Fearful Symmetry: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Gailie Ruth Caress - 2021
    Seeing how he put his own life at risk to pull her from the fire, how could she help but change her opinion of him?THROWN TOGETHER AGAIN in the refuge offered at Netherfield, Darcy and Elizabeth’s unexpected bond gains strength. But disapproval, debts, and doubts all arise when the costs in time and expense involved in rebuilding Longbourn threaten to widen the gulf in standing between Elizabeth and Darcy in the eyes of society. Amidst these perplexities of destruction and decorum, can love’s courage overcome calamity?FEARFUL SYMMETRY is a Pride and Prejudice variation

The Journey

Jan Hahn - 2011
    Bingley's sisters and the proud, arrogant Mr. Darcy. Suddenly, their carriage is abruptly stopped, and Elizabeth hears the menacing cry, "Stand and deliver!" Abduction The leader of a band of highwaymen, Nate Morgan, a handsome, masked rogue, plans to seize Elizabeth for his amusement, but Darcy steps forward and offers himself as a hostage in her place. When his proposal fails to secure Elizabeth's release, Darcy makes a shocking declaration-Elizabeth is his wife! Romance At a time when a woman's future could be ruined by the slightest hint of scandal, Elizabeth's reputation will depend not only upon the actions of a hero but a villain as well. Filled with danger, excitement, daring and passion, The Journey follows Jane Austen's beloved characters from Pride and Prejudice as they embark on a fateful journey that changes their lives forever.


Jessie Lewis - 2021
    Her stomach churned, as it was wont to do these days. He would not marry her. She was ruined.THE ARRIVAL OF TWO ELIGIBLE GENTLEMEN at Netherfield Park sends ripples of excitement through nearby Meryton. But Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy are not the only additions to the neighbourhood raising eyebrows. An unremarkable cottage in the woods between Netherfield and Meryton also has new tenants. One of them—a lively little girl with an adventurous spirit, a love of the outdoors, and a past shrouded in mystery—draws the notice of more than one local.ELIZABETH BENNET—YOUNG, INTELLIGENT, and UNFASHIONABLY INDEPENDENT—forms a poor first impression of the haughty Mr Darcy. On closer acquaintance, and against her better judgment, her disgust begins to give way to more tender feelings. Yet standing in the way of any potential romance is the closely guarded history of a certain little girl in a cottage in the woods. Elizabeth might be ready to disclose her hidden affections, but she is about to learn that some things are better kept secret, and some hearts are safer left untouched.

The Last Waltz: . . . another pride and prejudice journey of love

Pat Santarsiero - 2015
    Darcy. But the result of one Fateful night changes everything. Can she ever overcome her insecurities enough to allow herself to be loved? Experience has taught Fitzwilliam Darcy that love is fleeting at best, an impractical emotion that is hardly worth the effort. Will he ever find the courage to finally offer his heart to someone? The Last Waltz may be their last chance for happiness.

Faults of Understanding: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jennifer Altman - 2021
    Darcy, Pride and PrejudiceWhen Fitzwilliam Darcy makes an impetuous offer of marriage to Miss Elizabeth Bennet, he is convinced they have as good a chance as any for a harmonious life together. That is, until an overheard conversation changes everything, and Darcy realizes he is now joined in perpetuity to a woman who loathes the very sight of him.Elizabeth Bennet's expectations for matrimonial accord were never very high, having accepted Mr. Darcy's proposal in a fit of pique, not love. Still, she is determined to make the best of her situation, despite having tied herself to such an arrogant, disagreeable man.But life at Pemberley is not at all what she imagined, and Elizabeth soon finds herself with more questions than answers about the enigmatic gentleman she agreed to wed.Trapped in a marriage founded on misunderstandings, Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy struggle with deepening attraction while confronting self-doubt and old betrayals. But is love enough to heal the wounds of the past? What will it take for two people bound by duty to find their way home to one another?Note: This novel contains mature content dealing with intimacy and loss. While the scenes are not graphic in nature, the subject matter is most suitable for an adult reader.

Less Proud and More Persuasive

Sophie Turner - 2015
    Darcy to make a more Persuasion-esque proposal?Author Note: Readers considering this work should be aware that, unlike the Constant Love series, this novella is written in third-person present tense, so if they routinely read only past-tense writing, they may wish to peruse the sample before purchasing.They should also be aware that it uses lines from Jane Austen's Persuasion as well as Pride and Prejudice. Readers who have not read Persuasion are encouraged to read that novel first, less because of spoilers than because it is absolutely wonderful.

