MacArthur's Luck: The race for Berlin is on! (The Fortunes of War)

Steven H. Newton - 2017
    His successor as US Army Chief of Staff, General Douglas MacArthur, flies halfway around the world to butt heads with Josef Stalin and change history.When MacArthur relieves General Dwight D. Eisenhower from command in Europe, the Anglo-Allied advance devolves into a free-for-all as competing armies race for Berlin, and the changes echo across the globe. Here are just a few of the highlights from MacArthur’s Luck:Captain Jackie Robinson leads an armored task force across the Rhine. ...Major Barry Goldwater fire-bombs Tokyo. ...Commander Robert Heinlein struggles to save his wounded ship from kamikazes off Okinawa. ...Field Marshals Georgi Zhukov and Ivan Konev clash on the road to Berlin. ...SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Karl Wolff dares everything to negotiate a separate surrender to the Americans. ...Populated by a cast of realistic characters who will take you inside the American, German, Soviet, and Japanese military machines, and meticulously researched by a well-known military historian, MacArthur’s Luck opens The Fortunes of War series, exploring a world both tantalizingly like our own, but also dramatically different.Half the fun is figuring out what’s real, and what’s not.

Time Crystal 1 - The Convergence

Ethan Somerville - 2009
    This reptilian conqueror has managed to steal a deadly Crystal of Power and enhance her mental abilities to godlike levels. The only way she can be defeated is by someone of comparable mental strength, armed with a similar artefact.Many thousands of years earlier, Eridon explorers concealed the first Crystal of Power somewhere on Earth, and never revealed its location. It is believed that the human/Eridon half-castes, descendants of these explorers, subconsciously know its resting-place.The Great Council of Eridon sends a young mentalist named Heathcliff to travel through Earth’s history, tracking down five half-castes who can help him find the Crystal, and bring it back to Eridon before it’s too late.However, five such different characters have little in common, and do not always agree. And at least one of them wants the Crystal for himself. And to make matters worse, someone else has already discovered Earth’s Crystal and taken it!Also part of the Eridon Chronicles:Rise of the Unmaker - Past: Dawn of the NightbringerRise of the Unmaker - Present: Zenith of the DaystoneHalf-casteTime Crystal 2 – Delsaron’s WorldTime Crystal 3 – The IcosahedronTime Crystal 4 - The Singularity

The Shield: a novel

Nachman Kataczinsky - 2014
    M. Stirlings’s Island in the Sea of Time. Twenty-first century Israel finds itself transferred to 1941 days before Nazi Germany plans to attack the Soviet Union. Opportunities abound for changing history and the population – including terrorists, tourists, diplomats, and pacifists – has divergent goals. Everything is debated and every action has unpredictable consequences. The Shield follows an extended family as they adapt to their changed world. The businessman sees opportunities, his son in the army faces new enemies, and the cousin visiting from America is confused and angry. The Israeli government, a fractious coalition with diverse goals, struggles to protection the population in a world they only think they understand. Fun reading for fans of alternate history and time-travel fiction – highly recommended!

Surprise Battle: A Different Outcome

Thomas Trimble - 2020
    He is the Captain of the USS Joseph Kane, a 2015 Virginia Class, Fast Attack Nuclear Submarine. The strange force has taken the boat and all the crew back to 1942 in the middle of WWII. In fact, the Navy Command at the time, not even knowing what a nuclear submarine is, ordered him into the middle of the battles near Guadalcanal during the amphibious landings. Starting with the Battle of Savo Island which in history was a harsh loss of brave Allied sailors. What will the outcome of the new battles be and will this cause the possible paradox in time? Come with Captain Richey and the crew and travel into an Alternate History.

England Expects

Charles S. Jackson - 2011
    Edward VIII still reigns and mourns the death of his mistress, Wallis Simpson. Left with almost no troops, guns or tanks, Britain stands alone against the might of a German Wehrmacht armed with assault rifles, main battle tanks, aircraft carriers and a pair of 'superguns' firing seven tonne shells across the English Channel.Day after day, Squadron Leader Alec Trumbull and a fast-dwindling number of broken veterans and inexperienced new-recruits take to the skies against the seemingly endless streams of German aircraft. His Spitfire damaged in the heat of battle and pursued by enemy fighters he can’t outrun, Trumbull is saved at the last moment by a strange jet aircraft that can land and take off vertically. He discovered that the advanced aircraft belongs to the Hindsight Unit: a UN task force from the 21st Century sent to combat a group of Neo-Nazis also returned from the future to aid Nazi Germany wins the Second World War. As technology accelerates and events begin to spiral out of control, Trumbull finds himself drawn into Hindsight’s desperate struggle to prevent a seemingly inevitable invasion of Great Britain and return history to its true course.

