Old Boots: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Grace Gibson - 2021
    Darcy.Since his father’s death, Fitzwilliam Darcy has endeavored to be reliable, responsible, and restrained. But upon visiting Netherfield Park in Hertfordshire, he finds himself weary of the struggle to be so damnably well regulated and delights in a revival of the carefree mischief that characterized his younger days.What brings on this sudden reversal? Perhaps it is a shocking incident that takes place upon his first entering the neighborhood when he rescues Miss Elizabeth Bennet from the raging current of a rain-swollen stream. The so-called “lady” does not prefer to be rescued, and Darcy’s subsequent dunking, rather than resulting in the gratitude that is his due, is met with her confounding resentment of his interference.This tale of Darcy’s entanglement with the mysteriously grief-stricken Bennet family is interwoven with a love story—a most delicious exchange of looks, barbs, pranks, and innuendos as Miss Elizabeth, the “lightning bolt of Longbourn,” regularly singes, frustrates, and humbles the man from Derbyshire.

A Peculiar Connection: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jan Hahn - 2015
    Bent on preventing the engagement of her nephew to Elizabeth Bennet, Lady Catherine de Bourgh declares that any union between Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth would be “a sin against Heaven itself!” Her shocking revelation, along with a cryptic message written over twenty years earlier, thrusts the couple into a whirlwind of heartbreak and disbelief. Could a deserted mansion in Derbyshire or a small church hidden in the wood hold the key to solving the puzzle? And why is Elizabeth inexplicably drawn to the portrait of three young boys in Pemberley’s gallery? Determined to confirm or refute Lady Catherine’s accusation, Darcy and Elizabeth are forced to embark upon a twisted trail into bygone days and family secrets. All the while, they must endure the exquisite torture of denying the indisputable desire that still hovers between them. From the award-winning author of An Arranged Marriage The Journey and The Secret Betrothal

Less Proud and More Persuasive

Sophie Turner - 2015
    Darcy to make a more Persuasion-esque proposal?Author Note: Readers considering this work should be aware that, unlike the Constant Love series, this novella is written in third-person present tense, so if they routinely read only past-tense writing, they may wish to peruse the sample before purchasing.They should also be aware that it uses lines from Jane Austen's Persuasion as well as Pride and Prejudice. Readers who have not read Persuasion are encouraged to read that novel first, less because of spoilers than because it is absolutely wonderful.

A More Gentlemanlike Manner

Harriet Knowles - 2021
    The end of Darcy’s hopes and dreams.He decides to give her the letter and escape the humiliation.But he cannot do it.No matter the cost, he will do anything — anything — to be worthy of her acceptance.Elizabeth Bennet must decide which of the two characters is the real Mr. Darcy, before she can choose which path in life will make her happiest.Should she follow her heart, or her head?

Mr. Darcy's Persistent Pursuit: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Elaine Owen - 2014
    How can our beloved couple find their way to each other when Darcy doesn't know what she holds against him?

Christmas in Derbyshire: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Wynne Mabry - 2017
    Darcy ends up with Mr. Collins as the rector of Kympton. It is not the most ideal of arrangements, but he has his reasons for being quite satisfied, even before his new clergyman’s pretty cousin comes to visit. At the first sight of her, his heart is captivated, and nothing will be the same again. Elizabeth Bennet has heard of Mr. Darcy. From the reports of her cousin and Mrs. Collins, she is expecting a proud, distinguished and reserved man. When he turns out to be warm and thoughtful, she does not mind the loss of an opportunity for interesting observation. Falling in love is much more satisfying than making sport of one's neighbours. With romance in the air, and a large house party descending upon Pemberley, this is going to be their best Christmas ever. A few little problems will not divert the course of true love or dampen the spirit of Christmas.

