Best of
Illumination in the Flatwoods: A Season with the Wild Turkey
Joe Hutto - 1995
The acclaimed account of an astonishing human-turkey relationship.
Bird Brains: The Intelligence of Crows, Ravens, Magpies, and Jays
Candace Savage - 1995
But according to naturalist Candace Savage, “bird brain,” as a pejorative expression, should be rendered obsolete by new research on the family of corvids: crows and their close relations.The ancients who regarded these remarkable birds as oracles, bringers of wisdom, or agents of vengeance were on the right track, for corvids appear to have powers of abstraction, memory, and creativity that put them on a par with many mammals, even higher primates. Bird Brains presents these bright, brassy, and surprisingly colorful birds in a remarkable collection of full-color, close-up photographs by some two dozen of the world’s best wildlife photographers.Savage’s lively, authoritative text describes the life and behavior of sixteen representative corvid species that inhabit North America and Europe. Drawing on recent research, she describes birds that recognize each other as individuals, call one another by “name,” remember and relocate thousands of hidden food caches, engage in true teamwork and purposeful play, and generally exhibit an extraordinary degree of sophistication.
A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America
Steve N.G. Howell - 1995
But he also arrived without an adequate fieldguide. Indeed, to his surprise, he found that relatively little was known (and even less written) about the myriad of bird species that inhabit the region stretching from the U.S.-Mexican border to Nicaragua. And so, after eleven years of research in northern Central America, and with theessential collaboration of Sophie Webb--a biologist and one of the most talented ornithological illustrators working today--we now have the definitive guide to birds of this fascinating region. drop rest as varied as the Laysan Albatross, the Blue-footed Booby, the Collared Trogon, even the rareGuadalupe Storm-Petrel. A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America is astonishingly comprehensive, covering the identification, status, and distribution of all 1,070 birds species known from Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, and western Nicaragua. No other book approaches the thoroughnessof this unique field guide. Beautifully illustrated with seventy-one color plates and thirty-nine black and white drawings, the guide shows 750 species and includes many plumages never before depicted. Of special interest are illustrations of some of the most notoriously difficult groups toportray, such as raptors in flight, owls, and nightjars. In addition, superb, easy-to-read maps help the traveling birder locate particular--even rare--species, and the entries describing individual birds detail their appearance, voice, habitat, behavior (including nesting and eggs), anddistribution. With the U.S. birder in mind, the guide also includes birds that can be seen north of the border, showing these American migrants on plates when they could be confused with similar Mexican species, thus enabling the birder to make quick and ready comparisons in the field. And, withreadable and fascinating presentations of the natural history of Central American birds, this guide will be welcomed not only by seasoned birders, but by any traveler exploring the rain forests, coastlines, and deserts of Mexico and the Central American isthmus. Sponsored by the distinguished Point Reyes Observatory in California, A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America is a wonderful addition to the library of birders, nature enthusiasts, and travelers alike. With its lavish illustrations, clear writing, and unprecedented range, itoffers hours of compelling reading and pleasant browsing for anyone intrigued by the colorful diversity of birds and the wild, largely unspoiled world next door.
The Prairie Keepers: Secrets of the Grasslands
Marcy Cottrell Houle - 1995
What she discovered was the densest concentration of these hawks anywhere in the lower forty-eight states. Why? Houle's findings, eloquently reported, show that ranchers and grazing and wildlife not only can coexist, but in some instances must coexist if we are to save the last of the native prairies for us all.
A Photographic Guide to North American Raptors
Brian K. Wheeler - 1995
Variable plumage, color morphs, and unique individual characteristics are just some of the factors bird watchers must consider when identifying the different species. In this authoritative reference, two of the world's top experts on raptors provide an essential guide to the variations in the species, allowing for easier recognition of key identification points. All the distinguishing marks described have been exhaustively tested in a wide range of field conditions by the authors as well as the colleagues and students who have learned from them. Key Features? The only complete photographic guide to North American diurnal birds of prey Includes all species, common and rare Written by well-known experts Contains 365 photographs, each with an explanatory caption and supporting text describing all 43 species of diurnal raptors found in North America Features 14 discussions of specific problems in practical identification Complete set showing every plumage Raptor I.D. problem section showing similar species side by side Species List: Turkey Vulture. Black Vulture. California Condor. Osprey. Hook-billed Kite. Swallow-tailed Kite. White-tailed Kite. Snail Kite. Mississippi Kite. Bald Eagle. Northern Harrier. Sharp-shinned Hawk. Cooper's Hawk. Northern Goshawk. Common Black Hawk. Harris' Hawk. Gray Hawk. Red-shouldered Hawk. Broad-winged Hawk. Short-tailed Hawk. Swainson's Hawk. White-tailed Hawk. Zone-tailed Hawk. Red-tailed Hawk. Ferruginous Hawk. Rough-legged Hawk. Golden Eagle. Crested Caracara. American Kestrel. Merlin. Aplomado Falcon. Gyrfalcon. Peregrine. Prairie Falcon. Crane Hawk. Roadside Hawk. Hawaiian Hawk. Red-backed Hawk. Steller's Sea Eagle. White-tailed Eagle. Collared Forest Falcon. Northern Hobby. Common Kestrel.
