Best of
Lingua Latina per se Illustrata: Pars I: Familia Romana
Hans Henning Ørberg - 1996
The thirty-five chapters describe the life of a Roman family in the 2nd century A.D., and culminate in readings from classical poets and Donatus's Ars Grammatica, the standard Latin school text for a millenium. Each chapter is divided into two or three lectiones (lessons) of a couple pages each followed by a grammar section, Grammatica Latina, and three exercises or Pensa. Hans Ørberg's impeccable latinity, humorous stories, and the Peer Lauritzen illustrations make this work a classic. The book includes a table of inflections, a Roman calendar, and a word index, Index vocabulorum.
The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World
David Abram - 1996
This major work of ecological philosophy startles the senses out of habitual ways of perception.For a thousand generations, human beings viewed themselves as part of the wider community of nature, and they carried on active relationships not only with other people with other animals, plants, and natural objects (including mountains, rivers, winds, and weather patters) that we have only lately come to think of as inanimate. How, then, did humans come to sever their ancient reciprocity with the natural world? What will it take for us to recover a sustaining relation with the breathing earth?In The Spell of the Sensuous David Abram draws on sources as diverse as the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty, Balinese shamanism, Apache storytelling, and his own experience as an accomplished sleight-of-hand of magician to reveal the subtle dependence of human cognition on the natural environment. He explores the character of perception and excavates the sensual foundations of language, which--even at its most abstract--echoes the calls and cries of the earth. On every page of this lyrical work, Abram weaves his arguments with a passion, a precision, and an intellectual daring that recall such writers as Loren Eisleley, Annie Dillard, and Barry Lopez.
Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language Among the Western Apache
Keith H. Basso - 1996
Apache conceptions of wisdom, manners and morals, and of their own history are inextricably intertwined with place, and by allowing us to overhear his conversations with Apaches on these subjects Basso expands our awareness of what place can mean to people.Most of us use the term "sense of place" often and rather carelessly when we think of nature or home or literature. Our senses of place, however, come not only from our individual experiences but also from our cultures. "Wisdom Sits in Places," the first sustained study of places and place-names by an anthropologist, explores place, places, and what they mean to a particular group of people, the Western Apache in Arizona. For more than thirty years, Keith Basso has been doing fieldwork among the Western Apache, and now he shares with us what he has learned of Apache place-names--where they come from and what they mean to Apaches."This is indeed a brilliant exposition of landscape and language in the world of the Western Apache. But it is more than that. Keith Basso gives us to understand something about the sacred and indivisible nature of words and place. And this is a universal equation, a balance in the universe. Place may be the first of all concepts; it may be the oldest of all words."--N. Scott Momaday"In "Wisdom Sits in Places" Keith Basso lifts a veil on the most elemental poetry of human experience, which is the naming of the world. In so doing he invests his scholarship with that rarest of scholarly qualities: a sense of spiritual exploration. Through his clear eyes we glimpse the spirit of a remarkable people and their land, and when we look away, we see our own world afresh."--William deBuys"A very exciting book--authoritative, fully informed, extremely thoughtful, and also engagingly written and a joy to read. Guiding us vividly among the landscapes and related story-tellings of the Western Apache, Basso explores in a highly readable way the role of language in the complex but compelling theme of a people's attachment to place. An important book by an eminent scholar."--Alvin M. Josephy, Jr.
The New Penguin Russian Course
Nicholas J. Brown - 1996
Designed to provide the student with an excellent command of basic Russian (the equivalent of A’ level standard) the book features thirty lessons punctuated by revision exercises to ensure you have fully understood what you have learned. The emphasis is on acquiring vocabulary, experiencing conversational language and learning useful grammar. The book also includes a vocabulary of 1,500 words and a glossary of grammatical terms.
Scholastic Dictionary Of Idioms
Marvin Terban - 1996
Included are idioms from Native American and African American speech as well as the Bible, Aesop, and Shakespeare.
Teach Yourself Turkish Complete Course
Asuman Çelen Pollard - 1996
Its usage is common in such current political hot spots as the Balkans, Central Asia, and the Near East.Among the highlights of" Teach Yourself Turkish are: An in-depth study of how the language was formedA phonetic approach to the spoken languageThe grammar and rules of written TurkishVocabulary exercises to make learning easier
New World Spanish English Dictionary
Salvatore Ramondino - 1996
With clear translations and 3,000 more definitions than previous editions, this is the best value on the market.
The World's Writing Systems
Peter T. Daniels - 1996
Describing scores of scripts in use now or in the past around the world, this unusually comprehensive reference offers a detailed exploration of the history and typology of writing systems. More than eighty articles by scholars from over a dozen countries explain and document how a vast array of writing systems work--how alphabets, ideograms, pictographs, and hieroglyphics convey meaning in graphic form. The work is organized in thirteen parts, each dealing with a particular group of writing systems defined historically, geographically, or conceptually. Arranged according to the chronological development of writing systems and their historical relationships within geographical areas, the scripts are divided into the following sections: the ancient Near East, East Asia, Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Additional parts address the ongoing process of decipherment of ancient writing systems; the adaptation of traditional scripts to new languages; new scripts invented in modern times; and graphic symbols for numerical, music, and movement notation. Each part begins with an introductory article providing the social and cultural context in which the group of writing systems was developed. Articles on individual scripts detail the historical origin of the writing system, its structure (with tables showing the forms of the written symbols), and its relationship to the phonology of the corresponding spoken language. Each writing system is illustrated by a passage of text, and accompanied by a romanized version, a phonetic transcription, and a modern English translation. A bibliography suggesting further reading concludes each entry.Matched by no other work in English, The World's Writing Systems is the only comprehensive resource covering every major writing system. Unparalleled in its scope and unique in its coverage of the way scripts relate to the languages they represent, this is a resource that anyone with an interest in language will want to own, and one that should be a part of every library's reference collection.
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Pronouns and Prepositions
Dorothy Richmond - 1996
Containing concise, user-friendly explanations with generous and varied practice, the book helps students develop their knowledge of how and why pronouns and prepositions are used. Plus it encourages students to use the pronouns and prepositions in real-life contexts.
Longman Dictionary Of Common Errors
Nigel D. Turton - 1996
It contains over 1700 common errors in alphabetical order, each entry containing a typical example of the error, a correct version and an explanation. It is based on an analysis of students' word and exam scripts for the Cambridge First Certificate in English.
