A More Gentlemanlike Manner

Harriet Knowles - 2021
    The end of Darcy’s hopes and dreams.He decides to give her the letter and escape the humiliation.But he cannot do it.No matter the cost, he will do anything — anything — to be worthy of her acceptance.Elizabeth Bennet must decide which of the two characters is the real Mr. Darcy, before she can choose which path in life will make her happiest.Should she follow her heart, or her head?

Mr. Darcy's Daughter: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Melissa Halcomb - 2021
    For three years, it has hung like a dead weight about his neck, yet his first priority has been and must continue to be his young daughter. He married once for duty, he will only marry again for love. Is there a lady out there who will love him for the man he is underneath his vast wealth and lofty connections and, more importantly, who will love his precious daughter as dearly as he does? Will those with their own agenda to push allow him to follow his heart?A rocky first encounter with the handsome friend of her new neighbour leaves Elizabeth reeling. Meeting his adorable daughter will change her life forever. Loving the sweet little girl is easy, but what about the tall, brooding man she calls Papa? What will Elizabeth do when faced with those who deem her unworthy of the master of Pemberley?Mr. Darcy's Daughter is a sweet full length novel of +82,000 words. This is Melissa's debut novel.

Fallen Woman: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Arthel Cake - 2019
    Darcy has already left Netherfield. Torn by his attraction to Elizabeth Bennet, a woman he cannot marry, he retreats to Scotland, unaware of the social disaster that overtakes the Bennet family. Shunned by friends and neighbors, Mrs. Bennet succumbs and Mr. Bennet moves what is left of his family to London. As Mary and Kitty find husbands, Elizabeth and Jane are left to care for their failing father with little money and less hope for the future. After Mr. Bennet’s death, the sisters continue to live on the bare edge of gentility with fading prospects for happiness in life. But then Elizabeth accidently encounters Mr. Bingley. Both young women are drawn back into his sphere, which includes Mr. Darcy. Once again Bingley is plagued by his sister Caroline, who is as determined as ever to prevent his marriage to Jane, and whose machinations may go farther back than anyone realizes. Darcy is assisting his friend in his renewed courtship of Jane and as Elizabeth finds herself in continual contact with him a friendship grows between them, one Elizabeth tries to believe is platonic, while Darcy knows he is still inescapably in love with her. Torn between a growing attraction to Darcy and the taint of Lydia’s sin, Elizabeth struggles to find a way forward. Darcy has problems of his own. His sister Georgiana has withdrawn from her first Season, refusing to choose a suitor in spite of family pressure. Lady Catherine deBourgh believes she can force Darcy to marry her daughter Anne, and will stop at nothing to achieve her goal. And a threat from the past by Darcy’s old enemy George Wickham arises once more with the potential to ruin not only the Darcys but the Fitzwilliam family as well. Now at a Twelfth Night ball, Darcy is no longer able to deny his love and offers Elizabeth his hand. But Elizabeth, deeply damaged by her experiences, believes herself unworthy of him and rejects him with consequences no one could have predicted, forcing Darcy to face a turning point that will decide his and Elizabeth’s future in one last encounter. Finally, just when matters seem to be settled, Darcy and Elizabeth’s happiness is jeopardized once again by a ghost from the past as Wickham finally seems ready to strike.

Encounter to Remember: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Novella (Times and Seasons Novella)

Kara Louise - 2020
    Neither is certain how the other feels, but after a few awkward moments and simple conversation, each realizes something in the other has changed. There are expressions of regret and apologies offered to one another for the things that were said and done that day one year ago. Mr. Darcy extends an invitation to Elizabeth to join him at his London townhome the following day, along with her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner. Both leave the store filled with a sense of renewed hope, anticipation, and excitement. But when Miss Bennet does not show up at his home at the expected hour with no note of explanation, Mr. Darcy begins to doubt all he believed about her character, as well as what actually transpired at the bookstore that day. This novella explores how Darcy and Elizabeth must both discover the truth of what happened that day and what obstacles they must overcome to finally get their happily ever after.

The Matchmaker: A Pride & Prejudice Novella

Christie Capps - 2021
    Determined to help her brother out of his blue spell, she decides that her new acquaintance—Miss Jane Bennet—is just the lady to fill Darcy’s heart with cheer. And while she is at it, would not Miss Elizabeth Bennet suit Georgiana’s cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam perfectly?Misunderstandings abound as the characters readers know and love take matters into their own hands, leaving Miss Darcy caught unaware.Will Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth admit they are in love with each other, or will the interference of a well-meaning girl keep them apart? What happens when the course of true love does not run straight? Does Miss Darcy learn the lesson that it is best not to interfere?Told primarily from Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth’s point of view, this charming 25,000-word Regency tale by best-selling author Christie Capps is appropriate for all ages.

