Shine On: How To Grow Awesome Instead of Old

Claire Cook - 2015
    Claire wrote her first book in her minivan at 45. At 50, she walked the red carpet at the Hollywood premiere of the adaptation of her novel, Must Love Dogs, starring Diane Lane and John Cusack. With another milestone birthday on the horizon, she was old enough to know the signs: "It was time to get my act together. Again."Shine On: How To Grow Awesome Instead of Old speaks to midlife women everywhere and is filled with Claire's trademark humor, heart, honesty and encouragement.“Cook's penchant for hitting the emotional sore spot and combining it with humor hits the mark.” -New York Journal of Books

If You Change Your Words It Will Transform Your Life

Adam Houge - 2015
    But your words reflect your thoughts and who you are inside. By changing your words it forces you to change what’s underneath it all. It forces you to think and act differently changing your relationships, your walk with God, and everything you are.

Steve Jobs: 11 The Most Important Life And Business Lessons Of Steve Jobs

Donald Allen - 2015
    Steve Jobs: 11 The Most Important Life And Business Lessons Of Steve Jobs

Shopping Addiction: The Ultimate Guide for How to Overcome Compulsive Buying And Spending (Compulsive Spending, Compulsive Shopping, Retail Therapy, Shopaholic, ... Compulsive Debtors, Debtors Anonymous)

Caesar Lincoln - 2014
    Millions of people suffer from a shopping addiction and throw away their personal and professional success because of these issues. Most people realize how much of a problem this is, but are unable to change their situation, simply because it's been apart of their mindset for so long. The truth is, if you are suffering from limitations because of your shopping addiction and haven't been able to change, it's because you are lacking an effective strategy and understanding of where your addiction is coming from and why it is so hard to stop. This book goes into where shopping addictions originate, signs and symptoms of a compulsive shopper, and a step-by-step strategy that will help you free yourself from your addiction and help you take control of your life. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... Understanding Shopping Addiction Negative Effects of A Shopping Addiction The Signs And Symptoms Of An Addiction How To Overcome The Addiction Once And For All Take action right away to overcome your shopping addiction by downloading this book, "Shopping Addiction: The Ultimate Guide for How To Overcome Compulsive Buying And Spending", for a limited time discount! Download today!

How to Develop a 'Never Give up' Attitude

Hardik Joshi - 2017
    Success comes to those who pursue their goal with persistence, purpose and dedication. They are the ones who can convert their dreams to reality. They never give up on their dreams, no matter what the odds are. Enriched with simple techniques and stories, this book is a practical guide to developing the attitude to stay strong, confident and committed in the journey towards achieving one’s dream.

Product-Led SEO: The Why Behind Building Your Organic Growth Strategy

Eli Schwartz
    Unfortunately, it's not always easy to know what will successfully drive traffic, leads, and sales. If you want to stand out from your competition, your SEO needs a distinctive blend of creativity and logic.Maybe you're a marketing manager or executive who is responsible for SEO growth but do not fully understand how it works. Or maybe you are a seasoned SEO pro looking to optimize further. Either way, this book is your behind-the-scenes guide to online visibility.When it comes to SEO, success often depends not on what you do but on how you do it. That is why Product-Led SEO digs deep into the logic and theory of SEO instead of offering step-by-step guidelines and techniques. You will learn to develop your own best practices and see where most SEO strategies go astray. If your main goal is driving traffic, you are leaving sales on the table.

Dr. and Mrs. Guinea Pig Present the Only Guide You'll Ever Need to the Best Anti-Aging Treatments

Terry Dubrow - 2016
    There are treatments available that can halt, and in some cases, even reverse the aging process.But how do you know what treatments are best for you? Which of the hippest, hottest, and newest are fabulously effective and which are nothing more than new-age snake oil? Let us be your guides. Dr. and Mrs. Guinea Pig Present The Only Guide You'll Ever Need to the Best Anti-Aging Treatments will outline all the best techniques and treatments, from the so-new-you-haven t-heard-of-them-yet to the tried-and-true; from the perfectly legal to the are-you-trying-to-get-me-arrested; from the simple to the outrageous; and from the cheapest drugstore creams to the most complicated surgeries. We will provide you with the information and research you need to create your own, unique anti-aging plan to look and feel your best forever!"

