Best of
C: The Complete Reference
Herbert Schildt - 1987
You'll get in-depth coverage of the C language and function libraries as well as all the newest C features, including restricted pointers, inline functions, variable-length arrays, and complex math. This jam-packed resource includes hundreds of examples and sample applications.
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance
William Stallings - 1987
For courses in computer organization and architecture, this text provides a clear, comprehensive presentation of the organization and architecture of contemporary computers.
Steve Jobs the Journey is the Reward: The Journey is the Reward
Jeffrey S. Young - 1987
An unvarnished view of an extraordinary man and the multimillion dollar business he built--and lost.
The Armchair Universe: An Exploration of Computer Worlds
A.K. Dewdney - 1987
Dewdney's columns from Scientific American lets the reader try dozens of recreations, from sci-fi games to intergalactic graphics to practical applications of scientific thought.
Software Engineering
Shari Lawrence Pfleeger - 1987
Discussion of key issues in software engineering: risk management, technology transfer, and the role of decision-making in software engineering; Examination of legal and ethical issues in software engineering - poses thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter; Thoroughly updated to reflect significant changes in software engineering, including modelling and agile methods; Combines theory with real, practical applications through an abundance of case studies and current examples
The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at M.I.T.
Stewart Brand - 1987
Brand explores the exciting programs, and gives readers a look at the future of communications.
Plans and Situated Actions: The Problem of Human-Machine Communication
Lucy A. Suchman - 1987
Lucy Suchman argues that the planning model of interaction favoured by the majority of AI researchers does not take sufficient account of the situatedness of most human social behaviour. The problems that can arise as a result are pertinently, and often amusingly, illustrated by the careful analysis of a recorded interaction between novice users and an intelligent machine, whose design has failed to accommodate essential resources of successful human communication. Plans and Situated Actions presents a compelling case for the re-examination of current models underlying interface design. Lucy Suchman's proposals for a fresh characterisation of human-computer interaction which also incorporates recent insights from the social sciences provides a challenge that everyone interested in machine intelligence will seriously need to consider.
Advanced C Programming for Displays
Marc J. Rochkind - 1987
Teaches advanced display output for Unix and MS-DOS.
Introducing UNIX System V
Rachel Morgan - 1987
This easy-to-use reference guide includes complete coverage of AT&T's new standard release of the UNIX operating system, System V including: key concepts behind System V from how to log on, directory structure and file systems to the ideas of standard files and processes; popular System V utilities including electronic mail, text editors, and document preparation tools; and detailed discussion of the shell and software development tools.
Software Engineering Concepts (Professional Software, Vol 1)
Henry F. Ledgard - 1987
Numerical Linear Algebra For High Performance Computers
Jack Dongarra - 1987
It provides a rapid introduction to the world of vector and parallel processing for these linear algebra applications. Topics include major elements of advanced-architecture computers and their performance, recent algorithmic development, and software for direct solution of dense matrix problems, direct solution of sparse systems of equations, iterative solution of sparse systems of equations, and solution of large sparse eigenvalue problems. This book supercedes the SIAM publication Solving Linear Systems on Vector and Shared Memory Computers, which appeared in 1990. The new book includes a considerable amount of new material in addition to incorporating a substantial revision of existing text.
The Implementation Of Functional Programming Languages
Simon L. Peyton Jones - 1987
Book is now out of print, but it is now available online in its entirety.
Data Structures: Form and Function
Harry F. Smith - 1987
Each basic concept is introduced first through numerous examples and followed by advanced material allowing maximum flexibility in structuring the course. Through the use of data structures, the author has included coverage of the following related topics: recursion, pattern recognition, and dynamic programming. Extensive examples, over 300 exercises, 400 figures and tables, and 80 working algorithms contribute to student learning.
The Complexity of Boolean Functions
Ingo Wegener - 1987
Initially deals with the wee-known computation models, and goes on to special types of circuits, parallel computers, and branching programs. Includes basic theory as well recent research findings. Each chapter includes exercises.
Performance Optimization of Numerically Intensive Codes
S. Goedecker - 1987
The authors explain computer architectures, data traffic and issues related to performance of serial and parallel code optimization exemplified by actual programs written for algorithms of wide interest. The unique hands-on style is achieved by extensive case studies using realistic computational problems. The performance gain obtained by applying the techniques described in this book can be very significant. The book bridges the gap between the literature in system architecture, the one in numerical methods and the occasional descriptions of optimization topics in computer vendors' literature. It also allows readers to better judge the suitability of certain computer architecture to their computational requirements.
C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications
Joe Campbell - 1987
This new edition provides a new perspective on incorporating serial communications with C.