of new mathematics and is illustrated with a wealth of exciting applications. KEY TOPICS: The emphasis is on the exciting phenomena of gravitational physics and the growing connection between theory and observation. The Global Positioning System, black holes, X-ray sources, pulsars, quasars, gravitational waves, the Big Bang, and the large scale structure of the universe are used to illustrate the widespread role of how general relativity describes a wealth of everyday and exotic phenomena. MARKET: For anyone interested in physics or general relativity.
Concepts of Modern Physics
Arthur Beiser - 2002
Focusing on the ideas, this book considers relativity and quantum ideas to provide a framework for understanding the physics of atoms and nuclei.
Simply Einstein: Relativity Demystified
Richard Wolfson - 2002
Drawing from years of teaching modern physics to nonscientists, Wolfson explains in a lively, conversational style the simple principles underlying Einstein's theory.Relativity, Wolfson shows, gave us a new view of space and time, opening the door to questions about their flexible nature: Is the universe finite or infinite? Will it expand forever or eventually collapse in a "big crunch"? Is time travel possible? What goes on inside a black hole? How does gravity really work? These questions at the forefront of twenty-first-century physics are all rooted in the profound and sweeping vision of Albert Einstein's early twentieth-century theory. Wolfson leads his readers on an intellectual journey that culminates in a universe made almost unimaginably rich by the principles that Einstein first discovered.
Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Nanoscience
Ken A. Dill - 2002
It shows how the complex behaviors of molecules can result from a few simple physical processes, and a central theme is how simple models can give surprisingly accurate insights into the workings of the molecular world.Written in a clear and reader-friendly style, the book gives an excellent introduction to the subject for novices. It should be useful to those who want to develop their understanding of this important field, seeing how physical principles can be applied to the study of modern problems in the chemical, biological, and materials sciences.
Handbook of Physics
John W. Harris - 2002
A veritable toolbox for everyday use in problem solving, homework, examinations, and practical applications of physics, it provides quick and easy access to a wealth of information including not only the fundamental formulas of physics but also a wide variety of experimental methods used in practice.Compiled by professional scientists, engineers, and lecturers who are experts in the day-to-day use of physics, the "Handbook" covers topics from classical mechanics to elementary particles, electric circuits to error analysis. The previous editions in German are renowned for their clarity and completeness.Each chapter contains: - all the important concepts, formulas, rules and theorems - numerous examples and practical applications - suggestions for problem solving, hints, and cross references - measurement techniques and important sources of errors - numerous tables of standard values and material properties Access to information is direct and swift through the user-friendly layout, structured table of contents, and extensive index. Like the companion "Handbook of Mathematics and Computational Science" compiled by Harris and Stocker, the "Handbook of Physics" is an invaluable tool for college and graduate students and researchers and practitioners in all fields of engineering and natural science.
The Laws of Gravitation
Isaac Newton - 2002
GENERAL CONTENTSPrefaceHistory of the subject before the appearance of Newton's "Principia"Extracts from Newton's Principia and "System of the World"Biographical sketch of NewtonBouguer's "The Figure of the Earth"Biographical sketch of BouguerThe Bertier controversyAccount of Maskelyne's experiments on ScheliallienCavendish's "Experiments to determine the mean density of the Earth"Biographical sketch of CavendishHistorical account of the experiments made since the time of CavendishTable of results of experimentsBibliographyIndex
General Relativity
Michael P. Hobson - 2002
These tools are used to develop the topic of special relativity and to discuss electromagnetism in Minkowski spacetime. Gravitation as spacetime curvature is introduced and the field equations of general relativity derived. After applying the theory to a wide range of physical situations, the book concludes with a brief discussion of classical field theory and the derivation of general relativity from a variational principle.
Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics
Robert D. Zucker - 2002
Included chapters cover reaction propulsion systems and real gas effects. Written and organized in a manner that makes it accessible for self learning.
An Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Physics
Don S. Lemons - 2002
It includes end-of-chapter problems and emphasizes applications.An Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Physics builds directly upon early-twentieth-century explanations of the "peculiar character in the motions of the particles of pollen in water" as described, in the early nineteenth century, by the biologist Robert Brown. Lemons has adopted Paul Langevin's 1908 approach of applying Newton's second law to a "Brownian particle on which the total force included a random component" to explain Brownian motion. This method builds on Newtonian dynamics and provides an accessible explanation to anyone approaching the subject for the first time. Students will find this book a useful aid to learning the unfamiliar mathematical aspects of stochastic processes while applying them to physical processes that he or she has already encountered.
Quaternions and Rotation Sequences: A Primer with Applications to Orbits, Aerospace, and Virtual Reality
J.B. Kuipers - 2002
Today, they are used in applications as various as describing the geometry of spacetime, guiding the Space Shuttle, and developing computer applications in virtual reality. In this book, J. B. Kuipers introduces quaternions for scientists and engineers who have not encountered them before and shows how they can be used in a variety of practical situations.The book is primarily an exposition of the quaternion, a 4-tuple, and its primary application in a rotation operator. But Kuipers also presents the more conventional and familiar 3 x 3 (9-element) matrix rotation operator. These parallel presentations allow the reader to judge which approaches are preferable for specific applications. The volume is divided into three main parts. The opening chapters present introductory material and establish the book's terminology and notation. The next part presents the mathematical properties of quaternions, including quaternion algebra and geometry. It includes more advanced special topics in spherical trigonometry, along with an introduction to quaternion calculus and perturbation theory, required in many situations involving dynamics and kinematics. In the final section, Kuipers discusses state-of-the-art applications. He presents a six degree-of-freedom electromagnetic position and orientation transducer and concludes by discussing the computer graphics necessary for the development of applications in virtual reality.
The Mathematical Theory of Cosmic Strings: Cosmic Strings in the Wire Approximation
M.R. Anderson - 2002
The author's purpose is to provide a standard reference to all work that has been published since the mid-1970s and to link this work together in a single conceptual framework and a single notational formalism. A working knowledge of basic general relativity is assumed. The book will be essential reading for researchers and postgraduate students in mathematics, theoretical physics, and astronomy interested in cosmic strings.
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol 16
Richard P. Feynman - 2002
Feynman, lectures originally delivered to his physics students at Caltech and later fashioned by the author into his classic textbook Lectures on Physics. Volume 16 (Feynman on Electromagnetism) discusses the vector potential, laws of induction, and the Maxwell equations.
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Physics: Locality, Fields, Energy, and Mass
Marc Lange - 2002
It leads the reader through several central problems in the philosophy of physics by tracing their connections to a single issue: whether a cause must be spatiotemporally local to its effect, or whether action at a distance can occur
Clifford V. Johnson - 2002
It will serve as an introduction to welcome and guide newcomers to this exciting field, and an indispensible reference for seasoned practitioners. The book starts by introducing the key features of string theory and the theoretical tools needed to get to grips with D-branes. It then builds up the subject in a logical way, discussing further aspects of string theory and advanced applications as the text progresses.
The Super Science Book
Kate Petty - 2002
THE SUPER SCIENCE BOOK describes, with pop-up wizardry and superb illustrations, the principles of Physical Science. Atoms, molecules, elements and compounds have never been so much fun. If you want to be a scientist- LOOK closely at the worlds around you. ASK lots of questions and keep a RECORD of how things change. If you want to be a scientist READ THIS BOOK.
Gauge Theories in Particle Physics, Volume 1: From Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to QED
I.J.R. Aitchison - 2002
For each of them, the authors provide discussion of the main conceptual points, an exposition of many practical calculations of physical qualities and a comparison of these quantitive predictions with experimental results.
Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering
J. Kenneth Shultis - 2002
In medicine, accelerator based teletherapy and electron-beam therapy have become standard. New demands in national security have stimulated major advances in nuclear instrumentation.An ideal introduction to the fundamentals of nuclear science and engineering, this book presents the basic nuclear science needed to understand and quantify an extensive range of nuclear phenomena. New to the Second Edition--A chapter on radiation detection by Douglas McGregor Up-to-date coverage of radiation hazards, reactor designs, and medical applications Flexible organization of material that allows for quick reference This edition also takes an in-depth look at particle accelerators, nuclear fusion reactions and devices, and nuclear technology in medical diagnostics and treatment. In addition, the author discusses applications such as the direct conversion of nuclear energy into electricity. The breadth of coverage is unparalleled, ranging from the theory and design characteristics of nuclear reactors to the identification of biological risks associated with ionizing radiation. All topics are supplemented with extensive nuclear data compilations to perform a wealth of calculations.Providing extensive coverage of physics, nuclear science, and nuclear technology of all types, this up-to-date second edition of Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering is a key reference for any physicists or engineer.
Five Easy Lessons: Strategies for Successful Physics Teaching
Randall D. Knight - 2002
It's an invaluable companion to Randy Knight's Physics for Scientists and Engineers -- or for any physics course.
Science: A History
John Gribbin - 2002
From Galileo, tried by the Inquisition for his ideas, to Newton, who wrote his rivals out of the history books; from Marie Curie, forced to work apart from male students for fear she might excite them, to Louis Agassiz, who marched his colleagues up a mountain to prove that the ice ages had occurred. Filled with pioneers, visionaries, eccentrics and madmen, this is the history of science as it has never been told before. 'Gripping and entertaining ... Wonderfully and pleasurably accessible' Independent on Sunday 'Tremendous ... moves me to bestow a reviewer's cliche I long ago vowed never to use: a tour de force' Spectator 'A magnificent history ... enormously entertaining' Daily Telegraph 'A splendid book ... demolishes innumerable myths and exposes the factual roots of some of science's well known tales (for example, Galileo never dropped weights of different sizes from Pisa's leaning tower)' Economist 'We experience his subjects' triumphs and failures as if we knew them personally ... I found myself whizzing through the pages' Sunday Telegraph John Gribbin is one of today's greatest writers of popular science and the author of bestselling books, including In Search of Schroedinger's Cat, Stardust, Science: A History and In Search of the Multiverse. Gribbin trained as an astrophysicist at Cambridge University and is currently Visiting Fellow in Astronomy at the University of Sussex.
Conformal Field Theory and Topology
Toshitake Kohno - 2002
One of the most remarkable interactions between geometry and physics since 1980 has been an application of quantum field theory to topology and differential geometry. This book focuses on a relationship between two-dimensional quantum field theory and three-dimensional topology which has been studied intensively since the discovery of the Jones polynomial in the middle of the 1980s and Witten's invariant for 3-manifolds derived from Chern-Simons gauge theory.
Maxwell's Demon 2 Entropy, Classical and Quantum Information, Computing
Harvey Leff - 2002
Fascination with the demon persisted throughout the development of statistical and quantum physics, information theory, and computer science, and links have been established between Maxwell's demon and each of these disciplines. The demon's seductive quality makes it appealing to physical scientists, engineers, computer scientists, biologists, psychologists, and historians and philosophers of science.Since the publication of Maxwell's Demon: Entropy, Information, Computing in 1990, Maxwell's demon has been the subject of renewed and increased interest by numerous researchers in the fields mentioned above. Updated and expanded, Maxwell's Demon 2: Entropy, Classical and Quantum Information, Computing retains many of the seminal papers that appeared in the first edition, including the original thoughts of James Clerk Maxwell and William Thomson; a historical review by Martin Klein; and key articles by Leo Szilard, Leon Brillouin, Rolf Landauer, and Charles Bennett that led to new branches of research on the demon. This second edition contains newer articles by Landauer, Bennett, and others, related to Landauer's principle; connections with quantum mechanics; algorithmic information; and the thermodynamics and limits of computation. The book also includes two separate bibliographies: an alphabetical listing by author and a chronological bibliography that is annotated by the editors and contains selected quotes from the books and articles listed. The bibliography has more than doubled in size since publication of the first edition and now contains over 570 entries.
