Jada L. Roberts: Bigfoot Stories

Jada L. Roberts - 2017
    Roberts Bigfoot Stories are collections of stories from eyewitnesses that had their own encounters with an unknown creature lurking in the woods that is called Bigfoot. These eyewitnesses have contacted the author and wanted to share their story. These reports are from ordinary men and women who have seen Bigfoot in the flesh and have told that their lives have been changed forever. Read the stories about: 1. Camping in an RV Park 2. Cattle Ranch 3. Appalachian Trail 4. Mobile Home 5. Cumberland Plateau After reading these stories, you may want to think twice before going out in the woods! Be sure to read the three book series "Sharing the Mountain with Bigfoot; The First Year, The Second Year, and The Third Year, By Jada L Roberts About the Author: Jada L. Roberts is an avid reader. With a BS in American History and passion for writing, the author relives and now writes about her and her family's past experiences with an unknown creature that haunted them in the woods of the Appalachian Mountains. The author's hobbies are reading, writing, long distant hiking, and enjoying quality time with her first grandchild.

YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THE WOODS: Unexplained disappearances, Strange Encounters

Steph Young - 2020
    In this book are baffling stories of unexplained disappearances, strange encounters, and journeys into the realm of the unknown. Stories of unexplained mystery that yearn to be solved. Based on True Stories. Author Steph Young has appeared on radio shows including Coast to Coast AM, and can be heard on her podcast 'Tales of Mystery Unexplained.'

Great Australian Mysteries: Unsolved, Unexplained, Unknown

John Pinkney - 2003
    This work includes inexplicable disappearances, some which defy logic, unsolved murders, mystifying phenomena and scientific enigmas.

The Black Eyed Children

David Weatherly - 2012
    B.E.K.S. Are they a diabolical threat or the stuff of urban legend."Just let us in, this won't take long."Strange children are appearing around the world.Attired in old fashioned clothing, their skin is pale and their mannerisms awkward.Their most startling trait however, is their solid black eyes.They are knocking on doors and rapping on windows. Their voices are monotone and demanding and they have one simple request:They want to come in.

The Interrupted Journey Two Lost Hours Aboard A Flying Saucer

John G. Fuller - 1966
    Driving home from Canada on the night of 9/19/1961, Betty & Barney Hill of Portsmouth, NH, sighted a flying saucer, which left them shaken. When they arrived home Barney found inexplicable scuff marks on the tips of his shoes; Betty noticed rows of mysterious circles on the boot of their car, but what was worse, they realised they could not account for almost two hours of their time on the road. After many months of psychic distress, they sought medical assistance from Dr Benjamin Simon, a distinguished Boston psychiatrist & neurologist. Under psychotherapy, including time-regression hypnosis, the Hills gave almost identical accounts of what had happened during their two lost hours. They told of intelligent humanoid beings who took them on board an alien spacecraft, questioned them & subjected them to physical examination. The Hills were an American married couple who rose to fame after they claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials on 9/19-20/1961. The couple's story, called the Hill Abduction, occasionally the Zeta Reticuli Incident, was that they had been kidnapped for a short time by a UFO. Theirs was the 1st widely-publicized claim of alien abduction.

Bigfoot: The Life and Times of a Legend

Joshua Blu Buhs - 2009
    The claim drew instant, feverish attention, leading to more than 1,000 news stories worldwide—despite the fact that nearly everyone knew it was a hoax. Though Bigfoot may not exist, there’s no denying Bigfoot mania. With Bigfoot, Joshua Blu Buhs traces the wild and wooly story of America’s favorite homegrown monster. He begins with nineteenth-century accounts of wildmen roaming the forests of America, treks to the Himalayas to reckon with the Abominable Snowman, then takes us to northern California in 1958, when reports of a hairy hominid loping through remote woodlands marked Bigfoot’s emergence as a modern marvel. Buhs delves deeply into the trove of lore and misinformation that has sprung up around Bigfoot in the ensuing half century. We meet charlatans, pseudo-scientists, and dedicated hunters of the beast—and with Buhs as our guide, the focus is always less on evaluating their claims than on understanding why Bigfoot has inspired all this drama and devotion in the first place. What does our fascination with this monster say about our modern relationship to wilderness, individuality, class, consumerism, and the media? Writing with a scientist’s skepticism but an enthusiast’s deep engagement, Buhs invests the story of Bigfoot with the detail and power of a novel, offering the definitive take on this elusive beast.

The Cryptoterrestrials

Mac Tonnies - 2010
    At the same time, this groundbreaking work attempts to reconcile the mythological and contemporary accounts of "little people" into a coherent picture. "For too long, we've called them 'aliens,' assuming that we represent our planet's best and brightest," writes Tonnies. "Maybe that's exactly what they want us to think."

Phantom Encounters

Time-Life Books - 1988
    Beautifully Illustrated. From Shakespere's Hamlet to Japanese Wraiths, the editors of Time-Life Books have produced another exciting series: Mysteries of the Unknown. Phantom Encounters are brought to you in extraordinary detail through vivid photography and engaging, informative text.