The Wind Masters: The Lives of North American Birds of Prey
Pete Dunne - 1995
Birds of prey have an aura that few other creatures have. In the acclaimed Hawks in Flight, Pete Dunne showed what birds of prey look like. In The Wind Masters, he shows what it is like to be a bird of prey. He takes us inside the lives and minds of all thirty-four species of diurnal raptors found in North America -- hawks, falcons, eagles, vultures, the osprey, and the harrier -- and shows us how each bird sees the world, hunts its prey, finds and courts its mate, rears its young, grows up, grows old, and dies. Vividly written, and beautifully illustrated by David Sibley, The Wind Masters is a brilliant work of narrative natural history in the tradition of Peter Matthiessen's The Wind Birds and Barry Lopez's Of Wolves and Men.
Understanding the Bird of Prey
Nic Fox - 1995
The text is masterfully written in language that is easy to follow by Nick Fox, a leading professional raptor biologist, breeder and falconer. The text covers the biology of birds of prey, their capture management, breeding, training and rehabilitation. All sections have been critically reviewed by top international specialists for scientific accuracy. Over 290 technical drawings and 150 color photos aid the reader in the pursuit of understanding birds of prey.
Barbara Taylor - 1995
Fully illustrated with color photos, drawings, and valuable reference sections with charts, graphs or maps.
The Book of North American Owls
Helen Roney Sattler - 1995
Features the twenty-one species of owls and all their vital statistics. Includes a detailed, illustrated glossary with maps showing residence and breeding ranges.
The Best Beak in Boonaroo Bay
Narelle Oliver - 1995
A wise old pelican teaches a valuable lesson about individual differences in this charming Australian tale.
Rob Hume - 1995
Up to 20 illustrations are provided of each species; males, females, juveniles; season by season; at rest and in flight.
The Farallon Islands: Sentinels of the Golden Gate
Peter White - 1995
Bird Song: Biological Themes and Variations
Clive Catchpole - 1995
Extensively updated from the first edition, the main thrust of this book is to suggest that the two main functions of song are attracting a mate and defending territory. It shows how this evolutionary pressure has led to the amazing variety and complexity we see in the songs of different species throughout the world. Writing primarily for students and researchers in animal behavior, the authors review over 1000 scientific papers and reveal how scientists are beginning to unravel and understand how and why birds communicate with the elaborate vocalizations we call song. Highly illustrated throughout and written in straightforward language, Bird Song also holds appeal for amateur ornithologists with some knowledge of biology.
My Little Book Of Wood Ducks
Hope Irvin Marston - 1995
From mother duck's wait for her eggs to hatch to the fuzzy babies' first adventures tumbling out of the nest and into the pond, this beautifully illustrated book is ideal for introducing young children to the wonders of nature.
Great Gallery of Ducks and Other Waterfowl
Richard Lemaster - 1995
This volume graces the tables and libraries of countless North American birders, hunters, and biologists. It is an edition for the ages, and for you.
John James Audubon, birds of America
Helgard Reichholf-Riehm - 1995
Audubon's sumptuous folio of illustrations consisted of four volumes of hand-colored copper engravings, the finest of which have been chosen for this collection. Ranging from seabirds to songbirds, scavengers to woodland sprites, and birds of prey to superb aerialists, these illustrations are unparalleled in art history. The informative text provides a capsulized biography of Audubon and traces his epic project, explaining how he managed to portray the birds in positions that fit the original book's large "elephant folio" format, and commenting on how the artist's spirit has helped to shape the field of nature and bird conservation around the world. 7 1/4" x 9". Color plates.
Birds of Eastern Africa (Collins)
Ber van Perlo - 1995
This richness has attracted bird watchers from the four corners of the world and has made Kenya and Tanzania the most popular wildlife tourist spots in the world.
Feral Pigeons
Marian Janiga - 1995
However, they are seldom studied, even though the domesticated pigeon has long been one of the major bird models for laboratory research. This definitive monograph focuses on the population, biology, and behavioral ecology of feral pigeons, including a thorough listing of primary references of U.S. and European scholarly literature. Professional and amateur ornithologists, pigeon breeders, and students will find this an invaluable and fascinating study of a species that has evolved from familiar breeds of domesticated birds.
Pirate Of The Plains: Adventure With Prairie Falcons In The High Desert
Bruce Haak - 1995
Haak's rich prose probes intimately into both the life of the birds ass well as the unfolding of his own philosophy and experience of life. Beautifully illustrated with 76 full color photos, Pirates of the Plains is a splendid addition to the aviary studies.