A Very Meryton Christmas: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Olivia Kane - 2018
    But when Fitzwilliam Darcy stays on at Netherfield Park thru the New Year, she is convinced he will ruin her holiday with his rude comments and prideful ways. Yet when she learns a painful secret about his past, she resolves to spread a little Christmas cheer his way. Can Elizabeth melt Mr. Darcy’s frozen heart or will jealous forces ruin their budding romance? A Very Meryton Christmas is a lighthearted novella; in the spirit of the time frame, it is a genteel romance where only the tea is steamy.

Mr. Darcy's Daughter: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Melissa Halcomb - 2021
    For three years, it has hung like a dead weight about his neck, yet his first priority has been and must continue to be his young daughter. He married once for duty, he will only marry again for love. Is there a lady out there who will love him for the man he is underneath his vast wealth and lofty connections and, more importantly, who will love his precious daughter as dearly as he does? Will those with their own agenda to push allow him to follow his heart?A rocky first encounter with the handsome friend of her new neighbour leaves Elizabeth reeling. Meeting his adorable daughter will change her life forever. Loving the sweet little girl is easy, but what about the tall, brooding man she calls Papa? What will Elizabeth do when faced with those who deem her unworthy of the master of Pemberley?Mr. Darcy's Daughter is a sweet full length novel of +82,000 words. This is Melissa's debut novel.

Proof of Love - A Pemberley Tale

Brenda J. Webb - 2018
    Not a simple retelling, it is an intriguing new story that does not follow canon. During his second year at Cambridge, a young Fitzwilliam Darcy accompanies a classmate to Lucas Lodge in Meryton for the holidays. Whilst there, he encounters a girl of sixteen who instantly captures his attention and soon after, his heart. Yet, because Elizabeth Bennet could never meet his relations’ expectations and he cannot abide her distasteful family, he returns to the university vowing to forget her. Two years later, they are thrown into each other’s company and forced to spend several days together unchaperoned. Once they are discovered, Darcy suppresses his reservations about marriage to Elizabeth and does his duty in order to save her from ruin. Will a young, headstrong and prejudiced Elizabeth realize how mistaken she has been about her husband’s character? Likewise, will a prideful, intractable but highly principled Fitzwilliam Darcy acknowledge his faults before their marriage is destroyed?

Drawing Mr. Darcy: Sketching His Character

Melanie Rachel - 2018
    Bright, energetic, and endlessly inquisitive, his little Lizzy is poised to become the apple of her father’s eye and the target of her mother’s fears. Neither will promote family harmony. When she returns to Longbourn as a young woman, Elizabeth Bennet Russell has had an unconventional upbringing. She is in possession of an important name, a fine education, a good fortune, and a love of drawing. When her parents ask her not to use her Russell surname while she is home, she reluctantly agrees. After all, nobody she knows will meet her in Hertfordshire. She’s mostly right. Drawing helps Elizabeth to literally sketch people’s character, and she’s become rather good at it. But she’s about to face her greatest challenge yet. Netherfield Park is let at last, and her good friend's much older brother--whom she has yet to meet--has arrived as a guest. It will take Elizabeth more than a drawing to help her understand Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. This is full-length novel at just over 86,000 words.

In Netherfield Woods: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Ava Adams - 2020
    Her stay at Netherfield Park while her sister, Jane, recovers from her illness, has been long and tedious, especially when the proud and unsociable Mr Darcy insists on sitting in the same room as her for hours at a time without speaking. When the rain briefly relents, she hurries outside to enjoy the fresh air before the weather worsens. Mr Darcy wishes he could stay away from Elizabeth. Her low connections mean marriage to her is out of the question, yet he is drawn to her like a man bewitched. But when she fails to return from her walk before dark, he rushes out to find her, knowing where her habits will draw her. Forced to find shelter for the night, Elizabeth and Darcy struggle to keep warm despite the potential scandal of being alone together. But the bitter cold compels them to stay close and leads to a response neither of them expected. And when they are found together, Elizabeth accepts she has no choice but to marry the man she has despised up until now. But there are people close to them who are even more unhappy about the forced marriage than Elizabeth is. And when Elizabeth is offered an alternative to marrying Darcy, are her growing feelings for him strong enough to overcome the pressure of those trying to separate them? One Night at Netherfield Park is a Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 30,000 words

