Best of
Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan
Rem Koolhaas - 1978
Back in print in a newly designed edition, this influential cultural, architectural, and social history of New York is even more popular, selling out its first printing on publication. Rem Koolhaas's celebration and analysis of New York depicts the city as a metaphor for the incredible variety of human behavior. At the end of the nineteenth century, population, information, and technology explosions made Manhattan a laboratory for the invention and testing of a metropolitan lifestyle -- "the culture of congestion" -- and its architecture. "Manhattan," he writes, "is the 20th century's Rosetta Stone . . . occupied by architectural mutations (Central Park, the Skyscraper), utopian fragments (Rockefeller Center, the U.N. Building), and irrational phenomena (Radio City Music Hall)." Koolhaas interprets and reinterprets the dynamic relationship between architecture and culture in a number of telling episodes of New York's history, including the imposition of the Manhattan grid, the creation of Coney Island, and the development of the skyscraper. Delirious New York is also packed with intriguing and fun facts and illustrated with witty watercolors and quirky archival drawings, photographs, postcards, and maps. The spirit of this visionary investigation of Manhattan equals the energy of the city itself.
Alfred Stieglitz: Camera Work - The Complete Photographs 1903-1917
Pam Roberts - 1978
Around the turn of the 20th century, he founded the Photo-Secession, a progressive movement concerned with advancing the creative possibilities of photography, and by 1903 began publishing Camera Work, an avant-garde magazine devoted to voicing the ideas, both in images and words, of the Photo-Secession. Camera Work was the first photo journal whose focus was visual, rather than technical, and its illustrations were of the highest quality hand-pulled photogravure printed on Japanese tissue. This book brings together all photographs from the journal’s 50 issues.
The Doré Gallery: His 120 Greatest Illustrations
Gustave Doré - 1978
Brimming with stunning images created to accompany the world's greatest literature, this volume compiles the very finest and most famous plates from Doré's work.Scores of magnificent, finely wrought engravings feature such dramatic and powerful scenes as Don Quixote tilting at windmills, Christ driving the money-changers from the temple, Moses destroying the tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments, and Charon rowing his ferry to the gates of Hell. Sources include immortal stories ranging from Milton's Paradise Lost and Dante's Divine Comedy to Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Poe's "The Raven," and more than a dozen other books.For graphic artists and designers, this collection will provide an outstanding assortment of royalty-free images. For lovers of art and literature, these inspired plates will provide the definitive imagery of a host of literary classics.
The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting: A Facsimile of the 1887-1888 Shanghai Edition
Gai Wang - 1978
Mai-mai Sze has translated and annotated the texts of instructions, discussions of the fundamentals of painting, notes on the preparation of colors, and chief editorial prefaces.
Frank Frazetta, Book 3
Frank Frazetta - 1978
Introduction • (1978) • essay by Betty BallantineDracula Meets the Wolfman • (1966) • interior artSwords of Mars • (1975) • interior art (variant of Cover: Swords of Mars/Synthetic Men of Mars)Girl Bathing • (1969) • interior art Bloodstone • (1975) • interior art (variant of Cover: Bloodstone)Aros • (1968) • interior art (variant of Cover: The Serpent)Bran Mak Morn • (1969) • interior art (variant of Cover: Bran Mak Morn)Nightstalker • (1970) • interior art Tarzan sketches • interior art Serpent • (1973) • interior art (variant of Cover: Ardor on Aros)Caveman sketches • interior artSketches • interior artCaveman & cavewoman sketches • interior artBlack Panther • (1973) • interior art (variant of Cover: The Land of Hidden Men)Autumn People • (1965) • interior art (variant of Cover: The Autumn People)Tanar of Pellucidar • (1973) • interior art (variant of Cover: Tanar of Pellucidar)Fire Demon • (1977) • interior art (variant of Cover: Swords Against Darkness)Rogue Roman • (1965) • interior art (variant of Rogue Roman cover)From the portfolio for Kubla Khan • interior art (variant of Kubla Khan Portfolio Plate 2 1977)Lioness Watching Cabin • (1977) • interior artGirl & Black Horse • interior art (variant of Cover: Women of the Ages Portfolio 1977)"I ran my sword through his heart from behind..." • (1975) • interior artThe Night They Raided