Lord Harpenden's Daughter : Pride and Prejudice variation

Elin Eriksen - 2021
    It was the talk of the town; not even Mr Darcy could avoid hearing about it, with his best friend's loquacious sister in tow.The sisters, dressed in their mourning garb, do not quite meet the expectations of the fastidious Mr Darcy, who soon finds himself in the unenviable position of trying to rectify a poor first impression. But then a dramatic event forces them to unite against a common enemy—a master of deception—to save their sisters.A chaste Pride and Prejudice variation of approximately 63 000 words, appropriate for adults due to graphic descriptions of nonsexual violence. A forced marriage scenario with no compromise.*Henry and Emma, a poem by Matthew Prior (1664-1721)

A Happy Accident: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Amelia Wood - 2019
    And only the understanding that he is away from home allows her the freedom to explore the peaks around Pemberley, his magnificent estate in Derbyshire. But as Elizabeth as navigating the treacherous ground on her return to Lambton, she and Darcy come upon one another unexpectedly. Her shock caused Elizabeth to lose her footing and stumble. Darcy never thought he would have a greater shock than seeing Elizabeth Bennet exploring his lands only weeks after she broke his heart. That was until he had the shock of seeing her lose her footing and stumble from his sight. While Darcy cares for Elizabeth’s injuries at Pemberley, the two tentatively grow closer as they explore the misunderstandings and the growing feelings between them. But not everyone is pleased by Elizabeth’s stay at Pemberley. And they are prepared to do all they can to keep them apart. Even if it means corrupting their own honour and destroying the happiness of Elizabeth and Darcy forever. A Happy Accident is a Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 30,000 words.

Fathers Know Best: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Iris Lim - 2020
    Left to raise their children on their own after the death of their respective wives, the two men make a few unconventional choices. And when those choices start to have consequences, it's up to their children to figure things out.Delve into an alternate universe where Mrs. Bennet passes after the birth of three daughters and where the two heroes’ fathers possess an unlikely friendship. Some things can be silly, and some others can be unexpectedly sweet.

Darcy's Winter Ball: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

A.J. Woods - 2019
    Hoping the time away from home might begin to heal Jane’s wounded heart, Elizabeth also seeks peace and quiet to finish the novel she has been working on in secret. She does not expect to meet Mr. Darcy ever again, but should she collide with the arrogant man who had a hand in causing Jane’s sorrow, she has vowed to give him a piece of her mind. A chance encounter while visiting his favorite bookshop finds Fitzwilliam Darcy in the company of a woman he has failed to forget. When he discovers that Elizabeth is there to research a novel she is writing, Darcy offers the use of his own personal library instead, hoping she might finally understand his true character. When the two are thrown together again by fate, will Darcy and Elizabeth open their hearts enough to amend their first impressions of each other? Though not without plenty of conflict, Darcy’s Winter Ball is a sweet, lighthearted, Regency-set novella, with a happy ending for ODC.

Balter: A Retelling of Pride and Prejudice

Newton Priors - 2020
    They stop to see Pemberley and Elizabeth encounters Mr. Darcy, a man she has never met before. She expects never to see him again, but her expectations prove mistaken. Repeatedly.

