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Experiencing God Day-By-Day: The Devotional and Journal
Henry T. Blackaby - 1997
There is a page for each day of the year with a Bible verse, a short devotional reading, and a space for your own thoughts and reflections. Its interactive format invites you to trace your journey toward a closer relationship with God. The readings are filled with truths gleaned from the Blackabys' writing and ministry, and written with characteristic grace and spiritual insight.Knowing God's will requires discipline and perseverance. There are no shortcuts. Experiencing God Day-By-Day is a unique and valuable guide for helping you achieve results in your spiritual quest day by day.
God Is a Verb
David A. Cooper - 1997
More recently, Kabbalah nearly disappeared—as most of its practitioners perished in the Holocaust. Now this powerful spiritual tradition, after centuries of secrecy and near-extinction, is explained clearly in this book by one of its most prominent teachers.Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? How do we get there? These questions have fueled Kabbalists for nearly a millennium. Rabbi David A. Cooper is the first to bring this obscure and difficult tradition to a mainstream audience in a way that gently leads us to the heart of the subject, showing us how to transform profound teachings into a meaningful personal experience—and appreciate fully this great mystical process we know as God.
The Silent Cry: Mysticism and Resistance
Dorothee Sölle - 1997
Mysticism, in the sense of a "longing for God," has been present in all times, cultures, and religions. But Soelle believes it has never been more important than in this age of materialism and fundamentalism. The antiauthoritarian mystical element in each religion leads to community of free spirits and resistance to the death-dealing aspects of our contemporary culture. Religion in the third millennium, Soelle argues, either will be mystical or it will be dead. Therefore, Soelle identifies strongly with the hunger of New Age searchers, but laments the religious fast food they devour. Today, a kind of "democratized mysticism" of those without much religious background flourishes. This mystical experience is not drawn so much of the tradition as out of contemporary experiences. In that sense, each of us is a mystic, and Soelle's work seeks to give theological depth, clarity, and direction. This, her magnum opus, conjoins Soelle's deep religious knowledge and wisdom with her passion for social justice into a work destined to be a classic of religious literature.
Inner Life
Hazrat Inayat Khan - 1997
His teaching was noted for its stirring beauty and power, as well as for its applicability to all people, regardless of religious or philosophical background. This book gathers together three of Inayat Khan's most beloved essays on the spiritual life from among the fourteen volumes of his collected works: • "The Inner Life": Inayat Kahn's sublime portrait of the person whose life is a radiant reflection of the Divine • "Sufi Mysticism": in which the author identifies and shatters the common misconceptions about mysticism to reveal its true meaning • "The Path of Initiation and Discipleship": What it means to set out on the spiritual path and how to find and maintain the right relationship with a teacher
The Anointing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
R.T. Kendall - 1997
Kendall believes it is possible to abuse this anointing- and become yesterday's man or woman. This happens by trying to move outside your calling and capabilities, for example, or even through impatience. Drawing on the Bible, especially the lives of Saul, Samuel and David, as well as his own experience, he helps you to identify your current usefulness and urges you to seek a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit each day. God wants to give His anointing to everyone. But have you stepped into your fullness and potential? Don't let your past ruin what God has for you today. Don't be too busy to hear His voice. Learn how to wait patiently for God's perfect timing and the promotion tht will be here tomorrow. The fresh anointing is available to you...right now. "The material within this book is not only unique; it is superb. You will benefit from reading it the first time, but you will be changed by reading it more than once." Michael Youssef The Church of the Apostles, Atlanta, Georgia "R.T. Kendall takes us into, as the prophet Ezekiel says, 'waters to swim in'! Read with spiritual ears wide open; God's Spirit will speak-He really will!" Paul F. Crouch, President Trinity Broadcasting Network
The Self-Disclosure of God: Principles of Ibn al-'Arabi's Cosmology
William C. Chittick - 1997
It represents a major step forward in making available to the Western reading public the enormous riches of Islamic teachings in the fields of cosmology, mystical philosophy, theology, and spirituality.The Self-Disclosure of God continues the author's investigations of the world view of Ibn al-Arabi, the greatest theoretician of Sufism and the seal of the Muhammadan saints. The book is divided into three parts, dealing with the relation between God and the cosmos, the structure of the cosmos, and the nature of the human soul. A long introduction orients the reader and discusses a few of the difficulties faced by Ibn al-Arabi's interpreters. Like Chittick's earlier work, The Sufi Path of Knowledge, this book is based primarily on Ibn al-Arabi's monumental work, al-Futuhat al-makkiyya The Meccan Openings. More than one hundred complete chapters and subsections are translated, not to mention shorter passages that help put the longer discussions in context. There are detailed indices of sources, Koranic verses and hadiths. The book's index of technical terminology will be an indispensable reference for all those wishing to delve more deeply into the use of language in Islamic thought in general and Sufism in particular.