Minsky's movie poster art • (1968) • interior artTarzan & the Ant Men • interior art (variant of Tarzan & the Ant Men proposal for cover art 1998)Girl with Sword • interior artIndian with the Long Rifle • interior art Nude with Dagger Raised • interior art Nude Holding Sword • interior artBear Watching Caveman Threaten Cub • (1969) • interior artGirl Observed by Undressed Man with Hat • (1969) • interior artIndian with Bow • interior art (variant of The Archer 1994)Nude in Pond • interior art (variant of Silent Breeze 1994)Animal sketches • interior artMonster Entering Space Vehicle • (1954) • interior art (variant of Famous Funnies #213 cover art)Attack • (1954) • interior art (variant of Famous Funnies #214 cover art)The Fastest Guitar in the World • (1968) • interior art by Frazetta & Jack Davis (variant of The Fastest Guitar Alive record cover) Roman Chariot • (1972) • interior artTarzan & the Jewels of Opar • (1963) • interior art (variant of Cover: Tarzan & the Jewels of Opar)Land of Terror • (1964) • interior art (variant of Cover: Land of Terror)Lost Continent • (1963) • interior art (variant of Cover: The Lost Continent)Female nude sketches • interior art Torture Garden • (1965) • interior art (variant of Cover: The Torture Garden)Kane on the Golden Sea • (1978) • interior art (variant of Cover: Darkness Weaves)Warrior with Ball & Chain • (1973) • interior art (variant of Cover: Flashing Swords! #1)Flashman on the Charge • interior art (variant of Flashman at the Charge, revised 1984)From the portfolio for Lord of the Rings • interior art (variant of Lord of the Rings Portfolio Plate 4 1975)Orcs—from the portfolio for Lord of the Rings • interior art (variant of Lord of the Rings Portfolio Plate 6 1975)Nightwinds (detail) • interior art
Art Needs No Justification
Hans R. Rookmaaker - 1978
One of the 20th century's most incisive art historians and cultural critics issues a prophetic call to artists-craftsmen, musicians, visual artists, and others in all walks of life to "weep, pray, think, and work."
The Fantastic Art Of Boris Vallejo
Boris Vallejo - 1978
Drawings of Mucha
Alphonse Mucha - 1978
Mucha is most famous for his Sarah Bernhardt posters and his magnificent decorative panels such as "The Seasons," works that continue to grow in popularity, despite the indifferent quality of most modern reproductions. To graphic artists and commercial designers, Mucha is praised for the innovative stylebooks that pioneered the use of Art Nouveau in commercial packaging, design, and ornament. But the primary element in all of Mucha's artistic endeavors — his evocative, highly original draftsmanship — has never been adequately surveyed.This collection of 70 high-quality illustrations — six in black-and-white and nine in full color — offers the first and only comprehensive survey of Mucha's drawings, and as such, provides a unique insight into the aesthetic qualities that were fundamental to all of the artist's work. Reproduced directly from his original drawings, these works span Mucha's entire career and include sketches for his famous book and magazine illustrations, preliminary sketches for paintings, advertising and packaging art, studies for stylebooks, etc. Famous examples include "The Seasons," full-color drawings for the complete set, plus a preliminary charcoal sketch for "Autumn"; St. Louis World's Fair poster, full-color lithograph and preliminary pencil sketch; Sarah Bernhardt, four works in India ink, pencil, etc.; and "Documents décoratifs" and "Figures décoratives," studies from Mucha's two innovative stylebooks.Naturally, many of these drawing are interesting because they reveal the initial thoughts for famous works but most basically these drawings show that Mucha's draftsmanship — highly admired, even by the cantankerous Whistler — was the brilliant underpinning of his entire craft.
Two Worlds of Andrew Wyeth: A Conversation with Andrew Wyeth
Andrew Wyeth - 1978
Don't Move the Muffin Tins: A Hands-Off Guide to Art for the Young Child
Bev Bos - 1978
A book of art projects for young children
Georgia O'Keeffe: A Portrait
Alfred Stieglitz - 1978
O'Keeffe and Stieglitz first met in 1916 when she heard that he was giving her drawings their first showing—without her consent. The following year he began his portrait of his future wife in a series that would portray her many aspects. 79 photos.
The Magical Drawings of Moony B. Finch
David McPhail - 1978
Finch discovers that his drawings can come to life.
Rien Poortvliet's Horses
Rien Poortvliet - 1978
Among the subjects discussed in this book are famous horses in history, horse behavior, show horses, work horses, and more. Poortvliet's illustrations and his candid commentary make this a truly enjoyable book.