Cryptozoology A to Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras & Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature

Loren L. Coleman - 1999
    Recently, tales of these "monsters" have been corroborated by an increase in sightings, and out of these legends a new science has been born: cryptozoology -- the study of hidden animals.Cryptozoology A to Z, the first encyclopedia of its kind, contains nearly two hundred entries, including cryptids (the name given to these unusual beasts), new animal finds, and the explorers and scientists who search for them. Loren Coleman, one of the world's leading cryptozoologists, teams up with Jerome Clark, editor and author of several encyclopedias, to provide these definitive descriptions and many never-before-published drawings and photographs from eyewitnesses' detailed accounts. Full of insights into the methods of these scientists, exciting tales of discovery, and the history and evolution of this field, Cryptozoology A to Z is the most complete reference ever of the newest zoological science.

Encyclopedia Horrifica: Terrifying Truth About Vampires, Ghosts, Monsters, and More

Joshua Gee - 2007
    But beware! Surprises lurk at the turn of every page. . . .Discover a time line of ALIEN LIFE on earth--beginning 4 billion years ago! Meet a man recruited by the U.S. government to become a PSYCHIC SUPERSPY. Spend a dark and stormy night with professional GHOSTBUSTERS. Visit a mysterious library in search of DRACULA's shocking origins. Witness new photos of the actual sea monster that inspired the mythical KRAKEN. And much more!

The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies

Rosemary Ellen Guiley - 2011
    This groundbreaking book presents the findings of Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Philip J. Imbrogno's investigation into the powerful and mysterious interdimensional beings known as djinn or genies. It reveals what the djinn are, where they can be found--and their hidden agenda against the human race.Working with material compiled from a variety of sources--including their own case files, Middle Eastern lore, the Qur'an, teachings of Islamic scholars, and the latest theories in quantum physics--the authors explore the relationship between the djinn, demons, fairies, shadow people, and extraterrestrials. They discuss the military's interest in these clandestine beings, offer eyewitness accounts of modern human encounters with the djinn, and reveal the location of interdimensional entry points in North America.

Bigfoot, Yeti, and the Last Neanderthal: A Geneticist's Search for Modern Apemen

Bryan Sykes - 2014
    Is the yeti just a phantasm of our imagination, or is it a real creature? A survivor from our own savage ancestry? This is the mystery that Bryan Sykes set out to unlock.Three hair samples from the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan are the cause of the investigation. The hair samples were from the miogi, the Bhutanese yeti, that legendary creature of the high snows that has haunted the imagination of travellers for centuries. Professor Sykes was asked to identify the hairs using DNA analysis. The miogi hairs did not surrender their secrets easily, but eventually two were identified as known species of bear. The third remained a mystery. Ten years later two scientific developments caused the migoi to enter Professor Sykes' thoughts again. The first, a purely technical improvement, meant that it was now possible to get a very good DNA signal from a single hair. The second development came from the surprising conclusion of an article published in 2010. This paper contained the details of the DNA sequence from another human species, Homo neanderthalensis, the Neanderthals, widely thought to be extinct. One of the many theories to account for the yeti legend is that there were small groups of Neanderthals that had managed to survive until recent times, or maybe even until the present day. If so, would it be possible to detect recent interbreeding between our own species and Neanderthals in the genomes of indigenous people living in remote regions. Locations where the yeti legends are strongest and the sightings most numerous?Professor Sykes set a goal to locate and analyse as many hair samples as possible, with links the yeti. In doing so Professor Sykes found himself entering a strange world of mystery and sensationalism, fraud and obsession and even the supernatural. Protected by the ruthless vigour of genetic analysis he was able to listen to the stories of the yeti without having to form an opinion. The only opinion that mattered was the DNA.Two years on the project is almost complete, and there have been some surprising and significant discoveries. The yeti remains an enigma. There is something out there. But what?

The One Who Runs and Hides: A True Story

Chris Merola - 2018
     The American Indians, depending on their tribe, had many names for the Creature: Sasahevas, Sasquatch, Bukwas (wild man of the woods), See’atco (one who runs and hides). What would Native American Indians have to gain from falsifying the existence of a Beast? The last name seemed the most appropriate to me. The One who runs and hides.

Dogman, Bigfoot, and Something More, Volume 1: A Brief Collection of Encounters

P.D. King - 2020

The Complete Sherlock Holmes

Arthur Conan Doyle - 1894
    Volume 2. Introduction / by Loren D. Estleman --The hound of the Baskervilles --The valley of fear --His last bow : The adventure of Wisteria Lodge : The singular experience of Mr. John Scott Eccles ; The tiger of San Pedro ; The adventure of the cardboard box ; The adventure of the red circle ; The adventure of the Bruce-Partington plans ; The adventure of the dying detective ; The disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax ; The adventure of the devil's foot ; His last bow --The case-book of Sherlock Holmes : The adventure of the illustrious client ; The adventure of the blanched soldier ; The adventure of the Mazarin stone ; The adventure of the three gables ; The adventure of the Sussex vampire ; The adventure of the three Garridebs ; The problem of Thor Bridge ; The adventure of the creeping man ; The adventure of the lion's mane ; The adventure of the veiled lodger ; The adventure of Shoscombe old place ; The adventure of the retired colourman.