Best of
The Spear: A Novel of the Crucifixion
Louis de Wohl - 1955
For this is the full story of the world's most dramatic execution, as it affected one of its least-known participants-the man who hurled his spear into Christ on the Cross.Among his many successful historical novels, Louis de Wohl considered The Spear the magnum opus of his literary career.
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1955
From the persons of the Trinity through the Incarnation to the Church and the very structure of the human person, this book is a powerful synthesis of what prayer is and how to pray. The testament of a great theologian on something which is most personal and interior, contemplative prayer.
Around the Year with the Trapp Family: Keeping the Feasts and Seasons of the Christian Year
Maria Augusta von Trapp - 1955
Life in their home is a continuous response to the cycle and rhythm of the Church year. How this is done, how old-world customs continue to flourish in Stowe, Vermont, is related with charm, candor, and verve by the mother of the family.As so much of the Trapp family life is expressed in music, Monsignor Franz Wasner, musical director of the Trapp Family Singers, has contributed his arrangements, for voice, of some fifty songs for various seasons and occasions, secular as well as religious. Drawings help show how to carry out the many projects that mark the progress of the year: the construction of an Advent wreath, of a crib and Christmas decorations; the painting of Easter eggs; the decoration of a home altar. And scores of family recipes are shared.The key word to life with the Trapp family is "celebrating," and this extends even beyond religious feasts. Mrs. Trapp takes us into the intimate circle of her home and shows how the spirit of celebration, first roused and fostered by the Church, spreads to all events, major and minor.
The Way of the Cross
Caryll Houselander - 1955
Each of the 14 meditations concludes with an original prayer. This revised edition is enhanced by 14 of the author's own powerful line drawings.Paperback
Meditations Before Mass
Romano Guardini - 1955
Meditations before Mass is a wise, pastoral, and timeless classic on preparing for Mass-it is an example of twentieth-century theologian Romano Guardini at his very best. Meditations before Mass was written before Vatican II, but its relevance has endured over the past sixty years. Not a "how to" book for either the old or the new Roman Rite, it is instead a spiritual feast for the mind and heart, and a guide for modern people who wish to make sense of the Church's feasts and liturgies. Meditations before Mass has helped thousands of readers participate more fully in Christian liturgy and continues to do so today.
Way to Inner Peace
Fulton J. Sheen - 1955
These pages, written by "America's Priest", will provide an invaluable guide to all those who are seeking the way to inner peace.
Catholic Picture Bible: Popular Stories from the Old and New Testaments
Lawrence G. Lovasik - 1955
Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. is a wonderful and highly-acclaimed collection of Bible stories for children. Set in large easy-to-read type, children will learn about key stories from the Bible that are enhanced with beautiful artwork in this fine publication. The Catholic Picture Bible is a true classic and has been a favorite among Catholics for several decades. This title provides summaries and valuable context for 117 important stories from the Bible, 43 stories from the Old Testament and 74 stories from the New Testament. The language is simple and easily understandable. This book makes an excellent gift and is a great educational resource for children seeking to know more about the Word of God. Among the features of this book are:vibrant full-color illustrationsdurable sewn hardcover bindinga short caption accompanying each illustrationa foreword written by the author, Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D.Informative and engaging introductions for both the Old Testament and the New Testamentmaps of the Old Testament World and the New Testament WorldLand of the Bible concluding section that contains photographs, explanations, and Scriptural references for the following holy sites:The Star of BethlehemThe Golden GateAncient Synagogue at CapernaumThe Pool of SiloamThe Sacred StairwayThe Via DolorosaThe Mount of OlivesThe following Old Testament topics and figures are covered in this title:The Story of the CreationAdam and Eve in ParadiseCain and AbelNoah's ArkThe Promise to AbramAbraham's SacrificeJacob and EsauJoseph and His BrothersJoseph in Potiphar's HouseJoseph's GreatnessMoses, Prince and LeaderThe Burning BushThe Plagues of EgyptThe Cross of the Red SeaThe Manna in the DesertThe Ten CommandmentsMiracles in the DesertRahab and the Two SpiesThe Taking of JerichoJoshua Conquers CanaanThe Devotion of RuthThe Strength of SamsonThe Child SamuelKing SaulSaul Disobeys GodDavid and Saul David and