Saul Steinberg
Saul Steinberg - 1978
Steinberg is a frontiersman of genres, an artist who cannot be confined to a category. He is a writer of pictures, an architect of speech and sounds, a draftsman of philosophical reflections. His line of a master penman and calligrapher, aesthetically delectable in itself, is also the line of an illusionist formulating riddles and jokes about appearances. In addition, it is a 'line' in the sense of organized gab. Because he is attracted to pen and ink and pencils, and because of the complex intellectual nature of his products, one may think of Steinberg as a kind of writer, though there is only one of his kind. He has worked out exchanges between the verbal and visual meaning, that have caused him to be compared to James Joyce. His art-monologues bring into being pictures that are words, and words that have the solidity of things, and that suffer the misfortunes of living creatures. Steinberg's compositions cross the borders between art and caricature, illustration, children's art, 'art brut', satire, while conveying reminiscences of styles from Greek and Oriental to Cubist and Constructivist. As a cartoonist, Steinberg tantalizes those who wish to separate high art from the mass media. Granted that he is witty, formally ingenious, a great calligrapher, 'Is he an artist?' Steinberg is aware that he is a borderline case, and seems content with the ambiguity of his position. To display Steinberg's drawings and paintings in an art museum is, however, to define them as art.
Peake's Progress: Selected Writings and Drawings
Mervyn Peake - 1978
For the aficionado and for the first-time reader, this selection of his less well-known works offers a treasure trove. It includes a wealth of short stories, poems, nonsense verse and drawings - all of them adding new perspectives on this prolific and astonishingly original writer.
Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols
J.C. Cooper - 1978
With over 200 illustrations and lively, informative and often ironictexts, she discusses and explains an enormous variety of symbolsextending from the Arctic to Dahomey, from the Iroquois to Oceana, andcoming from systems as diverse as Tao, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism,Islam, Tantra, the cult of Cybele and the Great Goddess, thePre-Columbian religions of the Western Hemisphere and the Voodoo cultsof Brazil and West Africa.
21st Century Foss
Chris Foss - 1978
Internationally renowned Science Fiction illustrator Chris Foss' first major monograph featuring his incredibly visionary creations which have graced scores of book covers, both genre and otherwise, and influenced movies such as Dune, Star Wars and Aliens among numerous others.
Matisse on Art
Jack Flam - 1978
Jack Flam provides a biography, a general introduction that addresses the development of Matisse's aesthetic values and theories, and a critical introduction for each text.
New York in the Forties
Andreas Feininger - 1978
In this volume Andreas Feininger captures New York in her "glorious" years. You'll see New York as the leader in commerce, industry and shipping, the place where America's most skilled and talented came to succeed.Included is almost every aspect of city life from the eerie shots of New York during the "dimout" to the bright lights of 42nd Street. You'll see buildings that look much the same and sights that have vastly changed. The Flatiron Building, Rockefeller Center, the Singer Building, tattoo parlors, clean city streets, 42nd Street with no pornographic movies. You'll see the Normandie in her heyday, the Queen Mary, and New York as one of the greatest port towns with 771 miles of bustling waterfront activity. You'll see Harlem nightclub at 135th Street, the Louis-Walcott fight at Madison Square Garden, the glittering audience at the old Met; Fifth Avenue during the blizzard of '47; horse-drawn vehicles, the els, the last decade of the street car; the Lower East Side poultry markets and frenzied activity at the Fulton Fish Market; Bowery flophouses; the skyscraper race; incredible views made of the stair-step constructions of skyscrapers; the Brooklyn Bridge, Chinatown, Coney Island, Yorkville, and more.One hundred and sixty two photographs show a multitude of facets of New York in the 1940s, the decade during which the city flourished and grew with incredible activity. The interesting, factual captions by John von Hartz convey a clear picture of what living in New York was like, giving us a background and explaining the problems, excitement, and changes people faced.Andreas Feininger brings to this volume an enormous reputation in the field of photography. A former staff photographer of Life magazine, author of several photography texts, and compiler of volumes of his own photographs, Mr. Feininger has personally supervised the publication of this collection of his famous photographs of New York City. While some of these photos have been seen in other books, never before have so many of them been made available in one volume.
Modern Art: 19th and 20th Centuries: Selected Papers
Meyer Schapiro - 1978
Schapiro's highly lucid arguments, graceful prose, and extraordinary erudition guide readers through a rich variety of fields and issues: the roles in society of the artist and art, of the critic and criticism; the relationships between patron and artist, psychoanalysis and art, and philosophy and art. Adapting critical methods from such wide-ranging fields as anthropology, linguistics, philosophy, biology, and other sciences, Schapiro appraises fundamental semantic terms such as "organic style, " "pictorial style," "field and vehicle, " and "form and content"; he elucidates eclipsed intent in a well-known text by Freud on Leonardo da Vinci, in another by Heidegger on Vincent van Gogh. He reflects on the critical methodology of Bernard Berenson, and on the social philosophy of art in the writings of both Diderot and the nineteenth century French artist/historian Eugene Fromentin. Throughout all of his writings, Meyer Schapiro provides us with a means of ordering our past that is reasoned and passionate, methodical and inventive. In so doing, he revitalizes our faith in the unsurpassed importance of both critical thinking and creative independence.
