Best of
The Cross and Beatitudes: Lessons on Love and Forgiveness
Fulton J. Sheen - 2000
Sheen brings together Christ's Sermon on the Mount with his Seven Last Words. From the Mount of the Beatitudes to the Hill of Calvary, Our Lord's public ministry and statements centered on the themes of love and forgiveness, which are explored here with Archbishop Sheen's characteristic insight and passion.
Wisdom from the Lives and Letters of St Francis de Sales and Jane de Chantal
Louise Perrotta - 2000
Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal. As they did for so many others, these master spiritual directors can guide you gently and lovingly to Jesus, so that he can reign in your own heart. On a host of subjects—whether it be how to trust in God, accept your imperfections, deal with temptations, or serve others with love—these saints provide timeless, inspirational advice.
Prayer For Beginners
Peter Kreeft - 2000
He claims he himself is still a beginner in prayer, and this book is for all those, like him, who feel that they are not good at praying but desire to become much better at it. Thus, Kreeft offers simple, but profound advice and practical steps for developing a prayer life based on the time-tested wisdom of the saints and great spiritual writers, especially the principles found in Brother Lawrence's classic, The Practice of the Presence of God. In short, straight-forward and unsentimental chapters, Kreeft covers all the key areas for understanding and developing that intimate form of communication with our Creator that we call prayer. He covers such areas as the necessity of prayer, various motives and methods, steps, patience, suffering, sin, faith, and grace.
Death on a Friday Afternoon: Meditations on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross
Richard John Neuhaus - 2000
But Richard John Neuhaus's sustained exploration of these utterances is something altogether different. Through them he plumbs the depths of human experience and sets forth the central narrative of Western civilization-the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ-in a way that engages the attention of believers, unbelievers, and those who are not sure what they believe. Death on a Friday Afternoon is an invitation to the reader into a spiritual and intellectual exploration of the dark side of human experience with the promise of light and life on the far side of darkness.
NRSV, Catholic Women's Devotional Bible: Featuring Daily Meditations by Women and a Reading Plan Tied to the Lectionary
Anonymous - 2000
It includes a year s worth of meditations, drawn from classic and contemporary sources, all written by women. Designed especially to meet the needs of Catholics and those accustomed to liturgically-based forms of worship, it includes a six-year reading plan tied to the lectionary, making it easy to locate readings for daily and Sunday liturgies. Additionally, each weekend devotional is based on the life of a particular woman of the Bible, helping you see the relevance of her story today. Each book of the Bible is preceded by a brief introduction highlighting its historical context and its most important themes. Additional articles focus on topics like the sacraments, holy days, the liturgy, and spiritual direction, explaining the link between tradition and Scripture to help you gain a greater understanding of your faith. Meditations are drawn from a rich variety of authors, including: Joan Wester Anderson Sister Wendy Beckett Esther de Waal Catherine of Siena Dorothy Day Fran Ferder Briege McKenna Julian of Norwich Joyce of Rupp Mother Teresa Teresa of Lisieux Macrina Wiederkehr Scripture offers wisdom for important everyday issues like relationships, marriage, child-rearing, simplicity, prayer, and finding real peace. If you dip into it regularly, it will become a well of continual refreshment, nourishing your faith and strengthening your sense of God s loving presence in your life. Features Include: - 260 Daily Meditations. - 52 Weekend Devotions, Focusing on Women of the Bible. - 50 Tradition Articles Linking Scripture with Important Elements of Catholic Life and Faith. - Complete NRSV, Catholic Edition. - 6-Year Reading Guide Keyed to the Catholic Lectionary. - Indexes. - Imprimatur."
