Best of
The Sunne in Splendour
Sharon Kay Penman - 1982
Loyal to his friends and passionately in love with the one woman who was denied him, Richard emerges as a gifted man far more sinned against than sinning. This magnificent retelling of his life is filled with all of the sights and sounds of battle, the customs and lore of the fifteenth century, the rigors of court politics, and the passions and prejudices of royalty.
King Hereafter
Dorothy Dunnett - 1982
Her hero is an ungainly young earl with a lowering brow and a taste for intrigue. He calls himself Thorfinn but his Christian name is Macbeth.Dunnett depicts Macbeth's transformation from an angry boy who refuses to accept his meager share of the Orkney Islands to a suavely accomplished warrior who seizes an empire with the help of a wife as shrewd and valiant as himself.
The Anglo-Saxon World: An Anthology
Kevin Crossley-Holland - 1982
But, besides this, chronicles, laws and letters, charters and charms are also incorporated in the anthology. Kevin Crossley-Holland places poems and prose in context with his own interpretation of the Anglo-Saxon world, in addition to translate them into modern English.
Francis and Clare: The Complete Works (Revised)
Francis of Assisi - 1982
1182-1226) and Clare (c. 1193-1254) together shaped the spirituality of early 13th-century Europe. Here for the first time in English are their complete writings, brought together in one volume.
The Anglo-Saxons
James Campbell - 1982
Throughout the book the authors make use of original sources such as chronicles, charters, manuscripts and coins, works of art, archaelogical remains and surviving buildings.The nature of power and kingship, role of wealth, rewards, conquest and blood-feud in the perennial struggle for power, structure of society, the development of Christianity and the relations between church and secular authority are discussed at length, while particular topics are explored in 19 "picture essays".
The Sword in the Age of Chivalry
Ewart Oakeshott - 1982
Ewart Oakeshott draws on his extensive research to recount the history of the sword from the knightly successors of the Viking weapon to the emergence of the Renaissance sword - roughly from 1050 to 1550. Evidence for dating is adduced from literature and art as well as from archaeology, and a detailed chronological typology of swords is developed, based on entire swords, pommel-forms, cross-guards, and the grip and scabbard. With clear illustrations and invaluable photographic plates The Sword in the Age of Chivalryoffers first-class reference material for all weapons enthusiasts.The late EWART OAKESHOTT was an authority on the arms and armour of medieval Europe. His other books include Records of the Medieval Sword and TheArchaeology of Weapons.
Jesus as Mother: Studies in the Spirituality of the High Middle Ages
Caroline Walker Bynum - 1982
In one sense, their interrelationship is obvious. The first two address a question that was more in the forefront of scholarship a dozen years ago than it is today: the question of differences among religious orders. These two essays set out a method of reading texts for imagery and borrowings as well as for spiritual teaching in order to determine whether individuals who live in different institutional settings hold differing assumptions about the significance of their lives. The essays apply the method to the broader question of differences between regular canons and monks and the narrower question of differences between one kind of monk--the Cistercians--and other religious groups, monastic and nonmonastic, of the twelfth century. The third essay draws on some of the themes of the first two, particularly the discussion of canonical and Cistercian conceptions of the individual brother as example, to suggest an interpretation of twelfth-century religious life as concerned with the nature of groups as well as with affective expression. The fourth essay, again on Cistercian monks, elaborates themes of the first three. Its subsidiary goals are to provide further evidence on distinctively Cistercian attitudes and to elaborate the Cistercian ambivalence about vocation that I delineate in the essay on conceptions of community. It also raises questions that have now become popular in nonacademic as well as academic circles: what significance should we give to the increase of feminine imagery in twelfth-century religious writing by males? Can we learn anything about distinctively male or female spiritualities from this feminization of language? The fifth essay differs from the others in turning to the thirteenth century rather than the twelfth, to women rather than men, to detailed analysis of many themes in a few thinkers rather than one theme in many writers; it is nonetheless based on the conclusions of the earlier studies. The sense of monastic vocation and of the priesthood, of the authority of God and self, and of the significance of gender that I find in the three great mystics of late thirteenth-century Helfta can be understood only against the background of the growing twelfth- and thirteenth-century concern for evangelism and for an approachable God, which are the basic themes of the first four essays. Such connections between the essays will be clear to anyone who reads them. There are, however, deeper methodological and interpretive continuities among them that I wish to underline here. For these studies constitute a plea for an approach to medieval spirituality that is not now--and perhaps has never been--dominant in medieval scholarship. They also provide an interpretation of the religious life of the high Middle Ages that runs against the grain of recent emphases on the emergence of "lay spirituality." I therefore propose to give, as introduction, both a discussion of recent approaches to medieval piety and a short sketch of the religious history of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, emphasizing those themes that are the context for my specific investigations. I do not want to be misunderstood. In providing here a discussion of approaches to and trends in medieval religion I am not claiming that the studies that follow constitute a general history nor that my method should replace that of social, institutional, and intellectual historians. A handful of Cistercians does not typify the twelfth century, nor three nuns the thirteenth. Religious imagery, on which I concentrate, does not tell us how people lived. But because these essays approach texts in a way others have not done, focus on imagery others have not found important, and insist, as others have not insisted, on comparing groups to other groups (e.g., comparing what is peculiarly male to what is female as well as vice versa), I want to call attention to my approach to and my interpretation of the high Middle Ages in the hope of encouraging others to ask similar questions.
A Feast of Creatures: Anglo-Saxon Riddle-Songs
Craig Williamson - 1982
In lean and taut language he offers us mead disguised as a mighty wrestler, the sword as a celibate thane, the silver wine-cup as a seductress, the horn transformed from head-warrior to ink-belly or battle-singer. In his notes and commentary he gives us possible and probable solutions, sources, and analogues, a shrewd sense of literary play, and traces the literary and cultural contexts in which each riddle may be viewed. In his introduction, Williamson traces for us the history of riddles and riddle scholarship.