Architecture of the Islamic World: Its History and Social Meaning
George Michell - 1978
Although Islamic buildings may make an immediate visual impact, it can be useful to know something of the society which they serve. This text relates the architecture to the social areas of religion, power structure, commerce and communal life, placing emphasis on function and meaning rather than on style and chronology.
Papermaking - the white art
Jules Heller - 1978
In step-by-step photos, leading artists demonstrate their favorite methods and techniques.
The Flights of Icarus
Donald Lehmkuhl - 1978
Divided into several sections, the scenes are effectively 'categorised' into appropriate sections with a two-page piece of text at the start of the section, written by Lehmkuhl. The sections are (roughly described): 1 - Dinosaurs, Reptiles and Fantastic Creatures, 2 - Legends and Heroes, 3 - Nature and Cityscapes, 4 - Nowhere..., 5 - Time, 6 - Space, 7 - The Ultimate Moment (various scenes). The images are of a very high quality with a number by the editors themselves, Martyn and Roger Dean. The book repeats some of the images as seen in the other TTA books but displays them in their original format, whereas the TTA books had 'clipped' versions. There is a small amount of text about each contributing artist and which scenes they provided for the book, with their original title.
The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog
William Allin Storrer - 1978
From Barnsdall Park in Los Angeles to the Zimmerman house in New Hampshire, from Florida Southern College to Taliesin in Wisconsin, with Fallingwater in between, Frank Lloyd Wright buildings open to the public receive thousands of visitors each year, and there is a thriving commerce in reproductions of Wright's furniture and fabric designs. Among the many books available on Frank Lloyd Wright, William Allin Storrer's classic—now fully revised and updated—remains the only authoritative guide to all of Wright's built work.This edition includes a number of new features. It provides information on Frank Lloyd Wright buildings discovered since the first edition. It features full-color photographs to highlight those buildings that remain essentially as they were first built. To facilitate its use as a convenient field guide, this durable flexibound edition gives full addresses with each entry, as well as GPS coordinates, and offers maps giving the shortest route to each building. Preserving the chronological order of past editions, the catalog allows readers to trace the progression of Frank Lloyd Wright's built designs from the early Prairie school works to the last building constructed to Wright's specifications on the original site—the Aime and Norman Lykes residence.The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright will be indispensable for anyone fascinated with Wright's unique architectural genius.
Erté Graphics: 5 Complete Suites Reproduced in Full Colour
Erté - 1978
In 1968, when he produced his first lithographs, art lovers discovered that he had found another medium suited to his extraordinary talents.This volume provides a fascinating sample of Erté's very best graphic work, offering every plate from his most popular collections: The Alphabet (1977); The Numerals (1968); The Aces (1974); The Precious Stones (1969); and The Seasons (1970).Each plate has been painstakingly reproduced from the autographed, limited-edition lithographs. A brief Preface offers bibliographic data.
The Cut-Outs of Henri Matisse
John Elderfield - 1978
A study of the art form developed by Matisse after an operation drained him of the strength to continue his oil painting, focusing on the elements of color and design that characterize his prints, paper cut-outs, and paper cut-out maquettes.
Printmaking: History and Process
Donald Saff - 1978
Proceeds from the beginning steps to the most advanced procedures. Over 600 illustrations. Provides a history of printmaking.
Tomorrow and Beyond: Masterpieces of Science Fiction Art
Ian Summers - 1978
Letters to an Artist - From Vincent Van Gogh to Anton Ridder Van Rappard 1881-1885
Vincent van Gogh - 1978
We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
Pictures on a Page: Photojournalism, Graphics and Picture Editing
Harold Evans - 1978
For the professional and the student it remains an unrivalled study of photo-journalism, a complete analysis of how photographs are taken, selected and edited for newspapers and magazines. As the former editor of the SUNDAY TIMES and THE TIMES, Harold Evans is uniquely qualified to take the reader behind the images that the press provide. Many celebrated photographers were interviewed for the book, including Henri Cartier-Bresson, Snowdon, Bert Hardy, Bill Brandt, Don McCullin, and Eugene Smith. Many more have acclaimed it -including Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon and Arnold Newman.
Christmas Drawings
Thomas Nast - 1978
Finely detailed drawings of St. Nick, sleigh rides, reindeer, "The Night Before Christmas," North Pole, and more are all depicted in this seasonal collection.
