Ancient Aliens On The Moon

Mike Bara - 2012
    He looks into the history of lunar anomalies and the early NASA programs. He gives us an examination of ruins on the Moon in the Sinus Medii region. Using images from the Surveyor, Lunar Orbiter and Ranger missions. He looks at the Apollo lunar missions to the Moon and the photographic evidence supporting the "transparent dome theory," plus he looks at further anomalies in the Mare Crisium region, including the hexagonal shape of the Crisium region itself, watch- crystal type glass domes over the craters Cleomedes F and Cleomedes F/a, and an historical image of a giant shard of transparent material that was whitewashed from later versions of the same image. Bara discusses the popular theory that the film "2001 -A Space Odyssey" was used as a training ground for Stanley Kubrick to develop the technology to fake the footage of the landings plus the curious mission of Apollo 17-possibly a technology salvage mission, primarily concerned with investigating an opening into a massive hexagonal ruin near the landing site. Bara details how the astronauts managed to get nearly 30 minutes of "off camera" time to investigate an entrance into the ruin and then later proceeded to a nearby crater to retrieve technological objects. He examines evidence from the Russian Zond series of lunar probes as well as the more current Clementine and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data, including an in-depth study of strange objects in Tycho crater. Plus a look at the current politics of the new race to return to the Moon and what hidden agenda's may be behind it. Finally, Bara looks at the various arguments that the entire Moon is an artificial object. Bara shows how the Moon would have been an ideal place for an alien species involved in genetic experimentation on Earth to have set up a base. Includes 8-page Full-Color insert.

Mirage Men: An Adventure into Paranoia, Espionage, Psychological Warfare, and UFOs

Mark Pilkington - 2010
    This is not your average UFO book. Mirage Men explores the strange and symbiotic relationship between the U.S. military and intelligence agencies and the community who believes strongly that UFOs have visited earth. Just how has the U.S. government manipulated the public’s belief in UFOs to hide military aircraft experimentation? Among the UFO believers are the “mirage men”—a close-knit group of men and women whose careers span science medicine, the military, and the intelligence services. They believe they have received parts of a flying saucer–shaped puzzle, whose final pieces lie tantalizingly out of reach. Dive into this comprehensive and astonishing exposition of exactly what these Mirage Men believe, and why. Interviews, anecdotes, and cold hard facts make this a persuasive book that’s hard to ignore. Many are sure that official disclosure—government announcement of extraterrestrial presence—is just around the corner.

Unexplained Mysteries Of The World: A Non-Fiction Collection About True Hauntings, Lost Civilizations, Alien Contact & Other Paranormal Enigmas

Brian Kingsley - 2019
    As a species, we have more or less conquered the entire Earth and all of its resources. We have built towering structures, intricate systems and settled everywhere — from the tallest peaks to the deepest valleys. We have now entered what many like to think of as the enlightened, scientific era — where old superstitions and fears have been abolished, and the mysteries of the past have been solved. Basically, many of us like to think we have figured it all out. However, whether we want to admit it or not, we are still surrounded by plenty of enigmas. Unexplained phenomena, such as confirmed instances of remote viewing or sightings of strange beings like Bigfoot, may sow a seed of doubt in even the surest of individuals. While some sneer at, or shy away from, the thought of investigating the mysterious, there are also those who feel curious, maybe even energized, at the thought of exploring something completely new. As Neil Armstrong once said: “Mystery creates wonder, and wonder is the basis for man’s desire to understand”. If you are one of those who seek to feel wonder, this book is for you. Herein you will find a varied collection of some of the most intriguing unexplained mysteries of our time. From the puzzling artifacts of a lost civilization, to psychic visions and shocking UFO landings — by the end of this book, you will have plenty of captivating questions to ponder and investigate further. Download now and begin your fascinating journey down the rabbit hole!

The Unidentified: Mythical Monsters, Alien Encounters, and Our Obsession with the Unexplained

Colin Dickey - 2020
    It seems the more our maps of the known world get filled in, the more we crave mysterious locations full of strange creatures.Enter Colin Dickey, Cultural Historian and Tour Guide of the Weird. With the same curiosity and insight that made Ghostland a hit with readers and critics, Colin looks at what all fringe beliefs have in common, explaining that today's Illuminati is yesterday's Flat Earth: the attempt to find meaning in a world stripped of wonder. Dickey visits the wacky sites of America's wildest fringe beliefs--from the famed Mount Shasta where the ancient race (or extra-terrestrials, or possibly both, depending on who you ask) called Lemurians are said to roam, to the museum containing the last remaining "evidence" of the great Kentucky Meat Shower--investigating how these theories come about, why they take hold, and why as Americans we keep inventing and re-inventing them decade after decade. The Unidentified is Colin Dickey at his best: curious, wry, brilliant in his analysis, yet eminently readable.