Five Loaves & Two Fish
François-Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận - 2000
A priest of extraordinary faith and courage, he still remained in contact with the faithful under his care by sending out secret messages of encouragement and advice on scraps of paper from his prison cell. His reflections are still published by Pauline Books & Media.In Five Loaves and Two Fish, a book drawn from his remarks to young people at the 1997 World Youth Day in Paris, Cardinal Van Thuan reflects on his life and his relationship with God and his Church. In the same way that Jesus fed thousands with only five loaves and two fish, Cardinal Van Thuan, with characteristic humility, offers his own life as an example of the great things God can work through his servants. "Like the boy in the Gospel passage, I will recall my experience in seven points: my five loaves and two fish," he offers. "These are nothing, but it is all I have. Jesus will do the rest."The Cardinal's story of suffering for God and his Church, told in his own words, is extraordinary enough. But it is the spiritual insights and reflections he shares in this book that make it a moving and essential read for any Catholic. Five Loaves and Two Fish is joyful and greatly encouraging, a powerful and contemporary testimony of faith. Like St. Paul, also imprisoned for his faith, Cardinal Van Thuan reminds us that a life devoted to God is the only one worth living, no matter the circumstances.
Good News About Sex & Marriage: Answers to Your Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching
Christopher West - 2000
He provides thoughtful responses that present Catholic Church teaching in a fresh, thoroughly appealing, and convincing manner. Foreword by Charles J. Chaput.
My Life on the Rock
Jeff Cavins - 2000
Jeff s story is one of rebellion and homecoming. He rebelled against his father and his faith - and then returned home after a series of providential events. Author: Jeff CavinsFormat: 241 pages, PaperbackPublisher: Ascension Press 2nd edition (March 2002) ISBN: 978-0965922838
My Catholic Faith
Louis LaRavoire Morrow - 2000
193 chapters in three sections: What to Believe, What to Do, and Means of Grace. Abundant Scriptural quotations (excellent for proving Catholic Doctrine to “Bible-Believing” Protestants). It’s also an excellent tool for dealing with liberal Catholics because two subjects of utmost importance are thoroughly treated: the true nature of the Catholic Church (today denied by false ecumenism) and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (today obscured by the New Mass). This catechism is known and loved by Catholics because of its timeless texts, charts, lists and graphs. Profusely and beautifully illustrated! The durable burgundy and gold-embossed hardcover makes it a family heirloom.
Why the Church?
Luigi Giussani - 2000
He then describes the Church's developing self-awareness of its dual elements of the human and divine. Concerned with verifying the Church's claim to embody Christ, Giussani situates the locus of verification in human experience, arguing that a different type of life is born in those who try to live the life of the Church. Why the Church? is a seminal study that will engage both the scholar and the general reader.
The Way of the Cross for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Susan Tassone - 2000
Assists us in reflecting on the reality of purgatory. Aides us in remembering, station by station, the Passion and death that Christ endured for those souls.
The Aquinas Catechism
Thomas Aquinas - 2000
Originally published as two books: "The Three Greatest Prayers," and "God's Greatest Gifts." Deeply insightful, straightforward, and clear explanations of the Apostles' Creed, the Commandments, and the Sacraments; this book gives you a basic course in the Faith, taught by the Church's greatest theologian.
Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit
Thomas Keating - 2000
The results of this creative, humble activity are now summarized in this remarkable book, Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit. As Father Keating says, the spiritual journey is a gradual process of enlarging our emotional, mental, and physical relationship with the divine reality that is present in us, but one not ordinarily accessible to our emotions or concepts. The spiritual journey teaches us, first, to believe in the Divine Indwelling within us, fully present and energizing every level of our being; second, to recognize that this energy is benign, healing, and transforming; and third, to enjoy its gradual unfolding step-by-step both in prayer and action.
The Seven Capital Sins
Fulton J. Sheen - 2000
When God is our ally, as He was on the Cross, we can be sure that the victory is ours.
How to Get More Out of Holy Communion
Peter Julian Eymard - 2000
On the contrary: your love of Communion should be growing stronger. You can strengthen it now with this wise book from a little-known saint, Peter Julian Eymard. St. Peter shows you how surprisingly easy it is to break out of the dullness that can settles into your soul, obscuring the glory of meeting your Lord in Communion. You'll learn from him how to approach Holy Communion not as a duty, but as a preparation for Heaven. His direction can help you, too, to draw on the spiritual resources God gives you in every Communion. You'll find valuable directions about what to do when you
Testimony of Hope: Spiritual Exercises of John Paul II
François-Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận - 2000
In this moving work, the Archbishop addresses our need for hope at he beginning of the Third Christian Millennium. As a prisoner in a communist concentration camp for 13 years, 9 of them in solitary confinement, Archbishop Nguyen van Thuan faced what he describes as the "agonizing pain of isolation and abandonment." Recounting the details of those long years, he reveals the secret which allowed him to cling to hope in the midst of despair.
