Read Better Faster: How to Triple Your Reading Speed and Comprehension Without Speed Reading, Skimming, or Skipping

Debbie Drum - 2017
    These poor reading habits hold us back, and it’s why so many people don’t enjoy reading. You see, your brain is a lot like Goldilocks. When you read too slow, your mind wanders, you get distracted, and reading feels like a chore. When you try to read too fast, you can't comprehend what you're reading. The key is to read at the right speed using the best reading strategies for your learning type. In this short read, you’ll discover proven strategies to read faster without having to: Practice speed-reading techniques for hours and hours Skim text and risk missing crucial information Read cliff notes or shortened versions of a book This book combines the best lessons from speed reading techniques, neuroscience, and modern technology to allow you to read faster and comprehend more than you ever thought possible—and you can start to see the results today! Say Goodbye to Slow Reading Forever! I was always a slow reader. I could never focus long enough to read an entire book. I often forgot what I had just read, and had to re-read sentences over and over again. Reading was a frustrating, slow, and painful experience, so I tried to make up for my poor reading skills by studying more and working harder. But studying hard will only get you so far when you're using the wrong strategies. I wanted to be able to read more, learn more, and, most importantly, remember more of what I was reading. If you’ve quit reading more books than you can remember because of boredom or frustration, this book will change your life—and every book from now on will be a “quick read” for you. Everything changed when I developed a better way to read entire books very fast… Incredible Reading Results in 7 Days I was able to read four large books in my first week of using these methods. In Read Better Faster: How to Triple Your Reading Speed and Comprehension Without Speed Reading, Skimming, or Skipping you will discover: The exact methods anyone can use to read books faster than you ever imagined Never again struggle to finish a book, no matter how big or complex it is Start reading (and finishing) more books your friends and colleagues recommend to you How to guarantee laser-focused reading so you never have to re-read or forget what you just read How to comprehend and retain everything you read using a method that forces your brain to turn what you read into long-term memory storage How to accelerate your ability to learn more by reading faster and remembering more information than ever before This book is perfect for you if: You need to study for an exam, improve your grades, or do better in school You need to learn new business skills to improve your career or company You want to easily breeze through your favorite fiction books so you can enjoy reading even more You’ve always wanted to read more books but just can’t find the time or struggle to get through a book I encourage you to in

Portal to Genius

Leslie Householder - 2009
    Follow Richard and Felicity who are at the end of their financial rope, Morgan who needs a medical miracle for his son, and Ray who needs to find $4.5 million dollars by Wednesday as they each discover their portals to genius. Built on the premise that the solution to every problem is just an idea away, Leslie Householder (award-winning best selling author of The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can) and Garrett B. Gunderson (New York Times best selling author of Killing Sacred Cows), bring you an experience you'll never forget through this brilliant work true to its name: Portal to Genius.

Become Your Own Financial Advisor: The real secrets to becoming financially independent

Warren Ingram - 2013
    This highly accessible book is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their financial situation, from the financial novice who needs clear basic guidelines on how to deal with money to those who are more financially savvy but want to supplement their knowledge. Covering a range of topics, from saving, investing, debt management, buying a house to blunders to avoid, Become Your Own Financial Advisor provides people of all ages and levels of wealth with practical information on how to improve their finances. And, in the process, proves that financial freedom is possible for everyone.

The Golden Present: Daily Inspriational Readings

Satchidananda - 1987
    Culled from twenty-five years of lectures to spiritual seekers in the West and the East, these readings are expressed with the simplicity and authority of one who speaks from his own experience. What is purity of heart? It’s a heart full of tranquility and peace. Having a steady mind, a balanced mind, is what you call purity of heart. You must be well balanced between the dualities: the ups and downs, the pleasure and pain, the profit and loss. If the mind is free from turbulence, then the seer can see its own nature. If your heart is pure and steady, you can see God reflected in that steady heart.

