UFOs & Aliens: UFO Secrets - Area 51, Alien & UFO Encounters, Alien Civilizations & New World Order (Extraterrestrial, Alien Abduction, Conspiracy Theories, ... History, Alien Technology, Alien Races)

Alex Monaldo - 2015
    You’ll also discover what Area 51 is — and why “ufologists” are so fascinated with this secretive facility. You’ll also learn about the portrayal of aliens in pop culture, the ancient spiritual connections between religion and aliens, and unanswered questions about alien hieroglyphics on Mars! With It’s Special “Textbook” Formatting and Exercises, This Book Ensures You Understand All of This Essential Knowledge! In UFOs and Aliens, you’ll find out about alien encounters, abductions, and UFO Sightings. This book also describes crop circles and other unexplained phenomena that may be evidence of visitors from other worlds! You’ll discover what the New World Order is, whether alien civilizations are good or bad, and whether an alien invasion is imminent! You’ll even learn how “ancient aliens” may have facilitated or accelerated human development! Hurry! Download this Expanded Second Edition of UFOs and Aliens: UFO Secrets (& Conspiracies) – Area 51, Alien & UFO Encounters, Alien Civilizations & the New World Order (Conspiracy) right away! Just scroll to the top of the page and select the Buy Button. Download Your Copy TODAY!

Unexplained Encounters: Ridiculous True Stories of The Unusual, Creepy and Just Plain Strange (Unexplained Phenomena Book 1)

Max Mason Hunter - 2017
    And there are people who have claimed to have directly encountered this world of mystery. From stories of people who see strange lights in the sky, to those that have actually claimed to have visited other times, dimensions and worlds completely unknown to life’s average traveler. These brave sojourners have found themselves face to face with humanities worst fears, darkest questions, and most confounding confusions and (most) have lived to tell the tale.These are the stories that are sometimes frightening, sometimes creepy, always unusual, and often enough, downright ridiculous. We will never know everything that exists in the unknown bandwidths of life, but it’s entertaining to try nonetheless. So sit back, relax, and get ready for some mind blowing excursions into the unknown... Here Is A Preview Of What's Inside... Unexplained Encounters: Excursions Into the Unknown Unexplained Encounters: Deadly Encounters at Dyatlov Pass Unexplained Encounters: Encounters with Angelic Aliens Unexplained Encounters: A Bit Of Inter-dimensional Thievery Unexplained Encounters: The Mothman Unexplained Encounters: Dr. Eben’s Unexplained Encounter with God Much, much more! Grab this book today!

Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA

Richard C. Hoagland - 2007
    The New Edition includes astonishing photos that NASA is unable to cover-up of architectural formations on the Moon and Mars.

100 Bigfoot Nights: A Chilling True Story

Christine Dela Parker - 2014
    Accompanied by video, photographs, and audio evidence, the story is written in Christine’s own words as it unfolds. According to the Bigfoot investigator they contacted, “They aren’t going anywhere.” As the world gets more crowded with us, “They” are left with less and less habitat. They have learned to live in the shadows and pass through the forests by our homes. After reading this book just ask yourself, what would you do if this happened to you? This story is not embellished or fictionalized. It is a series of true events interpreted and told from the author's point of view.

Stranger at the Pentagon

Frank E. Stranges - 1983

Deep Future

Stephen Baxter - 1985
    Along the way Stephen Baxter looks at our place in the universe, considers the possibility that we are in fact alone, and wonders whether that fact gives us the right to inherit everything. He also looks at how we might strive to overcome the limitations of the physical universe and win the deepest future. Stephen Baxter has brought his trademark narrative flair and imaginative brilliance to the latest ideas in physics and cosmology and produced a breathtaking guide to our possible futures.

Gods of the New Millenium

Alan F. Alford - 1997
    This interventionist solution identifies them as the builders of the Pyramids, Sphinx and other ancient sites. Up-to-date evidence is that the gods were real and came from within the Solar System.

Discovering the Universe [with CD-ROM]

Neil F. Comins - 1984
    The accompanying CD-ROM features a special student version of the award-winning virtual planetarium software Starry Night plus software animations and videos, all illustrations from the text, interactive Q&A and exercises, and supplementary resources. Material can be updated periodically from the Freeman Web site. www.whfreeman.com/astronomy. There is an online study guide offering a CD-Web guide, chapter objectives, key terms, review questions, Starry Night observations exercises and online tutorials.