The 12th Planet

Zecharia Sitchin - 1976
    Over the years, startling evidence has been uncovered, challenging established notions of the origins of life on Earth - evidence that suggests the evidence of an advanced group of extraterrestrials who once inhabited our world.The first book of the revolutionary Earth Chronicles series offers indisputable documentary evidence of the existence of the mysterious planet of Nibiru and tells why its astronauts came to Earth eons ago to fashion mankind in their image.The product of more than thirty years of meticulous research, The 12th Planet treats as fact, not myth, the tales of Creation, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, and the Nefilim who married the daughters of man.

Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project Lucifer, and the Vatican's Astonishing Exo-Theological Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior

Cris Putnam - 2013

American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology

Diana Walsh Pasulka - 2019
    This level of belief rivals that of belief in God. American Cosmic examines the mechanisms at work behind the thriving belief system in extraterrestrial life, a system that is changing and even supplanting traditional religions.Over the course of a six-year ethnographic study, D.W. Pasulka interviewed successful and influential scientists, professionals, and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who believe in extraterrestrial intelligence, thereby disproving the common misconception that only fringe members of society believe in UFOs. She argues that widespread belief in aliens is due to a number of factors including their ubiquity in modern media like The X-Files, which can influence memory, and the believability lent to that media by the search for planets that might support life. American Cosmic explores the intriguing question of how people interpret unexplainable experiences, and argues that the media is replacing religion as a cultural authority that offers believers answers about non-human intelligent life.

Aliens Among Us

Ruth Montgomery - 1985
    In these pages, you will learn: The secrets of real men and women (including a U.S. president) who have encountered aliens; the secrets of the psychic power centers both on the earth--and beyond it; the secrets about UFO phenomena our government has covered up for decades; and more.

Real-Life X-Files: Investigating the Paranormal

Joe Nickell - 2001
    Ghosts, UFOs, psychic power & other unexplained phenomena are endlessly fascinating. People often seem to accept or reject claims of the paranormal based on their fundamental beliefs as if such matters were theological. In contrast, this book takes a scientific approach, basing its arguments on the premise that what seem like paranormal mysteries should be carefully investigated with a view toward explaining them using evidence from the cases. Nickell takes readers on investigative journeys that range from the uniquely whimsical (such as the case of the giant Coleman Frog) to the bizarre (such as alien-abduction experiences) to the potentially transcendental (Shroud of Turin). He examines some of the world's most significant, perplexing & enduring enigmas: spontaneous human combustion, hauntings, UFOs & alien abductions, stigmata, psychic detectives, legendary monsters, reincarnation, crop circles etc. A wide variety of investigative techniques are employed, including forensic examination, physical experimentation, archival research, folklore study & iconographic analysis. The very case titles resonate with mystery & intrigue: The Secrets of Oak Island, The Devil's Footprints, Extraterrestrial Autopsy, The Case of the Petrified Girl, Death of the Fire-Breathing Woman, The Silver Lake Serpent, Adventure of the Weeping Icon, Legend of the Phantom Ship etc.

Project Blue Book

Brad Steiger - 1976
    When their conclusions did not support the official position, the findings were suppressed.Now, the secret findings of Project Sign, Project Grudge, Special Report #14, and Project Blue Book are revealed in this explosive and significant document!Examine it and decide for yourself . . . but you may not be able to dismiss the riveting testimony of scientists, the military, pilots, and citizens all over the country who have witnessed UFOs!

It Was a Dark and Creepy Night: Real-Life Encounters with the Strange, Mysterious, and Downright Terrifying

Joshua P. Warren - 2014
    Warren began collecting these stories from around the world: they had to be true, they had to be short, and they had to send a shiver down your spine.It Was a Dark and Creepy Night presents a wide variety of weird and spooky tales about ghosts, UFOs, cryptids, angels, demons, ESP, interdimensional contact and more. Because each tale is short, this eerie little tome is perfect for a subway ride, a plane flight, or a night entertaining guests.An internationally respected investigator of the unknown, Joshua adds his insight to these strange experiences. Some tales are too odd to easily categorize, but each one simple or complex transformed an ordinary person's life, revealing a facet of those uncanny phenomena that still leave us wondering…what if?Imagine if:You met a strange woman who said she remembered Lincoln's funeral, then vanished . . .You dreamed you were being attacked by a demon and woke up to find scratch marks across your body . . .The face of the person in front of you suddenly transformed into that of a reptilian . . .Remember: These and the many other tales in this fascinating book are true, short, and eminently creepy!

The Sirius Mystery: New Scientific Evidence of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago

Robert K.G. Temple - 1976
    Undaunted, however, Temple is back, with 140 pages of new scientific evidence that makes his hypothesis more compelling than ever. Many authors have speculated on the subject of extraterrestrial contact, but never before has such detailed evidence been presented. Temple applies his in-depth knowledge of ancient history, mythology, Pythagorean physics, chaos theory, and Greek, to a close examination of the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which was built to align directly with the star Sirius. He concludes that the alien civilization of Sirius and our own civilization are part of the same harmonic system, and are destined to function and resonate together. His findings warrant a profound reappraisal of our role in the universe.

Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld

Patrick Harpur - 1994
    But those that aren't, those that purport to document or comment on such phenomena in what passes for "real life" vary across such a wide range of quality, credulity & comprehensibility that it's tempting to dismiss them all as pure badly-written hokum. Of course, as in any genre, no matter how microscopic, there are classics. Charles Fort's Book of the Damned is surely in the forefront. But once you get past the looming shadow of Charles Fort, matters become far murkier. Patrick Harpur's Daimonic Reality is a work that would surely make the top ten lists of many Fortean scholars. Subtitled A Field Guide to the Otherworld, Daimonic Reality synthesizes the reports of many different phenomena into a single Unified Field Theory of the Strange. It's an audacious attempt that largely succeeds. Harpur has a low key writing style that makes this work easy to read. His comprehensive knowledge of a wide variety of inexplicable events is impressive & entertaining. Most importantly, he has drawn together these disparate elements with a rather interesting philosophical take that looks to Jung, Fort, Blake, Yeats & beyond. There are enough elements in this stew to make it a really tasty treat for the hungry mind. Daimonic Reality is divided into three sections thru which Harpur journeys ever deeper into the mind behind the perceptions. But he's careful not to shortchange the perceptions & events themselves. Part One: Apparitions covers apparitions of all kinds, from UFOs to lights in the sky, from aliens & fairies to sightings of Black Dogs & Big Cats. Harpur's economical coverage of these subjects makes it easy for any level of Fortean reader to enjoy the individuality of each experience. But this treatment also enables the reader to step back & see the bigger picture, to move towards the idea of the otherworld. The individual reports are carefully chosen & beautifully written. Harpur takes a more substantial step towards the otherworld in Part Two: Vision. Starting with a discussion of "seeing things", he moves on to visions of Ladies, which are dominated by (but not exclusively) visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He discusses the evidence that these encounters leave behind, from fairy shoes to crop circles. (Coming soon to a theater near you.) He talked about the part that Imagination plays in the otherworld & finally reaches the mythic land itself. In Part Three: Otherworld Journeys, Harpur gives both practical & philosophical advice for otherworld journeys. He discusses the variety of journeys that one can have, from missing time to alien encounters, from a trip to fairyland to an out-of-body experience. When Harpur sticks to the practical, he has practically no peer in writing compelling prose about otherworldly experiences. His philosophical thoughts aren't quite as page-turning, but they're pithy, fascinating & pertinent. Harpur isn't content to merely provoke thought. He wants to invoke internal debate in the reader, & does so with some formal philosophical discussion that is difficult to pull off with the authority that Harpur achieves. He's a remarkably intelligent writer & his work requires a reader of nearly equal intelligence. You don't have to be a philosopher to read Harpur's work, but it certainly helps to be philosophically inclined. This isn't mere reportage of events, but a reasoned analysis, with conclusions that go well beyond 'Is it real or are they all just a bunch of crazy yahoos?' That there is an audience for this sort of thinking is shown by the eternal sales of the works of writers such as Carlos Castenada, not to mention the immense & increasing popularity of Fortean fiction, horror, science fiction & fantasy. That's because Harpur is looking to snatch something from the center of creation, something that is partly in the human mind & partly in the otherworld. Daimonic Reality does an excellent job grasping at the ineffable & getting it in print. As of 2/2003, this title is back in print by Pine Winds Press/Idyll Arbor. They've chosen an equally nice cover print, & are publishing the book as a sturdy US hardcover. Better yet, they're a small press, so you can buy directly from them. Since Harpur has managed to wrestle the ineffable into print, we've got to thank Pine Winds Press for keeping it in print.--Rick Kleffel

The Alien Agendas: A Speculative Analysis of Those Visiting Earth

Richard Dolan - 2020

Alien Dawn: An Investigation Into the Contact Experience

Colin Wilson - 1998
    This attempt at a synthesis of the alien/UFO phenomenon shows his encyclopedic strength to be also his weakness. In his zeal for inclusiveness, he reports not only on the history of UFOs from mythology thru Kenneth Arnold to Philip Corso (The Day After Roswell), but also writes about Uri Geller, LSD research, crop circles, ley lines, the Loch Ness monster, remote viewing, Jung, hypnotism, poltergeists, Ouspensky, out-of-body experiences, quantum physics & a great deal more. There's little new here: much of the book is composed of unfootnoted 2nd- & 3rd-hand accounts of UFOs, alien encounters & (perhaps) related phenomena drawn from other sources, resulting in an unfocused catalog of anecdotes, the larger import of which is rarely assessed. Periodically he asks, as if talking to himself: "What, then, are we to make of it all?" At times he finds unbelievability a plus: after all, if someone were simply fabricating a story, wouldn't they make it more plausible? By the time readers reach the chapter titled "Oh no, not again!" the phrase has an unintended inflection. In the end, he seems to regard aliens--whatever they are--as agents in the transformation of consciousness, but he provides little solid support for, or elucidation of, such a hypothesis.--Publishers Weekly (edited)