Degrees of the Soul: Spiritual Stations on the Sufi Path
Abd Al-Khaliq Al-Shabrawi - 1997
It teaches the novice how to transform the Inciting Soul the lowest and most egotistic of the self's manifestations, into the Reproachful Soul, which must then become Inspired, Serene, Contented, and Found Pleasing until it attains the ultimate degree of sanctity and wholeness as the Perfect Soul. To achieve this progressive purification of the self, special Sufi practices, litanies and attitudes of mind are recommended. Both practical and profound, this book offers a concise manual of Sufi teaching on the Way to spiritual liberation.The Author:Shaykh Abd al-Khaliq al-Shabrawi (1887-1947) was employed as a professor at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, and served as a mosque imam, but was best known as a realized master of the great Khalwati Order of Sufis. A tireless worker for spiritual unity and harmony, he was also initiated into the Shadhili and Naqshbandi Orders.
The Message of a Course in Miracles: All Are Called, Few Choose to Listen
Kenneth Wapnick - 1997
Such sidestepping of errors will, it is hoped, be of help in clearing the way for the student to be more accessible to the Holy Spirit's 'particular care and guidance' (M-29.2:6)."
Kundun: A Biography of the Family of the Dalai Lama
Mary A. Craig - 1997
Kundun is a story of reincarnation, coronation, heartbreaking exile, and finally, the tenacious efforts of a holy man to save a nation and its people. This is the first work to focus on the Dalai Lamas family--his parents, four brothers, and two sisters. Particularly compelling are Mary Craigs portraits of the Dalai Lamas siblings, who have negotiated with China on behalf of their country, enlisted the aid of international allies to spearhead Tibetan Resistance, and worked tirelessly to help thousands of sick and starving refugee children. This remarkable book opens in 1933 with the death of the thirteenth Dalai Lama and the frantic effort among Tibetan authorities to find his reincarnation. In their search for a baby boy displaying the characteristic marks of a Dalai Lama--tiger striped legs, wide eyes, large ears, and palms bearing the pattern of a sea shell--officials were led to a tiny village in northeastern Tibet, home of Lhamo Dhondup, a smart, stubborn toddler already k
Meditations on the Soul: Selected Letters
Marsilio Ficino - 1997
In their perplexity, many deep-thinking people sought the advice of Marsilio Ficino (1433-99), the leader of the Platonic Academy in Florence, a magnet for the most brilliant scholars of 15th-century Europe.In devoting his life to the study and translation of the great dialogues of Plato and the Neoplatonists, Ficino and his colleagues were midwives to the birth of the modern world. Ficino was fearless in expressing what he knew to be true. Covering the widest range of topics, his letters offer a profound glimpse into the soul of the Renaissance.
Mysticism for Beginners: Poems
Adam Zagajewski - 1997
The poems are about nature, history, the life of cities, the transformations of art, the spiritual essence of everyday life. Their remarkable staying power derives from the gentle meditative authority of Zagajewski's voice, here expertly rered into English by Clare Cavanagh. Zagajewski's committed, compassionate poems offer access to the mysteries at the heart of experience.
Messenger of Beauty: The Life and Visionary Art of Nicholas Roerich
Jacqueline Decter - 1997
Messenger of Beauty opens the door to the mystical world of Nicholas Roerich and invites us to witness his far-reaching vision. Artist, writer, educator, archaeologist, explorer, mystic, and peacemaker, Roerich (1874-1947) left a rich legacy of some 7,000 paintings, drawings, and set and costume designs (most notably for Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring); 30 books on the mystic East; and countless articles and lectures. The Roerich Peace Pact--a remarkable treaty signed by President Roosevelt and 26 other heads of state that sought to preserve cultural monuments during times of war--earned the artist a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. Messenger of Beauty includes 88 color plates that cover the full scope of Roerich's artistic career, from ancient Slavic, mythic, and archaeological subjects to breathtaking Himalayan landscapes and religious themes that span the spiritual traditions of the world. First paperback edition of Nicholas Roerich: The Life and Art of a Russian Master
Egyptian Cosmology: The Animated Universe
Moustafa Gadalla - 1997
This book surveys the applicability of Egyptian concepts to our modern understanding of the nature of the universe, creation, science, and philosophy. Discover the Egyptian concept of monotheism, number mysticism, the universal energy matrix, how the social and political structures were a reflection of the universe, and the interactions between the nine universal realms, ...etc.