Suns of God

D.M. Murdock - 2004
    Over the past several centuries, the Big Three spiritual leaders have been the Lords Christ, Krishna and Buddha, whose stories and teachings are curiously and confoundingly similar to each other. The tale of a miraculously born redeemer who overcomes heroic challenges, teaches ethics and morality, performs marvels and wonders, acquires disciples and is famed far and wide, to be persecuted, killed and reborn, is not unique but a global phenomenon recurring in a wide variety of cultures long before the Christian era. These numerous godmen were not similar historical personages who walked the earth but anthropomorphizations of the central focus of the famous mysteries. A major element of the cryptic, international brotherhood, these mysteries extend back thousands of years and are found worldwide, reflecting an ancient tradition steeped in awe and intrigue. The reasons for this religious development, which has inspired the creation of entire cultures, are unveiled in this in-depth analysis containing fascinating and original research based on evidence both modern and ancient, captivating information kept secret and hidden for ages. Suns of God is possibly the most complete review of the history of religion from its inception ever composed in a single volume.

Ancient Aliens On The Moon

Mike Bara - 2012
    He looks into the history of lunar anomalies and the early NASA programs. He gives us an examination of ruins on the Moon in the Sinus Medii region. Using images from the Surveyor, Lunar Orbiter and Ranger missions. He looks at the Apollo lunar missions to the Moon and the photographic evidence supporting the "transparent dome theory," plus he looks at further anomalies in the Mare Crisium region, including the hexagonal shape of the Crisium region itself, watch- crystal type glass domes over the craters Cleomedes F and Cleomedes F/a, and an historical image of a giant shard of transparent material that was whitewashed from later versions of the same image. Bara discusses the popular theory that the film "2001 -A Space Odyssey" was used as a training ground for Stanley Kubrick to develop the technology to fake the footage of the landings plus the curious mission of Apollo 17-possibly a technology salvage mission, primarily concerned with investigating an opening into a massive hexagonal ruin near the landing site. Bara details how the astronauts managed to get nearly 30 minutes of "off camera" time to investigate an entrance into the ruin and then later proceeded to a nearby crater to retrieve technological objects. He examines evidence from the Russian Zond series of lunar probes as well as the more current Clementine and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data, including an in-depth study of strange objects in Tycho crater. Plus a look at the current politics of the new race to return to the Moon and what hidden agenda's may be behind it. Finally, Bara looks at the various arguments that the entire Moon is an artificial object. Bara shows how the Moon would have been an ideal place for an alien species involved in genetic experimentation on Earth to have set up a base. Includes 8-page Full-Color insert.

The Invisible College

Jacques F. Vallée - 1975
    s/t: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered About UFO Influences on the Human Race

Stanley Kubrick's a Clockwork Orange

Stuart Y. McDougal - 1999
    The volume also includes two contemporary and conflicting reviews by Roger Hughes and Pauline Kael, a detailed glossary of nadsat and reproductions of stills from the film.

Aliens Among Us

Ruth Montgomery - 1985
    In these pages, you will learn: The secrets of real men and women (including a U.S. president) who have encountered aliens; the secrets of the psychic power centers both on the earth--and beyond it; the secrets about UFO phenomena our government has covered up for decades; and more.

The Interrupted Journey Two Lost Hours Aboard A Flying Saucer

John G. Fuller - 1966
    Driving home from Canada on the night of 9/19/1961, Betty & Barney Hill of Portsmouth, NH, sighted a flying saucer, which left them shaken. When they arrived home Barney found inexplicable scuff marks on the tips of his shoes; Betty noticed rows of mysterious circles on the boot of their car, but what was worse, they realised they could not account for almost two hours of their time on the road. After many months of psychic distress, they sought medical assistance from Dr Benjamin Simon, a distinguished Boston psychiatrist & neurologist. Under psychotherapy, including time-regression hypnosis, the Hills gave almost identical accounts of what had happened during their two lost hours. They told of intelligent humanoid beings who took them on board an alien spacecraft, questioned them & subjected them to physical examination. The Hills were an American married couple who rose to fame after they claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials on 9/19-20/1961. The couple's story, called the Hill Abduction, occasionally the Zeta Reticuli Incident, was that they had been kidnapped for a short time by a UFO. Theirs was the 1st widely-publicized claim of alien abduction.

Remember the Starfighter (The Endervar War, #1)

Michael Kan - 2015
    The enemy is consuming all intelligent life throughout the galaxy. And to stop them, the stars may have to die.Enter Julian Nverson, a disgraced pilot reactivated to fight in a conflict humanity lost long ago. He joins the remnants of mankind, in the midst of another invasion, another exodus, when billions of lives have already been swept away.Perhaps the end is inevitable. But Julian won't be alone in his fight. Forces that were formerly dead, forgotten or trapped will converge together, all in the hopes of freeing the galaxy once and for all.