Warlock in Training

T.J. Nichols - 2017
    He believes draining demons for magic is evil, but it’s a dangerous opinion to have—his father is a powerful and well-connected warlock, and Angus is expected to follow the family tradition.His only way out is to fail the demon summoning class. Failure means expulsion from the Warlock College. Despite Angus’s best efforts to fumble the summoning, it works. Although not the way anyone expects.Angus’s demon, Saka, is a powerful mage with his own need for a warlock.Saka wants to use Angus in a ritual to rebalance the magic that is being stripped from Demonside by warlocks. If Angus survives his demon’s desires and the perils of Demonside, he’ll have to face the Warlock College and their demands.Angus must choose: obey the College and forget about Demonside or trust Saka and try to fix the damage before it’s too late. Whatever he does, he is in the middle of a war he isn’t qualified to fight.

Dare to Love Forever

Jake C. Wallace - 2014
    With one bite, he can wipe clean a vampire’s mind, creating a mindless drone. Because of this, Carson has spent his entire twenty-three years sheltered at home. That changes, however, when his entire family is murdered. On the run and near death, Carson meets Commander Lincoln Samuels, a beautiful vampire who tries to heal him. In doing so, Carson is bonded to Lincoln and turned into something the vampire world has never seen.Lincoln is a Sanatore vampire with the ability to heal other vampires. He heads a team in the New Vampire Justice police force in Utica, NY. Late one night, he’s called to a local Vampire Blood Market where a starving Tabula Rosa vampire is about to be executed by one of his officers. Feeling a strong connection to Carson, Lincoln wants to heal the broken man despite knowing the risk in doing so—it could destroy Lincoln and cost him the chance to love again. And he soon discovers there’s a greater evil threatening to take Carson from him.Can two vampires who have loved and painfully lost in the past learn to trust one another, defeat the evil rising against them, and dare to love forever?

Bleeding Heart

Melissa Graves - 2014
    He has learned to expect the unexpected in his job, but his life takes a surprise turn late one night when a young, struggling vampire named Kyle stumbles into his clinic and his heart.As they draw closer, can Brian come to grips with loving the elusive vampire, and can Kyle find the strength to share the secret that can separate them forever?Bleeding Heart is the story of love, blood, political intrigue and the secrets that can spell the difference between life and death. Based on the fan fiction story, What I Hide Reminds Me.

A Different Breed

Angel Martinez - 2010
     Josh hunts vampires with relentless, cold precision until the night he confronts a gorgeous hunk of vamp in the woods outside Ithaca. Richard destroys all of his prejudices about vampires in the first few moments of conversation and the sexual sparks between them ignite almost as quickly. Richard offers the stability Josh never had. Josh offers the healing Richard needs so desperately. But it's nearly impossible just to walk away from a life of violence. An attack one evening leaves a friend in the hospital, Richard with a bullet through his chest, muttering about strange creatures, and Josh fighting to piece together what really happened. Are Richard's nightmare attackers real, or is Josh's favorite vamp losing his mind? Is there a reasonable explanation or has the hunter now become prey? This title has been previously published.

Release Me

Jayda Marx - 2020
    We were victorious over those who stood against us, and King Felipe took his rightful spot on the throne. He appointed a Coven Master for each region to watch over, guide, and protect our people. He named me Coven Master of my hometown of Beckenridge, Scotland because of my strength, instincts, and fairness.Our village is made up of stone cottages we built ourselves, and is nestled between scenic heathered hills. It holds many businesses where my coven members work and thrive. We’re happy and safe here, and for over a century, we’ve lived at peace.That all changed two days ago when my coven held a Highland Games exhibition to celebrate Prince Dante’s visit and the bonding of two of my security guards, Flynn and Fletcher. Crowds gathered from all around to watch the events, adding excitement, energy, and unfortunately, danger into the mix. A gunman fired a shot at Ben, the prince’s consort, but his bodyguard Sam pushed him to safety and took the bullet.In the chaos of the moment, I was caught off guard by something I’d waited half a millennium for; the faint, sweet scent of my mate. Somewhere in the screaming, rushing crowd was the man whom Fate granted to me to love, cherish and protect for all of eternity. Unfortunately, I couldn’t search for him; my friends’ lives were hanging in the balance and I had to get them to safety.Luckily, everyone survived the ordeal, but all traces of my mate vanished in the wind. I hate the gunman for everything he took from me, and it’s for that reason I’ve put off interrogating him; I’m afraid I can’t be fair and unbiased when I hear his side of the story. But I know I can’t put it off any longer; I need to get answers for Dante and Sam.When I finally step into the shooter’s prison cell, I’m met with the sight of a small man cowering in the corner...and the overwhelming scent of my mate.*This book is the first in a spinoff series following “The Javier Coven”, and I strongly recommend reading those books before beginning this story. This M/M paranormal romance is for readers 18 and up! It contains no cliffhangers or cheating, and has a very happy HEA. It features steamy scenes between a sexy vampire and his fated mate, loads of teeth tingling sweetness, and just a touch of gore.