The Arts of David Levine
David Levine - 1978
What Is Surrealism?: Selected Writings
André Breton - 1978
Includes a facsimile reproduction of the 1942 Surrealist Album by Andre Breton.
A Painter's Psalm: The Mural from Walter Anderson's Cottage
Redding S. Sugg Jr. - 1978
The astonishing history of a brilliant treasure Walter Anderson created in his hidden room.
The Mud-Pie Dilemma: A Master Potter's Struggle to Make Art and Ends Meet
John J. Nance - 1978
This fresh account updates by 25 years the classic story of Tom and Elaine Coleman and their struggles to create a successful, loving marriage and family while master potter Tom seeks to realize his extraordinary potential as a ceramic artist. The first edition of this book ended with them achieving high artistic and critical success, and low financial rewards. This new edition extends their story from 1977 to 2002, from a farmhouse and studio in Canby, Oregon, to a house with a swimming pool and studio in the desert outside Las Vegas, Nevada. A new chapter documents how their lives and work have changed and grown over a quarter-century, and 75 new photographs show the dazzling results. Tom's work achieves new heights of artistry and recognition, and Elaine emerges as a notable artist in her own right. The Mud-Pie Dilemma also provides inside information about the craft and art of working in clay--including recipes and tips for 40 of Tom's much-praised glazes.
Weegee: Masters of Photography Series
Aperture - 1978
Persistent and aggressive behind the camera, he always made sure that he was at the forefront of breaking news. As a photographer he went to the heart of ugly situations to illustrate the often gruesome realities of life in the city. Weegee's images scream at their audience. An assault to the eyes was created through his use of the flash's severe light; the harsh contrasts and deep shadows that resulted gave his images an extra jolt. Concerned more with the impact of his images than with the artistry, Weegee favored a tone of sarcasm and irony with a touch of compassion in his work. This book presents more than 40 images spanning photojournalist Weegee's career, along with a chronology, exhibition history and selected bibliography.
Avedon: Photographs,1947-1977
Richard Avedon - 1978
With an essay by Harold Brodkey.
First and Last
Walker Evans - 1978
Its 219 images, chosen from more than 20,000 span forty-five years of continuous activity. Only someone who has watched the long labor of selecting these photos and devising the sequence in which they appear can guage what the book owes to the late Norman Ives, and to John T. Hill, Executor of the Walker Evans Estate. --publisher's note -- Evans photography caught the life and society of the America of his time. Stunning photographs show America as it was.
California and the West
Charis Wilson - 1978
Revised edition. Photographs and text by Edward Weston. Text, including a new foreword to the revised edition, by Charis Wilson. 192 pp., with 64 black-and-white plates. 11-1/2 x 10-3/4 inches.
Giorgione's Tempest: Interpreting the Hidden Subject
Salvatore Settis - 1978
It is a depiction of Giorgione's own family, of the "family of man" tale from Boccaccio, or of the myth of Apollo's birth? In this remarkable study, Salvatore Settis uses the mystery of the painting to shed light on the relationship between artist, patron, work, and critic. The result is a brilliant piece of detective work in the history and sociology of culture that stresses the function of Giorgione's art for the emerging, classically educated connoisseur elite of sixteenth-century Venice.
Andre Kertesz: Sixty Years of Photography
André Kertész - 1978
The Anti-Coloring Book: Creative Activities for Ages 6 and Up
Susan Striker - 1978
Praised as "extraordinary, revolutionary" (Newsweek), "imaginative" (The Christian Science Monitor), and "great stuff" (Detroit Free Press), this innovative series has continued to spark the creative impulses in children through the years.
Timber-framed Buildings (Discovering)
Richard Harris - 1978
Timber-framed buildings catch the imagination of those who work with them because of their beauty, their strength and the quality of the material of which they were made: English oak. Many thousands of buildings of all ages still remain to remind us the strength of the tradition. This book looks behind the commong image of 'black and white' houses, showing how timber buildings were built and how they vary from region to region.
Moche Art of Peru: Pre-Columbian Symbolic Communication
Christopher B. Donnan - 1978
An exhibition organized by the Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles; it opened at UCLA in the fall of 1978 and subsequently traveled to the Heard Museum in Phoenix and the Denver Art Museum.Parts of this catalogue originally appeared in Moche Art and iconography, published in 1976 by the Latin American Center, University of California, Los Angeles.
