Best of
Ker - 2017
Number one, their coffee sucks. Number two, their customers never order off the menu. And number three, Yohan, the cafe manager, is deaf. So when Soohwa joins as a part-timer, though he is not expected to learn how to make good coffee, he is asked to expand his sign language vocabulary beyond the words, “higher,” “pay,” and “please.” But when Yohan offers to give him private lessons, Soohwa is reluctant. Not because he doesn’t want to study, but because he has a “hard” time around Yohan. Like, literally. He gets hard. Whenever he hears Yohan’s deep, sexy voice.
Life 線上の僕ら [Life Senjou no Bokura]
Miya Tokokura - 2017
Falling in-love, Ito gets frustrated over the fact that they only get to rendezvous on the white line and suddenly kisses Nishi. From high school, college and then to adulthood, a deeply moving work depicting the lives of two men who are madly in love with unchanging feelings within changing realities.
Breaking Through the Clouds 破云
淮上 - 2017
Three years now, Jiang Ting, who was supposed to have already been killed in the line of duty with not even a body left to bury—miraculously woke up from a coma.His heroic soul had never been at peace. He returned from Hell back to the living, to give everything he had to bring the bloody and bizarre truth back to light.城市天空,诡云奔涌三年前恭州市的缉毒行动中,因总指挥江停判断失误,现场发生连环爆炸,禁毒支队伤亡惨重。三年后,本应早已因过殉职并尸骨无存的江停,竟奇迹般从植物人状态下醒来了。英魂不得安息,他必须从地狱重返人间,倾其所有来还原血腥离奇的真相。
My Last Love Scenario
Today - 2017
Juhyun and Jigoo spent most of their high school years studying and keeping their relationship a secret from everyone in their lives. But now, they've moved out which means no curfew, no rules, and no roommates. But they're about to learn that taking their relationship to the next level means taking on some new challenges, too.Lezhin english: Lezhin korean:
I'm beautiful
Cha Do Ji - 2017
He remains as his friend as usual, and gradually tries to settle his feelings. But then one day, Soojin’s older brother comes looking for him?!Original:
DragoStarPlayer ROMEO Vol.1
Asia Watanabe - 2017
Jade is the beautiful and macho one being driven crazy by those hormones as they are as strong as the hormones produced by a male cat in heat. Jade helps Kouyou relieve his sexual tension, but only to avoid the trouble that comes with the other males around him being driven insane. He does it as a medical service and only engages in foreplay. A new powerful and erotic BL fantasy from Asia Watanabe is here! Vol.1 (Doujinshi Vol.1 and Vol.2 included ) 66 pages.
不機嫌彼氏のさらい方 [Fukigen Kareshi no Saraikata]
Aya Sakyo - 2017
Jin has uncovered all of himself for his lover, but a distance still remains between them...?Related series :Fukigen Kareshi no Nadamekata (Prequel)
The Cynical Wolf's Seduction
Azutaka - 2017
His tendency to grow wolf ears and a tail when he gets excited is a problem when having sex with normal humans. But, Narihira has so far controlled himself well. He likes feeling good, but doesn't want drama, so he favors one-night stands. On one of those nights, he meets a man called Fujitake. Narihira's ease was short-lived... In bed with Fujitake at point-blank range, Narihira is hit by his intoxicating scent. His entire body becomes sensitive, as if he's taken an aphrodisiac...! The wolf's cool demeanor crumbles before the man's scent that makes him lose control...! This is the third segment in the series, following "A Feast for the Wolf in Heat" and "The Pure Wolf's First Love"!
I Just Want to Be in a Relationship
Lian Shuo - 2017
Until his death, he never had a relationship.Yu Qing Huan didn’t want to be a money making machine in his current life. He wanted to travel to the best place, see the best scenery, eat the best food and then find the best man to live a happy life together.Hou Qu is a genius savant who can easily learn chemical formulas just by glancing at them. One day, he gets lost in the busy streets and Yu Qing Huan helps him.Little does Yu Qing Huan know that his wish to stay out of the limelight may not ever be granted as he had unknowingly been locked on by a hungry wolf hidden in the shadows because of his single act of kindness…
Whispers in the Silence
angryspaceravenclaw - 2017
But some nights it's impossible to forget, impossible not to feel the claws of a once-past, shredding you open from the inside.
その世のどこか、地図にない国 [ Sono Yo no Dokoka, Chizu ni Nai Kuni]
Nikke Taino - 2017
In this mysterious land, Shin meets the noble child king, Master Mustia, and his retainer, the beautiful, graceful, and cool None.Shin sees None repeatedly kiss Master Mustia as a form of "medical treatment" to save him from a fatal lung disease known only to Oraie. But, what will Shin do when faced with the overwhelming force of None's repressed passion? Will there ever come a day when master and servant can share a romantic kiss to express their maddening love for each other? Drawn with the full might of Nikke Taino, this is the story of a beautiful predestined romance in a tiny imaginary country.