From Glory to Glory: Texts from Gregory of Nyssa's Mystical Writings
Jean Daniélou - 1997
Long recognized as an authoritative introduction to the "father of mysticism, " Gregory of Nyssa exploded classical antiquity's static understanding of perfection by showing the Christian life as one of never-ending growth.
Early Daoist Scriptures
Stephen R. Bokenkamp - 1997
Now Stephen R. Bokenkamp introduces the reader to ancient scriptures never before published in the West, providing a systematic and easily accessible introduction to early Daoism (c. 2nd-6th C.E.). Representative works from each of the principal Daoist traditions comprise the basic structure of the book, with each chapter accompanied by an introduction that places the material within a historical and cultural context. Included are translations of the earliest Daoist commentary to Laozi's Daode jing (Tao Te Ching); historical documents relating the history of the early Daoist church; a petitioning ritual used to free believers from complaints brought against them by the dead; and two complete scriptures, one on individual meditation practice and another designed to rescue humanity from the terrors of hell through recitation of its powerful charms. In addition, Bokenkamp elucidates the connections Daoism holds with other schools of thought, particularly Confucianism and Buddhism.This book provides a much-needed introduction to Daoism for students of religion and is a welcome addition for scholars wishing to explore Daoist sacred literature. It serves as an overview to every aspect of early Daoist tradition and all the seminal practices which have helped shape the religion as it exists today.
Initiation Into Egyptian Yoga and Neterian Spirituality
Muata Ashby - 1997
You will learn about the mysteries of initiation into the teachings and practice of Yoga and how to become an Initiate of the mystical sciences. This insightful manual is the first in a series which introduces you to the goals of daily spiritual and yoga practices: Meditation, Diet, Words of Power and the ancient wisdom teachings.
Wisdom from the Celtic World: A Gift-Boxed Trilogy of Celtic Wisdom
John O'Donohue - 1997
A liberating feast of authentic blessings, insights, and teachings, brought to life by this acclaimed poet, teacher, and Catholic scholar. The Celtic Wisdom Trilogy includes three full-length sessions:
The Inner Landscape
Our bodies are mere outlines of a vast and complex interior world, a landscape of contradiction and mystery. The Inner Landscape explores the themes of self-exile and hardship, and the Celtic way of welcoming paradox and finding precious light in the darkest valleys of our inner terrain.
The Divine Imagination
Too often we remain distanced from what is truly sacred—the world around us and the divine imagination that created it. Here John O'Donohue immerses us in the greatest miracle of Celtic spirituality, namely its tradition of experiencing the divine as a lyrical, tender, creative force not visible, but always present in all things.
The Invisible World
The ancient Celts sensed an invisible world around them, the great unknown from which they came and the source of eternal wonder in their lives. Through prayer, O'Donohue teaches, we may enter directly into this secret immensity and escape the psychological prisons we create for ourselves. With prayers, blessings, poetry, and teachings.
This, This: A Thousand Times This: The Very Essence of Zen
Osho - 1997
Listening spirituality, Vol. 1: Personal Spiritual Practices Among Friends
Patricia Loring - 1997
An important part of the underlying vision, however, is that personal practice, corporate practice and ethics are inseparable within Quaker formation and transformation. Neither the inner life nor meeting life nor an active relationship with the rest of the world is optional. Prayer that does not issue in deeds of love becomes a form of narcissism or an aesthetic exercise. Activity that does not take time to find its source grounding in prayer, worship and divine leading becomes dry, exhausting, and exasperating--or an exercise in power.This book has grown out of seven years of teaching and leading retreats and workshops under the oversight of Bethesda (MD) Friends Meeting. The basic curriculum as a whole was intended as a spiritual formation program for Friends. Over the years, there have been numerous requests from outside Bethesda for one or another of the individual courses, either in full length or as intensive weekend work shops.
Discourses on Sant Mat
Hazur Maharaj Sawan Singh - 1997
Each discourse is based on a spiritual hymn by a different saint, including Soami Ji, Guru Nanak, Guru Ravidas, Dadu Dayal, Kabir, Paltu, and Hafiz. The Master’s discussions of the hymns begin with a translation of the complete hymn, followed by clear and detailed explanations of the deep spiritual truths found therein.
Living The Jesus Prayer
Irma Zaleski - 1997
With its many variations, from "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner", to only one word, "Jesus", it has been a font of prayer for the monks, nuns, and lay people of the Eastern Church for centuries. Today, the Jesus Prayer is practiced by men and women, lay and religious, all over the world, from every Christian tradition. Simple in form, but powerful in its potential to develop and transform the heart, it becomes a way of life for those who practice it. It is the perfect prayer for the modern pilgrim.