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The Will to Believe, Human Immortality and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy
William James - 1897
The brother of novelist Henry James and of diarist Alice James, William wrote several powerful essays expressing his ideas on the pragmatic theory of truth, sentience, and human beings' right to believe. In "The Will to Believe", James suggests that what a person holds to be true or attainable may exist through that person's belief in them, regardless of a lack of physical evidence. In a sense, he advocates the theory of self-fulfilling prophesies. "Human Immortality" was a speech delivered during the annual Ingersoll Lectureship, given in memory of George Goldthwait Ingersoll, in 1897 at Harvard University. These works are a prime example of the powerful influence William James has had on modern psychology, and are still recognized today for their brilliance and revolutionary impacts on the field.
The Justification of the Good: An Essay on Moral Philosophy
Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov - 1897
"The Justification of the Good," one of Solovyov's last and most mature works, presents a profound argument for human morality based on the world's longing for and participation in God's goodness. In the first part of the book Solovyov explores humanity's inner virtues and their full reality in Christ, weaving his moral philosophy with threads drawn from Orthodox theology. In the second part Solovyov discusses the practical implications of Christian goodness for such areas as nationalism, war, economics, legal justice, and family. This edition of "The Justification of the Good" reproduces the English edition of 1918 and is the only new publication of this work since that date. The book includes explanatory footnotes by esteemed scholar Boris Jakim and a bibliography, compiled by Jakim, of Solovyov's major philosophical and religious works.
Cicero and His Friends: A Study of Roman Society in the Time of Caesar
Gaston Boissier - 1897
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Limbo and Other Essays by Vernon Lee, Literary Collections, Essays
Vernon Lee - 1897
And I am glad, moreover, that the poet has insisted on the importance -- "gente di molto valore" -- of the beings thus enclosed; because it is just with the superior quality of the things in what I mean by Limbo that we are peculiarly concerned. . . .
Goethe's World View
Rudolf Steiner - 1897
The layout and lettering are by Peter Stebbing.We present an authorized translation for the Western Hemisphere by agreement with the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.