GoliathDavid Loves SaulSaul's DeathThe City of DavidThe Death of AbsalomKing SolomonThe Temple of SolomonJob's PatienceThe Prophet ElijahThe Prophet ElishaThe Prophet JonahIsaiah and JeremiahTobiah and the AngelThe Bravery of JudithBelshazzar's BanquetDaniel in the Lions' DenThe Return to JerusalemThe following New Testament topics and figures are covered in this title:The AnnunciationThe VisitationThe Birth of JesusThe ShepherdsThe Presentation of Jesus in the TempleWise Men from the EastThe Flight into EgyptJesus Is Found in the TempleThe Hidden Life of JesusThe Baptism of JesusThe Temptation of JesusThe Marriage at CanaThe Sellers in the TempleNicodemus Comes to JesusThe Samaritan WomanThe Great Catch of FishThe Ten LepersThe Cripple at the PoolThe Sermon on the MountJesus Teaches CharityThe Centurion's ServantThe Call of Matthew The Rich Man and LazarusThe Penitent WomanThe Widow's SonThe Daughter of JairusMan with Withered HandJesus Calms the StormA Possessed ManThe Beheading of John the BaptistMiracle of Loaves and FishJesus Walks on the WaterJesus Preaches from a BoatPromise of the EucharistPeter, Head of the ChurchThe TransfigurationThe Temple DuesJesus and Little ChildrenAvoiding ScandalMission of the ApostlesThe Good SamaritanJesus with Martha & MaryThe AdulteressThe Prodigal SonLazarus Raised from the DeadThe Pharisee and PublicanThe Blind ManThe Rich Young Man The Good ShepherdMother of James and JohnZacchaeus the PublicanEntry into JerusalemWashing of the FeetInstitution of the EucharistThe High-Priestly PrayerThe Agony in the GardenJudas Betrays JesusJesus Before CaiaphasPeter Denies JesusJesus Before PilateJesus Is ScourgedBehold the ManOn the Road to CalvaryJesus Dies on the CrossThe BurialThe Resurrection of JesusThe Women at the TombJesus Appears to Mary MagdaleneJesus Appears to Two DisciplesJesus Appears to ApostlesUnbelieving ThomasPeter Receives the PrimacyThe AscensionDescent of the Holy Spirit
St. Raphael: Angel of Marriage, Healing, Happy Meetings, Joy and Travel
Angela Carol - 1955
It gives the Scriptural background on St. Raphael, plus famous prayers to use in invoking the aid of this great Archangel, who identifies himself as one of the seven who stand before the Lord. Imprimatur.
A Retreat for Lay People
Ronald Knox - 1955
Lewis called him "the wittiest man in Europe," and Ronald Knox was a deft apologist, an astute translator of the Bible, and the preacher for occasions great and small throughout the first half of the twentieth century in England. But he was first and last a priest, and it is in his sermons and retreat conferences that we meet Ronald Knox the spiritual guide. "A Retreat for Lay People" brings together a collection of his conferences preached over a period of fifteen years. His opening topic is "Discouragement in Retreat," and he concludes with a reflection on "Our Lady's Serenity." In between, Knox addresses the big questions - the fear of death, the problem of suffering, the world to come - but he also explores the little questions that loom large in our daily lives, like minor trials, liberty of spirit in prayer, and the use of God's creatures. Msgr. Knox shapes his collection around the classic "Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius." The first eight conferences address the foundations of our spiritual life; the next eight offer reflections on the life of Our Lord; the final eight take up practical questions of living our faith in daily life. These "pieces of eight" are punctuated by two meditations suitable for a Holy Hour. The Eucharist was at the heart of Knox's life and his profound love for Christ in the Blessed Sacrament shines through in these talks.As in all his writing, in these conferences Ronald Knox combines love for Scripture, commitment to the Catholic faith, and sympathy for the struggles and joys of Christian discipleship. "A Retreat for Lay People" is solid spiritual food, served up with refreshing simplicity and a dash of wit.
Saint Therese and the Roses
Helen Walker Homan - 1955
Therese of Lisieux, the "Little Flower." Growing up in Lisieux, France was occasionally painful but usually delightful for Therese and her four sisters. For practical Marie, studious Pauline, hot-tempered Leonie, mischievous Celine, and beautiful, lovable Therese, growing up meant growing closer to God. The Little Flower found her pathway to holiness right in her own back yard.With their disagreements, secrets, visits to the convent, school adventures, and romances, these five girls are an enjoyable handful for their kindly, widowed father. But Therese, because she loves her family, discovers that one of her sisters might unwittingly prevent her dearest wish from coming true.In this Vision book, Helen Walker Homan, who writes in the tradition of Louisa Mae Alcott, has created another classic of delightful family life among five sisters, one of whom became a saint.
Seeds of the Desert: The Legacy of Charles de Foucauld
René Voillaume - 1955