English from the Roots Up: Help for Reading, Writing, Spelling, and S.A.T. Scores: Greek Latin, Vol. 1
Joegil K. Lundquist - 1996
Telegraph - Let someone present a research report on Thomas Edison's early days as a telegrapher. Let someone do a report on Morse code and give a demonstration of it. Graph - Introduce various kinds of graphs in math class. Lithograph - Discuss the process of lithography and talk about Currier and Ives. Their lithographs are still used every year as Christmas cards. make potato or linoleum block prints. Graphite - Have someone research how it is used today. Hologram - Show students a hologram (on a National Geographic cover or on your credit card). Autograph - Have the class write to famous people, requesting an autograph. Phonogram - The Greek word gramma, meaning "letter" or "something written down", comes from graphein. Discuss the invention of the alphabet as an early system of written-down sound.
Wittgenstein's Ladder: Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary
Marjorie Perloff - 1996
Taking seriously Wittgenstein's remark that "philosophy ought really to be written only as a form of poetry," Perloff begins by discussing Wittgenstein the "poet." What we learn is that the poetics of everyday life is anything but banal."This book has the lucidity and the intelligence we have come to expect from Marjorie Perloff.—Linda Munk, American Literature"[Perloff] has brilliantly adapted Wittgenstein's conception of meaning and use to an analysis of contemporary language poetry."—Linda Voris, Boston Review"Wittgenstein's Ladder offers significant insights into the current state of poetry, literature, and literary study. Perloff emphasizes the vitality of reading and thinking about poetry, and the absolute necessity of pushing against the boundaries that define and limit our worlds."—David Clippinger, Chicago Review"Majorie Perloff has done more to illuminate our understanding of twentieth century poetic language than perhaps any other critic. . . . Entertaining, witty, and above all highly original."—Willard Bohn, Sub-Stance
Reading into Writing 2: A Handbook-Workbook-Reader for Critical Reading and Writing in Expository Discourse
Concepción D. Dadufalza - 1996
The Kanji Dictionary
Mark Spahn - 1996
Every kanji compound, a word or phrase made up of two or more characters, is listed under each of its components characters. This unique, time–saving feature makes finding compounds fast and easy. Entries are arranged according to a radical based reference system, similar to that used in most other dictionaries, but is has been simplified to make it easier to learn and use. Also, the comprehensive on/kun readings index and handy radical "overview lists" provide further means to find an entry. The focus of this reference work is kanji compounds, and the more than 47,000 entries in the main text include the most common and most important terms and expressions currently in use. The addition of newly coined terms, particularly those in new technical fields, is another key feature.-Features over 47,000 entries with an emphasis on current expressions-Arranged for search from any kanji in a compound-Contains a complete on/kun (Chinese/Japanese) reading index-Includes and easy–to–use radical guide-Provides appendices of counters, historical periods, common Japanese surnames, etc.
An A-Z of English Grammar & Usage
Geoffrey N. Leech - 1996
This thoroughly revised edition provides teachers and learners of English with a unique, up-to-date reference grammar in an easy-to-use dictionary-like format.
Teaching Pronunciation: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Marianne Celce-Murcia - 1996
Teaching Pronunciation offers current and prospective teachers of English a comprehensive treatment of pronunciation pedagogy, drawing on current theory and practice. An overview of teaching issues from the perspective of different methodologies and second language acquisition research is provided. It has a thorough grounding in the sound system of North American English, and contains insights into how this sound system intersects with listening, morphology, and spelling. It also contains diagnostic tools, assessment measures, and suggestions for syllabus design. Follow-up exercises guide teachers in developing a range of classroom activities within a communicative framework.
The Right Word
William F. Buckley Jr. - 1996
Edited by Samuel S. Vaughan.
Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order
Nicholas J. Brown - 1996
All the words have English translations, many have examples of usage and the entries include information on stress and grammatical irregularities. There is also a complete alphabetical index to the words in the list.A learner who knows all or most of these 10,000 words can be regarded as competent in Russian for all normal purposes. The list takes you from a beginner's core vocabulary through to postgraduate level.
Rick Steves' German Phrase Book & Dictionary
Rick Steves - 1996
It's the linguistic equivalent of a four-wheel drive to navigate through German, Austrian, and Swiss culture.
Holy Bible: Biblia Sacra Hebraica Et Graeca
Anonymous - 1996
New 5th printing includes an English and German key to the Latin words and abbreviations and Latin symbols.
George Yule - 1996
The author explains, and illustrates, basic concepts such as the co-operative principle, deixis, and speech acts, providing a clear, concise foundation for further study.
How to Survive in the Chilean Jungle
John Brennan - 1996
From the cover: An English lexicon of Chilean slang & Spanish sayings
Voice of Her Own: Women and the Journal Writing Journey
Marlene A. Schiwy - 1996
From Simon & Schuster, A Women of Her Own is Marlene Schiwy's treasure chest of inspiration for every woman seeking deeper self-awareness and new outlets for creativity.Voice of Her Own offers advice on keeping a journal, including choosing a blank book, keeping the journal private, and deciding when to reread old journals.
Negotiating Identities: Education for Empowerment
Jim Cummins - 1996
His research focuses on the challenges educators face in adjusting to classrooms where cultural and linguistic diversity is the norm. He has published widely in the areas of language learning, bilingual education, reading, and the implications of technological innovation for education. Among his recent publications are the 1997 book co-edited with David Corson, "Bilingual Education: Volume 5 of Encyclopedia of Language and Education" (David Corson, General Editor) (Kluwer Academic Publishers), and "Language, Power, and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire" (Multilingual Matters, 2000). He has also served as an author or consulting author on a number of Scott Foresman curriculum programs in the areas of ESL, Reading, Social Studies, Science and Mathematics. | About CABE: The California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) is a statewide organization established in 1976 to promote quality bilingual education programs for students who are English Language Learners and native English students wanting to learn a second language. There are five CABE regions with 70+ chapters serving 6,500 members throughout California. CABE membership includes teachers, administrators, parents, instructional assistants and other community members and organizations. Vision and Mission: CABE's vision is "Biliteracy and Educational Equity for All." This vision is based on the premise that students in the 21st century, in order to succeed and be powerful forces in our communities, have to: 1) be multilingual; 2) be knowledgeable of the diversity in our society and recognize/respect the differing perspectives of our multicultural global society; 3) be information and technologically literate; and 4) be civically oriented and active advocates for their communities. ...
