Best of
The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols
Jean Chevalier - 1982
Compiled by an international team of experts, each entry is given its complete range of interpretations - sexual and spiritual, official and subversive, cultural and religious - to bring meaning and insight to the symbol.
Best-Loved Folktales of the World
Joanna Cole - 1982
Arranged geographically by region, this book also includes category index groups that list the stories by plot and character.
The Unicorn
Nancy Hathaway - 1982
Other fabulous beasts are clearly inventions, existing only in a mythical landscape of our own collective creation. Bit the inicorn strikes us as more than imaginary. It seems possible, even probable—a creature so likely that it ought to exist. In this magnificently illustrated book, the author takes us on a tour of unicorn lore—from China and apan to India, the Near East, and urope—from ancient times through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and into the present. Tapestries, illuminated manuscripts, sculptures and paintings, zoological illustrations, advertisements, and original art especially commissioned for this book wll captivate all of us who are willing to submit to the magical charms of this fabulous and irresistible creature. More beautiful and appealing than the dragon, more mysterious and powerful than the elves and fairies, the unicorn as symbol and as legend is brilliantly brought to life in this colorful history.
Ojibway Ceremonies
Basil Johnston - 1982
By the time Henry Wadsworth Longfellow immortalized them in The Song of Hiawatha, they had dispersed over large areas of Canada and the United States, becoming known as the Chippewas in the latter. A rare and fascinating glimpse of Ojibway culture before its disruption by the Europeans is provided in Ojibway Ceremonies by Basil Johnston, himself an Ojibway who was born on the Parry Island Indian Reserve. Johnston focuses on a young member of the tribe and his development through participation in the many rituals so important to the Ojibway way of life, from the Naming Ceremony and the Vision Quest to the War Path, and from the Marriage Ceremony to the Ritual of the Dead. In the style of a tribal storyteller, Johnston preserves the attitudes and beliefs of forest dwellers and hunters whose lives were vitalized by a sense of the supernatural and of mystery.
Drinking the Mountain Stream: Songs of Tibet's Beloved Saint, Milarepa
Milarepa - 1982
His songs and poems exhibit the bold, inspirational leader as he guided followers along the Buddhist path.More than any other collection of his stories and songs, Drinking the Mountain Stream reveals Milarepa's humor and wisdom. Faithfully translated by Lama Kunga Rinpoche and Brian Cutillo, this rare collection—never before available in any Western language—cuts across the centuries to bring Milarepa's most inspiring verses, in all their potency, to today's reader.
Through the Labyrinth: Designs and Meanings Over 5,000 Years
Hermann Kern - 1982
The author traces developments in the architectural, astrological, mythological and socio-political significance of this fascinating cultural phenomenon, from the Bronze Age to the present day.
Gods and Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology
Geraldine Harris - 1982
The book is magnificently illustrated in both full color and black and white. No other collection on the topic is as lively or as attractive.--School Library Journal.
The Treatise on the Divine Nature: Summa Theologiae I 1-13
Thomas Aquinas - 1982
Annotation and commentary accessible to undergraduates make the series an ideal vehicle for the study of Aquinas by readers approaching him from a variety of backgrounds and interests.
Return of the Goddess
Edward C. Whitmont - 1982
Argues that modern society is turning away from the male concepts of power an agressiveness and returning to feminine values, such as instinct, intuition, and emotion.
Dionysiac Poetics and Euripides' Bacchae
Charles Segal - 1982
In so doing, he explores what in tragedy is able to reach beyond the social, ritual, and historical context from which tragedy itself rises. Charles Segal's reading of Euripides' Bacchae builds gradually from concrete details of cult, setting, and imagery to the work's implications for the nature of myth, language, and theater. This volume presents the argument that the Dionysiac poetics of the play characterize a world view and an art form that can admit logical contradictions and hold them in suspension.
Homer: Odyssey VI and VII
Homer - 1982
This edition replaces the much used one by G.M. Edwards (1914). It contains text (now unexpurgated) and vocabulary, expanded commentary and new introduction. It is geared very much to the needs of those coming to Homer for the first time with a grasp of the basics of classical Greek, and assumes no previous knowledge of Homeric forms or grammar. An outline of Homeric forms, grammar, and Homeric hexameter is given in the introduction and grammar points are reiterated in the commentary. The introduction also provides an outline of questions surrounding Homer and the composition of the Iliad and Odyssey, together with a discussion of the role of books VI and VII within the epic’s overall structure. This is the ideal book with which to begin and enjoy Homer.
The complete works of Kalidasa
Kālidāsa - 1982
Kalidasa s knowledge of the human heart and his understanding of the complex play The first volume,of the three volumes contemplated,opens a window into the rich world of the imanigation of a writer of whom it was once said that no second to him has been found. The second volume,contains his plays. Kalidasa s knowledge of the human heart and his understanding of the complex play of human motivation are profound.A keen observer of nature in all it s varied aspects-he is at the same time a learned writer who wears his enormous learning lightly and with grace.A mystic awareness of the transcendental combines in his works with a sensuous feeling for beauty in woman and nature,reflecting as it does the blend of the erotic and spiritual that characterizes Siva mythology.In all of his works he celebrates the values of the great civilization that he was heir to,but not without qusetinoning as is made amply clear in the introduction.. Chandra Rajan nee Sarma,the translator has a distinguished academic record taking degrees taking degrees in English and Sanskrit literature,.She has taught English in prestigious Universities in India and abroad.
