Claimings, Tails, and Other Alien Artifacts

Lyn Gala - 2013
    After escaping the horrors of war, he wants a boring life. He won’t risk letting anyone come too close because he won’t risk letting anyone see his deeply submissive nature. For him, submission comes with pain. Life burned that lesson into his soul from a young age.This fear keeps him from noticing that the Rownt trader Ondry cares for him. Ondry may not understand humans, but he recognizes a wounded soul, and his need to protect Liam is quickly outpacing his common sense. They may have laws, culture, and incompatible genitalia in their way, but Ondry knows that he can find a way to overcome all that if he can just overcome the ghosts of Liam’s past. Only then can he take possession of a man he has grown to respect.

Kríe Captivity

Kora Knight - 2016
    Astrum Industries’ newest charted planet. Freshly discovered. Wholly unexplored. But that won’t be the case for long. Led by Captain Alec Hamlin, a team of explorers make an emergency landing and are soon confronted by their first Niran native. A huge male Kríe packed with muscle, baring small, black horns and fangs. Fortunately, he’s friendly. Or so he lets them believe. With the help of his pack, the Kríe takes Alec’s team captive, intending to sell them for profit. But these Nirans aren’t just shrewd, they’re arrogant and domineering. And most of all, extremely sexual. Which explains why, on their journey to peddle their new wares, they feed Alec’s team a powerful aphrodisiac. Nothing like some decadent entertainment on the side. Soon the team finds themselves feverishly trying to resist the growing urge to mount their seductive captors. But as passion prevails and unexpected bonds form, so much more is suddenly at stake. With no time left, will a shift in Kríe perspective be enough to change the fate of Alec’s team? Warning: Contains explicitly scorching gay sex with exotic and shamelessly kinky males of otherworldly descent.

The Breaker's Concubine

Ann Mayburn - 2011
    He vows to do everything he can to escape and keep from forming a psychic bond with his captors that would render him absolutely and totally in love. This proves difficult to do when the female Breaker assigned to turn him into a Concubine, Melania, is the epitome of his perfect woman. Melania has been raised and trained to help reluctant and abused Novices to break through their personal blocks and attain the ultimate prize of becoming a Concubine. When she is given Devnar to train, she finds herself in danger of doing the forbidden and falling in love with her Novice. This angry, scarred, and utterly seductive male tests her self-control like no other. Devnar and Melania find themselves at the heart of a galaxy wide political battle that will test a love that they must not acknowledge, and cannot live without, to its very limits.

Fragile Bond

Rhi Etzweiler - 2013
    The resource-rich valley is crawling with tawnies, the native dirt-colored predators. Huge things that hunt in packs and kill as well with tooth and claw as Marc ever has with Mat.The rules change when a tawny uses an unexpected weapon: pheromones.Commander Hamm Orsonna, leader of the fefa clan, is determined to chase off the invading aliens. The one he sets out to capture for intel is scrawny and hairless, not very intimidating—until it takes out his entire squad. Seasoned warriors, felled from halfway down the valley by its metal death stick.Their sacrifice may be worth it, though. The alien male smells like he’s interested in making things right. He smells of other things too, but nobody else seems to notice. Before long, Hamm finds himself fighting off his own kind to defend the alien, who might be his people’s only hope for peace, and Hamm’s only chance for happiness.

Among the Living

Jordan Castillo Price - 2006
    But then a serial killer surfaces who can change his appearance to match any witness’ idea of the world’s hottest guy.Solving murders is a snap when you can ask the victims whodunit, but this killer’s not leaving any spirits behind.Words: 32081 (approx)


Lesli Richardson - 2019
    For starters, Simon’s straight.And Mohrn isn’t a girl.The contract? It’s unbreakable.It’s going to be a long five years…


Alessandra Hazard - 2020
    Two alphas forced into a political marriage. Attraction that defies all reason and logic… Or does it? The Kingdom of Pelugia and the Republic of Kadar have been at war for decades. Peace isn’t popular, but the planet can’t survive without it.Forced to marry an enemy prince for the sake of peace, Senator Royce Cleghorn doesn’t like his husband, his alpha scent, or his damned pretty blue eyes. More than anything, Royce hates what Haydn makes him become: a primitive alpha cliché who’ll do anything to mark his territory, even if that territory is his alpha husband. Royce likes omegas; he isn’t into alphas, no matter how pretty their eyes are. It’s just a weird territorial instinct. It has to be.Prince Haydn has always tried to be the perfect alpha his father wants him to be. He's the heir to the throne. He's a war general. He isn't supposed to bare his throat to an enemy alpha--and it isn't supposed to feel so good. Everyone knows a marriage between two alphas is a recipe for disaster. He isn't supposed to crave his alpha husband--their marriage is just a political arrangement, nothing more.But when disaster strikes and loyalties are tested, which bond will be the strongest: their marriage, or their allegiances?

Mate of the Tsatrya

Ann T. Ryan - 2011
    This all changed when he met Mykael of Lithonur. Not only was Mykael challenging what Joseph used to believe about his sexuality, he was also desiring a Tsatrya who ruled one of the continents of the New World. Before Joseph could stop himself, he had fallen deep for Mykael who was now trying to convince Joseph to become his true mate.