There's a Word for It! A Grandiloquent Guide to Life
Charles Harrington Elster - 1996
Logogogue Charles Harrington Elster, clearly an aristophren, has a cure for logolepts in this compendium of grandisonant scholasms, which are both aureate and inkhorn. If fear of altiloquence gives you graphospasm or makes you spartle, don't croosle. Just remember: sophrosyne is recommended. (Translation: If you are a word lover with an incurable itch to write, but your stomach simply rumbles when you can't find the perfect word, delay no more. Word leader Charles Harrington Elster, clearly a person with a superior intellect, has a cure for people who have seizures about words in this compendium of great-sounding learned words, which are both florid and pedantic. If fear of pomposity gives you writer's cramp or makes you flail about, don't whimper. Just remember: wise moderation is recommended.)
A Dictionary of Japanese Food: Ingredients and Culture
Richard Hosking - 1996
Standard dictionaries can often mislead us--with akebia for akebi, sea cucumber for namako, plum for ume. Hosking's dictionary includes not only dishes and ingredients, everything from the delicate mitsuba leaf to the dreadful okoze fish: colorful appendices disclose such aspects of Japanese culture as the making of miso to the tea ceremony and the influence of vegetarianism. With Japanese-English and English-Japanese sections, A Dictionary of Japanese Food explains the nuances and eliminates the mysteries of Japanese food.
Developing Tactics for Listening
Jack C. Richards - 1996
Tactics For Listening is a comprehensive, three-level listening series that features high-interest topics to engage and motivate students.
French II
Pimsleur Language Programs - 1996
The various components of language -- vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar -- are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency.No other language program or school is as quick, convenient, and effective as the Pimsleur Language Programs.The Comprehensive Program is the ultimate in spoken language learning. For those who want to become proficient in the language of their choice, the Comprehensive programs go beyond the Basic Programs to offer spoken-language fluency. Using the same simple method of interactive self-practice with native speakers, these comprehensive programs provide a complete language learning course. The Comprehensive Program is available in a wide variety of languages and runs through three levels (thirty lessons each) in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. At the end of a full Comprehensive Program listeners will be conducting complete conversationsand be well on their way to mastering the language. The Comprehensive Programs are all available on cassettes and are also on CD in the six languages in which we offer the Basic Program on CD.16 audiocassettes
Using Russian: A Guide to Contemporary Usage
Derek Offord - 1996
Unlike conventional grammars, it gives special attention to those areas of vocabulary and grammar which cause most difficulty to English speakers, and focuses on questions of style and register which are all too often ignored. Clear, readable, and easy to consult, it will prove invaluable to those seeking to improve their fluency and confidence in Russian.
The Western Mysteries: An Encyclopedic Guide to the Sacred Languages & Magickal Systems of the World
David Allen Hulse - 1996
It begins with a discussion of the mysteries of the Greek alphabet, followed by the different forms of the Runes, and goes on to describe the mystical secrets of Latin. It also explores Enochian, where you will discover, for the first time ever, the correctly constructed Watchtower system.The book also includes the mysteries of the Tarot, a pictorial language, and it describes the development of the esoteric Tarot, how to do readings, and the significance of the symbolism on the Tarot cards. It concludes with the English language and its relationship to the Tarot, Enochian, and more.The introduction to The Western Mysteries serves as a complete introduction to the magickal tradition of the West. You will learn about the evolution of thought concerning the Elements, astrology, magick squares, geomancy, words of power, and more.You will find that each section of this book is a key that unlocks the meaning behind another of the magickal languages that you can relate to your own spiritual system. It is ideal for a beginning student to explore the mysteries of Western magick. It is a necessary tool for more advanced students, as it has collected hundreds of charts and lists which clarify and identify the similarities and differences between various systems.This is a reference book you will study over and over. The volume of information revealed makes The Western Mysteries an instant classic and a necessity for any spiritual practitioner.
The Puzzlemaster Presents: 200 Mind-Bending Challenges
Will Shortz - 1996
A collection of 200 word puzzles of infinite variety from NPR's "Puzzlemaster" Will Shortz.
Kodansha's Furigana English-Japanese Dictionary
Masatoshi Yoshida - 1996
It has been edited with the needs of English-speaking users in mind students, teachers, business people, and casual linguists.What is furigana and why is it so important? Furigana refers to the small kana that are printed above or alongside kanji to show the pronunciation of the Chinese character. With furigana superscripts, the beginner who is familiar with hiragana and katakana is able to read even the most difficult and obscure kanji at a glance. Other dictionaries either provide little or no guide to kanji readings or romanize some or all of the Japanese words and sentences. In the past, romanized dictionaries were of some value to students using textbooks that contained no Japanese script. Now, however, an increasing number of influential curriculums around the world are based on a rationale and methodology that demands the introduction of hiragana and katakana from the earliest stages. Learners and their teachers studying under such curriculums will inevitably feel more comfortable with a dictionary such as Kodansha's Furigana English-Japanese Dictionary, one that shows the pronunciation of kanji with familiar and authentic kana script.FEATURES o More than 14,000 entries comprising the most commonly used words in Englisho Furigana pronunciation guides added to all kanji o Semantic and usage differences between Japanese words and expressions explained clearly in English o Thousands of full-length example sentences illustrate typical usage in natural Japanese o Idioms, phrases, and common expressions help expand vocabulary and sentence building skills o Many encyclopedic entries offer useful background information on Japanese history and culture o Includes many current terms such as artificial intelligence and internet o Hundreds of scientific and medical terms with full Japanese equivalentsWith its sister publication, Kodansha's Furigana Japanese-English Dictionary, this dictionary makes the perfect reference for all students of Japanese. The two books are combined in Kodansha's Furigana Japanese Dictionary.