Blood From a Stoner

L.A. Witt - 2017
    Immortality? Not all it’s cracked up to be. The job? Way more headache than it’s worth, especially on those increasingly frequent nights when he’s overworked and hangry. With a deadline looming and his hunger growing, he’s nearing the end of his tether. Then relief comes from an unexpected source—Zane Webber, the hot programmer Greg’s been fantasizing about for two years. Disregarding company policy, Zane lets him feed, but kind of forgets to mention he’s got some weed in his system. The next thing Greg knows, he’s high as a kite… and he likes it. He wants more. Except how much of that high is secondhand weed, and how much is the electric and undeniable chemistry between him and Zane?That chemistry draws them back to each other again and again, and suddenly their downtime is full of sex, smoke, feeding… and emotions. The only problem is that Zane’s a mortal. If they’re in this for the long haul, then Greg has to either turn Zane or accept a future of watching him wither and die. Greg doesn’t want to lose Zane, but he also can’t stomach condemning him to this “life.”And if they can’t find some middle ground, they’ll have no choice but to let their love go up in smoke.


S.L. Armstrong - 2010
    His wealthy parents have never had time for him, and after a failed year at college, they have decided on a final course of action. Aric is brought to Nikola Jovanovi 's beautiful, sprawling manor in Serbia. Nikola is known the world around as a master in music, unsurpassed by any, but terribly reclusive. For one year, Aric is to be his student, but in the modern day, it is easy for Aric to learn Nikola's secrets. With a dark shadow lurking from Nikola's past and Aric's stubborn, promiscuous nature, the sexual tension between the pair simply explodes, and Aric's very mortal life is held in the balance.

A Time to Rise

Tal Bauer - 2016
    Deep in the Vatican, a brotherhood exists, sworn protectors of the earth, and they stand against the darkness. Operating in secret and silence, they protect our world from the sinister, the etheric, and the evils that exist beyond the Veil.But it's a lonely life, and Alain Autenburg knows that more than most. His lover was ripped from him years ago, and he vowed never to get close to another soul again. Even when the loneliness presses down on him, and his empty heart cries out for something more.Something more comes in Cristoph Hasse, a new soldier arriving in Rome to serve in the Pontifical Swiss Guard. Young, brash, and fitting in at right angles everywhere he goes, Cristoph struggles in the murky, deceptive labyrinth of the Vatican. Propelled forward by a past he can't understand, Cristoph collides with Alain as both men crash headfirst into the darkest secret of the Vatican... and of the world.

Spirit Sanguine

Lou Harper - 2013
    At least, until he has a run-in with a sexy, young vampire who seems more interested in getting into his pants than biting into his neck. Harvey Feng is half-Chinese, all vampire, and has a tongue as sharp as his fangs. He warns Gabe to stay out of the Windy City, yet he isn’t surprised when the slayer lands back on his doorstep. Against their better judgment, slayer and vampire succumb to their mutual attraction, but their affair attracts unexpected attention. When Chicago’s Vampire Boss makes Gabe an offer he can’t refuse, the unlikely lovers are thrust into peril and mystery in the dark heart of the city. Together they hunt for kidnappers, a killer preying on young humans, and vicious vampire junkies. However, dealing with murderous humans and vampires alike is easy compared to figuring out if there’s more to their relationship than hot, kinky sex. Warning: Fangalicious man-on-man action, a troublesome twink, cross-dressing, and role-playing involving a fedora.


