Best of
Hinds' Feet on High Places
Hannah Hurnard - 1955
In this moving tale, follow Much-Afraid on her spiritual journey as she overcomes many dangers and mounts at last to the High Places. There she gains a new name and is transformed by her union with the loving Shepherd. Included in this special edition (February 2009 release) is Hannah Hurnard’s own account of the circumstances that led her to write Hinds’ Feet, and a brief autobiography. Special edition also features a new cover design.
The Spear: A Novel of the Crucifixion
Louis de Wohl - 1955
For this is the full story of the world's most dramatic execution, as it affected one of its least-known participants-the man who hurled his spear into Christ on the Cross.Among his many successful historical novels, Louis de Wohl considered The Spear the magnum opus of his literary career.
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1955
From the persons of the Trinity through the Incarnation to the Church and the very structure of the human person, this book is a powerful synthesis of what prayer is and how to pray. The testament of a great theologian on something which is most personal and interior, contemplative prayer.
The Root of the Righteous
A.W. Tozer - 1955
But one comes before the other. In this collection of short essays, Tozer writes about the need for communion with God in the life of the believer. He critiques the focus on fruit and not on the Fount, offering thoughtful and practical insights for living the nourished life. For the Christian eager to bear fruit-the busy one bearing little, the young one wanting growth, or the long-timer feeling discouraged-The Root of the Righteous is indispensable. May Tozer bring you to the center, to the Vine, that you may bear fruit for your joy and God's good pleasure.
Edges of His Ways
Amy Carmichael - 1955
Read and be moved by these ─ mere edges of His ways ─ and contemplate along with Amy how much bigger and greater God is than anything we can see or imagine!Even when struggling with illness, Amy Carmichael frequently sent reflections and revelations from Scripture to missionaries and orphans within Dohnavur Fellowship to encourage them. Her collection of devotional thoughts will share pieces of who God is so you can better trust the completeness of His purposes for your life.
The Mark
Maurice Nicoll - 1955
Essays discuss our spiritual existence, the nature of truth, the meaning of life, human will, and individual growth.
The City of God: Books 11-22 (I/7) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century)
Augustine of Hippo - 1955
Augustine's most influential work. Following Augustine's critique of the Roman religious, political, and intellectual tradition in Books 1-10, Books 11-22 set out his great vision of the origins, the histories, and the ultimate destinies of the two cities: the earthly city, rooted in love of self as expressed in the pride and lust for domination that shatter human society, and the heavenly city, rooted in love of God as expressed in the humility and yearning for the supreme good that unite humanity in a just social order. For all those who are interested in the greatest classics of Christian antiquity, The City of God is indispensable.This long-awaited translation by William Babcock is published in two volumes, with an introduction and annotation that make Augustine's monumental work approachable. The INDEX for Books 1-22 (both volumes of The City of God) is contained in this volume.
From Fear to Faith: Studies in the Book of Habakkuk
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1955
The Gospel Of John
William Barclay - 1955
The Gospel of John, part of a series of daily study readings of the New Daily Study Bible, incorporates the kind of language that is more appropriate for 21st century readers.
I Want to See God/I Am a Daughter of the Church (Set)
P. Marie-Eugene - 1955
A synthesis of rich doctrinal teachings with the sureness born of a deep contemplative experience, thus offering a vital doctrine to men and women. Bringing to light the dynamics of baptismal grace, Father Marie-Eugene opens up the paths of contemplation and holiness to all, in the midst of ordinary life. Both books illustrate the untiring search for God through time and the need for reliable spiritual Masters.
The Inspiration Of Scripture: A Study of the Theology of the 17th-Century Lutheran Dogmaticians
Robert D. Preus - 1955
The Satisfaction of Christ
Arthur W. Pink - 1955
Its uniqueness was demonstrated in various ways. Centuries before it occurred it was foretold with an amazing fullness of detail, by those men whom God raised up in the midst of Israel to direct their thoughts and expectations to a fuller and more glorious revelation of Himself. The prophets of Jehovah described the promised Messiah, not only as a person of high dignity and as one who should perform wondrous and blessed miracles, but also as one who should be "despised and re- jected of men," and whose labors and sorrows should be terminated by a death of shame and violence. In addition, they affirmed that He should die not only under human sentence of execution, but that "it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; HE hath put Him to grief" (Isa. 53:10), yea, that Je- hovah should cry, "Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd, and against the man that is My Fellow, saith the Lord of hosts: smite the Shepherd" (Zech. 13:7).The supernatural phenomena which attended Christ’s death clearly distinguishes it from all other deaths. The obscuration of the sun at midday without any natural cause, the earthquake which clove asunder the rocks and laid open the graves, and the rending of the veil of the temple from top to bottom, proclaimed that He who was hanging on the Cross was no ordinary sufferer.So too that which followed the death of Christ is equally noteworthy. Three days after His body had been placed in Joseph’s tomb and the sepulcher securely sealed, He, by His own power (John 2:19; 10:18), burst asunder the bonds of death and rose in triumph from the grave, and is now alive forevermore, holding the keys of death and hades in His hands. Forty days later, after having appeared again and again, in tangible form before His friends, He ascended to heaven from the midst of His disciples. Ten days after, He poured out the Holy Spirit, by whom they were enabled to publish to men out of every nation in their respective languages, the wonders of His death and resurrection.
Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers (4 vol.): A Manual of Preaching, Spiritual Reading, and Meditation
M.F. Toal - 1955
It contains the Gospel reading for each Sunday and Feast Day, and parallel Gospel texts, along with several sermons for each Gospel from both early Eastern and Western Fathers of the church, including Ambrose, John Chrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria, Leo the Great, Ephraem, Augustine and more. Also, each sermon is followed by the Catena Aurea (Golden Chain) of St. Thomas Aquinas. There is no better way to enter the mind of the early Church Fathers and the spirit of Sacred Scripture than this series. Keyed to old liturgical calendar
Exploring the Old Testament
W.T. Purkiser - 1955
Includes recommended readings and exercises for further study or discussion. It is recommended for all interested students of God's Word. Kivar.