The Mercenary's Mate

C.W. Gray - 2018
    He has a best friend and a new half-sister to rescue, and he needs to be sneaky about it. Unfortunately sneaky isn't really his thing. With the help of a friend, Leti and his menagerie, along with his two companions, stow away aboard a mystery ship. Little does he know that The Blue Solace belongs to the infamous mercenary, Captain Will Hackett, a man he'll come to love with everything inside him.Will has been in a bitchy ass mood for the past six months. He's restless and grumpy, but doesn't know why. He knows he needs something and he can't find it, but his crew are out of patience and insist on some R &R back home at Charybdis Station. Then Hack finds a stow away angel and everything changes. Leti is his mate and he'll do anything to keep him safe and happy, even smile.The galaxy's not a safe place, though, and The Blue Solace has a job to do: pick up a renowned scientist and his mysterious artifact. Then get them safely back to Charybdis Station. Hack and Leti don't realize their romance story is about to get hijacked by Concord mercenaries. Their love is easy, it happens just like that. Staying alive and keeping the galaxy safe? That's a little harder.Author's Note: 41,801 words. (Previously published as "Happens Just Like That"). This is a m/m love story with no angst and no cheating, just a HEA. There is lots of action, sex, mpreg, and a few potty mouths involved in the story. 18+ readers only, please. It is also the first of two books about this specific couple.


Sean Michael - 2005
    Which is why Tigre seems like such a strange choice for him as a lover. Tigre is a slave, a bioengineered creation, a man with no life beyond a cage. When Palin sees "vala" Tigre in one of his mindreading forays, he knows he has to have him, despite the fact that the man has been created for only two purposes; fighting and pleasure. Together they build a new life, one of pleasure and pain, of love and discipline. When life threatens to tear them apart, they fight to keep the home they've created, with danger coming from all directions, including Palin's job, the difficulties they face become almost insurmountable. Can they find any common ground between them in a world where Tigre can't understand the rules Palin lives by, and Palin can only relate to Tigre in the most physical way? Sean Michael creates a fascinating world in Caged, one that thrills and amazes, where the heat and emotion run high. You don't have to be a mind reader to know that this book will delight the senses

Safe in Your Fire

Darien Cox - 2016
    When asked to locate and interview an off-the-grid former child star for a magazine feature, novice journalist Rudy Sansone thinks he’s getting yet another demeaning assignment from his boss. But finding ‘Baby James’ Waterman proves to be a personal and professional challenge, as the elusive, hostile, and surprisingly sexy James is nothing that Rudy expected. But Rudy’s scrappy motivation to get the story at all costs plunges him into the mountain community of Singing Bear Village, where he senses strange and frightening secrets simmering beneath the surface. But what’s simmering between Rudy and his reluctant interview subject is something more carnal and heated, and his desire to be consumed by it clouds his judgement when warning bells urge him to flee the village and never look back.

Changed: Mated to the Alien Alpha

Robin Moray - 2018
    They said Omega IV was safe. They were wrong. The giant humanoid inhabitants of Omega IV are conditioned to the Change—a biological event in their development that designates them altha or amekha—but for the new colony of humans, the Change comes as an unpleasant surprise. Dr Cameron Grant, bitter after a turbulent break-up, finds himself in a first-contact situation that was never covered in training. The alien warrior Tal'jen, seven feet tall and distinctly male, has taken an interest in him, an interest with a clear and pressing conclusion. Dr Grant can't deny his attraction, even as his body undergoes strange and frightening changes. Whatever is happening to him, it's obvious that Tal'jen understands it instinctively. He will have to place himself in the hands of an alien and hope that Tal'jen's interest is as benign as it seems. Meanwhile, Tal'jen, chief-in-waiting of his people, seeks a mate. The handsome and strange Cam'ren of the newcomers calls to him powerfully, though he has not yet gone through his Change. To be chief Tal'jen must mate with a bearer, so while he longs to claim Cam'ren for his own, he must be patient and hope that Cam'ren's Change will grant him the gift of bearing young. As the Change spreads through the human colony, leaving chaos in its wake, Cameron and Tal'jen must fight to protect both the delicate bond growing between them, and each other. This book is first in the Omega Colony series, however it can be read as a stand-alone title. This book features adult content and language, sexual situations, and male pregnancy.


Quil Carter - 2014
    A dead wasteland where cannibalism is a necessity, death your reality, and life before the radiation nothing but pictures in dog-eared magazines. Reaver is a greywaster, living in a small block controlled by a distant ruler said to have started the Fallocaust. He is a product of the savage world he was raised in and prides himself on being cold and cruel. Then someone new to his town catches his eye, someone different than everyone else. Without knowing why he starts to silently stalk him, unaware of where it will lead him.Author's Note: Fallocaust has now been edited by a professional editor. The second edition is now live as of May 18th 2014.

My Cameron

M.A. Innes - 2019
     Dating someone who lives next door is a disaster waiting to happen. Cameron knows better than to agree to date the sexy new alien that’s moved into his apartment building. Just because George is confident and persistent doesn’t mean it would be a good idea. It also doesn’t mean that George understands what Cameron is really looking for in a partner…a Dom who can push him right to the edge. Aliens landing and asking for asylum was supposed to be the plot of a sci-fi movie, not a sexy romance that’s hotter than anything on cable. But maybe the Dom of his dreams won’t come in the package Cameron always expected. Maybe Mr. Right has tentacles. 47k words Story Contains: MM sexual Content, BDSM elements, spankings, and edging. Author’s Note: While the heat level in this story is higher than some of my books, and there are tentacles involved, it is very much a sweet romance at heart.

Cat Toy

Illian Obsidian - 2006
    He's suffered a head injury and can't remember his own name. What else could go wrong? Heck, maybe he could be attacked and captured by men who look a lot like cats. Or maybe he could realize that he is living in a Master/slave society and is now a servant to a planetary leader named Tryl. Depending on how he looks at it, his situation might not be so bad, even if he can't figure out who he is or what he's going to do next. Can the young man Tryl calls Yai figure out who he is and what he wants before danger catches up with both of them?