Justice in the Burbs: Being the Hands of Jesus Wherever You Live

Will Samson - 2007
    Life keeps us busy, and the poor and disenfranchised of our world are invisible as we go from our garage to our workplace and back again. But suburbanites can be a force for social justice in the world. In this unique book, readers will take a journey with a young couple from the 'burbs as they learn to notice and act on the issues of justice that abound no matter where you live. This engaging narrative helps readers kiss apathy and ignorance goodbye in favor of a life of concern and action in order to help our fellow human beings.

Extreme Makeover: Transformed by Christ, Not Conformed to the Culture

Teresa Tomeo - 2011
    With its emphasis on youth, physical beauty, and sexuality, the secular media is encouraging women - and girls - to see themselves primarily as sex objects.A former television news reporter, Tomeo pulls together the latest research on social behavior and trends to demonstrate that women are harming themselves and their chances for true happiness by adopting the thoroughly modern, sexually liberated lifestyle portrayed in magazines and movies. Packed with not only persuasive statistics but also powerful personal testimonies, Extreme Makeover shows that it is not the slogans of the sexual revolution and the women's liberation movement that free and dignify women, but the beautiful teachings of the Catholic Church.So what are women steeped in the Hollywood and Cosmo girl version of reality to do? Undergo Tomeo's Extreme Makeover. With the help of this book, they can shed the toxic messages that objectify and enslave them and embrace the truth about being a beloved daughter of God.

In God's Hands: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2015

Desmond Tutu - 2014
    It is a meditation on the infinite love of God and the infinite value of the human individual. Not only are we in God's hands, says Desmond Tutu, our names are engraved on the palms of God's hands. Throughout an often turbulent life, Archbishop Tutu has fought for justice and against oppression and prejudice. As we learn in this book, what has driven him forward is an unshakeable belief that human beings are created in the image of God and are infinitely valuable. Each one of us is a God-carrier, a tabernacle, a sanctuary of the Divine Trinity. God loves us not because we are loveable but because he first loved us. And this turns our values upside down. In this sense, the Gospel is the most radical thing imaginable.It is extremely moving that in this book Archbishop Tutu returns to something so simple and so profound after a life in which he has been involved in political, social, and ethical issues that have seemed to be so very complex.

God Sees Her: 365 Devotions for Women by Women

Our Daily Bread Ministries - 2020
    This devotional ebook provides story after story of God's care for women both in Bible times and in modern day life. You will be reminded of God's love as you daily read this collection of Our Daily Bread devotions written by female authors. And you will know the warm presence of your heavenly Father as each article reassures you that God sees you, God knows you by name, and God cares about every detail of your life.

The Authority of the Believer

John A. MacMillan - 1997
    MacMillan (1873-1956) is considered the originator of the modern doctrine concerning the authority that a Christian believer has in Christ. This teaching has been used much by many churches, but is best known in the Pentecostal circles. It may be surprising that MacMillan was himself a Presbyterian, though he was heavily influenced by the likes of A. B. Simpson, Evan Roberts, and Jessie Penn-Lewis. This teaching is sound, solid, and relevant for today! If ever we as the church needed to understand who we are in Christ, that time is now. This book is composed of articles published in The Alliance Weekly, which came in two series: the first being The Authority of the Believer, and the second The Authority of the Intercessor. From the foreword: The rapidly approaching end of the age is witnessing a tremendous increase in the activity of the powers of darkness. Unrest among the nations, more intense than at any previous time in earth's history, is due largely to the stirring up of the ambitions and passions of men, while the spread of an almost wholly secularized education is quietly doing away with the scriptural standards which formerly exerted a restraining influence among the so-called Christian peoples. Our wealth and social culture have not made us thankful to the Giver of all good, but have centered us upon the material things of the world, and have produced a self-sufficiency that quite ignores our dependence upon the Creator of all. Godlessness, which we have condemned so strongly in the Soviet Union, is almost equally as pronounced, though less blatant, in our own land. These conditions are reacting strongly upon the great ministry of the Church of Christ, the giving of the gospel to the heathen world. War has closed many doors in foreign lands, and at the same time has cut off financial contributions in not a few countries which formerly took an active interest in missions. More serious still is the attitude of large sections of the church towards the state of the heathen. No longer are these concerned about the lost souls which wander in darkness; their thought is centered on raising their social status and meeting their intellectual and physical needs. They seek, in their own jargon, to "build a better world," but the world they envision is one without a Savior. Christ, in their view, has degenerated into a Superman, an example which in their own feeble strength they seek to follow. To meet the situation, the Church of Christ needs a new conception of prayer. The urgent call is for men and women, wholly yielded to the Lord, whose eyes have been enlightened to see the ministry in the heavenlies to which they have been called. Such believers, whether as intercessors, or as workers at home, or missionaries on the foreign fields, may in union with the great Head of the Body, exercise an authority to which the powers of the air must give place wherever challenged. The Table of Contents are as follows: Chapter One: The Authority of the Believer Chapter Two: The Divine Purpose Of The Ages Chapter Three: The Qualifications For Authority Chapter Four: The Practical Exercise of Authority Chapter Five: The Authority of the Intercessor Chapter Six: The Victory of the Believer's Countenance Chapter Seven: Victory Over Spiritual Conflict For more of the best Christian books ever written, visit our website at JawboneDigital.com

The Rocking-Horse Catholic

Caryll Houselander - 1970

Thirty Steps to Heaven: The Ladder of Divine Ascent for All Walks of Life

Vassilios Papavassiliou - 2013
    In Thirty Steps, Archimandrite Vassilios interprets the Ladder for the ordinary Christian without sacrificing any of its beauty and power. Now you too can accept the challenge offered by St. John Climacus to ascend closer to God with each passing day.

