Best of
Dynamics of Aspect Analysis: New Perceptions in Astrology
Bil Tierney - 1983
The Outer Planets & Their Cycles: The Astrology of the Collective
Liz Greene - 1983
Through this medium of edited transcripts, some of the most vital and incisive of today's astrological thought-which heretofore has been communicated only to small groups and then passes into oblivion-can be given a permanent form and wider availability. This volume comprises lectures given by Liz Greene at a weekend program in England and is the most complete treatment of the "astrology of the collective" ever done. It explains significant historical and generational trends that correspond to vast planetary cycles, and it also discusses the individual's attunement to the outer planets and the collective psychlogical forces they represent. Among the subjects discussed are: -Generational aspects such as Saturn conjunct Pluto, Saturn conjunct Neptune, Uranus conjunct Pluto, Saturn-Uranus aspects, etc. -The aspects between the outer planets and the personal planets, and the corresponding ability to tap into collective energies. -Transits of the outer plants to individuals' natal planets. -Example charts of people who were especially attuned to collective energies: Marx, Hitler, Lenin, Jung and Freud. -The birth-charts of America and Russia. At a time when "mass psychology" is virtually no better understood than on hundred years ago, in spite of innumrable historical, sociological, and psychological studis of the subject, this book provides convincing evidence that astrology may indeed be the most accurate and useful framework for studying, predicting, and understanding the hidden forces which motivate human beings.
The Astrological Secrets of the Hebrew Sages: To Rule Both Day and Night
Joel C. Dobin - 1983
Nature of Substance: Spirit and Matter
Rudolf Hauschka - 1983
Hauschka shows that open-minded study, based on qualitative observation and quantitative research, can overcome this now standardized view. Without denying the laws of matter, he shows the limitations of a science restricted by them, and points to new research that indicates the primal nature of spirit. This classic work, reprinted in its original form, is the result of Dr Hauschka's many years' research at the Ita Wegman Clinic in Arlesheim, Switzerland. Through decades of experimentation he came to radical conclusions that suggested potential new directions for science. This book includes the detailed results of Hauschka's experiments--although his approach is not restricted to measurement and outer observation. Based on the work of Goethe and Steiner, he encourages a method of seeing nature that has an artistic quality, and calls for direct experience rather than intellectual theorizing. The Nature of Substance is generally accessible. The author deliberately avoids technical terms and academic style in favor of vivid descriptions and lively discussions. His fascinating study takes in many substances, with chapters on plants, animals, oils, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, metals, carbon, oxygen, poisons, high dilutions, and much more. This book is a companion volume to the author's other work, Nutrition.
Psychological Types & the Seven Rays
K. Abraham - 1983
He takes an in-depth look at each of these types via the historical personages of Jane Addams, Vincent Van Gogh, Charles Darwin, Thomas Henry Huxley, Mahatma Gandhi, and Henry David Thoreau.
The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Volume 3: Horoscope Analysis
Marion D. March - 1983
"The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Volume III" takes you through the 144 possible placements of house rulers -- information you won't find in contemporary astrological literature and covers special areas of delineation such as vocation, personal appearance, marriage and more.