Pimsleur Italian Level 2 CD: Learn to Speak and Understand Italian with Pimsleur Language Programs
Pimsleur Language Programs - 1996
The best part is that it doesn’t have to be difficult or take years to master. Thirty minutes a day is all it takes, and we get you speaking right from the first day. Pimsleur courses use a scientifically-proven method that puts you in control of your learning. If you’ve tried other language learning methods but found they simply didn’t stick, then you owe it to yourself to give Pimsleur a try. Why Pimsleur? - Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day. - Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life. - Proven Method – Works when other methods fail. - Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it’s up to you. - Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning. - Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers. - Genius – Triggers your brain’s natural aptitude to learn. - Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above. What’s Included? - 30, 30-minute audio lessons - 60 minutes of reading instruction to provide you practice reading Italian - in total, 16 hours of audio, all featuring native speakers - a Reading Booklet and User’s Guide What You’ll Learn Builds upon skills taught in Pimsleur’s Italian Level 1. In the first 10 lessons you’ll begin using the past tense. Structures become more complex and informal speech is introduced. Soon you’ll take part in conversations about ordering meals, shopping, and local tourist attractions. As you progress, your fluency will increase as your vocabulary expands. The next 10 lessons will allow you to further combine and build upon known elements, and produce longer and more complex sentences. You’ll be discussing business and social activities, expressing your interests, and talking about the weather. In the final 10 lessons you’ll double your vocabulary and have several hundred structures to draw upon. You’ll learn to express yourself with relative structures – faster, slower, etc. You’ll be able to ask for assistance in many situations and to ask for directions to various locations. You’ll explore sports and leisure activities, manage changing money and banking, and discuss travel plans. By the end of the program, you’ll be speaking at a mid-intermediate level with near-native pronunciation, and you’ll be comfortable meeting most social demands and limited job requirements. Reading Lessons are included at the end of Lesson 30. These lessons, which total about one hour, are designed to give you practice reading Italian, and to provide you with some insight into Italian culture with proverbs, common expressions, and a broad look at things you’ll experience when visiting a Italian-speaking country. The Pimsleur Method We make no secret of what makes this powerful method work so well. Paul Pimsleur spent his career researching and perfecting the precise elements anyone can use to learn a language quickly and easily. Here are a few of his “secrets”: The Principle of Anticipation In the nanosecond between a cue and your response, your brain has to work to come up with the right word. Having to do this boosts retention, and cements the word in your mind. Core Vocabulary Words, phrases, and sentences are selected for their usefulness in everyday conversation. We don’t overwhelm you with too much, but steadily increase your ability with every lesson. Graduated Interval Recall Reminders of new words and structures come up at the exact interval for maximum retention and storage into your long-term memory. Organic Learning You work on multiple aspects of the language simultaneously. We integrate grammar, vocabulary, rhythm, melody, and intonation into every lesson, which allows you to experience the language as a living, expressive form of human culture. Learning in Context Research has shown that learning new words in context dramatically accelerates your ability to remember. Every scene in every Pimsleur lesson is set inside a conversation between two people. There are no drills, and no memorization necessary for success. Active Participation The Pimsleur Method + active learner participation = success. This method works with every language and every learner who follows it. You gain the power to recall and use what you know, and to add new words easily, exactly as you do in English. The Italian Language Italian is the official language of Italy and San Marino, and one of the official languages of Switzerland, Croatia, and Slovenia. Italian is spoken by about 58 million people in Italy, 24,000 in San Marino, 840,000 in Switzerland, another million in other European countries, and approximately 5 million in North and South America. Historically, Italian is a daughter language of Latin. Italian uses the Roman alphabet and the pronunciation of the language follows the spelling very closely. Tech Talk - CDs are formatted for playing in all CD players, including car players, and users can copy files for use in iTunes or Windows Media Player.
Modern Italian Grammar: A Practical Guide
Anna Proudfoot - 1996
With a strong emphasis on contemporary usage, all grammar points and functions are richly illustrated with examples.Implementing feedback from users of the first edition, this text includes clearer explanations, as well as a greater emphasis on areas of particular difficulty for learners of Italian. Divided into two sections, the book covers:traditional grammatical categories such as word order, nouns, verbs and adjectives language functions and notions such as giving and seeking information, describing processes and results, and expressing likes, dislikes and preferences.This is the ideal reference grammar for learners of Italian at all levels, from beginner to advanced. No prior knowledge of grammatical terminology is needed and a glossary of grammatical terms is provided. This Grammar is complemented by the Modern Italian Grammar Workbook Second Edition which features related exercises and activities.
The History of Basque
R.L. Trask - 1996
This book, written by an internationally renowned specialist in Basque, provides a comprehensive survey of all that is known about the prehistory of the language, including pronunciation, the grammar and the vocabulary. It also provides a long critical evaluation of the search for its relatives, as well as a thumbnail sketch of the language, a summary of its typological features, an external history and an extensive bibliography.
Colloquial Hindi: The Complete Course For Beginners
Tej K. Bhatia - 1996
The author is a highly respected scholar and teacher of the Indic languages. Hindi script and Romanized script is taught.
The Triumph of Odysseus: Homer's Odyssey Books 21 and 22
Homer - 1996
It is modeled on the already published A World of Heroes (CUP, 1979) and The Intellectual Revolution (CUP, 1980) and provides an unabridged text of Books 21 and 22 of Homer's Odyssey. The Greek text is faced with a running vocabulary and notes, and followed by a learning vocabulary, and the book is illustrated throughout. It can be used by anyone who has completed Reading Greek or is at an intermediate or advanced stage of ancient Greek.
A Guide for Using Stone Fox in the Classroom
This reproducible book includes sample plans, author information, vocabulary building ideas, cross-curriculum activities, sectional activities and quizzes, unit tests, and ideas for culminating and extending the novel.
The Eastern Mysteries: An Encyclopedic Guide to the Sacred Languages & Magickal Systems of the World
David Allen Hulse - 1996
This reissue of David Allen Hulse's landmark work is the one book all students of the occult must own. It catalogs and distills, in hundreds of tables of secret symbolism, the true import of each ancient Eastern magickal tradition. Each chapter is a key that unlocks the meaning behind one of the magickal languages. Through painstaking research and analysis, Hulse has accomplished an unprecedented feat--that of reconstructing the basic underlying systems that form the vast legacy of mystery traditions.The real genius of this accomplishment is that it is presented in a way that is immediately understandable and usable. Although the book deals with many foreign scripts, ancient tongues, and lost symbols, it is designed for the beginning student. Included is a wealth of cross-references, excellent introductory material and overviews, an extensive annotated bibliography, and--new to this edition--a complete index.