Is He Nuts?: Why a Gay Man Would Become a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ

Dennis Schleicher - 2019
    The growing realization that he was gay coupled with his parents' use of religion to justify abuse and neglect led Dennis to have a very complicated relationship with love, God, and organized religion. After suffering a violent hate crime, forced institutionalization, and heartbreak after heartbreak, Dennis was desperate for love and acceptance--he just didn't know where to find it. Walk a mile in Dennis's shoes and see from his eyes how the only love that can truly make you whole is that of the Savior.

Candles in the Dark

Amy Carmichael - 1981
    These letters of famed missionary-author Amy Carmichael, written to specific individuals on particular occassions, have a wider message which may now for the the first time be shared by the general reader.

A Prayer Journal

Flannery O'Connor - 2013
    "There is a whole sensible world around me that I should be able to turn to Your praise." Written between 1946 and 1947 while O'Connor was a student far from home at the University of Iowa, A Prayer Journal is a rare portal into the interior life of the great writer. Not only does it map O'Connor's singular relationship with the divine, but it shows how entwined her literary desire was with her yearning for God. "I must write down that I am to be an artist. Not in the sense of aesthetic frippery but in the sense of aesthetic craftsmanship; otherwise I will feel my loneliness continually . . . I do not want to be lonely all my life but people only make us lonelier by reminding us of God. Dear God please help me to be an artist, please let it lead to You."O'Connor could not be more plain about her literary ambition: "Please help me dear God to be a good writer and to get something else accepted," she writes. Yet she struggles with any trace of self-regard: "Don't let me ever think, dear God, that I was anything but the instrument for Your story."As W. A. Sessions, who knew O'Connor, writes in his introduction, it was no coincidence that she began writing the stories that would become her first novel, Wise Blood, during the years when she wrote these singularly imaginative Christian meditations. Including a facsimile of the entire journal in O'Connor's own hand, A Prayer Journal is the record of a brilliant young woman's coming-of-age, a cry from the heart for love, grace, and art.

Decluttering Your Marriage

Douglas Wilson - 2017
    That's because the key to a good marriage is honest, complete, and humble confession of sin. This short little book, coming from a pastor with forty years of experience, offers concrete practical suggestions about how to confess sin properly and how to avoid other snares that married people tend to get snagged on, usually depending on whether they're the man or the woman. Decluttering Your Marriage will give you much gospel advice, with much gospel encouragement. Features an extra checklist to help implement this book in your day-to-day lives.

Finding God's Will: Seek Him, Know Him, Take the Next Step

Gregg Matte - 2010
    Through an extensive, intimate examination of God’s encounter with Moses in the burning bush, Finding God's Will invites readers to shift their understanding of God’s will from an event to be experienced to a process to live; God’s will is what happens when we seek Him.   Readers will find out how to be on the lookout for their own burning bushes; how to focus on pleasing God and how to expect God’s power as they seek His will. They may also be surprised to find that, as they seek a deeper relationship with God, His direction and guidance become clear. A life centered in God’s will is a promise offered to every believer and now everyone can learn how to receive that gift.

The Answer to Bad Religion Is Not No Religion: A Guide to Good Religion for Seekers, Skeptics, and Believers

Martin Thielen - 2014
    In an effort to help those who've been hurt by or turned off by negative religion, Martin Thielen explains that there is an alternative to abandoning religion: good religion. Thielen uses personal stories to illustrate the dangers of religion that is judgmental, anti-intellectual, and legalistic. While addressing the growth of the new atheism movement and the "Nones" (people that have no religious affiliation), this book argues that leaving religion is not practical, not helpful, and not necessary. Thielen provides counterparts to the characteristics of bad religion, explaining that good religion is grace-filled, promotes love and forgiveness, and is inclusive and hope-filled. Perfect for individual, group, or congregational study, a Leader's Guide and a Worship and Outreach Kit are also available to further the discussion and increase community involvement.

Celebrating the Disciplines: A Journal Workbook to Accompany "Celebration of Discipline"

Richard J. Foster - 1992
    For those who want to develop a deeper, more joyful inner life through the practice of Christian spiritual disciplines, this one-year journal-workbook helps readers find new ways to reflect on, experience, and integrate the disciplines into their lives.

Christian Pipe-Smoking: An Introduction to Holy Incense

Uriesou Brito - 2014
    All four of these good things are guaranteed to happen if you but promise to go onto your porch tomorrow with your pad or other device, light your pipe, and Tolle Lege.