The Mistress of All: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Lory Lilian - 2020
    It is recommended for a mature audience, due to the subjects of violence and abuse – that are often mentioned but never detailed other than in Elizabeth’s recollections.This is the story of Elizabeth Bennet, thrown by fate and unfortunate circumstances into the middle of an ordeal from which she struggles to escape, fighting for her life. Her character, her strength and her determination are tested more than ever before. She has to enter into a battle which she must win, or the loss will be immeasurable. She has a strong ally in Darcy, first from afar, then by her side. The man she rejected just a month before will return to prove his loyalty, and the depth of his feelings.Elizabeth also benefits from the loyal support of a friend – a young woman of colour – who struggles to prove her worthiness and find her deserved place in a society unwilling to accept her.The story begins when Elizabeth returns from Kent and stays in London for several days. She is surprised to find her sister Jane and aunt in a new, but rather close acquaintance with a young earl and his mother. Over those several days, the nightmare slowly envelops the Bennets and Gardiners, and the threat of ruin and misery weighs heavily on them.To their apparent salvation came a hasty and strange – but so timely – marriage proposal from one of the most illustrious gentlemen of the ton. Despite her reasoning, her suspicions, her fears and her lack of feeling for the man she barely knows and even less respects, she does not dare refuse a third marriage proposal, which would throw her entire family into ruin.By the time of her marriage, Darcy has returned to London and Mr. Bingley has returned to Jane. Things appear to have improved for the Bennets. But for Elizabeth, it is too late.Trapped in a marriage as dark as a nightmare, never consummated but dreadful nevertheless, she must protect herself and those around her from the evilness and cruelty of a horrid man and his supportive mother and friends.With fate’s mercy, Elizabeth’s ordeal will not last long. Circumstances turn her into a widow, one of the wealthiest and most influential women in London, with a power she is not yet ready to use.Darcy’s feelings are the same, while Elizabeth's are quite the opposite compared with those she expressed in Kent. Darcy is the only man she can trust. Near him she feels safe, protected and supported. But her heart is so full of hate, distrust and plans for revenge, that it has little room for love and happiness.Darcy’s feelings for Elizabeth have remained strong and deep, but the woman he adored had changed dramatically. She is now above him in terms of position, wealth, and power.While she accepts him as a friend, and gratefully benefits from his support, Elizabeth is not ready to surrender to the power of another man yet, even if she has no reason to doubt his affection, his honour or his character.Elizabeth Bennet is now Lady Barrington – smart, well educated and beautiful, with the power and means to treat those around her as she pleases. Her old sweetness, her teasing wit, the smile that made her eyes sparkle, her musical laugh and tendency to joke seem lost. But they are only deeply buried under fear, and hate and are just waiting for the right moment and the right man to bring them back up into the light again.

The Child

Jan Hahn - 2018
    In Jan Hahn’s "The Child," Darcy flees England soon afterward, striving to overcome his longing for her. Upon his return two years later—while standing on the steps of St. George’s Church in Hanover Square—he spies the very woman he has vowed to forget. But who is the child holding her hand? Darcy soon discovers that Elizabeth and her family are suffering the effects of a devastating scandal. His efforts to help the woman he still loves only worsen her family’s plight. His misguided pride entangles him in a web of falsehood, fateful alliances, and danger. Will Elizabeth be able to forgive Darcy for his good intentions gone awry? And what effect will the child have on Darcy’s hopes to win Elizabeth’s love?

Barely Betrothed to Mr. Darcy: a Pride and Prejudice variation

Valerie Lennox - 2020
    She lives with her sister and her sister’s husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bingley, and she dotes on her niece and nephew. She doesn’t long for a husband or children of her own. To do so would only bring her misery.Then news reaches them which tears Elizabeth’s contentment to shreds.Mrs. Caroline Darcy is dead. She’s drowned herself.Everyone has long observed the late Mrs. Darcy’s dissatisfaction with her loveless, childless marriage, so the news, while tragic, is not entirely surprising. Elizabeth knows that Caroline trapped her husband into marrying her by falsely accusing him of a compromise that never occurred. Of course, that truth has never mattered, nor has the fact that Mr. Darcy is still in love with Elizabeth and that she is in love with him.Now, Mr. Darcy is free, but propriety dictates that he cannot remarry immediately. A quick marriage would court scandal and it would wound Caroline’s brother, Mr. Bingley, who is also Mr. Darcy’s dear friend. So, though Elizabeth knows that Mr. Darcy will be hers eventually, they cannot be officially engaged yet. Now, they must wait.For these two who have waited so long for each other, the waiting will prove to be the hardest part.Read this variation if you like our dear couple angsty and yearning, and if you’re amenable to a steamy culmination to all that tension.

Another Point of View: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jaeza Rayleigh - 2021
    His eyes are opened to different possibilities, changing his story and the stories of those around him. As influenza spreads through the neighborhood, Darcy must decide how involved should be in the lives of his neighbors and what kind of man his choices make him. Opportunities still abound for misunderstandings, interference by family members and arrogant declarations at inopportune moments. As Darcy seeks his happily ever after, he learns to look at the people and events around him from another point of view.

In the Spirit Intended: Variations on a Jane Austen Christmas

Jan Ashton - 2021
    The wisest and the best action I have ever done, is give you mine. A YEAR AFTER THEY LAST MET, Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet are reunited for Christmas at the Bingleys’ London townhouse. Neither has passed the time easily—he has travelled, while she has refused a third offer of marriage and helped her sister settle into married life. NOW THEIR PASTS COLLIDE as they gather with family, including two unexpected visitors, to celebrate the holidays and unwrap old wounds. Darcy fears Elizabeth is unhappily constrained living with the newlyweds, while she assumes his ease comes from joy in the choice he made to eschew her.AFTER A YEAR OF YEARNING and self-recrimination, it takes a little Christmas spirit and some meaningful conversation to finally bind their hearts together.