Best of
Essays on political economy
Frédéric Bastiat - 1968
This volume is produced from digital images created through the University of Michigan University Library's preservation reformatting program.
Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments
Harry M. Markowitz - 1968
In effect, it created the mathematics of portfolio selection in a model which has turned out to be the indispensable building block from which the theory of the demand for risky securities is constructed.
Lenin On Politics and Revolution: Selected Writings
Vladimir Lenin - 1968
Connor, arranged chronologically from 1902 to 1923
Toward a Theory of Economic Growth
Simon Kuznets - 1968
Drawing on his noted quantitative studies of modern economic growth, Professor Kuznets presents his views on the complex growth process and analyzes the implications of such specific factors as population, urbanization, industrialization, agriculture, and trade between nations. He discusses the relationship of social and political structure to economic processes, and how economic growth is affected by international relations as well as by the internal conditions of the society.
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917-1930
Antony C. Sutton - 1968
Man and Economics
Robert A. Mundell - 1968
Man and Economics is both a readable introduction to economics and a work in which a trained economist can find insights, formulations, and perspectives he has never encountered before.
Studies On The Interior Of Russia
August Franz Ludwi Haxthausen-Abbenburg - 1968
English translation of von Haxthausen's influential work on Russia, its history and people.
Journeys Toward Progress: Studies Of Economic Policy-making In Latin America
Albert O. Hirschman - 1968
The author's analysis continues to be a useful model for students and policy-makers today.
Logic Of Survey Analysis
Morris Rosenberg - 1968
Tight spine, clear crisp pages, price in pencil (eraser doesn't completely take off), no interior writing, no tears, smokefree. Jacket has tears in new archival jacket cover.
Asian Drama An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations Vol.1
Gunnar Myrdal - 1968
A Revolution Summed Up: The Great Lessons of October 1917
International Communist Party - 1968
The study unpicks the various false interpretations of the revolution (conservative-liberal, social democratic, anarchist and Trotskyist). In the second half it analyses the evolution of the Soviet economy through war communism, the New Economic Policy, the debates within the Party after the death of Lenin and the triumph of the counter revolution under the influence of Ustryalovism; the horrors of "dekulakization" and forced industrialization, the sham socialism of the "collective farms", followed by the liberalization and steady adjustment to capitalist norms in the Khruschev era. Already, in 1967, the post-Stalinist reforms and the growth of foreign trade pointed to the so-called "fall of communism" in 1991, made inevitable by the USSR's inability to keep up with the USA. The Communist Left was the only current that made such a thorough materialist analysis of the degeneration of the USSR, starting with its intervention at the Enlarged Executive Committee of the Communist International in 1926.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the Banner of Freedom and Independence for Our People and the Powerful Weapon of Building Socialism and Communism
Kim Il-sung - 1968
While the United States was able to secure southern Korea (Republic of Korea), northern Korea (DPRK) was able to liberate themselves and begin working to build a socialist economy and society that is today, one of the most controversial topics among the left.
Asian Drama An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations Vol.3
Gunnar Myrdal - 1968