Inspired Destiny: Living a Fulfilling and Purposeful Life

John F. Demartini - 2010
    John Demartini’s Inspired Destiny has deep meaning for readers of all ages. Whether you’re a young adult or simply young at heart, it will awaken you to your inspired destiny. Do the simple exercises in each chapter and apply what you learn here, and you will:·     Clarify what you’d love to dedicate your life to·     Powerfully communicate your vision to others·     Make money doing what you love·     Dissolve the emotions that can distract you from your purpose·     Discover the power of planning your life to become what you'd truly love it to be—not what someone else thinks it “should” beYou’ll come away from this book with an immense vision of yourself, understanding the real difference between being a leader or follower, and see how to set an example for others by doing what you love. You’ll set in motion a far-reaching “ripple effect,” beginning the journey of mastering and living a meaningful and inspiring life.

The 3 Things That Will Change Your Destiny Today!

Paul McKenna - 2015
    has helped people from all walks of life and helped them to change their lives for the better. He has investigated nearly every method of therapy, coaching and personal change available, and as a result has recently created an amazing new system that could help you breakthrough in the areas of your life you truly want to!If you’re ready to . . .Have infinitely more power over the direction of your life?Uncover the secrets of luck, confidence and motivation?Feel like you are the master of your own destiny?Release your true potential?Become the person you were born to be?Then let Paul McKenna help you!He has discovered and crafted a simple set of processes that you can be guided through in a matter of hours. Paul McKenna wants to help you to clear the past of blocks or negative experiences and get in touch with the very best of who you truly are so you can live more happily in the present. Let Paul McKenna help you get in touch with what you really want and focus your mind and body with an unstoppable passion to fulfil your destiny!

The Power of Love: Connecting to the Oneness

James Van Praagh - 2016
    Yet, like many a courageous soul who has chosen to tackle this difficult task, you may need to be reminded to activate this innate force that dwells inside you.In this fascinating book, internationally acclaimed medium James Van Praagh demonstrates that love knows no limits—it is the power that holds together everything. Through vivid examples of various everyday situations in life—and knowledge gleaned from the Other Side—James shows you the process for activating this power . . . and thereby fulfilling your life purpose.Anxiety and worry will start to fade as you align yourself with loving thoughts. Decisions that might have preoccupied you before will become easier to make. Difficult events and people will not be drawn to you, because you are learning to release that magnetic energy. When you begin to consciously surround yourself with the energy of love and acceptance—which is your natural state of being—your journey in this physical dimension becomes much smoother, more purposeful, and more powerful. Be empowered with love . . .

365 Days of Mindfulness: Daily Mindfulness Tips and Quotes

White Lemon - 2015
    These tips will help set a positive tone for your day and invoke happy feelings in you. Each thought is accompanied by a quote, which sheds some light on the tip and pushes on the road of happiness and self-acceptance. Mindfulness is said to be the deliberate, accepting and non-judgmental emphasis of your attention on the feelings, views and sensations that occur in the present moment, without thinking about the baggage the past leaves us with or the worries of an uncertain future. You do not need long speeches of motivation to make you feel happy, a little positive though is enough to make you feel good about yourself. This is what mindfulness is about – taking control of your thoughts and getting rid of all the negativity inside you. Here Is A Preview Of “365 Days of Mindfulness Tips and Quotes” Tip: Always look at the positive side of every situation you face in life, after all everything that happens in life, happens for a reason. Quote: “Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.” – Alphonse Karr Tip: Get to work on your dreams. Take that little step in the right direction. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. One tiny push is all that is necessary. But, make sure you give put your everything into it! Quote: “If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.” – Roopleen Maintaining Mindfulness in Daily Life "Research shows that regularly practicing mindfulness can improve well-being, lower stress and lead to improved psychological functioning." Sounds good doesn’t it? You will find many such tips in this eBook that will brighten your day and lead you towards the road of healthy living, because a happy person is a healthy person!