Mark Twain: Greenwich Unabridged Library Classics
Mark Twain - 1982
With illustrations by True Williams, E.W. Kewmble, Dan Beard, and others.
Religion, Law and the Growth of Constitutional Thought, 1150-1650
Brian Tierney - 1982
In this book Professor Tierney traces the interplay between ecclesiastical and secular theories of government from the twelfth century to the seventeenth. He shows how ideas revived from the ancient past - Roman law, Aristotelian political philosophy, teachings of Church fathers - interacted with the realities of medieval society to produce distinctively new doctrines of constitutional government in Church and state. The study moves from the Roman and canon lawyers of the twelfth century to various thirteenth-century theories of consent; later sections consider fifteenth-century conciliarism and aspects of seventeenth-century constitutional thought. Fresh approaches are suggested to the work of several figures of central importance in the history of Western political theory. Among the authors considered are Thomas Aquinas, Marsilius of Padua, Jean Gerson, Nicholas of Cues and Althusius, along with many lesser-known authors who contributed significantly to the growth of the Western constitutional tradition.
Finn and Hengest: The Fragment and the Episode
J.R.R. Tolkien - 1982
The story of Finn and Hengest, two fifth-century heroes in northern Europe, is told both in Beowulf and in a fragmentary Anglo-Saxon poem known as The Fight at Finnsburg, but so obscurely and allusively that its interpretation had been a matter of controversy for over 100 years. Bringing his unique combination of philological erudition and poetic imagination to the task, however, Tolkien revealed a classic tragedy of divided loyalties, of vengeance, blood and death. The story has the added attraction that it describes the events immediately preceding the first Germanic invasion of Britain which was led by Hengest himself.
The Future in Thought and Language: Diachronic Evidence from Romance
Suzanne Fleischman - 1982
Professor Fleischman suggests that this is in part due to the narrow sense in which the question has traditionally been formulated - as simply the history of the `future-tense' slot in the grammar - and in part the result of the investigative approach, which until recently has taken little account of important advances in general linguistics in the field of diachronic syntax. The present volume examines 'future' as a conceptual category and discusses the various strategies that have been used to map this conceptual category on to grammar in Romance. The data are taken in the main from Western Romance languages, particularly French, and frequent parallels are drawn with English. To account for the evolution of the future, Professor Fleischman proposes a network of interrelated, often cyclical developments in syntax and semantics, and seeks to place the individual diachronic events within a broader framework of syntactic typology and universal patterns of word-order change.
Dafydd ap Gwilym: Poems
Dafydd ap Gwilym - 1982
But the language of Dafydd's cywyddau is frequently obscure and his syntax inverted, and the lapse of six centuries has unavoidably increased the difficulty of his poetry for the present-day reader.This book attempts to give the necessary help toward the understanding and appreciation of Dafydd ap Gwilym's poetic artistry by offering an English translation of a selection of his poems. Each of these is accompanied by the original Welsh text as established by Dr. Thomas Parry in his Gwaith Dafydd ap Gwilym. Rachel Bromwich has also supplied an introduction and notes.
A Treasury of Jewish Literature from Biblical Times to Today
Gloria Goldreich - 1982
Includes selections from the Bible, the Talmud, the literature of Zionism, and others.
Arms and Uniforms: The Age of Chivalry Part 3
Liliane Funcken - 1982
And the lively text, recounting stories about events and personalities of the period, brings alive this fascinating era of military history.Part 1 covers helmets and mail, tournaments and heraldic bearings, and bows and crossbows from the eighth to the fifteenth century. Part 2 continues with the same period describing castles, artillery and siege tactics, and the developments of armour, and then moves on to the Renaissance period, describing the infantry and cavalry of the European countries, including the fearsome Swiss mercenaries, and the troops of the various Slav and Oriental countries such as Turkish janissaries and Samurai warriors. Part 3 continues with the Renaissance, covering arms, horses and tournaments, the development and decline of armour in the sixteenth century and artillery and tactics.This unique and beautifully illustrated series provides an invaluable source of reference on military subjects for the eighth to sixteenth centuries, and will appeal to everyone interested in that period of history.
Elements of Abbreviation in Medieval Latin Paleography
Adriano Cappelli - 1982
Saladin: The Politics of the Holy War
Malcolm C. Lyons - 1982
The West accepted him as a hero; Islam was indebted to him for the recovery of Jerusalem. In this book Lyons and Jackson make use of hitherto neglected Arabic sources, including unpublished manuscript material - notably the correspondence, both private and official, of Saladin's own court. Such letters contain fresh information on the battles and diplomatic campaigns that accompanied Saladin's efforts to be accepted by his contemporaries as their leader in the Holy War.
Utilitarian Confucianism: Ch'en Liang's Challenge to Chu Hsi
Hoyt Cleveland Tillman - 1982
The issues that engaged them--the conflict between ethical and practical considerations in politics and society, and the tension between traditional values and historical change--persist as human problems to this day.This volume analyzes that debate and its place in the lives of the two philosophers within a detailed intellectual and historical context. The development of Ch'en Liang's thought is traced through an examination of his writings, including the rare, hitherto unutilized 1212 edition of his works. Although Ch'en Liang was overshadowed by rival schools of thought in traditional China, contemporary Chinese esteem him as a person who epitomized the spirit and content of much modern criticism of the Neo-Confucian cultural legacy. This is the first book in a Western language to focus closely upon his challenge to Chu Hsi and Chu Hsi's response.