Best of
The Gospel According to John I-XII
Raymond E. Brown - 1966
Brown’s magisterial three-volume commentary on the Gospel According to John, all of the major Johannine questions—of authorship, composition, dating, the relationship of John to the Synoptics (Mark, Matthew, and Luke)—are discussed. The important theories of modern biblical scholarship concerning John are weighed against the evidence given in the text and against prevailing biblical research. In sum, what is attempted is a synthesis of the major scholarly insights that bear on the Fourth Gospel.The translation—as Father Brown states at the outset—strives not for any formal beauty but rather for an accurate and contemporary version: “the simple, everyday Greek of the Gospel has been rendered into the ordinary American English of today.” The result is a translation that will strike the reader with uncommon immediacy.Father Brown also analyzes, in the appendixes, the meaning, use, and frequency of certain key words and phrases that occur in John, and examines the differences between the Johannine and Synoptic treatments of the miracle stories.The chapters of the Gospel translated here in Volume 29 (1–12) comprise the Prologue, which opens with the famous “In the beginning was the Word,” and the Book of Signs, an account of the miracles of Jesus and of his ministry.
Men Made New: An Exposition Of Romans 5-8
John R.W. Stott - 1966
Based on "the Bible Readings on Romans 5-8 [given by the author] at the Keswick Convention in July 1965.
An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
W.E. Vine - 1966
By W.E. Vine with Introductions by W. Graham Scroggie and F.F. Bruce. 1966 printing, 351pp with index. Publisher's statement: "The work of a scholar's whole lifetime of work, it is intended for non-specialists with little or no knowledge of Greek, and for scholars as well. With renderings of the words and phrases of the New Testament from both Authorized and American Revised Versio and against the background of the original Greek, it is a dictionary, a concordance, and a commentary in one volume...Comments are given on Bible passages under carefully arranged headings; by a helpful system of cross-references, the reader can see at a glance not only which Greek words are represented by one English word, but also which English words, if any, are used to translate each Greek word."
Life Can Begin Again: Sermons on the Sermon on the Mount
Helmut Thielicke - 1966
In Life Can Begin Again, Helmut Thielicke, himself one of the great preachers of the 20th Century, comes to grips with what is often seen as a collection of lovely, but impossible ideals. Thielicke makes it clear that the Sermon on the Mount can never be understood if, even for a moment, we forget the person of the Preacher of the Sermon. For without the person and the work of Jesus Christ, the marvellous words of the Beatitudes and the injunctions that follow them are the most radical and devastating distillation of God's claims that can be conceived; they leave us in utter, hopeless dismay. Only 'in Christ' do these words of the law become the glorious gospel that promises a new life. Here is not only great preaching on some of the most urgent and sublime themes, but great tenderness and compassion too. As in so many of his works, Thielicke brings the profundities of Biblical religion alive for the modern era.
A Commentary On The Revelation Of St. John The Divine
George Bradford Caird - 1966
The Biblical World: A Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology
Charles F. Pfeiffer - 1966