30 Days of Discipline

Victor Pride
    But it’s not just an e-book, it is a way of life. It is a challenge. It is a bootcamp that you put yourself through. A way to discipline yourself, a way to tame those bad habits and institute new, Ass-kicking habits. To get the full benefit of the program requires work on your part. The only way you will succeed is to follow the instructions and MAKE THE DECISION to go through with it. Decide to never quit. It won’t be easy, but when you emerge 30 days later you will be amazed at the energy, creativity and vitality you will feel. You can become as you wish to be, it requires only a change of mindset, a smidgen of self-discipline and some will-power.

Learning to Dance in the Rain (The Power of Gratitude)

Mac Anderson - 2009
    However, it's not the adversity, but how we react to it that will determine the joy and happiness in our lives. During tough times, do we spend too much time feeling sorry for ourselves, or can we, with gratitude...learn how to dance in the rain?It almost sounds too simple to feel important, but one word...gratitude, can change your attitude, and thus your life, forever. Sarah Breathnach said it best..."When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present... We experience heaven on earth."Mac Anderson and BJ Gallagher have written a classic on "the awesome power of gratitude." No matter what your circumstances are, you cannot read this book and not feel extremely blessed.Learning to Dance in the Rain is an inspiring and beautiful book full of wonderful stories, quotes, poems and insight to help you reflect on the positives in life. A wonderful book to give to someone in need of encouragement - it can take you from feeling down to feeling blessed.

The Fat Girls' Guide to Marathon Running

Julie Creffield - 2017
     And ladies, if you are carrying some extra weight and don't look or feel much like a marathon runner right now, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed by the wealth of marathon training advice out there...none of which seems relevant for you. DO NOT PANIC!!!! You have plenty of time to get yourself organised and prepared for the biggest adventure of your life....and plus size marathon runner and life coach Julie Creffield will walk you through every stage of the process with her unique mix of humour, realism and practicality. Covering everything from chesticle chaffing, to mingeries...swamp arse, to blister popping. This book goes where no other book dares to go, with its warts and all account of training as a larger lady. Julie committed to running her first marathon back in 2005 weighing in at 20 stone and unable to run to the top of her road. She has gone on to run 4 marathons, a 40 mile ultra marathon and hundreds of other races as well as inspiring and coaching thousands of women around the world to survive and thrive in the world of long distance running. As the creator of the award winning blog The Fat Girls Guide to Running she has transformed the landscape of plus size running, and has worked closely as a coach with more than 100 women to help them train for their first ever marathon. She knows the kind of doubts that women have about their own abilities, and the complexity of marathon training while working and raising a family. Many of the marathon training books out there are great in an ideal world, but let's face it, how many of us live in that ideal world. This is a marathon book for those of us in the real world...and you won't find a more honest account of what preparing for and completing your first marathon feels like. The book will cover everything from - Deciding if the distance is even for you - Securing your race place - Reviewing your habits and deciding your approach - Creating a robust and doable plan - The types of running sessions you need to include - How to get rid of the negative voices in your head - Avoiding injury - Fuelling your marathon journey - Building your support team - What to expect on race day - How to deal with the aftermath...and what to do with your medal This book will give you the confidence, know how and common sense to see you through what is sure to be some of the toughest months of training you will ever do. It will also help you see that so many of the skills and behaviours you pick up during marathon training are applicable to other areas of your life too. If you want to get to the start line and the finish line in one piece...this is the book for you.