The Penguin Dictionary of Geology
Philip Kearey - 1996
The New Penguin Dictionary of Geology contains over 7,500 fully updated definitions, making it the most extensive dictionary of the Earth sciences ever produced. It includes a full bibliography of up-to-date works covering all areas of geology. Authoritative and accessible, this new edition will prove invaluable to researcher, student and amateur geologist.
Medieval Latin: An Introduction and Bibliographical Guide
F.A.C. Mantello - 1996
It should be useful for the study of Latin texts and documents in any fields of medieval studies.
Handbook of Korean Vocabulary: A Resource for Word Recognition and Comprehension
Miho Choo - 1996
In cases where the second language is unrelated to the learner's native tongue, this task presents special challenges because there are typically few clues in a word's form to assist in learning and remembering its meaning. This book offers a solution to this problem for students of Korean.The Handbook is the first ever root dictionary of Korean designed for second-language learners. Useful for students at all levels, it contains more than 1,500 vocabulary lists consisting of words built from a shared root. These lists offer a unique and efficient way for students to acquire new words. Upon encountering a word, students can consult the lists for its component roots and discover many other semantically related words built from the same elements.An introduction provides an overview of Korean vocabulary and detailed instructions on how to use the word lists. A pronunciation guide outlines the major principles determining the pronunciation of compounds and other multipart words in Korean.
Semantics: Primes and Universals
Anna Wierzbicka - 1996
Semantics: Primes and Universals is a major synthesis of her work, presenting a full and systematic exposition of that theory in a non-technical andreadable way. It delineates a full set of universal concepts, as they have emerged from large-scale investigations across a wide range of languages undertaken by the author and her colleagues. On the basis of empirical cross-linguistic studies it vindicates the old notion of the psychic unity ofmankind, while at the same time offering a framework for the rigorous description of different languages and cultures.
Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide
Ruth Whittle - 1996
Part A covers grammatical categories such as word order, nouns, verbs and adjectives. Part B is organised according to language functions and notions such as:making introductionsasking for something to be donedelivering a speechpossibilitysatisfaction.The book addresses learners' practical needs and presents grammar in both a traditional and a communicative setting. New to this edition, and building on feedback from the previous edition:The rules of the latest (and so far final) spelling reform have been implemented throughout.Examples of usage have been updated and consideration given to Swiss and Austrian variants.The chapter on register has been expanded and now includes youth language and frequently used Anglicisms in German.The Index now has even more key words; it has also been redesigned to differentiate between German words, grammar terms, and functions, thus making it more user-friendly.The Grammar assumes no previous grammatical training and is intended for all those who have a basic knowledge of German, from intermediate learners in schools and adult education to undergraduates taking German as a major or minor part of their studies.The Grammar is accompanied by a third edition of Modern German Grammar Workbook (ISBN 978-0-415-56725-1) which features exercises and activities directly linked to the Grammar.Ruth Whittle is Lecturer, John Klapper is Professor of Foreign Language Pedagogy, Katharina Gl�ckel is the Austrian Lektorin and Bill Dodd is Professor of Modern German Studies - all at the University of Birmingham. Christine Eckhard-Black is Tutor and Advisor in German at the Oxford University Language Centre.
Language Learning Strategies Around the World: Cross Cultural Perspectives
Rebecca L. Oxford - 1996
Optimizing learning strategies improves language performance. This ground-breaking book presents new information about cultural influences on the use of language learning strategies. It also shows innovative ways to assess students' strategy use and remarkable techniques for helping students improve their choice of strategies, with the goal of peak language learning.
Foundations for Programming Languages
John C. Mitchell - 1996
Later chapters are devoted to progressively more sophisticated type systems. Compared to other texts on the subject, Foundations for Programming Languages is distinguished primarily by its inclusion of material on universal algebra and algebraic data types, imperative languages and Floyd-Hoare logic, and advanced chapters on polymorphism and modules, subtyping and object-oriented concepts, and type inference. The book is mathematically oriented but includes discussion, motivation, and examples that make the material accessible to students specializing in software systems, theoretical computer science, or mathematical logic. Foundations for Programming Languages is suitable as a reference for professionals concerned with programming languages, software validation or verification, and programming, including those working with software modules or object-oriented programming.Foundations of Computing series
Metaphor and Emotion: Language, Culture, and Body in Human Feeling
Zoltan Kovecses - 1996
Are human emotions best characterized as biological, psychological, or cultural entities? Zoltan Kovecses demonstrates how cultural aspects, metaphorical language, and human physiology are part of an integrated system. This book challenges the simplistic division between the body and culture by stressing how human emotions are to a large extent constructed from individuals' embodied experiences in different cultural settings. Hb ISBN (2000): 0-521-64163-2
How Language Comes to Children: From Birth to Two Years
Bénédicte de Boysson-Bardies - 1996
Most children virtually master their native tongue even before learning to tie their shoelaces. The ability to acquire language has historically been regarded as a "gift" -- a view given scientific foundation only in the present century by Noam Chomsky's theory of "universal grammar," which posits an innate knowledge of the principles that structure all languages.In this delightful, accessible book, psycholinguist B'n'dicte de Boysson-Bardies presents a broad picture of language development, from fetal development to the toddler years, and examines a wide range of puzzling questions: How do newborns recognize elements of speech? How do they distinguish them from nonspeech sounds? How do they organize and analyze them? How do they ultimately come to understand and reproduce these sounds? Finally, how does the ability to communicate through language emerge in children? Boysson-Bardies also addresses questions of particular interest to parents, such as whether one should speak to children in a special way to facilitate language learning and whether there is cause to worry when a twenty-month-old child does not yet speak. Although the author provides a clear summary of the current state of language acquisition theory, the special appeal of the book lies in her research and "dialogue" with her many young subjects.
Modern French Grammar: A Practical Guide
Margaret Lang - 1996
Divided into two parts, Part A covers traditional grammatical categories such as word order, nouns, verbs and adjectives and Part B is organized around language functions and notions such as:giving and seeking information describing processes and results expressing likes, dislikes and preferences. With a strong emphasis on contemporary usage, all grammar points and functions are richly illustrated with examples. Implementing feedback from users of the first edition of the Grammar, this second edition includes clearer explanations and greater emphasis on areas of particular difficulty for learners of French.This is the ideal reference grammar for learners of French at all levels, from beginner to advanced. No prior knowledge of grammatical terminology is assumed and a glossary of grammatical terms is provided. This Grammar is complemented by the Modern French Grammar Workbook Second Edition which features related exercises and activities.
