Book of shadows - Spells

Black Cat Press - 2013
    The more straightforward and simple the spell the more effective they can be. Magic is in essence all about intention and will. Use your mind and be creative.ContentsChapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: The Full Moon PhaseChapter 3: Enhancing your PowersChapter 4: Basic Love SpellChapter 5: Apple of my Eye SpellChapter 6: Find your Soul Mate SpellChapter 7: Desirability SpellChapter 8: Spell to Bring Back a LoverChapter 9: Romance Magnet SpellChapter 10: Confidence Spell Chapter 11: Beauty SpellChapter 12: Spell to Ease a Broken Heart Chapter 13: Basic Good Luck SpellChapter 14: Seven Days of Luck SpellChapter 15: Breaking a run of bad luckChapter 16: Good Luck Herb JarChapter 17: Good Luck LocketChapter 18: Exam LuckChapter 19: Witches Lucky Candle SpellChapter 20: Good Luck Moon SpellChapter 21: Good Luck for OthersChapter 22: Weaving SuccessChapter 23: Candle Money SpellChapter 24: Success in Finding a JobChapter 25: Fame SpellChapter 26: Magick Mirror of BeautyChapter 27: Hair Growth SpellChapter 28: Aphrodite Glamour SpellChapter 29: Spell for Clear SkinChapter 30: Appearance ChangeChapter 31: Bigger Breasts Spell

Happiness Simplified: Free Version: Why are we so unhappy? Happiness is a serious problem

German Muhlenberg - 2017
    No it doesn't, sorry to dissapoint you. But I promise if you keep reading you will get something better... And no, you are not going to get two ice creams.Happiness is a widely discussed topic, and still it is quite disconcerting. In fact, many sociological studies show that most people have no idea what it is that makes them happy.According to a poll taken by psychiatrist Robert Waldinger about what the most important goals were in life for today's young people, 80% of the respondents said 'being a millionaire.' And not only that, half of them also wanted to be famous. So we work hard to get those things but, are they actually the most important in life for our happiness? In addition. for a long time, it was also said that positive thinking was the key to happiness. Well, sorry to dissapoint again but it is not.As the entrepreneur Nat Ware afirms: The first step to being happy is to understand why we can often become unhappy. There is no magic pill for true happiness, at least nothing that will last in the long run. Happiness is an emotional process that can be learned if we understand the primary factors that determine it. Giving you a better understanding of happiness will actually help you to make yourself happier, but this undoubtedly requires a lot of work, effort and determination.

The Reiki Teacher's Manual

Tina M. Zion - 2008
    It will enrich the classes that current teachers are giving and gives the new teacher confidence and pride when providing that very first class. Practitioners will have a greater understanding of how to apply Reiki and what is actually happening during a session. You will never again be afraid or even worried about teaching a Reiki class or giving the attunement. You will be pleased and your students will be grateful for the rich content in your classes. "The Reiki Teacher's Manual" is a precise step-by-step guide to instruct all three levels or degrees of Reiki. This manual and its format provide you with: A concise manual that is user friendly; A quick reference to answer student's questions; Consecutive steps with time approximations to make sure you teach all the information and still have plenty of time for the hands on practice sessions. How to get the most for your students during their hands on practice; How to increase the power of your attunement; How to teach the attunement to others; Goals for different segments of each class; Detailed descriptions and uses for the symbols; 15 handouts that are concise, informative, and can be copied from the book; Complete written explanations for each handout; A list of supplies for each level and suggestions for your classroom environment; Guidelines in opening your own Reiki practice; Information regarding state licensing needs; How to avoid issues with physicians and the medical community.

The Prayer That Changes Everything: Book of Prayers

Stormie Omartian - 2005
    Small enough to keep in purse or pocket for quick conversationswith God, this book will help unlock the power of prayer in readers’ lives.They’ll come away understanding as never before how God’s great love for them makes their lives complete, how lifting up praise unlocks God’s delivering power into their circumstances, and how right it is to offer adoration and exaltation to the One so worthy of worship.Readers by the millions have loved the power and insight ofStormie’s books on prayer. She now touches their lives withthe truth and hope found in a heart that worships God.

