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Complaints and Disorders: The Sexual Politics of Sickness

Barbara Ehrenreich - 1974
    Citing vivid examples, including numerous "treatments" and "rest cures" perpetrated on women through the decades, the authors analyze the biomedical rationale used to justify the wholesale sex discrimination throughout our culture-in education, in jobs, and in public life. Ever since Hippocrates, male medics have treated women as the "weaker" sex. By the late 19th century, when the authority of religious documents had waned, the ultimate rationale for sex discrimination became solely biomedical. In this intriguing pamphlet, the authors raise the diffuclt question: "How sick-or well-are women today?" They assert that feminists today want more than "more": "We want a new style, and we want a new substance of medical practice as it relates to women."

The Ladies of Seneca Falls: the Birth of the Women's Rights Movement (Studies in the Life of Women)

Miriam Gurko - 1974
    Traces the course of the women's rights movement from its origin in the Seneca Falls Convention through the passage of the Nineteenth Ammendment giving women the right to vote.

Liberating Masturbation: A Meditation on Self Love

Betty Dodson - 1974
    This book, which was later expanded and released as Sex for One was possibly the first, and certainly the clearest call to action for women to masturbate. Dodson considered masturbation, giving yourself pleasure entirely on your own terms, a radical act for women, but also an act of deep love, that could transform women’s lives. Her books, which are equally powerful and relevant for men, have done just that. Through her BodySex workshops, videos, books, and speaking engagements, Dodson continues to be one of our greatest advocates and activists for the virtues of self love. (from

Amazon Odyssey

Ti-Grace Atkinson - 1974
    In these incendiary lectures Atkinson argues for radical feminist positions on a wide range of issues, including marriage, love, abortion, lesbianism, and the role of older women in the movement. Also included are dramatic photographs, a series of tactical "strategy charts" for the revolution, and Atkinson's letter of resignation from NOW.

Coleen the Question Girl

Arlie Russell Hochschild - 1974
    She wondered whether her dog Thumper could laugh. She wondered why zebras weren't plaid, and whether porpoises could play the piano if only they had hands. She wondered too why some people lived in shacks and other people lived in grand houses and what the polar bears will do if the polar ice melts. Her parents worried that Coleen asked too many questions. But one day, question asking began to spread all over town, and very surprising things began to happen. Coleen was first published by the Feminist Press in l974 when Arlie Hochschild, sociologist and author, was the mother of a three year old.

Religion And Sexism; Images Of Woman In The Jewish And Christian Traditions

Rosemary Radford Ruether - 1974
    This book provides, in the compass of a single work, a glimpse of the history of the relationship of patriarchal religion to feminine imagery and to the actual psychic and social self-images of women.