The Thunder of Silence

Joel S. Goldsmith - 1993
    The famed lecturer and teacher explains the principle that there is an inner grace available to all and offers concrete directions for hearing and understanding the voice of God.

The Girl's Guide to Kicking Your Career Into Gear: Valuable Lessons, True Stories, and Tips for Using What You've Got (a Brain!) to Make Your Worklife Work for You

Caitlin Friedman - 2008
    If you want to be both passionate about what you do and successful, then you must take control of your professional destiny. Only you can determine who you are, what you can do, and where you want to go. If you are stuck in your career, frustrated at your position within a company, or bored with the profession you have chosen, then it is time to change your thinking. This book will hold your hand while you step back and evaluate where you started, where you are on your career path today, and most important, where you want to be tomorrow. Tired of your current job? Ready for the next steps? Eager to show the world everything you have to offer? Caitlin Friedman and Kimberly Yorio see it all the time: women derailing their careers because they believe that if they just sit quietly, work hard, and please their coworkers, someone upstairs will recognize their talents and dedication and deliver big rewards. But in today’s ultra-competitive workplace, nothing could be further from the truth. If you want your dream job with your dream salary, and all the opportunities and fulfillment that come with it, you have to stand up and go for it--without shame, guilt, or hesitation! The Girls’ Guide to Kicking Your Career into Gear gives you everything you need to decide what you want out of work and create a plan to make it happen. From how to negotiate a raise or a promotion to starting a new profession, Friedman and Yorio provide savvy, reassuring advice on how to successfully navigate every aspect of your career. Their sure-fire tools will show you how to:Sell yourself (without selling out)Master the secrets of the New Girls Network“Manage upward” to impress the right people, the right wayOvercome the fears—from public speaking to risk-taking--that hold you backCope with workplace underminers Ask for what you deserveFight the stereotypes that often keep women from moving up Based on interviews with more than 100 successful women who have shattered the glass ceiling and made great professional strides, The Girl’s Guide to Kicking Your Career into Gear is your ticket to taking charge of your career once and for all – and getting where you want to go.

Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft

Laura Tempest Zakroff - 2019
    Through the accessible lens of Modern Traditional Witchcraft, Laura Tempest Zakroff helps you formulate a personalized Witchcraft practice and deepen your work with spirits, ancestors, familiars, and the energies of the liminal realm. This book is a guide to connecting to your deepest feelings and intuitions about your roots, your sense of time, the sources of your inspiration, and the environments in which you live. It supports your experience of spellcrafting and ritual, and teaches you about metaphysical topics like working with lunar correspondences and creating sacred space. Discover valuable insights into practical issues such as teachers, covens, oaths, and doing business as a Witch.Modern Traditional Witchcraft is a path of self-discovery through experience. Let Weave the Liminal be your guide and companion as you explore the Craft and continue evolving the rich pattern of your magical life.Praise: Laura Tempest Zakroff has made Witchcraft accessible to beginners in a way that changes generations. You'll be recommending this book for decades to come.--Amy Blackthorn, author of Blackthorn's Botanical Magic

The Tree of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic

Israel Regardie - 1931
    It has continued to sell for decades. And no wonder. Up until the time this book was published, very little information about true high magic was available to the public.In this book, Regardie reveals the secrets of real magic. He begins with an explanation of what magic is and, just as importantly, what magic is not. He explains that it is a spiritual study and practice which, along with forms of yoga, forms the two branches of the tree that is mysticism. Magic is not being a medium or a psychic. Then he explains the tools of the magician, what they mean, and how to use them. He explains the techniques of evocation and invocation, skrying, and astral travel. He shows how the Qabalah unites everything. He even gives a description of the secrets of sexual magick. All of this is in a clear, lucid writing style. This book is simply a must for anyone who is, or aspires to be, a real magician.Although Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero were friends of Regardie and are Senior Adepts of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, what changes could they have made to this classic book? Well, they did change the spelling from British style to American. And they did change his transliterations of Hebrew into the more popular style he used in his later books. But nothing vital was changed or removed. Everything else they added was complementary to the text that was there. And what incredible additions they are! Extensive annotations throughout every chapter; over 100 illustrations; more descriptive contents pages; a glossary, a bibliography and an index. They've even added a biographical note on Regardie and the importance of this book to him and to the occult world.This book contains some of the finest occult writing that has ever been produced. And with the new material by the Ciceros, it becomes a must-have for any magician!