Computational Fluid Dynamics
T.J. Chung - 2002
This comprehensive text ranges from elementary concepts for the beginner to state-of-the-art CFD for the practitioner. It discusses and illustrates the basic principles of finite difference (FD), finite element (FE), and finite volume (FV) methods, with step-by-step hand calculations. Chapters go on to examine structured and unstructured grids, adaptive methods, computing techniques, and parallel processing. Finally, the author describes a variety of practical applications to problems in turbulence, reacting flows and combustion, acoustics, combined mode radiative heat transfer, multiphase flows, electromagnetic fields, and relativistic astrophysical flows. Students and practitioners--particularly in mechanical, aerospace, chemical, and civil engineering--will use this authoritative text to learn about and apply numerical techniques to the solution of fluid dynamics problems.
Patterns In The Void: Why Nothing Is Important
Sten F. Odenwald - 2002
Like the void itself, the book ranges in temporal and spatial scales - from our human world, down to the molecular and subatomic world, and up into the farthest reaches of the expanding universe. Building upon the great theories that broke through physics and biophysics in the twentieth century, Patterns in the Void weaves the human element into understanding modern science, telling stories of ancient sacrifices, paranormal experiences, purported alien abductions, and more – all part of the human dilemma to make sense about the vast unknown.
Introduction To Liquid State Physics
N.H. March - 2002
A qualitative description of liquid properties is first given, followed by detailed chapters on thermodynamics, liquid structure in relation to interaction forces and transport properties such as diffusion and viscosity. Treatment of complex fluids such as anisotropic liquid crystals and polymers, and of technically important topics such as non-Newtonian and turbulent flows, is included. Surface properties and characteristics of the liquid-vapour critical point are also discussed. While the book focuses on classical liquids, the final chapter deals with quantal fluids.
Geometry and Physics of Branes
Ugo Bruzzo - 2002
They are essential for a comprehension of the non-perturbative aspects of string theory, in particular, in connection with string dualities. From the mathematical viewpoint, branes are related to several important theories, such as homological mirror symmetry and quantum cohomology.Geometry and Physics of Branes provides an introduction to current research in some of these different areas, both in physics and mathematics. The book opens with a lucid introduction to the basic aspects of branes in string theory. Topics covered in subsequent chapters include tachyon condensation, the geometry surrounding the Gopakumar-Vafa conjecture (a duality between the SU(N) Chern-Simons theory on S3 and a IIA string theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau 3-fold), two-dimensional conformal field theory on open and unoriented surfaces, and the development of a homology theory naturally attached to the deformations of vector bundles that should be relevant to the study of homological mirror symmetry.
Electronic Structure Calculations for Solids and Molecules: Theory and Computational Methods
Jorge Kohanoff - 2002
This 2006 graduate textbook describes the main theoretical approaches and computational techniques, from the simplest approximations to the most sophisticated methods. It starts with a detailed description of the various theoretical approaches to calculating the electronic structure of solids and molecules, including density-functional theory and chemical methods based on Hartree-Fock theory. The basic approximations are thoroughly discussed, and an in-depth overview of recent advances and alternative approaches in DFT is given. The second part discusses the different practical methods used to solve the electronic structure problem computationally, for both DFT and Hartree-Fock approaches. Adopting a unique and open approach, this textbook is aimed at graduate students in physics and chemistry, and is intended to improve communication between these communities. It also serves as a reference for researchers entering the field.
Bioenergetics 3
David G. Nicholls - 2002
This title takes account of the many determined structures, such as ATP synthase and the two photosystems of photosynthesis, that provide molecular insight into chemiosmotic energy transduction.
Classical and Quantum Computation
A.Yu. Kitaev - 2002
It includes a thorough treatment of the local theory using the tools of commutative algebra, an extensive development of sheaf theory and the theory of coherent analytic and algebraic sheaves, proofs of the main vanishing theorems for these categories of sheaves, and a complete proof of the finite dimensionality of the cohomology of coherent sheaves on compact varieties. The vanishing theorems have a wide variety of applications and these are covered in detail.