The Icon: Holy Images--Sixth to Fourteenth Century
Kurt Weitzmann - 1978
Examines icons of Christ, the Blessed Virgin, the great Church feasts, and the Saints and their lives, noting the ideological and theological changes that led to the acceptability of icon worship, especially in the Orthodox Church.
The Century of the Impressionists
Raymond Cogniat - 1978
This over-sized hardcover book has pages that are almost large enough to do justice to the works of the Impressionists! The audacious impressionist venture had overturned contemporary artistic institutions and freed artists to explore new forms of expression.
The Face of China: As Seen by Photographers and Travelers 1860-1912
Luther Carrington Goodrich - 1978
Along with descriptive captions, these images describe the daily life and surroundings of an era now passed. The people are as seen through Western eyes, and the places are as traversed by foreigners. These early photographers were explorers and adventurers. They lugged huge cameras with heavy glass plates over rugged, unfamiliar terrain. Interspersed throughout the book are passages from significant texts and travelers' diaries, observations and opinions that echo and illuminate the images. For many Chinese, these photographers were the first white faces ever seen, and they carried with them previously undreamed-of contraptions. For all this, there is an unguarded air to many of the portraits, and the street scenes have the candid look of today's street photographer.
Much Maligned Monsters: A History of European Reactions to Indian Art
Partha Mitter - 1978
East to the more sophisticated but still incomplete appreciations of the early twentieth century. Mitter's new Preface reflects upon the profound changes in Western interpretations of non-Western societies over the past fifteen years.
A Book of Unicorns
Welleran Poltarnees - 1978
This is a succinct gathering of the most important writings on the Unicorn in the 2300 years since he was first described. We present these texts without annotation, hoping by this to allow for clear perception and unhindered personal response. we have chosen the pictures principally for their historical importance.-W.P.-
American Circus Posters
Charles Philip Fox - 1978
. . Living Statues on Horseback (1890s) . . . Real Roman Hippodrome, Five Continent Menagerie (1890s) . . . Uno, Queen Supreme of the Serpent Kingdom (1894) . . . Dancing Girls, Mounted Guards and Truly Lavish Displays (1903) . . . "Twisting Double Somersault," A Feat Never Before Attempted by the Most Intrepid Aerialists (1904) . . . Desperado's Terrible Leap for Life, A Terrific Descent of 80 Feet Through Space Landing Upon His Chest on a Skid (1909) . . . The Imperial Chinese Circus Stars (1914) . . . An Army of Clowns (1920s) . . . Pallenberg's Wonder Bears (1920s) . . . Gargantua the Great (1938).Originally put in store windows and posted on sheds, barns, buildings, walls and fences, these 18 extremely rare posters, most not previously reproduced, are collected together for the first time. The quality of reproduction is superb: reproduced in full color directly from the originals, these posters have been printed in an extra large format and on coated stock so that every detail is clear. They are an exciting visual history, capturing the pageantry and color that the circus was and is. They are also extremely fine examples of almost 50 years of poster art and American advertising. There are acrobats, elephants, tigers, lions, parades, tents, trains, and many specialized acts: May Wirth, the Riding Rooneys, the Astounding Clarkonians, etc. The posters date from the 1890s to the 1940s, and include one by Norman Bel Geddes. They feature many American circuses: Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey, Sells, Sparks, Hagenbeck-Wallace. The historical introduction and captions are by Charles Philip Fox, Director of Research and Development with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.
Gaag, the Guerrilla Art Action Group, 1969-1976: A Selection
Guerrilla Art Action Group - 1978
Dorothea Lange: A Photographer's Life
Milton Meltzer - 1978
Detailing the adventures of Dorthea Lange, the book raises questions about the uses and effectiveness of the medium and examines her images of anxious mothers and hungry infants and sullen men waiting in long city breadlines.
Carrie's Gift
Efner Tudor Holmes - 1978
Carrie's attempts to befriend the dour old man on the neighboring farm are resisted until they save her dog from a trap together.
The Chinese Garden: History, Art and Architecture
Maggie Keswick - 1978
Only on closer acquaintance does it offer up its mysteries; and such is the achievement of Maggie Keswick's celebrated classic that it affords us--adventurers, armchair travelers, and garden buffs alike--the intimate pleasures of the Chinese garden. In these richly illustrated pages, Chinese gardens unfold as cosmic diagrams, revealing a profound and ancient view of the world and of humanity's place in it. First sensuous impressions give way to more cerebral delights, and forms conjure unending, increasingly esoteric and mystical layers of meaning for the initiate. Keswick conducts us through the art and architecture, the principles and techniques of Chinese gardens, showing us their long history as the background for a civilization--the settings for China's great poets and painters, the scenes of ribald parties and peaceful contemplation, political intrigues and family festivals.Updated and expanded in this third edition, with an introduction by Alison Hardie, many new illustrations, and an updated list of gardens in China accessible to visitors, Keswick's engaging work remains unparalleled as an introduction to the Chinese garden.