The Thirty Three Doctors of the Church
Christopher Rengers - 2000
Here are 33 chapters about the greatest minds and greatest Saints the Catholic Church has ever produced. Written in a down-to-earth style, The 33 Doctors of the Church is a book that will be loved and appreciated by everyone. This monumental study could easily become 33 small books. But here it is in one compelling volume! Includes St. Athanasius, the defender of the doctrine of Christ's divinity, who was banished 5 times from his diocese for fidelity to Catholic teaching. In a moment of weakness, Pope Liberius even signed his condemnation! Impr. 725 pgs, PB
Aquinas Prayer Book: The Prayers and Hymns of St. Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Aquinas - 2000
Thomas's known prayers and hymns in their Latin originals, along with new English translations. The translations render the originals with precision and soul-fortifying eloquence.
The Liturgical Year
Prosper Guéranger - 2000
The series describes the liturgy of the Catholic Church throughout the liturgical year, including the Mass and the Divine Office. Also described is the historical development of the liturgy in both Western and Eastern traditions. Biographies of saints and their liturgies are given on their feast days.
The Glories of Divine Grace: A Fervent Exhortation To All To Preserve And To Grow In Sanctifying Grace
Matthias Joseph Scheeben - 2000
For; as the subtitle indicates; it is A Fervent Exhortation to All to Preserve and to Grow in Sanctifying Grace. We know that through Baptism we become children of God and heirs of Heaven; that we receive thereby Sanctifying Grace and thus have a share in the life of God Himself. But how many Catholics think little more about the nature of Sanctifying Grace and what it means? Not after this book! Impr. 447 pgs; PB
"The Original" Mothers Manual
A. Francis Coomes - 2000
A true companion, inspiration and comfort in her joys, hopes, sorrows, loves and anxieties.
Pure Love/Pillar of Fire Pillar of Truth
Jason Evert - 2000
Ant questions copntact Carole Zolezzi @ 888-291-8000 ext 320
Healing the Culture: A Commonsense Philosophy of Happiness, Freedom and the Life Issues
Robert J. Spitzer - 2000
The tremendous positive response he has received inspired him to start the Life Principles Institute. This book is one of the key resources used for this program.This work effectively draws out the connections between personal attitudes toward happiness and the meaning of life, and the larger cultural issues such as freedom and human rights. Relying on the wisdom of the ages and respecting the human persons' unique capacity for rational analysis, this work offers definitions of the key cultural terms affecting life issues, including Happiness, Success, Love, Suffering, Quality of Life, Ethics, Freedom, Personhood, Human Rights and the Common Good.
The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century: A Comprehensive World History
Robert Royal - 2000
In The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century, Robert Royal presents a wide-ranging history of these martyrs. The book traces the specific situation of each incident and studies the political system and the reason for confrontation. Regions and topics include the Calvary of Romania, the death of Edith Stein, Miguel Pro and the Mexican tragedy, Soviet Russia, and China.
True Devotion to the Holy Spirit
Luis M. Martínez - 2000
Martinez, the former Archbishop of Mexico City, maintains that as the Spirit is God's supreme gift, so your devotion to Him should be profound and encompassing. In beautiful, practical terms, Martinez illuminates the difference the Spirit can make when He's given His proper place in your soul. This handbook explains how you should respond to the Spirit, how the Spirit helps you grow in virtue, and the characteristics of true love of the Spirit.
Our Lives in His Hands: An Ordinary Couple's Path to Holiness
Olga Emily Marlin - 2000
For the Children: Words of Love and Inspiration from His Holiness Pope John II
Pope John Paul II - 2000
Dominus Iesus: On the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and the Church
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - 2000
It was approved in a Plenary meeting of the Congregation, and bears the signature of its then Prefect, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, and of its then Secretary, Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, now Cardinal Secretary of State. The declaration was approved by Pope John Paul II and was published on August 6, 2000. It is subtitled "On the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and the Church". It is most widely known for its recapitulation of the Catholic dogma that the Catholic Church is the sole true Church of Christ.(from Wikipedia)
The Catechism of the Crisis in the Church
Matthias Gaudron - 2000
In the 1960’s, at the time of the Second Vatican Council, there were hopes for a new springtime in the Church; exactly the opposite has come to pass. Thousands of priests have abandoned their office, and thousands of monks and religious have returned to secular life. Many parishes lack priests, and religious congregations are obliged to abandon schools, hospitals, and homes for the aged.
