Book picks similar to
Raid Slayer by Riley Morrison



Gabriel L. Rathweg - 2018
    Then a legendary Native American god, Coyote, to be exact, sent him back in time to 1400's North America. Now he's living in the past, kicking ass, and taking names. Rejoin Moon Flower, Freak, and the rest of the crew, as they save history, by rewriting it.

Beta Test: 1st of the NanoWielder Saga

Martin Lambert - 2021

Mihalis (Valens Heritage Book 1)

Jan Stryvant - 2021
    Or so the history books will probably say once someone gets around to writing them. All Mihalis knows is the world he has been raised into. It's not a bad world, as things ago, he has a big and loving family, but there is the ongoing 'war' that promises to be on-going for a good many years to come.Raised to the blade by his mother, and taught not only her ways as well as a good many of the ways of her people, but also the ways of his father's other wives, as well as the ways of his magic, Mihalis has had a very thorough education. Even if a fair deal of that education is in the arts of war.But all he really wants to do is to prove himself. To go out into the world and show that yes, he is his father's son, and that yes, he is his own man, to find his own way in the world.WARNING: "Mihalis" does contain many of those things that the previous series was known for: Bad jokes, poor modern culture references, obscure song references, violence, and yes, what you've all been waiting for: Sex. Now SOME PEOPLE don't seem to UNDERSTAND that these warnings are done as much as a joke as a 'Spoiler' alert, to alert the PRUDES that yes, like all MODERN science fiction and urban fantasy stories, there is Sex in the story! Heaven forefend that these quivering fragile flowers should read any modern romance! I dare say they'd die straight-away from the non-stop kinkfest that is modern romance!So SCREW THEM! YES! There is all sorts of sordid and kinky stuff that's been done while I wrote this book and most of it was done by YOU! You Dear readers! So let us NOT go into this cold dark night alone or afraid! Because we know what that dreaded noise in the shadows is! That Moaning and Groaning and the rattling of chains! That noise is US!(Have Fun).

The Ordeal. First Circle [RealRPG Wuxia Series The Way] Book #3

Mike Ignatov - 2021

Court of Thorns: A LitRPG Story (The Eternal Journey Book 5)

C.J. Carella - 2021

Towns and Towers: A New Land

Shawn Kass - 2016
    He soon finds out how unique the model is when after downloading his newest game he is transported into the system and expected to play through the role of his character without access to the real world, or any of the informationally packed strategy guides he is used to using. Handicapped by his own impatience to start playing, Sam is left to figure out the new world which he has fallen into. He has no weapons, no armor, no save points, and no way home. The only thing he has going in his favor is his experience, and his willingness to game more.

Stellar Survival Quest

Jalf Whitemage - 2019
    With no hype building announcements, no history of any Alpha, or beta, or even as much as a leaked snapshot they released a first-generation fully immersive virtual reality pod and their bundled game Stellar Survival Quest. Even being 20 years ahead of anything else out, a new entertainment media is not typically world shattering. Especially, when players reported not being able to recall their time playing. The company made claims of not allowing meta-gaming, Thus keeping the game world pure. After every gaming session regardless of length the player could watch a short video of their session. Each video was only three minutes of randomly recorded footage from every hour played. Thus, a nearly impenetrable wall of secret gameplay was maintained.However, when that first generation of gamers left the white-grey egg-shaped gaming pods, they gave the world an even bigger shock! The technology was amazing, true VR with all five senses was outrageous, the stuff of fiction novels! No, what really sent the world reeling was skills learned in game translated to real life skills! Overnight the world was thrown on its heels. A new player could log into the game to be given a job in some way decided by the game and come out an ivy league educated scientist, or special ops level soldier. As the world reels from these first-generation gamers suddenly becoming some of the most highly skilled individuals in the world, more gamers clamor to buy their own expensive pod and hop into space!Nathan Tyrone Rogers or Bubba to his friends and family awoke on a small transport. Freshly landed on an ancient space station. As the first Human to be spawned outside the Sol System, Nathan is vastly unprepared and overwhelmed for the task. With a cryptic message that he needs to claim the solar system of Epsilon Indi before one of the other 12 alien species; whom were also spawned in system can. Some of which will supposedly be hostile to humanity. Nathan attempts to survive in the completely unforgiving environment of space. All the while trying to choose a path for himself, avoid being eaten by monstrous alien women, and growing more and more annoyed with his “real self” still back on Earth.Nathan’s first step to claiming the Solar system is simple to say, hard to do. He must survive!***This is the first Sci-Fi LitRPG in the Stellar Survival Quest series set in Jalf Whitemages Total Expanse Universe. This book contains adult themes, mild harem themes, base building, and real time strategy elements. It is not recommended for those new to the Lit Genre, and definitely not anyone who is easily offended by … well anything. You have been warned 

Wraith King

Jack Porter - 2019
     It turns out, this Hell is being terrorized by an evil Wraith King, who also happens to control a portal that could bring me back to our world. So here I am, preparing for battle against an army of ten thousand wraiths, Hellhounds, and sorcerers. Even with a succubus and an army of warrior elves by my side, I still don't know if we stand a chance. Warning: Wraith King is a medieval portal fantasy intended for mature readers 18+. It contains explicit relationships with multiple women in a harem, as well as medieval warfare, nudity, and sensuous warrior females who find Jon to be different from the men of their world. And while Jon finds himself having more fun in Hell than he would have imagined, the dangers are real, with blood, violence, and epic battle scenes galore. Read at your own risk.