Ra Material

James Allen McCarty - 1981
    The Ra Material is an account not only of the events leading up to this contact, but of over 200 pages of verbatim transcripts of each and every conversation!

Thought Is Your Enemy: Conversations With U.G. Krishnamurti

U.G. Krishnamurti - 2007
    Krishnamurti, or just U.G., was a speaker and philosopher, often known as an "anti-guru" or as "the man who refused to be a guru." This book is a compilation of discussions between U.G. Krishnamurthi and various questioners in India, Switzerland, Australia, the Netherlands, and the U.K. According to U.G., "The religious states of bliss and ecstasy can never be experienced, can never be grasped, contained, much less given expression to you, by man. That beaten track will lead you nowhere. There is no oasis situated yonder; you are stuck in a mirage."

The Egypt Code

Robert Bauval - 2006
    The Orion Mystery, published in 1994, introduced the world to a highly original, and now internationally famous, star-correlation theory about the Giza pyramids in Egypt, and sent a huge shock wave of controversy throughout the scientific community, the effects of which are still felt today.The Egypt Code not only develops this pyramid-stars correlation, but also reveals an amazing “Grand Unified Plan,” which involves the wonderful temple of Upper Egypt.The Egypt Code is unlike any other book before it and covers the whole of Egypt’s ancient civilization in a manner never before attempted.Much has been written as to how the Egyptians might have aligned their monuments with such high precision, but the question that has always remained unanswered is why—why did the ancients put so much emphasis on astronomical alignments? And what could be the function, practical or symbolic, behind these mysterious alignments?

The Heretic's Handbook (Kindle Single)

Jonathan Black - 2017
    An acclaimed author and public speaker, Black shows how this body of knowledge has been declared ‘heretical’ both by the established church and by today’s atheistic intellectual elite.Finally, he outlines in the clearest terms possible the supernatural laws that govern our universe, and describes rules for living that take us beyond consensual thought, rules that may at first seem crazy, even dangerous, but which contain the secrets for achieving success, happiness and a higher state of being.

The Gnostic Discoveries: The Impact of the Nag Hammadi Library

Marvin W. Meyer - 2005
    Muhammad Ali, the fellahin, discovered the sealed jar, he feared that it might contain a jinni, or spirit, but also had heard of hidden treasures in such jars. Greed overcame his fears. When he smashed open the jar, gold seemed to float into the air. To his disappointment, they were papyrus fragments, not gold, but for scholars around the world, it was invaluable. Meyer discusses the pre-Christian forms of wisdom that went on to influence what Christians believe today. In addition, some Nag Hammadi texts are attributed to Valentinus, a man who almost became Pope, & whose rejection changed the church in significant ways. Text by text, Meyer traces the history & impact of this great find, right up to our current beliefs & popular cultural fascination with this officially suppressed secret knowledge about Jesus & his followers.

The Essential Zohar: The Source of Kabbalistic Wisdom

Philip S. Berg - 2002
    The central text of Kabbalah, the Zohar is a commentary on the Bible’s narratives, laws, and genealogies and a map of the spiritual landscape. In The Essential Zohar, the eminent kabbalist Rav P. S. Berg decodes its teachings on evil, redemption, human relationships, wealth and poverty, and other fundamental concerns from a practical, contemporary perspective. The Zohar and Kabbalah have traditionally been known as the world’s most esoteric sources of spiritual knowledge, but Rav Berg has dedicated his life to making this concentrated distillation of infinite wisdom available to people of all faiths so that we may use its principles to live each day in harmony with the divine.

Devotees Of Vishnu (Amar Chitra Katha) (Pancharatna Series) (Amar Chitra Katha)

Anant Pai - 2000
    Includes the following titles: Tales of Vishnu, Tales of Narada, Prahlad, Dhruva and Ashtavakra, The Churning of the Ocean

The Mystical Qabalah

Dion Fortune - 1957
    This Weiser Classics edition is newly re-typeset and include a new foreword by Judika Illes and a new afterword by Stuart R. Harrop, co-director of the Society of Inner Light (founded in 1924 by Dion Fortune).Dion Fortune's classic, The Mystical Qabalah, explores all aspects of the Qabalah, including the esoteric sciences of astrology and tarot, which form the basis of the Western Mystery Traditions. It provides a key to the practical working of this mystical system for both novice and initiate alike.