The Complete Phil Ochs: Chords of Fame
Phil Ochs - 1978
14-28.Bach, Beethoven, Mozart & me Basket in the pool The bells Bound for gloryBoy in Ohio Bracero Cannons of Christianity Celia ChangesChords of fame Cops of the worldCross my heart Crucifixion Doesn't Lenny live here any more The doll houseDraft dodger rag The floods of FlorenceFlower lady Gas station womenHalf a century highThe harder they fallHere's to the state of Richard NixonThe highwayman Hills of West VirginiaI ain't marching anymoreI kill therefore I am I'm gonna say it now In the heat of the summer Is there anybody here?I've had her Jim Dean of IndianaJoe Hill Links on the chainLou Marsh Love me, I'm a liberalMiranda My kingdom for a car My life No more songsOne more parade One way ticket homeOutside of a small circle of friendsThe party Pleasures of the harborPower & the glory Pretty smart on my partRehearsals for retirementRhythms of revolution Santo Domingo The scorpion departs but never returnsTape from California That was the presidentThere but for fortune The thresher Too many martyrsThe war is over What's that I hear?When I'm gone When in Rome White boots marchin' in a yellow land
The Magnificent Builders and Their Dream Houses
Joseph J. Thorndike Jr. - 1978
Their stories--the palaces, mansions, cottages, and castles--and their owners are dramatically presented along with sumptuous photographs. Includes such individuals as Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, Hadrian, avant garde architect Frank Lloyd Wright, Eastern potentates, inspired women such as Sarah Winchester, and great American builders such as Thomas Jefferson, the Vanderbilts and John Ringling....An intimate look at the most fantastic private homes in the world and the remarkable men and women who could afford to build as imaginatively as their fancies dictated-and did. The improbable dreams of individuals who knew what they wanted and how to get it-at any cost-have resulted in some of the most envied and admired dwellings ever created. The stories of those intriguing homes-mansions, palaces, cottages, castles-and their owners are dramatically presented, through photographs, art, and evocative text, in THE MAGNIFICENT BUILDERS. Here, in splendid visual array, are some of the most beautiful buildings ever designed: Francis I's Chambord, the Alhambra of the caliphs of Granada, John Ringling's Ca'd'Zan, the Duchess of Marlborough's Blenheim Palace. Here also you will find the unpretentious charm of handmade houses built by modern do-it-your-self dreamers. More than architecture, however, this book is about people-some of the most dynamic individualsin history as well as contemporary times: poets, kings, queens, self-made men, architects, oil barons, the idle rich, dictators, entertainers. THE MAGNIFICENT BUILDERS ventures behind the public faces to explore the private motivations of personalities as diverse as the Emperor Hadrian and Wilt Chamberlain, Mrs. Jack Gardner and Frank Lloyd Wright, the Tiger Balm King and Alva Vanderbilt. THE MAGNIFICENT BUILDERS takes readers to Marie Antoinette's "rustic" cottage in the village of Le Hameau, where she played dairymaid with a Sevres milk pail; to fabulous San Simeon, which William Randolph Hearst filled with treasures-and junk-from European palaces; to Chenonceaux, the lovely prize in a romantic rivalry between Henry II's queen, Catherine de Medicis, and his mistress, Diane de Poitiers; to the Alhambra, where Moorish caliphs. "tasted all the pleasures and forgot all the duties" of life; to Hardwick Hall, one of the stately Elizabethan mansions the Countess of Shrewsbury built with the fortunes of four successive husbands.-. -from the book jacketContents:Rulers in search of glory: Louis XIV, Marie Antoinette, Henri Christophe, Philip II --Kings for their pleasure: Hadrian, Diocletian, Ludwig II, George IV, Francis I --Architects for themselves: Frank Lloyd Wright, Juan O'Gorman, Herbert Greene, Philip Johnson, Richard Foster, Paolo Soleri, John Soane --Inspired women: Diane de Poitiers, Elizabeth Shrewsbury, Sarah Winchester, Sarah Churchill, Isabella Gardner --Artists as builders: Mark Twain, Sir Walter Scott, William Gillette, Frederick Church, Peter Paul Rubens, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Horace Walpole --Easern potentates: Darius the Great, Shah Jahan, Maharana Jagat Singh, Ibn al-Ahmar --Princely Americans: Thomas Jefferson, Haller Nutt, The Vanderbilt family, George Boldt, John Ringling, William Randolph Hearst.