Kabbalistic Astrology: And the Meaning of Our Lives

Philip S. Berg - 2004
    Kabbalah, in fact, offers arguably the oldest and wisest application of astronomy and astrology known to humankind. Kabbalistic Astrology is a tool for understanding one's individual nature at its deepest level and putting that knowledge to immediate use in the real world. A natural addition to Berg’s many writings on spirituality, the book explains why destiny is not the same as predestination and shows that we have many possible futures and can become masters of our fate. Written in Berg’s trademark clear, intelligible style, the book teaches how to discover challenges faced in previous incarnations and how to overcome them, as well as the secrets to finding the love, success, and spiritual fulfillment.

Pagan Power Chants

Blaine Ryker - 2012
    These power chants are memorable so no matter where you are, you’ll have magic with you when you need it most. Power chants can be used privately to give you an edge in dealing with people and during intense situations. Chant to attract love or prosperity, find lost items, gain confidence, protection, and more.

Flipside : A Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife

Gary E. Schwartz - 2013
    Based on the evidence of thousands of people who claim that under deep hypnosis, they saw and experienced the same basic things about the Afterlife, the book interviews hypnotherapists around the world trained in the method pioneered by Dr. Michael Newton, as well as examining actual between life sessions. The author agrees to go on the same journey himself, with startling and candid results, learning we are fully conscious between our various incarnations, and return to connect with loved ones and spiritual soul mates, and together choose how and when and with whom we'll reincarnate. The author examines how "Karmic law" is trumped by "Free will," with souls choosing difficult lives in order to learn from their spiritually; no matter how difficult, strange or complex a life choice appears to be, it was made in advance, consciously, with the help of loved ones, soul mates and wise elders. Extensively researched, breathtaking in scope, "Flipside" takes the reader into new territory, boldly going where no author has gone before to tie up the various disciplines of past life regression. near death experiences, and between life exploration. In the words of author Gary Schwartz, Phd, once you've read "Flipside" "you'll never see the world in the same way again." Praise for “FlipSide” "Richard has written a terrific book. Insightful, funny, provocative and deep; I highly recommend it!" Robert Thurman ("Why the Dalai Lama Matters") “Inspiring, well written and entertaining. The kind of book where once you have read it, you will no longer be able to see the world in the same way again.” Gary E. Schwartz (“The Sacred Promise”) "Everyone should have a Richard Martini in their life." Charles Grodin ("If I Only Knew Then... What I Learned From Mistakes")

Is Heaven for Real? Personal Stories of Visiting Heaven

Patrick Doucette - 2013
    They are all sincere; they all had a story to tell and they attempted to share their experience to the best of their ability. They each have unique aspects even though they share some similarities. Some of these stories will likely resonate and encourage and inspire you. Some may be difficult to relate to or to understand; if that is the case, I would suggest you skip that particular story for the time being and move on to the next one.Perhaps the afterlife is revealed to us in such a way that allows each of us to understand and comprehend the process of passing in a way that we can accept. The uniqueness of each experience may be in part due to the individual; their ability to take in the awesomeness of such an event may be reflected in their memory of the event.In any case, these incidents are presented to the reader in the hopes that they will encourage and inspire; my hope is that you will find, as I did, a common theme within these experiences which seem to reflect the powerful love of God towards humanity, towards each one of us.

In the World but Not of It: New Teachings from Jesus on Embodying the Divine

Gina Lake - 2016
    You can become Christ within this human life and learn to embody all that is good within you. I came to show you the beauty of your own soul and what is possible as a human. I came to show you that it is possible to be both human and divine, to be love incarnate. You are equally both. You walk with one foot in the world of form and another in the Formless. This mysterious duality within your being is what this book is about.” "The consciousness that is within me is also within you. You are the son as equally as I am. You are the ‘I am’ I spoke about. You and I are one. You and everyone else are one. Many are ready for the Christ within to come forward and manifest in the world more fully. The birthing of this Christ—of Christ Consciousness—is the true second coming. ‘Christ Consciousness,’ as I am using it, points to the divinity within everyone and the potential for that divinity to become a living reality, to become what lives you. I was an example of that possibility in my lifetime two thousand years ago.” This book was given to Gina Lake by Jesus. It is part of a series of books, including A Heroic Life and The Jesus Trilogy. You will learn: • How to embody the divine self in the world • How to tell when you are identified with the ego • How to spot the ego in your thoughts and conversations • What kind of thoughts are in the thought-stream • How to disidentify from the ego • How to be in your body and senses • How to move into Presence and stay there • How to be present while speaking and acting in the world • Spiritual practices that support Presence • What embodiment, enlightenment, self-realization, and awakening are • Pitfalls on the spiritual path • How to be with emotions • How to be with and heal energetic blocks in the body • How to overcome bad habits and addictions Review from David Fishman, teacher of A Course in Miracles: "I love this book! It's a perfect companion to all students and teachers of A Course in Miracles, for it encompasses the core themes and values of ACIM in a simple format that provides practical guidance for everyday use. The guidance our elder brother offers in the pages of this book is priceless. I highly recommend this book as the perfect complement to ACIM and the perfect first book to all you love and care for who may not appear to be ready now for opening A Course in Miracles."

