Best of
Arnold's Bodyshaping for Women
Arnold Schwarzenegger - 1979
A Complete Program for a Lifetime of Fitness and Beauty by Arnold Schwarzenegger with Douglas Kent Hall. Excercises with photos and descriptions. List of titles won. Hardcover.
Anatomy of an Illness: As Perceived by the Patient
Norman Cousins - 1979
It started the revolution in patients working with their doctors and using humor to boost their bodies' capacity for healing. When Norman Cousins was diagnosed with a crippling and irreversible disease, he forged an unusual collaboration with his physician, and together they were able to beat the odds. The doctor's genius was in helping his patient to use his own powers: laughter, courage, and tenacity. The patient's talent was in mobilizing his body's own natural resources, proving what an effective healing tool the mind can be. This remarkable story of the triumph of the human spirit is truly inspirational reading.
Nutrition Almanac
John D. Kirschmann - 1979
All the nutritional information you need is here, so enhancing and maintaining good health is easy!Eat better. Live longer.Learn how what you eat can affect more than 100 common ailmentsDiscover rich sources of vitamins and minerals in foods at your supermarketUnderstand the difference between good fats and bad fatsGet practical information on the benefits of antioxidants and phytonutrients in foodFind out which food ingredients and additives to avoid
The Bach Flower Remedies
Edward Bach - 1979
Bach's revolutionary approach to healing through the personality of the patient aroused a storm of controversy. Yet seven decades have demonstrated its efficacy in thousands of cases.This volume includes three books in one: Heal Thyself and The Twelve Healers by Edward Bach, M.D.; and the Bach Remedies Repertory by F. J. Wheeler, M.D. In this comprehensive book you'll discover Dr. Bach's 38 remedies and their application to every situation. It also reveals Dr. Bach's findings on what disease actually is and the natural way to conquer it--by allowing the miraculous human organism to find its own path to true health.Here are just a few remedies to help you through tough times:Honeysuckle relieves feelings of homesicknessBeech counters your aggravation with othersMimulus helps you overcome shynessWild rose reverses feelings of apathy
Herbal Medicine: Revised & Updated
Dian Dincin Buchman - 1979
Learn to use herbs to change the way you look and feel. ****28 b&w illus. 6 x 9.
Colon Health: The Key to a Vibrant Life!
Norman W. Walker - 1979
Walker focuses your full attention on this forgotten part of the body. He will lead you on a tour of each vital organ of your body explaining how it is affected by the condition of the large intestine, the colon. Learn how-through proper care of the colon-you can prevent and experience relief from constipation, asthma, colds, allergies, respiratory disorders, digestive problems and numerous other ailments.
Therapeutic Touch
Dolores Krieger - 1979
The Therapeutic Touch shows you how you can use your hands to help or to heal someone who is sick. By explaining what happens during the four different stages of therapeutic touching. Dr. Krieger shows you how to detect when a person is sick, pinpoint where the pain is, and stimulate the recuperative powers of the sick person. With accurate descriptions of the changes that take place in body temperature, levels of consciousness, and physiology during this intense interaction, this book helps you interpret your healing experience and get the most meaning from it. The Therapeutic Touch recaptures a simple, ancient mode of healing and shows how you can now become on integral part of your own or someone else's healing process.
Confessions of a Medical Heretic
Robert S. Mendelsohn - 1979
Covers issues from unnecessary surgeries and prescribed drugs to preventive medicine and home births.
Dr. John R. Christopher's Herbal Lectures
John R. Christopher - 1979
Christopher includes information on internal cleansing and herbs that support the body's overall health. Dr. Christopher also discusses herbal programs for healing the lungs, stomach, skin, eyes, circulatory system and more. Includes 10 Compact Discs.
Our Earth, Our Cure: A Handbook Of Natural Medicine Today
Raymond Dextreit - 1979
Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America
E. Richard Brown - 1979
Rockefeller, and the development of a revolutionary curriculum by the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Brown documents the story of how a powerful professional elite gained virtual hegemony in the Western theatre of healing by effectively taking control of the ethos and practice of Western medicine.E. Richard Brown describes how, in 1905, the American Medical Association’s new Council on Medical Education funded by Carnegie and Rockefeller commenced serious activity. They employed the services of Abraham Flexner who proceeded to visit and “assess” every single medical school in the US and Canada.Within a short time of this development, medical schools all around the US began to collapse or consolidate. By 1910, 30 schools had merged, and 21 had closed their doors. Of the 166 medical schools operating in 1904, 133 had survived by 1910, and 104 by 1915. Fifteen years later, only 76 schools of medicine existed in the US. And they all followed the same curriculum.Brown shows how both social and political processes were consciously manipulated by a medical elite acting in concert with immense corporate wealth to create a system of medicine that better served economic and hegemonic intentions than social or humanitarian needs.
Mind/body Effect
Herbert Benson - 1979
Dependency on doctors should be reduced.
The Healthy Cat and Dog Cook Book
Joan Harper - 1979
A collection of recipes for nutritious, economical dog and cat meals shows how to produce inexpensive pet foods that can be customized to the needs of individual animals.
Cancer and Vitamin C: A Discussion of the Nature, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Cancer with Special Reference to the Value of Vitamin C
Linus Pauling - 1979
It also weighs the value and limitations of various modes of treatment: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormones, immunotherapy, and a number of unorthodox ones. The value of vitamin C as an adjunct therapy is corroborated by detailed accounts of cancer patients who have derived varying degrees of benefit from vitamin C treatment.
Health, Stress and Coping (The Jossey-Bass Social and Behavioral Science Series)
Aaron Antonovsky - 1979
Museums Of Madness The Social Organization Of Insanity In Nineteenth Century England
Andrew Scull - 1979
Health Secrets of Plants and Herbs
Maurice Mességué - 1979
Coping: Insights from Amy Carmichael, C. S. Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, Hudson Taylor
Elizabeth R. Skoglund - 1979
The Experience of Breastfeeding: Revised Edition
Sheila Kitzinger - 1979
The Healing Buddha
Raoul Birnbaum - 1979
The accompanying photographs of sculptures, paintings, and mandalas demonstrate the importance of art and aesthetic experience in Buddhist healing practices. Also included is a history of healing in the development of Buddhism from the earliest texts and the famous Lotus Sutra to the Buddhism of Tibet, where elaborate ritual is used in the healing of body and mind. Some of the many herbs and medicines used to treat disease in the Buddhist cultures of Asia are described in an appendix. A new preface and a new essay on the search for long life in Chinese Buddhism have been added to this revised edition.