German the Easy Way German the Easy Way
Paul G. Graves - 1996
A text that makes learning German enjoyable Fun-to-do exercises teach the language painlessly Information on German culture helps bring the language alive Parts of Speech Verb Tenses Comparative Terms Prefixes Direct and Indirect Objects Idioms Conversing in German Dialogues and stories to help you build vocabulary
Towards a History of the Basque Language
José Ignacio Hualde - 1996
However, until now, there was no readily available source in English providing answers to these questions or giving an overview of past and current research in this area. This book is intended to partly fill this void.The book contains both state-of-the-art papers which summarize our knowledge about particular areas of Basque historical linguistics, and articles presenting new hypotheses and points of view based on hard evidence and careful analysis.All contributors to this volume have demonstrated expertise in the topic within Basque historical linguistics that their chapter addresses. Two classical articles by the late Luis Michelena are included in English translation. In addition, the book includes studies on diachronic phonology, morphology and syntax. The relation of Basque to other languages is also investigated in a couple of chapters.
Spell Check: A Definitive Source for Finding the Words You Need and Understanding theDifferences Between Them
American Heritage - 1996
The book includes a variety of challenging words in fields ranging from science and technology (amyloid, blogosphere) to contemporary culture (feng shui, sudoku).
The King's English: A Guide to Modern Usage
Kingsley Amis - 1996
More frolicsome than Fowler's Modern Usage, lighter than the Oxford English Dictionary, and brimming with the strong opinions and razor-sharp wit that made Amis so popular--and so controversial--The King's English is a must for fans and language purists.
Japanese Verbs at a Glance
Naoko Chino - 1996
It's a handy reference to turn to when you have questions about Japanese verbs and how to use them.Charts and tables make the key points understandable at a glance, and the many example sentences show how to use verbs correctly in context. This book does not attempt a complete exposition of Japanese grammar. Instead, it provides a wealth of practical information in one specific area for people who need to speak or write Japanese.The book is organized according to how verbs are used. If you want to know how to ask a person to do something, for example, just check the Index for "Asking Favors and Making Requests" and go to that page.Special sections are devoted to areas of Japanese verbs that often cause difficulty for students, including polite forms, causatives, passives, and transitive/intransitive pairs. Each of these areas is covered clearly and in detail with charts, explanations, and example sentences.Previously published under the same title in the Power Japanese series.
Assimil Japanese with Ease, Volume 2
Catherine Garnier - 1996
These 50 lessons will allow you to improve your Japanese. You will not only widen your knowledge of the language but you will also be able to evaluate your progress, as you become increasingly able to make the best use of what you have learned. Be confident and enjoy learning Japanese with the lively dialogues taken from everyday events in Japan.As you were told in the first volume, when you have completed your study of Japanese with Ease, you will have reached a good level of Japanese, and command a wide vocabulary for use in all sorts of practical and idiomatic phrases. You will be in possession of the basic tools of Japanese, as summarized in the appendices at the end of the book. They will be a useful reference if you wish to pursue your learning and discovery of this beautiful language. Want to learn to write traditional Japanese characters as well? Writing Japanese with Ease is the book for you, explaining how to write stroke-by-stroke the Chinese characters (Kanji) introduced in the 99 lessons of Japanese with Ease.
The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus
Oxford University Press - 1996
So, we then turn to the dictionary to check the meanings for the entire list of new synonyms and, aftermuch flipping back and forth between thesaurus and dictionary, finally decide upon an alternative. Neither book, by itself, provides the full range of word choices. But now, The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus offers a thoroughly integrated blend of entries from the dictionary and the thesaurus.This unified approach, treating meanings and related words within the same entry, makes it easy to find--in one place--an abundance of information about words, and provides a far more thorough analysis of the variety and nuances of our language than is possible in a dictionary or thesaurus alone. Oxford's American dictionary staff, along with an international team of lexicographers, have drawn on the unparalleled lexical resources of Oxford University Press, the world's most respected authority on English language and dictionaries, to make The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus the mostwide-ranging resource available. It includes: * More than 200,000 entries and definitions and 300,000 synonyms thoroughly integrated for ease of use * Hundreds of new words and senses such as shareware, downsize, grunge, sidebar, and hypertext * Full coverage of English from around the globe--brassed off, merrythought, billabong, Charles's Wain, high tea Valuable appendices, including: * Selected Proverbs--more than 1,000, including both old favorites and less-familiar bits of wisdom such as Handsome is as handsome does, A trouble shared is a trouble halved, and There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle * Terms for Animal Groups (a clowder of cats, a skulk of foxes, a parliament of rooks) * Weights, Measures, Scientific Units, and Formulas * Chemical Elements and Periodic Table * Musical Notation and the Orchestra * Presidents of the U.S.; States of the U.S. * Countries of the World * Helpful points on English usage, and much more No American dictionary or thesaurus offers as much as The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus. It not only combines an up-to-date and thoroughly reliable dictionary of American English with full thesaurus coverage, but it also provides a unique global perspective of English, the lingua franca of thelate twentieth centur
Fractured English
Richard Lederer - 1996
Now columnist and bestselling author Lederer presents another uncut, unpolished, and certifiably authentic collection of language blunders. Fractured English will leave word lovers roaring with laughter.
Spanish Verb Manual
Alfredo González Hermoso - 1996
It includes over 5,000 verbs, cross-referenced to model conjugations that have irregular forms highlighted in color. It also features verbs taking prepositions, verbs used in idiomatic expressions, and the regional use and mean
Intermediate Welsh: A Grammar and Workbook
Gareth King - 1996
It presents a broad range of grammatical topics, illustrated by examples which serve as models for the varied exercises which follow. The emphasis throughout is on colloquial, spoken Welsh used by modern day native speakers.
An Atlas of English Dialects: Region and Dialect
Clive Upton - 1996
The Atlas includes:ninety maps showing the regions in which particular words, phrases and pronunciations are used detailed commentaries explaining points of linguistic, historical and cultural interest explanations of linguistic terms, a bibliography for further reading and a full index.Based on the Survey of English Dialects - the most extensive record of English regional speech - the Atlas is a fascinating and informative guide to the diversity of the English Language in England.
