The Hidden Plague: A Field Guide For Surviving and Overcoming Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Tara Grant - 2013
    Only a small fraction of those affected have been properly diagnosed, leaving many others to suffer in silence or pursue ill-advised conventional treatment methods that fail to address the cause of this painful condition. Tara Grant, a twenty-year sufferer of HS, has become an underground legend to her Internet community of HS victims by presenting a methodical, self-tested action plan to heal naturally. The centerpiece of her holistic approach rests on the understanding that HS is an autoimmune disorder caused by leaky gut syndrome. With a few simple dietary changes that eliminate certain “trigger” foods, you can heal your gut, restore your skin, reclaim your health, and rid yourself of HS symptoms forever. That’s it—no antibiotics, no experimental surgeries, and no more pain, suffering, or confusion.Q&A with Tara1. What was it about the subject you chose to write about in your book that made you feel so passionate about spreading the word and getting your book published? My motivation for writing this book was the overwhelming response I received from people on the Internet when I originally posted about it in March of 2012. It turns out it’s a pretty common condition, but many people (and doctors) don’t know what it is. It’s pretty standard to visit various doctors, and be told that you have “acne,” or to be subjected to butchering surgeries. There is no treatment for HS, according to the doctors. People with it suffer immensely—in fact, HS is acknowledged to be one of most painful conditions in the world. I’ve even received letters from doctors and nurses who suffer from HS, thanking me for telling them what it is that they have—and for offering them hope. The primary motivating factor for writing this book, however, was an email I received from a 12-year old girl, who said she was going to kill herself because of the pain she was in. I immediately wrote her back, but I never heard back from her. I am desperate to know that she’s okay. I don’t want anyone else to go through what I did as a teenager—I myself thought about suicide on more than one occasion. I’ve had many letters from people who say they want to kill themselves since.2. HS is hard to diagnose, and many doctors aren’t even aware of its existence. How did you get a diagnosis? I’ve had HS since I was thirteen years old, but wasn’t diagnosed until I was in my mid-30s. Up until then, I saw over forty doctors from four different countries - none of whom could tell me what was wrong with me. I eventually found the name “Hidradenitis suppurativa” in a book about PCOS (also known as polycystic ovarian syndrome, which I also had) and could finally put a name to the horrible condition I had suffered from for so long. I took that information to a dermatologist. That’s when I finally got a diagnosis—over twenty years later. At that time, I had already changed to a Primal diet and my HS was drastically better, so I declined the antibiotics and Accutane the doctor prescribed. I also refused to believe what she said: “You have to live with this for the rest of your life.” I knew, as a longtime sufferer of HS, that the doctors I had seen had no clue what they were talking about. My journey was extremely frustrating, and I went through it completely alone. Over the years, I was told I had “adult acne,” and also told that they didn’t know what was wrong with me. I was also told that I was overreacting, not keeping clean enough, and told to lose weight. Not a single doctor showed any compassion, or was willing to look into the matter further. I eventually stopped going to the doctors, and didn’t return until I had already made changes and knew I was on the right track. I knew that if I wanted answers, I had to do the research and experimentation myself. I wasn't interested in how I reacted to different drug, I was interested in healing myself naturally.  I knew that I was on the right track with diet, so I started investigating Robb Wolf’s Autoimmune Paleo Protocol, and made specific tweaks for skin conditions. Results I had seen from others (Dr. Terry Wahls, for example) who had healed themselves from crippling autoimmune conditions were the only motivation I needed. When I started treating HS like an autoimmune condition, it went into remission. There are literally thousands of cases of this happening with different autoimmune conditions all over the world. I was also able to induce flare-ups with specific experimentation. This completely checks with autoimmunity. There isn’t a cure—you will always have the predisposition for autoimmunity—but you CAN go into remission. 3. Do you have any relatives or close friends that became diagnosed after you?  There is no one else in my family with this condition. There is a mistaken belief that HS is hereditary. It is not. However, some families have more than one member affected by it. The reason for this is that HS is autoimmune. In order to get an autoimmune condition, you need to have the gene for autoimmunity. The fact that the autoimmune gene manifests as HS in more than one family member is complete coincidence. If you’re suffering from HS, you more than likely have other autoimmune conditions - and so does your family. Family trees littered with Crohn’s, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, restless legs syndrome, diabetes, Lupus, endometriosis, eczema, psoriasis, HS, and more—all of which are autoimmune—are very common. If you have HS, you have the autoimmune gene, which you did inherit. If your gut becomes leaky, then you will eventually develop an autoimmune condition.4. Do you have advice for anyone seeking medical help for this condition? Read my book first. The Western medical community is still under the mistaken belief that HS is caused by bacteria, hence the prescriptions for antibiotics. They will not be able to help you, and will suggest butchering surgeries and heavy hitting drugs, which often make matters worse. You can’t “cut HS out,” like you do with a cancerous tumor. When you remove an organ or tissue that is being ravaged by an autoimmune response, you open up all your other organs and tissues to attack. That’s why there’s over an 80% chance of reoccurrence of HS after surgery, and people will often start flaring-up in areas that had been clear before. Sometimes, they even develop brand new autoimmune conditions. Luckily, you actually hold the key to healing in your hands. You can heal yourself. If you can avoid infection, then you don’t need doctors—or drugs— to help you go into remission.5. What is the one thing you would stress most to anyone unable to get a copy of your book at this time? Many people with HS are on disability and don’t have a lot of disposable income, or they have been taken advantage of in the past. If this is you, go to your local library and ask them to carry the book. Then, you can borrow it for free. How much does a 1-oz jar of EmuAid cost? Turmeric capsules? Surgery? Doctor visits and prescriptions? We’ve all fallen for so much. I bet if you sat down and tallied up how much you’ve spent on Band-Aids alone for your HS over the years, $26 would be a drop in the bucket. The great thing about this book is that if you are not satisfied, you can request your money back. If you get this 300-page manual and find that there is nothing in it that is of any help, you can ask for a refund from the publisher. Try asking for a refund for EmuAid when it doesn’t work. That being said, I would challenge anyone with HS to read this book and find nothing in it that’s helpful.6. Your book is a very important first step in making the public aware of this illness. Besides the book, how do you plan to raise awareness of HS?My goal is to get on the Dr. Oz show. I figure that will give us the biggest bang for the buck. Many people have HS, but are unaware of what it’s called. They’re too embarrassed to go to the doctor about it. I would encourage all of you to write to the Dr. Oz show and ask them to feature me, and ask your local library to carry the book. The only way we’re going to raise awareness is to GO BIG.

Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy

Joesph Mercola - 2017
    But what if cancer isn’t a genetic disease after all? What if scientists are chasing a flawed paradigm, and cancer isn’t a disease of damaged DNA but rather of defective metabolism as a result of mitochondrial dysfunction? What if that startling truth could revolutionize our understanding of other diseases as well—and show us a radical new path to optimal health?In this groundbreaking guide, the first of its kind, New York Times best-selling author and leading natural-health practitioner Joseph Mercola explains how nearly all disease is caused by defective metabolic processes. Then he reveals what’s really causing your metabolism to go haywire: damage and dysfunction in the mitochondria, thousands of which are at work in nearly every cell in your body, generating 90 percent of the energy you need to stay alive and well. When mitochondria become damaged in large numbers, it is impossible to stay healthy.Dr. Mercola shows you that you can take control of your health simply by giving your body the proper fuel—and it’s not what you’ve likely been led to believe. A ketogenic diet, very low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats, is the way to optimize the biochemical pathways that suppress disease and support healing. And the benefits can be astonishing—not only in treating or preventing serious illness, but in boosting your brainpower, increasing your energy, helping you lose weight and keep it off, and much more.As you read this book, you’ll learn in clear, rational terms how your body works at a molecular level. You’ll finally understand the type of fuel it’s designed to burn in the most efficient way possible. You’ll find detailed guidelines for starting and sticking with a ketogenic eating plan. And you won’t have to wait a decade or two for metabolic mitochondrial therapy to make its way into the mainstream. You can build a healthier body and brain at the cutting edge of this exciting new discipline, starting right now.

Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life: Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health, Healing, and Happiness

Kimberly Snyder - 2019
    We can have those things and still feel deeply unhappy. Joy and true confidence come by finding a level of inner peace in our messy, perfectly imperfect lives.In this beautiful, inspirational, and highly anticipated new book, Kimberly Snyder shares not only her amazing new food recipes but also practical tips for living a happy and fulfilling life. As Snyder teaches, the key is to live beyond labels, heal body shame, and move past self-judgment. By embracing life's ups and downs and learning to tune into our intuition, we can ultimately claim our right to feel good, just as we are.With dozens of life lessons and more than 100 plant-based recipes for smoothies, soups, snacks, and entr�es, Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life invites us to find inner peace and acceptance, and teaches us how a healthier mind and body can give us strength to thrive in all parts of our lives.

Fresh from the Garden Recipes:: A Bounty of 120 Dishes Featuring Fresh Produce

Virginia Powell - 2014
    Well, you can drop the shovel and start digging into Fresh from the Garden Recipes to find a bounty of 120 dishes featuring fresh produce instead. This cookbook has a collection of 120 recipes full of fresh ideas for soups and salads, main dishes, desserts and more, all requiring for fresh ingredients straight from your garden, fruit tree or berry patch. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, all you need to do is visit your local farmers markets and supermarket for a supply of fresh produce throughout the year. You will then be able to turn to the pages of this cookbook regardless of the season! But before you find you find your produce, turn to the “Guide to Vegetables” at the beginning of the book. There you will find all the tips and tricks for picking (or buying), storing, preparing, and cooking the fresh ingredients featured in this cookbook. With Fresh from the Garden Recipes in your cookbook collection, you will soon be harvesting a bounty of compliments and praises from your family and friends.