Mystery of the Kingdom: On the Gospel of Matthew
Edward Sri - 2000
Sri for a faithful exploration of Jesus' "kingdom-building" mission. Sri's accessible style and provocative study questions make this book ideal for individual or group study. About the Series: The Kingdom studies explore the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament and carried on by His Church. Solid, trustworthy content in language anyone can appreciate.
This Is the Day the Lord Has Made: 365 Daily Meditations
Wilfrid Stinissen - 2000
Wilfrid Stinissen won an international following with his books on prayer, sacred Scripture, and spiritual direction, wrote this collection of daily meditations to promote inner recollection and attention to the love of God.These meditations will draw readers closer to the heart of God and reveal the spiritual vision of one of today's most profound Christian writers and thinkers.
While the Eyes of the Great Are Elsewhere
William L. Biersach - 2000
" And in the words of his good friend, Charles Coulombe: "Our fate . . . begins with our reply to that question asked of His disciples by Jesus Christ and continually referred to by Mr. Biersach in this book: "Who do you say that I am?" Mr. Biersach not only shows us in many ways how we must answer that question, but why we must. Moreover, he does so joyfully. The message he brings us is good news; there is a way out of this world of sin and shadows, and our eternity can be unparalleled bliss. That being so, Mr. Biersach bids us, as would his patron St. Phillip Neri, to begin the quest for Paradise with hope, with happiness, and with humor. Never, in this writer's admittedly short experience (a mere four decades), has his message been so timely and so needed."
The Gospel of Mary: A Month with the Mother of God
Gabriele Amorth - 2000
A book of sound doctrine and easy reading, which will be a treasure to those who are looking to deepen their own spiritual life and love for her who is Mother of the Church and mother of us all.
The Miracle of the Illumination of All Consciences
Thomas Petrisko - 2000
Edmund Campion of England spoke of ?a great day that would reveal all men's consciences, ? a coming day of enlightenment has been foretold. Known as the ?Warning? or the ?Mini-Judgment?, it is purported to be a day in which God will supernaturally illuminate the conscience of every man, woman, and child on earth. Each person, then, would momentarily see the state of their soul through God's eyes and realize the truth of His existence, afterwhich, it is said the world will never be the same. This predicted event is now said to be imminent, as talk concerning the certainty of this miracle has intensified. This comprehensive and authoritative guide uses Scripture and testimony from the Saints and Visionaries to help explain the coming great miracle of God's Mercy.
The How to Book of Catholic Devotions: Everything You Need to Know But No One Ever Taught You
Mike Aquilina - 2000
In one volume, here are step-by-step guidelines for all the traditional Catholic devotions, from grace before meals to the Stations of the Cross.
To Live as Francis Lived: A Guide For Secular Franciscans
Leonard Foley - 2000
Through a process of prayer, reflection, study texts, questions and connections to Scripture, you will be formed in the Franciscan way of life as Francis lived it in his own time.
Pope John Paul II: A Tribute
LIFE - 2000
Born in southern Poland, Karol entered seminary under Nazi occupation, served as a cleric under Communist domination, and rose in the Church to the rank of Cardinal. In 1978, he emerged as John Paul II, the first non-Italian pope in more than four centuries. He has travelled more miles than all previous popes combined and has brought the worldwide population of Roman Catholics to a billion strong. This work is a tribute to his life and papacy.