The Course in Manifesting 3 Book Box Set: (Becoming Magic, Doing Magic & Advanced Magic)

Genevieve Davis - 2015
    In this course, I outline the exact steps that enabled me to move my own life from one of poverty and drudgery, to one of previously unimaginable wealth, purpose, abundance and joy. ‘But Magic? I do hope you are joking!’ That’s what I would have said, five or ten years ago. I once despised all things ‘New-Age’, all these spiritual types and their airy-fairy views, their bad science and their irrational beliefs. I read all the New Thought and Law of Attraction greats, Wallace Wattles, Anthony Robbins, Rhonda Byrne, Napoleon Hill, Esther Hicks and Wayne Dyer. But no matter how many books I read, or how closely I followed their instructions for manifesting money or love, I couldn’t make it work. It was only when I recognized, accepted and finally embraced that what I was doing was actually some kind of Magic that suddenly things began to fall into place. Once I realized that the power came from within me, it was as if the light had suddenly been switched on and my manifestations began to work. I learned how to manifest money and love, but I also learned how to be happy, truly happy. If you’re jaded by New Age spirituality and the whole Law of Attraction idea, or have become bored by its failure to deliver… these books are for you. It is my intention to lead you by the hand through a marvellous journey of wonder and adventure. BECOMING MAGIC (Book 1) Part one of this course, Becoming Magic, lays the groundwork for becoming a magical person, reawakening the power that lies within you. From here, the plan is to build your knowledge slowly, gradually, building on what has gone before, moving on to more complex techniques only once the basics are mastered. DOING MAGIC (Book 2) Book two, Doing Magic, offers concrete techniques and instructions for bringing wonderful things into your life. So many people fail with Magic and the Law of Attraction because they rush headlong into using techniques, trying to create enormous manifestations, making very simple but crucial mistakes. When they are disappointed, they imagine they have been duped. The sceptics are right. This is all a load of scammy nonsense. And they give up, declaring it just doesn’t work. I am telling you that it does work. And you can make it work. And this book will show you how. ADVANCED MAGIC (Book 3) And finally, we complete the journey with Advanced Magic. It’s time to think a little deeper, feel a little keener, experience a little more intensely, and so consolidate and strengthen your knowledge. This book is designed to increase the fledgling power that you discovered from the first two books of the course. We now need to build on what has gone before, boosting your success, increasing your Magical power and making your manifestations more reliable… and more spectacular. Be warned: if you want a quick fix of positive thinking, to be told that using Magic and the Law of Attraction is fast and simple, and anyone can master it with ease, I suggest you buy a different book.

Secrets of Attraction: The Universal Laws of Love, Sex, and Romance

Sandra Anne Taylor - 2001
    Energy is the center of all life, and your energy is the center of all that you attract. You project this energy ahead of you in time and space, magnetically determining whom you will meet, as well as what the dynamics of any particular relationship will be like. In Secrets of Attraction, you’ll discover what makes up your personal energy field, how you broadcast it, and why it has much more impact on your relationships than your looks, intellect, or financial status. No matter what you’ve been through in the past, you do have the power to change your relationship energy and manifest the intimacy, reciprocity, and true love that has been eluding you for so long!