Fit Girl's Guide: The 28 Day Jumpstart

FGW Media, LTD - 2014
    Many girls repeat the book multiple times, and even have their significant others join in! Once you have purchased you are eligible to join all future #28DayJumpstart Group Challenges.The 28 DAY JUMPSTART includes …FULL MEAL PLAN* Easy-to-make recipes* Tons of substitution options* Grocery lists for each week* Meal prep schedules* Flat tummy eating* Vegan, vegetarian & gluten-free friendlyFULL EXERCISE PLAN* Beginner-friendly* No gym required* No equipment required* Full body toning* Burn more calories throughout the dayWe look forward to meeting you soon!

Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness

Broda O. Barnes - 1975
    None is more readily and inexpensively corrected. And none is more often untreated, and even unsuspected.Hypothyroidism -- low thyroid function -- is one of the gland disturbances that many people suffer from without even realizing it. It can be the cause of low energy or constant fatigue that is one of the most common complaints brought to doctors. It may be responsible for chronic headaches, repeated infections, unyielding skin problems, or circulatory difficulties. Even more frightening, it can be a major factor in heart disease, lung cancer, and emphysema. And it is responsible for many emotional and mental disturbances. Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness explains low thyroid function in easy, understandable language. It tells how it may be affecting your health and your life.Dr. Broda Barnes and Lawrence Galton tell what the thyroid gland is, how it works, the problems its dysfunction can induce. They detail case histories of patients, often thought hopeless, whose problems were discovered to be related to hypothyroidism and were cured by Dr. Barnes's simple effective techniques. And they discuss whether you too may be hypothyroid, affected by a condition even a physician may not recognize.Included is a simple test you can make at home to discover if hypothyroidism may be the real, previously unsuspected cause of your ill health.If you know you are hypothyroid, Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness will answer your questions about your condition. If you suspect you maybe, if you are unsure what may be causing those chronic headaches, infections, fatigue and low energy, it may help you find the answer.

Zone Meals in Seconds: 150 Fast and Delicious Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Barry Sears - 2003
    For almost 10 years, Lynn and Barry Sears have maintained a completely Zone-friendly kitchen. With two daughters - one a finicky first-grader and one a vegetarian teenager - Lynn has had to use all of her creative and culinary skills to keep her family healthy and happy. Zone Meals in Seconds combines Lynn's hard-won wisdom and valuable experience with Barry's Zone expertise and medical knowledge in the first-ever family-friendly Zone book. From quick and easy family dinner recipes and snack tips, to advice on packing school lunches and surviving backyard barbecues, this book is a must-have for people who want to experience the incredible benefits of the Zone but need help answering the all-important question, 'What do I eat?'Written with the help of an experienced chef and recipe developer, Zone Meals in Seconds offers more than 200 fast and family-tested recipes for Zone-approved breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.

Journey to Health: A Journey Worth Taking: Cooking Keto with Kristie (Kindle edition)

Kristie Sullivan - 2017
    After a lifetime of obesity, following this way of eating began as a desperate plan to lose weight and evolved into a journey to manage my health and not just my weight. While I enjoy eating the best foods of my life and losing weight, I also have come to appreciate that my overall health has improved. I no longer need any of the four medications that I was on before I started keto. I no longer wait in the car or at the hotel while my family hikes. Now I’m the one who suggests that we go for walk or go kayaking or play at the pool. My husband and I have been on a ketogenic diet since June 2013, yet one of our physicians still asks whether this “diet” is sustainable in spite of our having lost a combined 180 lbs! Moreover, my husband's blood pressure has gone from the verge of needing medication to being low normal. Still, the physician asks if we can sustain it long term. In fact, more than one medical professional has told me that this way of eating is “too difficult to follow” or “too restrictive”. One of the goals of this cookbook is to prove that notion wrong. This cookbook has the "everyday" recipes that my family and I have enjoyed on our very own journey to health. There are some low carb “treat”, but the majority of the recipes in this book are the simple recipes that have become part of our day to day lives. There are delicious, filling breakfasts that will keep your tummy happy when it’s tired of scrambled eggs and bacon and hearty sides that will never make you feel deprived. This is “diet” food that you will be proud to share at any potluck and your “carbivore” friends will expect you to share! I snuck in a few very low carb treats for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions because these are the foods with which we have also celebrated on our journey. It is my sincere wish that these recipes can help you sustain a very low carb diet as a delicious life style. You can learn more about my journey from my YouTube channel, Cooking Keto with Kristie at . You can also follow my Facebook page, Simply Keto or my website at

The First Year: Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed

Jill Sklar - 2002
    This newly revised edition includes new research and insights to help everyone newly diagnosed with IBD come to terms with their condition and the accompanying lifestyle changes – along with other vital information about IBD.