Love Does Such Things: God's Christmas Gift To Man
M. Raymond - 2000
Raymond shares his reflections on the beautiful mysteries of Christmastide. God Himself calls out to us at Christmas, greeting us with the gift of His own Son, Jesus, the Saviour of men. Taking the word S-A-V-I-O-U-R, Fr. Raymond fashions a chapter for each letter, each representing an event of the Christmas season. He probes and proves God’s love for each and every one of us. In meditations on various mysteries from the Annunciation to the Hidden Life, he draws lessons for daily living that are timely and touching. A book bursting with the boundless joy God wills for those who love Him, Fr. Raymond demonstrates that we cannot “put Christ back into Christmas” unless we put the Mass back in ChristMASS, for it is by the Mass that Christ actually became our Saviour.
Love Does Such Things
is the perfect book for Christmas and for every day of the year.
Which Bible Should You Read? A Short Comparison and Commentary on Modern Bible Translations
Thomas A. Nelson - 2000
Not surprisingly, the traditional Catholic English version of the Sacred Scriptures, the Douay-Rheims Version, the faithful translation of St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate Bible - the official Latin version of the Roman Catholic Church - emerges from this analysis and comparison as the best, safest, most accurate Bible in English of the ten versions compared. Shows that the differences are not mere technical differences of style but that they deliberately change the meanings of the passages significantly as well.Compares NT passages from the DRB/DRV with passages from the Clementine Edition of St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate Bible and the Greek text that is commonly accepted as authoritative by the Neo-Catholic and Protestant revisionists, and from 6 Protestant versions and 3 "Modernist" New “Catholic” versions.The "Modernist" (Neo-Catholic) versions· The New American Bible (NAB)· The Jerusalem Bible (JB)· The New Revised Standard Version - Catholic Ed. (NRSVCE)The Protestant versions:· The King James Version (KJV or KJB)· The New King James Version (NKJV)· The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)· The New International Version (NIV)· The New American Standard Version (NASV)· New English Bible (NEB)“As the Lord has spoken: Behold the days come, saith the Lord, and I will send forth famine into the land: not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the word of the Lord (Amos 8.11, DRV). Since the Revolt of Martin Luther, that Augustinian priest who fell under the sway of the Synagogue of Satan (Apocalypse 2.9; 3.9), many Christians have been deceived and tricked that they should take the Sacred Writ into their hands themselves – thereby were led to despise the authority of God through His ministers: the priests (Is. 61.6; Joel 1.13; 2.17; cf. 1 Sam 8.7) of the Levitical race (Deut. 17.9-12; 21.5; 24.8; cf. Ex 29.9; 40.13). Incurring the wrath of God, the dismembered sheep, following false pastors, were left foraging on poisoned grounds; it is written: For the lips of the priests shall keep knowledge, and they [God’s people] shall seek the law at his mouth: because he is the angel of the Lord of hosts (Malachi 2.7)” – Friar Marie-Elias, C.D. of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel
The Acts of the Apostles: Good News for All People
William Angor Anderson - 2000
Anderson describes how the Book of Acts recounts the origins of the Church and its growth from the persecution of the followers of Jesus through the spread of the faith as his followers fled and brought their faith with them to areas outside of Judaism. The ministry of Peter and other early missionaries begins the study with a major portion of the book following the missionary journeys of Paul, beginning with his conversion to faith in Christ and his ministry among the Gentiles. Throughout, Anderson explains the dominant role the Holy Spirit plays in the spread of Christianity. He addresses the rapid and dramatic changes in the years following the Ascension of Jesus and the political and religious challenges his disciples endured. Through this study of Acts, we will see that the mission of the Twelve has become the mission of many, as we are called to gift the world with the message of Jesus through our lives today.
A Child in Winter: Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany with Caryll Houselander
Thomas Hoffman - 2000
If you are familiar with Houselander's poetic grace, you will recognize her spirit of awe and abandonment to God. If you are new to her legacy, you will be drawn to her heart and eye for God's goodness and beauty that is artfully captured here.A Child in Winter is a faithful companion as you watch in Advent and grow large with the presence of God through Christmas and Epiphany.You will enter these holy seasons with an increased faith, renewed joy, and the promise of transformation and fulfillment.
When Jesus Sleeps: Finding Spiritual Peace Amid the Storms of Life
Luis M. Martínez - 2000
Author Martinez quotes that beautiful line from the Song of Songs--"I sleep, but my heart is awake"--and shows how with Jesus this is indeed the case: His love for you never sleeps, no matter what.