Best of
The Genesis Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings
Henry M. Morris - 1976
Massive and scholarly, but written for scientific and theological lay persons, this book combines the findings of many disciplines.
Adam in the New Testament: Mere Teaching Model or First Historical Man?
Richard B. Gaffin - 1976
Freshly translated, this acknowledged modern classic defends the historic church position that all human beings descend from Adam as the first human being.
The Shepherd Psalm
F.B. Meyer - 1976
A distinct feature of Meyer's ministry was his outcry against the social evils of his day. Not only was he effective in the temperance movement, but he was also responsible for the closing of over 500 houses of prostitution. He also formed a prison aid society. A devoted student of God's Word, he was the author of over 40 books, including Bible biographies, devotional commentaries, sermon volumes and expository works. He also authored several pamphlets and edited a number of magazines. Charles H. Spurgeon said of him, Meyer preaches as a man who has seen God face to face. Contents: The Psalm of Psalms; The Shepherd-Lord; Pastures of Tender Grass, and Waters of Rest; He Restoreth My Soul; The Shepherd's Leading; The Valley of Shadow; Comfort Through the Rod and the Staff; The Banquet; Thou Anointest My Head with Oil; The Overflowing Cup; The Celestial Escort; and The House of the Lord for Ever.
Unformed and Unfilled: A Critique of the Gap Theory
Weston W. Fields - 1976
Many believe it. Is there a "gap in time" between the first two verses in Genesis? Does this alleged gap really represent a vast amount of time? Weston Field's classic treatment of this subject is now being published by Master Books, and promoted by such important organizations as Answers in Genesis.