Secrets of Aboriginal Healing: A Physicist's Journey with a Remote Australian Tribe

Gary Holz - 2013
    By 1988 he was a quadriplegic. Then, in 1994, his doctors told him he had two years to live. Desperate and depressed, he followed a synchronistic suggestion and went to Australia to live with a remote Aboriginal tribe. Arriving in a wheelchair, alone, with almost no feeling left from the neck down, Holz embarked on a remarkable healing transformation of body, mind, and spirit and discovered his own gift for healing others. Written at the request of the Aboriginal healers Holz worked with, this book reveals the beliefs and principles of the 60,000-year-old healing system of the Aborigines of Australia, the world’s oldest continuous culture. Chronicling the step-by-step process that led to his miraculous recovery, he explains the role played by thought in the creation of health or disease and details the five essential steps in the Aboriginal healing process. He explores the use of dreamtime, spirit guides, and telepathy to discover and reprogram the subconscious motivations behind illness--a process that enacts healing at the cellular and the soul level, where the root of physical illness is found. Supported by modern science, including quantum physics, Aboriginal medicine enables each of us to tap in to healing support through the power of the body/mind/spirit connection.

The Haitian Vodou Handbook: Protocols for Riding with the Lwa

Kenaz Filan - 2006
    Until recently, the Haitian practice of Vodou was often identified with devil worship, dark curses, and superstition. Some saw the saint images and the Catholic influences and wrote Vodou off as a “Christian aberration.” Others were appalled by the animal sacrifices and the fact that the houngans and mambos charge money for their services. Those who sought Vodou because they believed it could harness “evil” forces were disappointed when their efforts to gain fame, fortune, or endless romance failed and so abandoned their “voodoo fetishes.” Those who managed to get the attention of the lwa, often received cosmic retaliation for treating the lwa as attack dogs or genies, which only further cemented Vodou’s stereotype as “dangerous.” Kenaz Filan, an initiate of the Société; la Belle Venus, offers extensive background information on the featured lwa, including their mythology and ancestral lineage, as well as specific instructions on how to honor and interact fruitfully with those that make themselves accessible. This advice will be especially useful for the solitary practitioner who doesn’t have the personal guidance of a societé available. Filan emphasizes the importance of having a quickened mind that can read the lwa’s desires intuitively in order to avoid establishing dogma-based relationships. This working guide to successful interaction with the full Vodou pantheon also presents the role of Vodou in Haitian culture and explores the symbiotic relationship Vodou has maintained with Catholicism. Kenaz Filan (Houngan Coquille du Mer) was initiated into Société la Belle Venus in New York City in 2003 after ten years of solitary service to the lwa. Filan’s articles on Vodou have appeared in newWitch, PanGaia, and Planet magazines and in the pagan community newspaper Widdershins.

Faery Craft: Weaving Connections with the Enchanted Realm

Emily Carding - 2012
    Prepare to embark on a spiritual journey unlike anything you've ever known! Faery Craft is a comprehensive guide to the modern Faery lifestyle and an essential handbook to human-faerie relations. Brimming with practical and spiritual advice, you'll discover how to use Faery magick, create altars, and find a Faery ally. Learn about proper etiquette, find your unique gifts, use the Faery zodiac, explore Faery festivals around the globe, and much more.Enjoy nearly 200 beautiful photographs alongside original art, poetry, and meditations, as well as interviews with renowned Faery authors, artists, and musicians. R. J. Stewart, John and Caitl�n Matthews, Brian and Wendy Froud, Linda Ravenscroft, S. J. Tucker, and Charles de Lint are all featured in this glittering introduction to the fae and the people who love them.Praise: This book shows us that to connect with Faery is to connect not only with nature, spirit, and the world around us, but perhaps most of all to ourselves.--Wendy and Brian Froud, authors of The Heart of FaerieFaery Craft opens doors into other worlds and allows its readers to pass though them and experience the wonders beyond...This is a tremendous book.--John Matthews, author of The Sidhe and How To See FaeriesCarding invites you to find the real power in the woods and forgotten ways.--Caitl�n Matthews, author of Celtic Visions and Singing the Soul Back Home