The Mayo Clinic Diet Journal: A handy companion journal

Christopher Frye - 2010
    Full of weight-loss tips, this journal is the perfect place to track what you've eaten, how you've exercised, and the amount of your weight loss.The Mayo Clinic Diet Journal is the essential companion to The Mayo Clinic Diet. The Mayo Clinic Diet Journal includes: The Lose It! quick-start section that helps you keep track as you add 5 habits, break 5 habits, and adopt 5 bonus habits. The Live It! section of the Journal makes losing weight easier as you use this section to follow the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid, record your activity each day, and keep track of your goals. Also included in this handy Journal are forms to create a weekly shopping list, menus, and places for notes to yourself. Each section includes space for you to reflect on your week, as well as to record your weight loss. Losing weight with The Mayo Clinic Diet just got a little bit easier with help from The Mayo Clinic Diet Journal.

Run Mummy Run

Leanne Davies - 2018
    Gathering the very best of the advice and tips from the Run Mummy Run network, Leanne and co-writer Lucy have created this comprehensive beginner's guide to running that includes sections on: From starting with a Couch To 5k plan to building up the confidence to race. Fitting in running around work and family life. Overcoming barriers to exercise. How to keep on running when motivation wanes, and much more! Not just your average practical go-to, this book is filled with down-to-earth advice, training schedules and inspirational stories that'll help you to be fit, healthy and happy.

The Probiotics Revolution: The Definitive Guide to Safe, Natural Health Solutions Using Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods and Supplements

Gary B. Huffnagle - 2007
    Now an internationally recognized scientist at a top U.S. medical school—one of the leading researchers in the field—sheds light on the extraordinary benefits of these natural health superstars. Thanks to an explosion of research in recent years, one thing is clear: probiotics, the healthy bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract, are the body’s silent partners for good health, optimizing the power of the immune system to fight disease and the “bad” germs we fear. But how do they work? And in the face of factors like stress and poor diet, which decrease their numbers, how do you keep your supply well stocked? Here is an up-to-the-minute, highly accessible guide to probiotics and the foods and supplements that contain and support them—many of which may be in your diet already. Discover:The key role of probiotics and prebiotics in restoring healthy balance to our bodies, improving immune system functioning, and curbing inflammationHow to use probiotic foods and supplements to prevent and relieve allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, yeast infections, and the negative side effects of antibiotic useNew evidence that probiotics may help fight asthma, cardiovascular disease, breast and colon cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia—and even obesityNatural sources of prebiotics, the nutrients that help make the digestive tract more hospitable for probiotic bacteriaThe Probiotics Revolution also includes a step-by-step plan for incorporating the many food sources of probiotics and prebiotics into your diet, a complete buyer’s guide to probiotic supplements, and how to introduce probiotics to your family and children.From the Hardcover edition.

Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit

Adelle Davis - 1954
    "As a nutritionist no one enjoys a bigger name nationwide than Adelle Davis".--Los Angeles Herald Examiner.

Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins

Thomas E. Levy - 2002
    Book by Levy, Thomas E.

The Keto Cure: A Low Carb High Fat Dietary Solution to Heal Your Body and Optimize Your Health

Jimmy Moore - 2018
    The Keto Cure will give readers the prescription they need to heal their bodies by eating plenty of fat and moderating protein and carbs. Dr. Adam Nally has been advocating a low-carb, high-fat diet in his clinical practice for more than fifteen years, helping people address their health problems by making better food choices. Dr. Nally and bestselling low-carb author and podcaster Jimmy Moore have worked together to create a top-50 health podcast espousing the benefits of eating keto. Now, for the first time, Dr. Nally has teamed up with Moore to take his years of clinical experience, put everything down on paper, and create a how-to guide that details all the ways in which the ketogenic diet can help remedy common ailments. The Keto Cure details the science behind the keto diet's effectiveness at treating a wide range of diseases, including Alzheimer's epilepsy fatty liver disease hypercholesterolemia hypertension Parkinson’s disease thyroiditis type 2 diabetes and many more The Keto Cure also outlines practical tips gleaned from Dr. Nally's fifteen-plus years in medical practice, as well as Moore's ten-plus years as a health and wellness podcaster, on overcoming the common pitfalls that people experience when adapting to a high-fat way of eating, including fatigue and keto flu. This helpful information, combined with a wide variety of delicious keto recipes from international bestselling cookbook author Maria Emmerich, makes The Keto Cure a complete resource for healing oneself with the ketogenic diet.