Ella Frank - 2015
    His name carries weight across all of the seven continents. But he is a mystery to his kind, an anomaly among the self-indulgent. While he enjoys the pleasures of the flesh, he is exceptionally particular in his choice of partners and prides himself on his ironclad self-control.Yet with one look his control will become a thing of the past, and Alasdair will discover that eternal life doesn’t always last forever…A DEADLY ATTRACTIONThrust into a world he could never have imagined, Leo Chapel awakens in his worst nightmare. Taken hostage by the dangerously mesmerizing vampire, Alasdair, Leo must rely on his intelligence to escape before he reveals a secret he isn’t even aware he’s hiding.A FORBIDDEN DESIREUnaware that they’ve been brought together by an outside force and are little more than pawns to a higher power, Alasdair and Leo spend time trying to uncover the other’s secrets, the attraction between them growing stronger all the while. But enemies are watching and preparing to act against them. When decisions that will alter lives and destinies have to be made—can a dead, grey heart learn to beat again?

Beautiful Béla

Stormy Glenn - 2014
    But once he finds Béla, Vlad can’t give him up. Fighting prejudices against humans, a vampire Count wanting his blood donor back, and a threat from an old enemy seem like small battles compared to the one he has to fight to win Béla’s heart.Béla was terrified of the vampire that found him and decided to keep him. His experience with vampires has never been good so he has no reason to trust Vlad, even if he wanted to. But when his former owner comes looking for him, Béla has to find the courage to save the one man that has come to mean more to him than his freedom.With the help of a few crazy friends, a werewolf mob boss, and two insane brothers, Vlad and Béla just might have a chance at happiness…if the Ministry of Paranormal Affairs doesn’t get to them first.word count: 43,297

Love Bites

Ann-Katrin Byrde - 2019
    My dad gave me and my siblings wooden stakes and flash grenades. To protect us from vampires. From the moment he adopted us, he warned us about the dangers that lurk in the dark. Obviously, I thought he was crazy. Vampires aren't real, and I was already enduring enough panic attacks without buying into Dad's insane ideas. But then I met Talon. Talon has fascinating scars and a mouth I want to kiss and a body I want to feel--and fangs. Vampire fangs. Suddenly, the weapons Dad gave me start looking real useful.Only I don't want to fight Talon. I want to feel his teeth on my neck. I can't explain it. He makes my knees goes weak. I know it's wrong, but it feels right.It feels like destiny. When Talon bites me, I forget everything, even that he is a monster. Even that I shouldn't be falling for him. Even that his coven wants me dead.


Jordan Castillo Price - 2008
    For over two years, Michael has been scouring the midwest for buried newspaper articles and obscure medical reports, and now he's finally pinpointed the source of the problem. Too bad he can't exactly go to the cops and tell them his friend was murdered by vampires. Since it's his duty to start wiping out the scourge, he's posing as bait—and he's got a bag of sharpened hickory stakes to do the job.Everything should go smoothly, given the amount of preparation that Michael has put into the hunt. He's got a practiced repertoire of come-hither eyeliner looks and a full blister-pack of the date rape drug Rohypnol. But he didn't count on Wild Bill showing up.Wild Bill is a vision in spiked hair and scuffed black leather—exactly the type of guy Michael would have fallen for…if he'd ever had the chance. Unfortunately, with a vampire in his sights, Michael has no time for an actual date. Despite his best efforts, it seems there's nothing Michael can do to shake Bill loose. Looks like they're in for a wild, wild ride.

The Seventh Veil

Heidi Cullinan - 2011
    Consider going here to get a lendable copy: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/group...As a bisexual bastard born to a country stuck in antiquated mores and ideals, Charles Perry had learned long ago to set his sights low: all he wants is a drink, a dram, and a whore of each gender to share them with. But strange visions haunt his dreams, and now the ghosts are following him into his waking hours. Charles must seek help from an alchemist or risk running mad. Charles’s House blood makes him a high prize in magical circles, so he’ll have to be careful. But what the alchemist discovers in Charles's blood turns the whole world on its head. And in the arms of an exotic male pleasure slave, Charles will discover a destiny so huge it doesn't seem possible, but it's true. Charles Perry, noble bastard, is the lost consort of the Goddess of All Creation. And as the forces of darkness converge on him, Charles must learn to channel his power to save the world—or risk becoming the pawn that destroys it. Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Male/male sexual practices, violence (rape of hero by villain).

Chew Toy

L.E. Franks - 2021
    And now it’s up to the Ancient vampire who turned him to teach photography student Morgan how to live.When faced with the loss of everything he’s known, Morgan isn’t sold on an eternity spent with an emotionless, 2,000 year old record producer with fangs. Trapped on top of a mountain in a vampire’s retreat, Morgan must grapple with the reality of his demise. But the true challenge is whether to kill or kiss the one being walking the earth who can make his heart beat again.Can Morgan face his new undead reality?