The Unofficial Author's Guide To Selling Your Book On Amazon: The Top 5 Cheat Sheet for Self Publishing Authors

Richard McCartney - 2016
     This Unofficial Guide unveils many of the hidden secrets to promoting your published book. How can I get my book into the Hot New Releases? How can I get my book to appear along side the Best Sellers on Amazon? How can I pick the best book category for my book, and why are they hidden from me in Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)? I’m now going to show you the answers. I’m going to tell you what is really going on. This Kindle book is quite literally a cheat sheet, a short cut to your biggest challenge on Amazon: Getting discovered. Get your copy now!

Advancing Your Spirit 4-CD Set: Finding Meaning In Your Life's Journey

Wayne W. Dyer - 2008
    This is a rare opportunity to hear two luminaries from the field of self-development together for the first time on an audio program.As you absorb the information on these four CDs, you’ll find that you can transform your challenges and concerns into spiritual triumphs; learn the keys to empowering yourself in the midst of change, chaos, and complexity by understanding and applying spiritual principles to your life; and discover the deeper meaning inherent in your daily experiences and see your life as a blueprint for growth and personal evolution.

Killing Jesus by Bill O'Reilly - Reviewed

Anthony Granger - 2014
    along with a glossary of the important characters and terms used in the original book. Just in case that’s not enough for you, I’ve also included a list of possible study questions (book club discussion topics) and quotes from the book that I found interesting.Wrapping it all up is a discussion of the critical reviews for Killing Jesus as well as my overall opinion of the book. Plus much more!Whether you’re reading this for a book club, school report, or just want to get a quick preview before diving into the full length book, you can use this book review and study guide to get the most out of your experience reading Killing Jesus by Bill O'Reilly.I hope you enjoy this review summary book...~ Anthony Granger ~

Linea Nigra

Jazmina Barrera
    Drawing from a wide range of inspirations and traditions, from Louise Bourgeois to Ursula K. Le Guin to the influential indigenous Nahua model Luz Jiménez, Barrera’s treatise is as philosophical as it is candid. It is a book that clarifies motherhood, but also celebrates the mysteries of the body—like the linea nigra, the black line, itself.Writing over the course of her first pregnancy, birthing, breastfeeding, and young motherhood, Barrera embraces her subject fully. She intersperses notes from her reading life, making lucid connections between maternity and earthquakes, lunar eclipses, plants, and animals. She sends out an impassioned call for a great proliferation of pregnancy books: for more writing by the expectant; for a canon and a counter-canon of motherhood prose—each of them a shrine and generous guide to all of these radical acts.

The Age-Well Project: Easy Ways to a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life

Annabel Streets - 2019
    But what should we change and how do we do it? Annabel Streets and Susan Saunders spent their 30s climbing the career ladder, having children and caring for elderly parents - all at the same time. By their 40s, they were exhausted, stressed, sleeping too little and rushing too much. They began to ask whether the prolonged ill health and dementia suffered by their parents was their inevitable future too - could they do anything to avoid requiring their own children to care for them in old age? Thus began THE AGE-WELL PROJECT. With incredible tenacity, Annabel and Susan read 50,000 scientific research papers on all aspects of ageing to find what advice cutting-edge research can offer us on how to ensure the longer lives we're living are healthy and happy. Putting their findings into practice, they found that the lifestyle changes they made were having incredible benefits on their health and wellbeing now - as well as for the future. Told with empathy and humour, in THE AGE-WELL PROJECT Annabel and Susan share the 50 key lessons they learned, the meals they cooked and the experts' tips they uncovered to make the second half of your life the best half of your life - happy, healthy and disease-free. Author BiographyAnnabel was a founder member of an award-winning marketing company, advising the chief executives of companies such as Sony, Reuters and the Financial Times. After four children, and at breaking point, she sold her company. Following a stint studying photography and producing a community cook book, she changed tack and wrote an award-winning novel The Joyce Girl which sold in 14 countries and was selected for the 2017 Berlin Film Festival. Since then she has written regularly for a range of titles including the Daily Telegraph, Psychologies, The Author, the Guardian, The Irish Times, Elle, Australian