Best of
An Autobiography
Angela Y. Davis - 1974
The author, a political activist, reflects upon the people & incidents that have influenced her life & commitment to global liberation of the oppressed.
Free to Be...You and Me (The Original Classic Edition)
Marlo Thomas - 1974
Whether you are opening Free to Be . . . You and Me for the first time or the one hundredth time you will be engaged and transformed by this newly beautifully illustrated compilation of inspirational stories, songs, and poems. The sentiments of thirty-five years ago are as relevant today as when this book was published. Celebrating individuality and challenging stereotypes empowers both children and adults with the freedom to be who they want to be and to have compassion and empathy for others who may be different. Working closely with Marlo and co-creator Carole Hart, Peter H. Reynolds, the New York Times Best Selling Children's Book Author/Illustrator, conjured his whimsical drawings throughout the book bringing a new sense of unity and warmth to the pages. You will find yourself marveling at the illustrations, nodding in agreement with the stories and poems, and singing the words to all the classic songs! It is wonderful that the thoughts, ideas, and emotions the creators envisioned so many years ago can still have a magical effect on children today.
The Goddesses and Gods of old Europe, 6500-3500 BC. Myths and cult images
Marija Gimbutas - 1974
The mythical imagery of this matrilinear era tells us much about early humanity's concepts of the cosmos, of human relations with nature, of the complementary roles of male and female. Through study of sculpture, vases, and other cult objects from southeastern Europe, Gimbutas sketches the village culture that evolved there before it was overwhelmed by the patriarchal Indo-Euopreans. The Goddess incarnating the creative principle as a Source and Giver of All, fertility images, mythical animals, and other artifacts are anlyzed for their mythic and social significance in this beautifully illustrated study.
Complaints and Disorders: The Sexual Politics of Sickness
Barbara Ehrenreich - 1974
Citing vivid examples, including numerous "treatments" and "rest cures" perpetrated on women through the decades, the authors analyze the biomedical rationale used to justify the wholesale sex discrimination throughout our culture-in education, in jobs, and in public life. Ever since Hippocrates, male medics have treated women as the "weaker" sex. By the late 19th century, when the authority of religious documents had waned, the ultimate rationale for sex discrimination became solely biomedical. In this intriguing pamphlet, the authors raise the diffuclt question: "How sick-or well-are women today?" They assert that feminists today want more than "more": "We want a new style, and we want a new substance of medical practice as it relates to women."
The Ladies of Seneca Falls: the Birth of the Women's Rights Movement (Studies in the Life of Women)
Miriam Gurko - 1974
Traces the course of the women's rights movement from its origin in the Seneca Falls Convention through the passage of the Nineteenth Ammendment giving women the right to vote.
The World Split Open: Four Centuries of Women Poets in England and America, 1552-1950
Louise Bernikow - 1974
Rābiʻa The Mystic & Her Fellow Saints In Islām: Being The Life And Teachings Of Rābiʻa Al ʻadawiyya Al Qaysiyya Of Bașra Together With Some Account Of The Place Of The Women Saints In Islām
Margaret Smith - 1974
Margaret Smith's classic work, Rabi'a the Mystic, describes the teaching, life and times of one of the great women of the Islamic tradition, Rabi'a of Basra. This study has never been bettered. It is now reissued unchanged, but with a new introduction by Professor Annemarie Schimmel. This emphasises the importance of the book - and of Rabi'a herself - and questions of major importance today: the nature of mystical belief and experience, the Sufi tradition, and the role of women in the Islamic world.
Scream Quietly or the Neighbors Will Hear
Erin Pizzey - 1974
History of the setting up of a women's refuge and the case histories of some of the women who passed through it.
Amazon Odyssey
Ti-Grace Atkinson - 1974
In these incendiary lectures Atkinson argues for radical feminist positions on a wide range of issues, including marriage, love, abortion, lesbianism, and the role of older women in the movement. Also included are dramatic photographs, a series of tactical "strategy charts" for the revolution, and Atkinson's letter of resignation from NOW.
Speculum of the Other Woman
Luce Irigaray - 1974
For the profession of psychoanalysis, Irigaray believes, female sexuality has remained a "dark continent," unfathomable and unapproachable; its nature can only be misunderstood by those who continue to regard women in masculine terms. In the first section of the book, "The Blind Spot of an Old Dream of Symmetry," Irigaray rereads Freud's essay "Femininity," and his other writings on women, bringing to the fore the masculine ideology implicit in psychoanalytic theory and in Western discourse in general: woman is defined as a disadvantaged man, a male construct with no status of her own.In the last section, "Plato's Hystera," Irigaray reinterprets Plato's myth of the cave, of the womb, in an attempt to discover the origins of that ideology, to ascertain precisely the way in which metaphors were fathered that henceforth became vehicles of meaning, to trace how woman came to be excluded from the production of discourse. Between these two sections is "Speculum"--ten meditative, widely ranging, and freely associational essays, each concerned with an aspect of the history of Western philosophy in its relation to woman, in which Irigaray explores woman's essential difference from man.
Seduction and Betrayal: Women and Literature
Elizabeth Hardwick - 1974
A gallery of unforgettable portraits--of Virginia Woolf and Zelda Fitzgerald, Dorothy Wordsworth and Jane Carlyle--as well as a provocative reading of such works as Wuthering Heights, Hedda Gabler, and the poems of Sylvia Plath, Seduction and Betrayal is a virtuoso performance, a major writer's reckoning with the relations between men and women, women and writing, writing and life.
The Politics of Rape: The Victim's Perspective
Diana E.H. Russell - 1974
DSThe Washington Post