Six Bits

Laurence E. Dahners - 2015
    Two of them, Porter and Macos have been available on Amazon as stand-alone stories in the past, but readers complained that they were too short to justify Amazon’s minimum $0.99 price. Thus, I removed Porter and Macos from Amazon, extensively rewrote them and then compiled them with some new short stories in order to provide a better value. If you already purchased and read Porter and Macos when they were available as stand-alone stories you may be disappointed, but they only make up 34% of the total and the price for all six stories is still just $0.99. The book consists of six stories (65K words – same length as the novel “Quicker”). 1. Sander (Novelette - 8K words) – a story about growing up in the asteroid belt and encountering a man who‘s a complex mixture of good and evil 2. Exceltor (Novella - 19K words) – a story considering how warfare might work in a future where wormholes allow sudden bridging of large distances in space 3. Macos (Short Story - 8K words) – a coming of age story wherein a young man finds his father is a completely different man than he had always imagined 4. Porter (Novelette - 14K words) – a young girl can open small portals from one location to another with her mind but—to her father’s great disappointment—she just wants to play guitar 5. Billy Benoit (Novelette - 12K words) – a man who thinks it would be awesome to go back in time, finds out it isn’t as cool as he’d hoped – not at all… 6. Guitar Girl (Short Story - 4K words) – a cover band at a beach bar invites a pretty girl with a guitar to play a set with them – having no idea who she really is…

The Magic of Twelve: Sienna

Pepper North - 2018
    But when she’s swept away to a magical new world full of frights and delights, her stubbornness begins to subside in the arms of the gorgeous sorcerer who claims to be her fated mate.The dangers of his world aren’t the only ones that Jedrek must shield his cherished Little one from. Though he’s prepared for Sienna’s arrival for hundreds of years, her life has done nothing to ready her for her new Pappa’s love and care. The power of their bond is undeniable, but will it be enough to earn Sienna’s trust and overcome the growing menace that threatens their lives?Readers Beware: The Magic of Twelve Series is intended to leave the audience enchanted and wanting more. Each of these fantastical love stories features sizzling scenes that may leave the reader as uncomfortable as the heroine’s bottom. Tread carefully with the Sorcerers of Bairn if you are sensitive to high heat.

Dark Gate Angels

Ramy Vance - 2020
    ​But you can guarantee someone’s getting decapitated.Anabella is a supermodel with a secret. She’s really an elf. And she’s bored, bored, bored. Born and bred as a warrior, Anabella wants nothing more than to trade her tiara for a dagger and a gun.Careful what you wish for…When orcs invade Earth, will Anabella have her chance?Abby is a robotics engineer and certifiable genius (as well as simply certifiable). When Abby’s father is killed by the orcs, she plans on using her intellect to avenge him.Terra is the toughest person in Kansas. Too bad she’s not in Kansas anymore. She was kidnapped by orcs to fight in their sick and twisted battle games.Both Abby and Terra want revenge in the form of gloopy, green orc blood. Will the blood be green, or red?Alone, none of them stand a chance. But together they just might be enough to bring evil to its knees.These three warriors didn’t start the war…but you can be damn sure they’re going to try to finish it. Will they succeed?

Rex Electi

W.P. Kimball - 2016
    He soon learns that every aspect of his life so far, including the staged deaths of his parents, has been arranged by the Senate Tribunal in an attempt to mold him into the perfect leader. Now there are only thirty candidates, including Caius, left competing to be the Emperor's heir. Success in a series of Trials will reunite him with his family and make him the most powerful man in the world, but failure will lead to a life of isolation and imprisonment hidden in the eaves of the palace. As Caius enters the trials, it becomes apparent that the tests themselves are not the problem: it is the twenty nine other candidates willing to do whatever it takes to win, including maim or kill their top competitors. Can Caius navigate the pitfalls of imperial politics and cutthroat competition, all while performing well enough to succeed in the trials fair and square?