Spaces, Worlds, and Grammar
Gilles Fauconnier - 1996
These twelve original papers extend the mental-spaces framework and demonstrate its utility in solving deep problems in linguistics and discourse theory. Investigating the ties between mental constructs, they analyze a wide range of phenomena, including analogical counterfactuals; the metaphor system for conceptualizing the self; abstract change expressions in Japanese; mood in Spanish; deictic expressions; copular sentences in Japanese; conditional constructions; and reference in American Sign Language.The ground-breaking research presented in this volume will be of interest to linguists and cognitive scientists. The contributors are Claudia Brugman, Gilles Fauconnier, George Lakoff, Yo Matsumoto, Errapel Mejias-Bikandi, Laura A. Michaelis, Gisela Redeker, Jo Rubba, Shigeru Sakahara, Jose Sanders, Eve Sweetser, and Karen van Hoek.
Taiwan Today
Shou-Hsin Teng - 1996
Interactive student participation is encouraged through a variety of activities, from role-playing techniques to puzzles to discussion topics. Students using the book should have a proficiency level equivalent to the second semester of the second year in college. Taiwan Today is also appropriate for heritage learners and accelerated high school programs. This revised edition includes photographs of life in Taiwan and expanded indices, including those by pinyin, bopomofo, and stroke count. Each of the twelve lessons introduces 45-50 new words (vocabulary lists include traditional and simplified characters and pinyin as well as the English definition). Lessons start with texts in simplified and traditional characters on facing pages. Topics are from contemporary Taiwan, and include Exercise in the Park, Visiting a Night Market, Marriage and Match-Makers, Religions and Folk Beliefs, and The Excitement of Festivals. English translations and pinyin do not appear in the readings. General exercises (presented in both simplified and traditional characters) include vocabulary practice, composition, and supplementary activities. Audio cassettes are sold separately.
Just Listen 'n' Learn French 2e [With (3) CD]
Stephanie Rybak - 1996
You'll get a full-color course book packed with photographs, illustrations, and cultural information and four 75-minute CDs recorded on location, featuring more than 100 authentic conversations as well as audio exercises. If you're preparing to travel to a French-speaking country, this is the perfect guide for you.
The Oxford Latin Minidictionary
James Morwood - 1996
Offering 50,000 entries and over 120,000 translations, it reflects recent developments in the study of Latin, such as pronunciation and grammar. The most up-to-date and comprehensive dictionary of its size, it includes complete grammatical information about each Latin word, and indicates differences in meaning, style, and context in cases of ambiguity. In addition, it provides details of conjugation for Latin verbs, comprehensive markings of vowel length as a guide to classical Latin pronunciation, and detailed appendices of historical personalities, mythological characters, and geographical names, with English explanations of who they were. A handy resource for anyone with an interest in the Latin language or ancient history, The Oxford Latin Minidictionary is also an invaluable reference for word-origin enthusiasts.
The High Book of the Grail: A Translation of the Thirteenth Century Romance of Perlesvaus
Nigel Bryant - 1996
Written in the first half of the 13th century, it represents a different view of the legend of the Holy Grail from that found in Wolfram von Eschenbach or the French Quest of the Holy Grail, though all derive from Chretien's Perceval; the unknown author adds a much greater religious emphasis and a desire to glorify crusading chivalry for the secular adventures of Arthur, Perceval and Lancelet. The framework of the romance is the struggle of Arthur and his knights to impose, by force, the New Law of Christianity in place of the Old Law. This view of the Arthurian world should be of interest to students of medieval literature, Arthurian enthusiasts and to historians interested in the world of chivalry and its attitudes.
A Graded Reader of Biblical Greek
William D. Mounce - 1996
A Graded Reader of Biblical Greek was developed to make the transition easier. It takes beginning exegetes from simple to progressively more difficult biblical texts. Students can now learn New Testament Greek the way they would any other language: through a graded program. A Graded Reader of Biblical Greek applies an inductive method to learning intermediate Greek grammar. It provides a workable introduction to exegesis, word studies, and developing a large vocabulary; and it assists the student in preparing for class, allowing classroom time to be put to its most effective use. - Twenty Greek passages are presented in graded order. - Difficult and unfamiliar grammatical constructions are explained. - All words that occur fewer than 20 times in the New Testament are defined. - An "Exegetical Discussion" section helps the exegete gain a deeper understanding of the language. A Graded Reader of Biblical Greek is the result of ten years of use and refinement by the author in an actual classroom setting.
The Oxford English Grammar
Sidney Greenbaum - 1996
This is followed by an account of the development of grammar, and a review of modern approaches to this complex subject. The central section of the book is a presentation of current English grammar at sentence, clause, phrase, and word level; with the last chapters covering grammar in relation to discourse, word-formation, lexis, pronunciation and intonation, punctuation, and spelling. A full index is provided, and examples of usage are drawn from a wide range of sources, including use of the new international Corpus of English at University College London. Written in a readable and absorbing style, The Oxford English Grammar is an essential reference for English speakers around the world.
Rethinking Linguistic Relativity
John J. Gumperz - 1996
This book reexamines ideas about linguistic relativity in the light of new evidence and changes in theoretical climate. The editors have provided a substantial introduction that summarizes changes in thinking about the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in the light of developments in anthropology, linguistics and cognitive science. Introductions to each section will be of especial use to students.
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing Systems
Florian Coulmas - 1996
It provides both a fully illustrated description of over 400 writing systems and an account of the study of writing in many different disciplines, from anthropology to psychology.
The Dawn of Slavic: An Introduction to Slavic Philology
Alexander M. Schenker - 1996
The book contends, among other things, that an understanding of early Slavic writing is incomplete outside the context of medieval culture.
Before Writing: Rethinking the Paths to Literacy
Gunther Kress - 1996
Through close attention to the variety of objects which children constantly produce (drawings, cuttings-out, 'writings' and collages), Kress suggests a set of principles which reveal the underlying coherence of children's actions; actions which allow us to connect them with attempts to make meaning before they acquire language and writing.This book provides fundamental challenges to commonly held assumptions about both language and literacy, thought and action. It places these challenges within the context of speculation about the abilities and dispositions essential for children as young adults, and calls for the radical decentring of language in educational theory and practice.