Dance: Rituals of Experience
Jamake Highwater - 1978
Highwater--a renowned critic, author, and lecturer on art, theater, music, and dance--links the history of dance to cultural forces as diverse as Karl Marx and Elvis Presley. Beginning with the original, ritualistic, and primal forms of dance, he traces its decline into empty ceremonial forms while all along insisting that dance is a fundamental life impulse made visible in motion--a spontaneous transformation of experience into metaphoric meaning. Considering the historical and creative context from which dance emerged, Highwater goes on to point out the specific contributions and cultural influences of such 20th-century dance giants as Isadora Duncan, Twyla Tharp, Robert Wilson, George Balanchine, Martha Graham, Alwin Nikolais, Erick Hawkins, Jose Limon, Merce Cunningham, Meredith Monk, and Garth Fagan. Also examined are many newer artists, such as Bebe Miller and the Urban Bush Women.
Taoist Master Chuang
Michael Saso - 1978
His family, who claimed to have come from Hua Shan, the Taoist mountain in western China, followed the observances of the Dragon-Tiger Mountain sect in southeastern China. Although there are many conflicting Taoist schools, the antiquity and authenticity of Master Chuang's traditions cannot be doubted. Michael Saso, a Western disciple of Master Chuang, recounts the teachings of Taoist Master Chuang, including Taoist history as Master Chuang understood it, the role of Taoist Priests in modern Chinese society, and Master Chuang's own rituals of Taoist black magic, meditation, and rarely discussed exorcistic thunder magic.
John Pike Paints Watercolors
John Pike - 1978
Thirteen full color demonstrations all begin with a value sketch and detailed descriptions of how the picture was painted. John's irrepressive enthusiasm is evident through out. Includes 37 of his favorite paintings.
Seeing Through Clothes
Anne Hollander - 1978
First published ahead of its time, this book has become a classic.
Lisbeth Perrone's Folk Art in Needlepoint and Cross-Stitch
Lisbeth Perrone - 1978
Creative Landscape Painting
Edward H. Betts - 1978
Edward Betts, one of America's most creative painters, presents 74 inventive, offbeat approaches to painting landscapes, exemplified by leading and realistic abstract artists. First the author encourages the reader to explore his own feelings about nature and identify those landscape subjects which move him deeply. Then Betts presents 50 imaginative ways to approach landscape painting - by experimenting with viewpoint, lighting, color, unusual types of subject matter, and painting processes. Among the stimulating landscape painting ideas he presents are low horizon, distortion of scale, intentional ambiguity, detailed foreground, framing with foreground elements, the long horizontal composition, the oval or circular format, white as a major area, distortion of scale, imagination and fantasy, multiple views of a single subject, geometry in landscape, and personal symbols....The color section begins with the author's discussion of color relationships, color as esthetic organization and expression, color in composition, and the difference between descriptive and nondescriptive color. He then analyses color as light and decoration, color unity and control, color schemes and various color systems, and lists numerous suggested palettes. In the gallery of color plates, Betts presents 24 more fresh and provocative approaches by well-known artists. Analyzing these powerful paintings, Betts explroes how to use color as mood, low and high color contrast, single dominant color, muted color, color mosaic, color as space, color glazes, and color shock...." 152 pages, 8.25 x 11 inches, 24 pages of color, 50 b&w illustrations, bibliography, index.
The Art of John Buscema
John Buscema - 1978
Big John started his long career in comics in 1948 and during his 50 years in the industry, John worked on every genre; crime, westerns, Sci-Fi, etc., but his most famous work was produced after his return to Marvel in 1966. Arguably second only to Jack Kirby in importance & page production for Marvel comics, John lent his prodigious pencils to all of Marvel's mainstay characters at one time or another; The Avengers, Sub-Mariner, Spider-Man, Thor, Fantastic Four to name but a few of the host of characters & books that John drew for Marvel until his retirement from the company in 1996.Sadly John passed away in January of 2002, but his memory & talent will never be forgotten by all of those comic fans who know & appreciate beautiful drawingThe Art of John Buscema, a 1978 special that focused on Big John’s artwork. Classic Marvel fans will appreciate this cover, featuring Buscema’s renditions of Conan, the Avengers, Thor, Silver Surfer, etc. Even Howard the Duck (a real superstar at that point in Marvel History) is represented!
I, Vincent: Poems from the Pictures of Van Gogh
Robert Fagles - 1978
The description for this book, I, Vincent: Poems from the Pictures of Van Gogh, will be forthcoming.