Ghosts of Culloden Moor: Volume 2

L.L. Muir - 2017
    Nearly 300 years later, a young lass hopes to re-write history... Soncerae is a Muir Witch whose destiny is to save these Highland warriors who refuse to leave Culloden's hallowed, forever-bloody ground. She can win back their lives, but only for a time. And in that time, she hopes to prove that a heart's true desire can mean so much more than revenge. This anthology contains the stories of Fraser, Rabby, and Macbeth. "These rough, braw men of mine... 'Tis more than just pride and injustice that keeps them tethered to the moor. But pride is what I'll use to get them to go on. Ye see, I've known for a long while I'll know no peace until they've found theirs." ~Soncerae Muir

Virginian (Matt Miller in the Colonies, #3)

Mark J. Rose - 2019
    He’s become a wealthy businessman and politician, with a beautiful wife and family, but the American Revolution looms on the horizon. When a prominent British leader mysteriously disappears, Ben Franklin summons Matt to London to help investigate the involvement of Patrick Ferguson, a man whose ambitions are to change the future. Unknown to them all, another time traveler, with separate motivations, will join them in a struggle across two continents to change the destiny of Western Civilization.

The Danish Scheme

Herb Sakalaucks - 2013
    In addition to a new version of this story, which had previously been published in the Grantville Gazette, Eric Flint has added a short story which provides a view of the same events from Magdeburg. What does the Stearns administration make of all this? A worthy addition to the 1632 series, the first of a series of new books published under the imprint of the "Ring of Fire Press." to make available stories and information which there simply isn't time for in Baen's publishing schedule. These stories were simply too long to be included in any of the paper anthologies published by Baen Books. At the same time, we felt it would be useful (and hopefully popular) to put them together in unitary volumes so that people who want to re-read them, or read them for the first time, don't have to hunt for them scattered over a number of separate issues of the magazine.


Niall Teasdale - 2021
    Men and women with abilities science cannot explain. Heroes and monsters. Both beloved and feared, the Titans are the new superpowers in the post-Wave world.Into this changed world are thrust Mercy Garner and her crew, trapped in time for fifty years and thought to be dead. They were the first to detect the Wave, the first to be hit by it, and the last to discover the changes the Wave brought to their world.

Too Young to Die

Michael Anderle - 2020
    Now, they try to figure out a way to help their son out of a coma. At almost $5,000 a day for ICU expenses, their insurance options are running out.Amber, Nick, and Jacob built a new immersive game system for the future. The only problem is, at $800 a day, no one can afford it.Dr. Dubois wrote a paper about how you might help a person out of a coma, but it was crushed under the might of the medical lobbyists on Capitol Hill.Now, the three groups need each other to save a life, fight the establishment, and help a young man in need.The only challenge is, Justin can die in real life if he dies in the game.Will he wake up from his coma? Will lobbyists crush the principled senator who needs to talk to his son one more time?And can Justin possibly survive inside a fantasy world built in his own mind, where pain is real?It isn’t just the future of humanity at stake, it’s Justin’s life, too.

Six Isles' Witches and Dragons Shifter Romance Box Set

Lisa Daniels - 2019
    And I’ve one night left to live. At least, I thought I did, until the nobleman turned up. He calls himself Meridas, and he thinks my magic will be of use. Also, he’s a dragon. Because why not? A sky-cursing handsome dragon person, if I’m being honest here. I don’t like the idea of being used, but it’s not like I have a choice. Not unless I want to survive the next day. It helps that he lives in the floating cities, though. I always wanted to get out of the slums. Maybe not quite in this manner… but a girl’s gotta take every opportunity presented, right? It does help that he’s everything a girl looks for in a man. Kind. Attentive. Strong and determined to save his sister, and save me. Things I’m definitely not used to. Things I wouldn’t mind exploring further, if I get the chance… This Box Set Includes: The Dragon's Life Witch The Dragon's Air Witch The Dragon's Storm Witch The Dragon's Ink Witch Author's Note: This is a collection of stand alone steamy romances meant for 18+