A Will of Iron: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Linda Beutler - 2015
    Their return finds Rosings swathed in mourning. In death, Anne is revealed as having lived a rich life of the mind, and she plotted rather constantly to escape her loathsome mother, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Anne’s journal—spirited into the hands of Elizabeth and Charlotte Collins—holds her candid observations on life and her family. It also exposes her final, and sadly fatal, means of outwitting her mother. Anne’s Last Will and Testament, with its peculiar bequests, sends Lady Catherine into a tailspin and throws into turmoil every relationship amongst the Bennets, Darcys, Fitzwilliams, Collinses, and even the Bingleys! Was Anne de bourgh a shrewder judge of character than Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy combined?Includes mature content.

Dear Sir, Dear Madam: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

Mary Lydon Simonsen - 2018
    The next day, Darcy hands Elizabeth his infamous letter which succeeds in shutting down all communication between the two prior to their reunion at Pemberley. But what if Elizabeth had responded to Mr. Darcy's hastily written letter? By committing their thoughts to paper in a secret correspondence, and with the help of cousins, a friend, and a manservant, Darcy and Elizabeth gradually develop a better understanding of the reasons for their actions in Hertfordshire. In these exchanges, the prejudices that have hampered their relationship from the very beginning are exposed, and the letters open a world of possibilities. Dear Sir, Dear Madam, a novella, provides a look at the thoughts of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy following the Hunsford Parsonage dust-up.

Fitzwilliam Darcy: An Honourable Man

Brenda J. Webb - 2011
    Not a simple retelling, it is an intriguing new story that does not follow canon and it is rated for Mature audiences. Leaving England after his disastrous proposal was refused at Hunsford, Darcy spent two lonely years in Scotland and Ireland before returning home to face Elizabeth Bennet, certain that he could regard her as an indifferent acquaintance. Events that transpired in his absence have left Elizabeth a changed woman. The victim of a marriage by deception to Count Stefano, she has suffered greatly at his hands. Will Mr. Darcy rescue the woman he vowed to forget?

Assumptions & Absurdities: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cinnamon Worth - 2018
    This classic couple’s romance is shaken off course when, shortly after leaving Hertfordshire, Darcy receives word that one of the Bennet sisters is engaged to the obsequious Mr. Collins. Darcy, a rich and powerful landowner, knows that Elizabeth is not a suitable match but, having already lost the battle with Cupid, he finds himself rushing back to the countryside. He is relieved to discover that it is Mary Bennet who is destined to become Mrs. Collins. But his path to happiness is still far from assured. Darcy may have resolved his internal struggle to accept Elizabeth’s as she is, but he must now overcome a rival and his own inability to interpret events around him. Read as all ofJane Austen’s favorite characters overcome hilarious misunderstandings and mishaps. Assumptions and Absurdities is a Regency Romance sure to entertain.

It Started at Pemberley

Jennifer Lang - 2021
    Despite their antagonistic start, they discover themselves developing a respect for each other, but it is cut short by Elizabeth’s return to Meryton. Mr Bingley’s choice of an estate brings the two together again and their meeting has consequences not only for themselves, but also for Charlotte Lucas and Mary Bennet, whose lives are irrevocably changed.