Sweet Boy
Seru - 2017
He's not afraid to try new things and experiment. This happy-go-lucky lifestyle sometimes gets him into trouble, but who cares? You're only young once.Until one day, one unlucky mistake has led him to the emergency room. Embarrassed with his current "situation", he stumbles upon a young and sexy doctor, Axel, to help him out. What is this "situation"? And is this the start of Keiji's spring time? Warnings: Dubious Consent, Blackmail
Fujoshi Trapped in a Seme's Perfect Body: Wedding Night
Seru - 2017
Huh?!1 Chapter.Black and White pages.
Today - 2017
Well, he's not exactly enthused. In fact, the only things on his mind are girls. The girls at his school, to be specific. Jigoo, on the other hand, wakes up early and gets ready and stops by Juhyun's home on the way to school. And, as it turns out, Jigoo might not be as interested in girls as Juhyun is. Juhyun is about to find out that some secrets are hard to keep quiet. And sometimes, everyone needs a little help.En inglés Lezhin
甘い束縛 [Amai Sokubaku]
秋山花緒 - 2017
Even though Hajime is better than him at everything, he's the one that's going to inherit the family's company. There's also the younger brother, Kei, who disappeared for five years and became a celebrity.Masayuki's feelings were already in a turmoil when, to make things harder, Kei suddenlly reappears in a family gathering and brings back conflicts from five years ago.アンタは、俺だけを見ていればいいんだ――高梨建設の後取りとして育てられた真幸は、幼いころからずっと優秀な義兄・肇に憧れと劣等感を抱いていた。だがある日、そんな真幸に気づいた義弟・蛍に「兄貴に抱かれてると思えばいい」と無理やり身体を開かれてしまう。蛍がなぜそんなことをしてくるのか分からない真幸だがどこか縋るように自分を求めてくる熱情を振り払えず…。不器用な愛情表現しかできない強引な年下攻の魅力がぎゅっと詰まった義兄弟ラブです▼ 好きだから素直になれなくて、無理やりに抱くことでしか愛情を表現できない、すれ違う二人のドラマチックストーリーの結末をぜひ見届けてくださいね♪
キスもできなかった [Kiss mo Dekinakatta]
Juugorou Isaka - 2017
Sagara never had a problem finding a partner, but for the first time had his heart broken. As it was hard for him to stay at the dorms, he ventures to his childhood friend, Hibiki’s Dorm instead. But as Sagara realized Hibiki looked like the vice dorm leader when he wears his glasses, he asked him to “comfort me” as a joke. To his surprise, Hibiki agrees. Drunk in Hibiki’s erotic expressions, they have sex. After, Hibiki actually confesses to him, saying he's always loved him…!?Arrogant hottie x Courageous man, a love that stemmed from being a replacement. The third story of the Mikazuchi dorms.Related series :Doukyonin no Tenohira de (Adapted From)Tsuzuki wa Asa Made (Adapted From)
もっと結んで、ひらいてはやく [Motto Musunde, Hiraite Hayaku]
Narita Haruno - 2017
His younger co-worker, Tomoki, is in love with him despite his quirks. He keeps asking Rihito to give him a chance, but the man just laughs and says he isn't into men. One night, Rihito's curiosity gets the better of him while they're drinking at his place, and he takes advantage of Tomoki's feelings to get the younger man to tie him up... The exploration and romance between a businessman and his easily manipulated co-worker just escalates from there!
Cry for me
Yan Jiu - 2017
When childhood friends Ye Zi, who experienced domestic violence, and Gao Hang, who lost his parents as a child, meet again, Ye Zi, who desperately wish to return to those childhood days, was only met with scorn from Gao Hang.
Zhenniao Vol. 1
Yayohi Monzen - 2017
Thanks to the bird's appetite for toxic foods, poison amassed inside the bird's body changes its color, creating beautiful, vibrant wings. The strength of the poison is the pride of the Zhen. However, unaware of the danger, people became attracted to the beauty of these wings and owning the exquisite birds became a status symbol. Cai Hong, who is reputed to be the most beautiful Zhen, and General Fei, whose elder brother was killed by Cai Hong's poison, find themselves intermingled in a love-hate, animalistic Yaoi fantasy!
スメルフェティッシュ [Smell Fetish]
Pii (ぴい) - 2017
But one day, Shirogane became aware of his feelings….Seme x seme High School Boys – Smell Fetish clinger & Love Combat!