Chakra Yoga: A Beginner's Guide to Chakra Healing

Alanna Kaivalya - 2016
    Within this book are all the key concepts and tools you need to understand the seven chakras and balance them through a yoga practice. Each chakra is fully explained, and features a unique practice that heals and balances that energy center on every level: body, mind and soul. While the chakras are energy centers, they are all easy to feel and access through yoga. With the right tools, you connect with your chakras on an energetic and emotional level, using the specific yoga practices outlined in this book to bring a new level of healing and resolution to each one. When all chakras are balanced, you experience wellness and integration on a level you have always wanted for yourself! Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D., is an expert on yoga and psychology, and offers her extensive wisdom on the topic in a practical, accessible and easy-to-understand way. Become a master of the seven chakras, and find a new level of health and wellbeing through the ancient practice of yoga!

All The Reminders You Need To Get You Through Anything In Life

Thought Catalog - 2016
    These reminders cover all aspects of life: graduating, growing up, feeling lost, loving too much, struggling to find love, struggling to move on, trying to let go or going through a quarter life crisis. We all need uplifting reminders to keep us going and make us feel like we’re not alone. This book is more of a manual on how to navigate the hurdles of life and overcome them.

Description of Paradise in the Glorious Qur'an

Abdul Halim Ibn Muhammad Nassae As-Salafi - 2013
    This belief makes him eligible for enjoyment of the bliss and the happiness of the Hereafter. It is not a belief that is limited to the life of this finite and ephemeral world only as compared to the everlasting Hereafter.Rather, it is a great creed that links the life of man in this world to that of the Hereafter so that his vision will not be restricted to this world alone but extends to the Hereafter.Belief in Paradise is one of the fundamentals of faith. The Messenger of Allah, blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, was asked about faith and he answered, “Faith is to believe in Allah, in His angels, in His Books, in His Messenger and in the Last Day; and to believe in pre-decree, its good and bad.”

Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women

Na'ima B Robert - 2021
    A personal story of the author reflecting on her journey of life with references to quotes from the Qur'an, Hadith and contemporary thinkers.

Welcome to Islam: A Step-by-Step Guide for New Muslims

Mustafa Umar - 2012
    'Welcome to Islam' is a step-by-step guide to help people who have just accepted Islam. It teaches them the absolute basics of Islam that they should learn within their first month of being a Muslim. This work is not another introductory book on Islam but rather a step-by-step instruction manual that allows you to start practicing what you learn immediately. It also contains valuable advice on some common challenges that new Muslims often face.

Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students: Originally Devised and Taught at Madinah Islamic University (#1)

V. Abdur Rahim - 2006
    A tried and tested course over 40 years with proven track record of success, it is ideal in terms of the topics covered and short time taken to learn. It is suitable for schools and colleges in the UK and other Western English speaking countries. This course is a comprehensive and popular course for the teaching of the Qur'anic and Traditional Arabic, originally devised and taught at the renowned Islamic University of Madinah, catering for the non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world. Over the years, this course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic language and to participate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as Qur'anic exegesis, Hadeeth, Fiqh, Seerah, History, and classical and modern Arabic literature.Whilst there are now several courses available on the market for the teaching of the Arabic language, the unique features of this particular one are: 1. It is very concise, consisting of only three books, all of which are short but extensive in their coverage. 2. It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology as used in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. 3. It covers all the essential Arabic grammatical rules in such a way that the student is spared the monotonous task of memorizing them 4. The author presents Arabic as a living and vibrant language and takes examples from Arabic in everyday use, as also from the Qur'an and the Sunnah, so that as the student learns the languages, he also acquires an understanding of hundreds of Qur'anic verses, ahaadeeth, Arabic parables and poetry. This allows the student to become directly involved in the study of the Qur'an and the Sunnah while also acquiring a sound understanding of the Arabic language.

Children Around the Prophet (SAW): How Muhammad (SAW) Raised the Young Companions

Hesham Al-Awadi - 2005
    In introducing parents and potential parents to the Prophetic example of dealing with children, Dr. Hesham Al-Awadi tackles the challenges and complexity of raising children, and the necessity to understand and cater for their needs. Throughout these lectures recorded at Birkbeck College, University of London, Dr. Al-Awadi, a renowned Seerah historian draws upon instances from the Prophet's (SAW) life in order to address the emotional, spiritual, moral, sexual, and social dimensions of raising children in today's society.