Mana Daemons

Chris Vines - 2020
    A dying alien brings a dire warning, information, and aid. Will it be enough? The group is informed that the Essence Wave of the Daemon invasion is coming. The friendly aliens have modified the incoming Daemon attack to give mankind a chance by turning it into an augmented reality game system, but their warning may be too late. Along with the warning, the aliens leave a final, inconceivable gift—magical nanotech armor that may just be the key to saving the world.

Noble Farmer (Noressia #1)

A.W. Sheffield - 2019
     The Advanced Learning Online World (ALOW), have been running strongly for over a decade. Curing genetic and acquired diseases, restoring anatomy and organs. All the while the patient mentally plays within the fantasy world under a medically induced coma. James C. Corwell assumes his treatment as the left side of his body under goings restoration, due to a military accident. Just in time for CAMPAIGN! Where dungeon, raid, invasion and scenario all merge into three months of conquest, mayhem, and debauchery. Never an avid gamer, this loner must navigate his way through a world set upon role-play and politics. Can he do what has eluded him since birth, and make something of himself? To further add insult to injury, his brother purchases the Nobleman Package as a practical joke. James, aka Hedge Lord Jaeger Persik, turns to the past twenty eight years of life experience, and an unfamiliar creatures for help. Will this black sheep finally become part of a flock, with his uncommon way of thinking and his ability to adapt? Or will frustration and ignorance reign? Warning: This book contains scenes of graphic adult situations, language, and non-traditional relationship structures.

Ultimatum: The Proving Grounds

Wade Adrian - 2016
    Toby has been waiting for years to finally get his chance to see the game, but after server problems and issues with the download he only has a few minutes to do so before real life calls. And nothing seems to go right. His first glimpses of the world leave him confused, and it turns out he isn’t alone. Someone has broken into the server and changed things to suit themselves. Everyone has only one character, one life, and an impossible goal: make it to the end in a week. Everyone is mortal, and everyone is a killer. It’s open season on other players. The man who usurped the world chose Toby to be the champion of this cause, despite his lack of knowledge of game… or perhaps because of it. He is given a terrible weapon, the only one capable of setting things right. Yet he is just as mortal as everyone else. Or worse, as his character remains in the world even if he logs out. But with the future of their hard work on the line, the developers are not about to sit out of this fight. Their game, their reputation, and their very company are on the line. With Toby’s help they take up the challenge and fight to reclaim their world.

Adapt: The Scourge Wars Book 2

Derek Belfield - 2019
    The first clutch has hatched, and their forces have been reinvigorated for a conflict with the rest of the world. Unfortunately, their entry into the realm of Somnium hasn’t come without its costs. Far to the east, the Lord of Light’s mortal enemy, the Vallyr, have learned of their budding settlement. In an effort to wipe them out once and for all, Mors dal Ventrix, Patriarch of the Vallyrian Collective has summoned his army and sent them west. While the Scourge leadership is on the warpath, things aren’t so easy in their capitol city of Bastion. The Cult of the Leech saboteurs plague the city, a strange Prophet claiming to be from the Lord of Light has arrived, and the Scourge must struggle to recruit enough warriors to fend off the much larger Vallyrian forces. In book two of the Scourge Wars, Slate must accomplish one thing: adapt or die.

The Blade of Voxia

Whiskey Flowers - 2019
    The Voxians had just lost a brutal war to a superior foe, the Kingdom of Saucia. The Saucians crushed the Voxians with their superior magic and took anything of value from the defeated kingdom. Due to trickery and traitorous activity, one of those items of value was Cason himself, one of the only heroes on the Voxian side informally known as the Blade of Voxia. Cason along with any other handsome young man or woman was taken as war trophies and married off to Saucians who had proven themselves in battle. The Saucians practiced a different type of marriage than what he was used to, the strongest member was allowed to take more than one spouse. The person he was married off to not only had three other husbands but may have been directly responsible for his parents' death. Join Cason as he attempts to get his revenge on the Saucians and the traitors they corrupted and prove magic, no matter how strong is a match for the Blade of Voxia.

Virtual Reality Access Enabled

Kieron Uchee - 2016
    Where being Human just means you are not a Dwarf or an Elf. See a cynical young man who is working towards getting past level one. Add some rich powerful old people trying to take over the Ingame world. Throw in a abandoned haunted orphanage, a mysterious dragon and Gods that cannot be trusted. Add a huge city and young Donators buying their way through the game. Ingame, anything might happen. This story has adult content, please be aware of this.

The Goblin's Shadow

Kyle Vauss - 2017
    He makes a side-living levelling up and selling characters to order. When he gets an order for a Shadow Walker, a class he’s never played before, it seems strange. Things get even stranger when, just as he’s about to kill a goblin NPC, it talks. Tom and Gabber the goblin embark on a quest to get Gabber to safety. They're pursued by Crawford, a creature hunter with an immense knowledge of the game and resources to match. He’ll never give up, never stop, and Tom must use his courage, skills and ingenuity to outwit him. This starts an epic quest of swords, magic, and monsters, while an unlikely friendship develops. Tom can’t let the hunter catch Gabber. Unlike the players, if the goblin dies, he won’t respawn.