The Earl’s Granddaughter

Ola Wegner - 2021
    Elizabeth, an orphan raised at Longbourn, is not the daughter of Mr. Bennet but his niece. Shortly after Hunsford proposal Elizabeth learns that her late mother was the daughter of the earl. With her life circumstances suddenly changed Elizabeth has to learn how to handle herself as a wealthy young woman with noble connections.****“I will walk you back home,” he insisted, following her.“I thank you, sir, but it is not necessary. It is not far away,” she said as she kept walking.“I insist.”Elizabeth ceased her protests, knowing that there was no point in trying to convince him not to escort her.“It is here, Mr Darcy,” she said, stopping by the front entrance. “Thank you for your assistance, although as you can see, it was entirely not needed. I was perfectly capable of returning home on my own.”Darcy looked at the imposing building. “This is the home of the Earl of Riverstone.”“I am aware of that.”“He is not currently present in London.”“How can you be so certain of it?”“I dined with him in Manchester a week ago. He assured me that business matters should keep him in the north for a while.”“He may be there, but his mother is here.”“The Countess of Riverstone?” Darcy’s eyes widened dramatically. “Now, that it impossible,” he whispered.Elizabeth raised her head high. “What is impossible, Mr Darcy?”A heavy frown appeared on Darcy’s forehead. “What was your mother’s maiden name?” he enquired.“Gardiner.”“I was not asking about Mrs Frances Bennet. I heard some gossip during our stay at Netherfield. Caroline Bingley mentioned to me that you and Jane were first cousins, not sisters, and that your parents died when you were very young. The Bennets took you in to rescue you from destitution. She said that you were a foundling.”“You believed her?” she exclaimed. “Was that the reason why you chose to propose to me in such a cruel, offending, and demeaning manner?”“Lower your voice, please.”“My parents married one another out of pure love. They were deeply devoted to one another, they respected each other, and they loved me. My father was a soldier and the heir to Longbourn. My uncle, Thomas Bennet, inherited the estate only after his death. I have never been a foundling, even before I learned the truth of my mother’s family.”“May I know what was your mother’s maiden name?” he asked.“Lady Eleanor Grey.”Darcy stared at her hard and long.Elizabeth took a step forward, looking into his eyes. “Yes, Mr Darcy. My mother was the daughter of an earl, the same as yours. Do you find me equal now? Would you have treated me differently, knowing that back in April?”“Elizabeth? Who are you talking to? Who is that gentleman?”Elizabeth looked away from Mr Darcy to see the Countess of Riverstone, standing in the front entrance, the butler right behind her.Darcy turned around and bowed deeply in front of her ladyship. “Countess of Riverstone, I had the pleasure to walk your granddaughter home.”“Mr Darcy,” the countess beamed at him. “I was not aware that you were in London.”“I arrived a few days ago.”“It is always a pleasure to see you.” She looked at Elizabeth. “My dear, you have never mentioned that you are acquainted with Mr Darcy.”“We were introduced last year, your ladyship,” he explained. “I had the pleasure to spend some time in your granddaughter’s company due to common friends.”“I see. Shall you step in, Mr Darcy?”“No, thank you, your ladyship. Miss Bennet, Countess of Riverstone, I wish you a good day.”Darcy walked away. He did not look back. Nevertheless, Elizabeth was certain that he talked to himself as he walked. She smiled. Poor Mr Darcy. She would never forget his expression when it dawned on him who she really was.

Dear Nameless Stranger: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jeannie Peneaux - 2019
    I will not thank you for providing us with a home, nor will I even breathe a word of gratitude for your provision of such funds as will feed us each quarter. I will not even write such platitudes as ‘You are very good,’ given that you have also provided us with respectability in the form of Mrs. Ingles. There. I am quite done now with not expressing my gratitude – I should not at all wish to prove tiresome.” From the author of Tact, Dear Nameless Stranger is a heartwarming tale inspired by Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Jean Webster’s Daddy Long Legs. Tragedy has struck the Bennet sisters but they are greatly relieved when the anonymous kindness of a stranger means that they can remain together. In exchange for such charity, a monthly letter is required from each sister. It is a fortunate thing that Miss Elizabeth Bennet rather likes letter-writing, for she relishes the opportunity to relate to this unknown gentleman all her impressions and opinions regarding her changed circumstances.With each passing month Elizabeth confides more in the nameless stranger, and by the time Netherfield Park is once again occupied by the amiable Mr. Bingley and his friend Mr. Darcy, she is quite frank in writing of her dismay.

The Longbourn Will: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Carolyn Whyte - 2015
    This variation looks at what might have happened, had those events gone differently, and, as the title suggests, what the reason behind some of the changes might have been. Could Jane turn down Mr Collins? What if Wickham had proposed to Elizabeth before she knew his character? And could anyone resist Colonel Fitzwilliam, had he been in possession of a good fortune? This story follows the original, more or less, and does not contain any material of an explicit adult nature.