The Matrix Of Language: Contemporary Linguistic Anthropology
Donald Lawrence Brenneis - 1996
The articles in this anthology, selected for their readability, present a range of methodological approaches and well-known case studies that illustrate the interconnection of language, culture, and social practice. The editors' introductory essays compare and contrast specific approaches in four broad areas: language and socialization, gender, the ethnography of speaking, and the role of language in social and political life. The book is a valuable introduction in linguistic anthropology and sociolinguistics courses and a resource for anyone exploring the relation of language to psychology, political theory, feminist studies, and literature and folklore.
The Comparative Method Reviewed: Regularity and Irregularity in Language Change
Mark Durie - 1996
The regularity of sound change is the famous Neogrammarian Hypothesis: "sound change takes place according to laws that admit no exception." The comparative method, however, is not restricted to the consideration of sound change, and neither is the assumption of regularity. Syntactic, morphological, and semantic change are all amenable in varying degrees, to comparative reconstruction, and each type of change is constrained in ways that enable the researcher to distinguish between regular and more irregular changes. This volume draws together studies by scholars engaged in historical reconstruction, all focussing on the subject of regularity and irregularity in the comparative method. A wide range of languages are represented, including Chinese, Germanic, and Austronesian.
Elements of Legal Writing: A Guide to the Principles of Writing Clear, Concise,
Martha Faulk - 1996
Filled with before-and-after examples and illustrations from the legal world, here's a quick reference for lawyers, paralegals, law students, or anyone in the legal profession.
a la Decouverte Du Petit Prince a la Decouverte Du Petit Prince
Anne Gassaway Brown - 1996
This unique enrichment workbook challenges your students to reach new levels of proficiency. This workbook is softcover, 81/2" 11," and 128 pages in length.
2001 Italian and English Idioms 2001 Italian and English Idioms
Daniela Gobetti - 1996
Phrases are alphabetized according to each one's key word for quick reference.
Sociolinguistic Aspects Of Language Learning And Teaching
J.B. Pride - 1996
Language in Cognitive Development: The Emergence of the Mediated Mind
Katherine Nelson - 1996
It presents an integrative theory of cognitive development, emphasizing the important role that language plays in taking the two to five year old child to new levels of cognitive operations in memory, forming concepts, categories, processing narratives, and understanding other people's intentions. The author considers biological evolution the source of both language and culture, but she argues that qualitatively different modes of thinking and knowing emerge therefrom.
Advanced Spanish Coursebook: Complete Course, Revised & Updated (LL(R) Adv Comp. Basic Courses)
Living Language - 1996
Developed by U.S. government experts, Spanish 3 teaches more sophisticated vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and grammar, while introducing you to the finer points of Spanish culture.
includes:20 realistic dialogues, as featured on the Spanish 3 recordings, with translations.Lively, practical topics, such as going to the theater, opening a bank account, attending a wedding, and people-watching at a café.Extensive notes explaining grammar and usage, as well as a local culture.Exercises to check your progress and reinforce what you've learned.A comprehensive summary of Spanish grammar.Verb charts, including all tenses.While this book stands on its own as a complete course an invaluable reference, you'll find that using it with the recorded lessons is more effective. Living Language Spanish 3: Advanced Conversation cassette packages include this manual, together with four hours of recordings.ALSO AVAILABLE: Living Language Conversational Spanish and Living Language Spanish 2: A conversational Approach to Verbs
Noah's Ark
Heather Amery - 1996
Usborne Bible Tales have been specially written, staying close to the original stories, for young children who are just beginning to read.
Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory: A Handbook of Historical Backgrounds and Contemporary Developments
Frans H. van Eemeren - 1996
It draws its data, assumptions, and methods from disciplines as disparate as formal logic and discourse analysis, linguistics and forensic science, philosophy and psychology, political science and education, sociology and law, and rhetoric and artificial intelligence. This presents the growing group of interested scholars and students with a problem of access, since it is even for those active in the field not common to have acquired a familiarity with relevant aspects of each discipline that enters into this multidisciplinary matrix. This book offers its readers a unique comprehensive survey of the various theoretical contributions which have been made to the study of argumentation. It discusses the historical works that provide the background to the field and all major approaches and trends in contemporary research.Argument has been the subject of systematic inquiry for twenty-five hundred years. It has been graced with theories, such as formal logic or the legal theory of evidence, that have acquired a more or less settled provenance with regard to specific issues. But there has been nothing to date that qualifies as a unified general theory of argumentation, in all its richness and complexity. This being so, the argumentation theorist must have access to materials and methods that lie beyond his or her "home" subject. It is precisely on this account that this volume is offered to all the constituent research communities and their students. Apart from the historical sections, each chapter provides an economical introduction to the problems and methods that characterize a given part of the contemporary research program. Because the chapters are self-contained, they can be consulted in the order of a reader's interests or research requirements. But there is value in reading the work in its entirety. Jointly authored by the very people whose research has done much to define the current state of argumentation theory and to point the way toward more general and unified future treatments, this book is an impressively authoritative contribution to the field.
Vietnamese Phrasebook: A Rough Guide Phrasebook
Rough Guides - 1996
Laid out dictionary-style for instant access, it features comprehensive English-Vietnamese and Vietnamese-English sections, cultural tips for tricky situations, and the most practical menu reader in the business. If you want to know what's happening—Viec gi dang xay ra the? as the Vietnamese put it—this is the essential guide. "Authoritative and opinionated, this series can't be beat."--Chicago Tribune
BBC German Grammar
Reinhard Tenberg - 1996
The perfect complement to any German course, its emphasis is on clear and concise explanations of the structure of the language, illustrated with hundreds of current, everyday examples. The book includes a glossary, verb tables and a comprehensive index, so it’s quick and easy to find what you need.
The Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage
Richard Allsopp - 1996
The Dictionary surveys a range of over 20,000 words and phrases drawn from over 1000 written sources. A specially-designed system of labelling--four levels of identification from Creole to Formal and labels to denote social or grammatical register--provides maximum clarity and accessibility. Including hundreds of illustrative examples, Allsopp also includes etymological and usage notes and a short Supplement listing Caribbean French and Spanish equivalents.