A Look Behind the Mask: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Tiffany Thomas - 2021
    She learns the hard way that a handsome face can mask cruelty and depravity.This experience forever alters her relationships with her sisters, her parents, and her friends.How will a changed Elizabeth Bennet react to Fitzwilliam Darcy's insults at the Meryton Assembly?Can Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy overcome their altered pride and prejudices to find happily ever after?A Look Behind the Mask is a full-length, clean Pride & Prejudice variation of 112,000 words.**Trigger warning: the prologue shows an experience of an adult male abusing a young female teen. It does NOT go into detail, but it may be disturbing for some. If it becomes uncomfortable for you, you can skip to chapter 1 without missing any of the story.**Praise for A Look Behind the Mask:“I enjoyed how you used the Jane Austen characters and set them in your own story. I really enjoyed all the differences and unique plot twists. Well done.”“Wow what a glorious story!”“Oh my god I SOBBED during the epilogue. What a beautiful story and a beautiful end.”“This was a wonderful story! I really enjoyed the exploration of these characters and how real they were.”“Your story is one of the top stories I've read… Please keep writing, you have a talent that should not be wasted.”“Just the idea of Elizabeth dumping a pitcher of water on Lydia's head is giving me more enjoyment than I ever expected.”“What a great story. You carried the many plot lines beautifully.”“Your story is one of the top Jane Austen Fan Fiction stories I've read.”

Mr. Darcy and the Secret of Becoming a Gentleman

Maria Hamilton - 2011
    By every civility in his power, Darcy slowly tries to win her affections, but Elizabeth is not easily swayed. Darcy vows to unlock the secrets that will make her his. He curses himself for his social awkwardness and appearance of pride, and sets out to right the wrongs he's done her family.Elizabeth's family and friends misunderstand his intentions, and being in Elizabeth's presence proves to be both excruciating for the shy Darcy-and a dream come true. For the first time in his life, he must please a woman worth having, and the transformation leads him to a depth of understanding and love that he never could have imagined.

Disruption at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emily Russell - 2018
    Ever since she harshly rejected his proposal of marriage months earlier, she has dreaded seeing him again. How could she have been so wrong about him? How could she ever look him in the face, knowing how badly she misjudged him?
Elizabeth and the Gardiners are not the only ones taking advantage of the master's absence. While travelling through the woods, their carriage is held up by three highwaymen who have been terrorising the countryside. In the scuffle, her uncle is injured, and Elizabeth is almost taken with them before they are saved by the last person she expected to see.

Fitzwilliam Darcy has struggled to overcome his feelings for Elizabeth Bennet. Ever since she rejected his proposal of marriage and made it clear how much she disliked him, he sought to put her from his mind. His only comfort is if he ever did see her again, he might prove himself a better man than the one she believed him to be.
Needing to return home to Pemberley earlier than anticipated, he takes a shortcut through the woods at night only to come across a carriage being held up by a gang of highwaymen. He intercepts and chases the thieves away. On his return, he is startled to find the woman he never thought to see again.

Darcy and Elizabeth put aside their emotions at seeing one another and agree that Elizabeth's uncle should be taken to Pemberley to receive care. Forced to live under the same roof, Darcy and Elizabeth finally have a chance to face their true feelings for one another and see if the wrongs of the past can be overcome. Can Darcy prove to her that he has changed from the man she thought him to be? And is Elizabeth still dear enough to him that he can overcome his hurt pride at her rejection?

Their growing closeness is disrupted when one of the highwaymen is captured and reveals information that forces Darcy and Elizabeth to make a decision about their relationship. And an old enemy from the past threatens to ruin everything that has been growing between them.

Fathers Know Best: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Iris Lim - 2020
    Left to raise their children on their own after the death of their respective wives, the two men make a few unconventional choices. And when those choices start to have consequences, it's up to their children to figure things out.Delve into an alternate universe where Mrs. Bennet passes after the birth of three daughters and where the two heroes’ fathers possess an unlikely friendship. Some things can be silly, and some others can be unexpectedly sweet.