The Book Of Gryphons
Joseph Nigg - 1982
. .***Master of Two Worlds"[Fabulous] creatures are often composed of the most impressive parts of various animals – parts such as beaks, horns, claws, wings, and tails. The imagination constructs these animals into new beings with recognizable parts of real animals. But in the most elemental figures, such as the Gryphon, the qualities and powers of those creatures are symbolically fused into a single being."***"And so, . . . the Gryphon is born--a combination of lion, king of beasts, and eagle, monarch of the air." ***"Because it has lived so long and in so many places, the Gryphon has appeared with many variations, its personality and shape changing from culture to culture, reflecting the values and beliefs of a given society. What is in its eyes is a short history of the world."***Sacred to the Sun"Along with a host of other fabulous creatures, the Gryphon was born in the human imagination around 3,000 B.C. in the ancient Near East. . . ."Currently regarded as the earliest known representation of a Gryphon, dating back to the third millennium, is a seal-impression from Susa, the capital of ancient Elam, in what is now Iran. The seal-impression has the basic Gryphon form: lion hindparts, wings, and the head and forefeet of a bird of prey.***"Virtually everyone who writes about the Gryphon mentions its warfare with the Arimaspians, for it is a highlight of the Gryphon's history, dramatizing the beast's vigilance and ferocity. As the story is repeated, it becomes more elaborate in detail. Combining the work of many early writers, we find that Scythia was the richest ancient source of gold and that Gryphons, whose instinct led them to treasure, roamed the Caucasus Mountains in search of gold and precious stones. The Gryphons would dig up these riches with their powerful claws, roll about in them with delight, and then sit and watch their treasure for hours, fascinated by the gold and gems shining in sunlight and moonlight. They built their nests of gold and laid in them not eggs, but agates. In that same country lived the one-eyed Arimaspians, who tried to steal the Gryphon gold for the adornment of their hair. They attacked the Gryphons on horses, which led to the hostility between the Gryphon and the horse, but the ferocious Gryphons, so strong they could carry off a horse and rider together, either tore the Arimaspians to pieces or carried them back to the Gryphon nests and fed them to their young."By this time in history, the major aspects of the Gryphon's dual nature had been established. On the one hand, the Gryphon was the guardian and consort of kings and gods--guarding tombs and thrones, pulling chariots; on the other hand, the Gryphon crushed enemies and pursued and destroyed wrongdoers. It was both gracious and malevolent."Having passed through many youthful transformations, the Gryphon arrived in Rome, where its shape was formalized and fixed. From that point on--with minor variations--the Gryphon has appeared as we know it today." ***Saints, Demons, and Knights"The Gryphon was portrayed as both demonic and divine in the art and literature of the Middle Ages. At a time when Christianity used pagan customs and images in its own way and separated an imperfect earth from an ideal heaven, the dual-natured Gryphon became a symbol for both the Devil and Christ. As a combination of the rapacious eagle and the ferocious lion, the medieval Gryphon represented the Devil and his legions to some. To others, the earthly strength of the lion and the ascendant splendor of the eagle symbolized the earthly and divine natures of Christ. "***Fabulous and Regal"As man shifted his attention from God and eternal life in heaven to the wonder of man himself and his earthly home, the Gryphon returned to the world."The monstrous and marvelous, as well as the scientific, fascinated the people of the Renaissance. Christopher Columbus, on one of his voyages to the New World, writes in his log that he saw three sirens leaping about in the sea. The Gryphon became an important figure in heraldry as well as a focal figure in a debate over the existence of fabulous animals." ***"In his Pseudodoxia Epidemica (Vulgar Errors), published in 1646, the English physician Sir Thomas Browne attempts to disprove the existence and prove the fabulous nature of many traditional animals, among them, the Gryphon. . . .The truth, Browne declares, is that the Gryphon is a symbol, not an actual animal."***"In 1662, . . . England established the Royal Society to foster the scientific spirit of direct observation and experimentation. The new scientific knowledge gradually discredited the old beliefs."***In a Modern Time"The discredited Gryphon has moved to places more remote. In its modern exile, the beast lives quietly on the edge of imagination." ***"Just as the hybrid Gryphon form has survived through the ages and around the world, so has it survived the transformations of character and personality. The Gryphon is still with us – and not only in the stories and artifacts of the past. With the recent revival of interest in fantasy, the Gryphon has joined other mythical beings as a character in heroic fantasy novels, a figure in fantasy games, and a subject for craftsmen."The Gryphon might well be used as a symbol on spacecraft, so that ages from now, on a distant star, a space traveler might look into the Gryphon's eyes and see the long, rich life of one shape of the human imagination."Copyright © 2013 Joseph Nigg
Kwakiutl Legends
James Wallas - 1982
Mr. Wallas's forefathers are members of a people known generally as the Kwakiutl, although the term is misleading because it originally referred to a sub-group living at Fort Rupert. The Kwakiutl inhabit an area which at present includes Campbell River at the southern extreme, Quatsino Sound at the western extreme, various inlets of mainland BC at the eastern extreme, and Smiths Inlet at the northern extreme. Traditionally, the Kwakiutl lived in villages located in this general area (excluding Campbell River an Cape Mudge) which were organised into tribes. Today, most of them live on reserves near towns, maintaining some remote villages for food preparation and preserving during the spring, summer and fall.
Fairy Tales of Puerto Rico
David Garcia - 1982
In these three fairy tales inspired by Puerto Rican legends, a coqui must outsmart all the bigger animals; a faithful dog haunts the beaches, waiting for its drowned master to return from the sea; and a young boy is miraculously saved from death.