An Introduction to Angels

Best of You Today - 2013
    Her method of interviewing your feelings is in large part the counter to asking the angels to provide signs and symbols (from signs to knowing you are not alone, to reoccurring number symbolism) and can only ever be done by acknowledging and accepting your feelings for what they are.

Miracles Now: Inspirational Affirmations and Life-Changing Tools

Gabrielle Bernstein - 2015
    When in doubt, put your hand on the deck and say, ‘Thank you, divine guidance. I need a Miracle Now. Show me what you’ve got!’ Trust in the guidance you receive and let it inform your next right action.” —Gabrielle Bernstein

Crazy Free: An Epic Spiritual Journey

Melissa Wyld - 2015
    A journey of exploration, transformation and awakening." Melissa Wyld once lived an irreproachably normal and comfortable life – successful career, loving husband, large suburban house: the full conventional happiness package. Her life was perfect … except for the restlessness clawing at her heart and her obsessive need for fresh air. Crazy free is the vivid and intimate story of the author’s leap of faith to unplug and awaken. Her quest for ultimate freedom leads her to leave her "normal life" behind, walk the entire length of the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada, kayak the Yukon River, explore the path of yoga in the foothills of the Indian Himalayas, survive her greatest love, and embrace a full-time off-the-grid life in the back of her beloved Toyota truck. And, at each step, she must choose: surrender to the path of magic and unconventionality or shrink back to a world of debts, jobs, fears and social expectations. Praise for Crazy Free "Many of us dream of giving up comfort and security for absolute freedom but lack the courage or confidence to really give it a go. If your mind ever goes there, this book will strike you to the core. If not, it might just take you there." ~ Evan J. Larsell, world traveler and big-wall climber “Crazy Free is a sort of Eat Pray Love with dirt under the fingernails, an Into the Wild type of story where, thankfully, the heroine returns safe and sound from the wilderness, having learned, grown and transformed." ~ Christopher Loren, author of Unspirituality – Permission to be human “Melissa Wyld is an original, expressive, and provocative writer, honest, vulnerable, wide open, intellectually curious, with a huge spiritual hunger and a courage to seek it out of life.” ~ C.M. Evans, author of The Oak Park Taoist Primer "I have read both Wild by Cheryl Strayed and Crazy Free by Melissa Wyld. Completely different experiences. Cheryl struggled with the miles, the men and her pack, Melissa had a charmed experience on a magical trail. ~ Brian Miyakusu, comment on a "hiking the Pacific Crest Trail" online discussion. Private comments on - west coast book tour 2015 “I’m on page 71…can’t put your book down…loving it… Your writing is absolutely heartfelt, open and beautiful” [later] “Your writing is so profound…I just love it and recommend your book every chance I get. I’m on page 299 now…I feel your joys and energy through your physical book and glad your thumbprint is on it!!” [still later] “On pg 354… Such a great read… Only 13 pgs left… Don’t want it to end.” [and finally] “I finished your book and it was amazing…loved every word, every story; the way you describe each event made me feel like I was there.” ~ Moana “I LOVE YOUR BOOK!! I keep re-reading the section on the energy of how one sees their own reflection in the person they are looking at. Your book is helping guide me in my own spiritual journey. It was meant to be ; )” ~ Ashley “Page 3 and I’m already hooked. Your prologue is beautiful and tears come freely.

Five Steps to Communicating with Spirit: Book 1: Open the Door to the Spirit World in 5 Easy Steps!

Clare McNaul - 2012
     - The difference between spirit guides and your loved ones in spirit - yes, there is a difference! - The importance of Intention and Meditation. - The TRUTH about Protection. What it is and what it is NOT. This is important information that everyone who wants to nurture his or her relationship with the spirit world must know. - The significance of symbols. - The two most powerful steps that will make all the difference to your development and success! …and more! Five Steps to Communicating with Spirit has been designed to support, encourage and help those who are just starting out on their journey to connecting with spirit. It offers safe and sound guidance from an experienced, natural born medium who has been in your shoes. While aimed at beginners, those who have already begun their development and are looking for ways to improve their skills or add to their practice will also find this book valuable. You are just a few pages away from knowing exactly how to start developing and nurturing your ability to communicate with spirit! Don't miss Five MORE Steps to Communicating with Spirit Book 2: Mobilize Your Medium Within! available on Amazon NOW. Get your copy today!