Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook

Colette Baron-Reid - 2009
    Even before the written word, the ancients established a Divine partnership between humans and these Hidden Realms. Both agreed to form an eternal Sacred Alliance to establish harmony and balance between the material and the spiritual. The Alliance ensured that when we asked for guidance in manifesting our reality, they would help us find our way to the highest good for all. But in time, humanity turned itself away from the natural world as a source for the Divine and forgot about the realms in the Unseen realities. Religious superstition, dominance, and the power of intellect, reason, and technology became our focus; and our partnership was forgotten, so the realms faded away. As our global concerns have increasingly been more plaintive, they have returned to help us find our way home to our true purpose, prosperity, hope, and happiness.These cards represent some of those realms and their Queens and Kings, Princes, and other magical helpers. Let the Swan Queen point the way to transformation, the Arrow Master help you reach your goals, the Sun Dancers herald your victories, and the Sacred Union speak to the depth of your longing for love. Ask and ye shall receive, for the Highest Good is their motto. If you call upon them, they will answer

The Green Witch Tarot

Ann Moura - 2015
    Presenting witchcraft practices and meaningful encounters with plants and animals, The Green Witch Tarot lets you open a channel between the reader and the spiritual beings of nature. Beautifully illustrated by Kiri Østergaard Leonard and accompanied by a comprehensive guidebook for easy interpretation, this deck is full of powerful symbols and energetic wisdom you can use to find the answers you seek.

Past Life Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook

Doreen Virtue - 2014
    Doreen Virtue and Brian Weiss, M.D., have teamed up to create an easy-to-use, safe, and gentle tool to uncover messages from and about your past lives. This beautiful 44-card deck and accompanying guidebook will help you understand your own patterns and behaviors so that you can overcome negative blocks and enjoy greater happiness, well-being, and love.

Sacred Rebel Oracles

Alana Fairchild - 2015
    This oracle deck is filled with striking imagery and beautiful heartfelt guidance to support you in awakening your sacred, rebellious heart. Celebrate and nurture your individuality. Become fully alive and express your authentic truths. Use these cards to gain trust in your own uniqueness and honor your creative power!

Earth Magic Oracle Cards: A 48-Card Deck and Guidebook

Steven D. Farmer - 2010
    In this deck of 48 oracle cards created by Steven D. Farmer, you’ll find descriptions and images of several of these Earth elements along with clear and concise messages from the spirits of each. Through the use of these cards, you’ll uncover sensible advice that will provide guidance for questions you may have about any aspect of your life. The enclosed guidebook includes easy-to-follow instructions as well as expanded descriptions and messages for each card, allowing you to give yourself and others accurate, meaningful readings.

Work Your Light Oracle Cards

Rebecca Campbell - 2018
    By working with its five suits and connecting with your intuition, you will be able to start living a life in alignment with who you truly are.– Confirmation cards give a quick hit of instant guidance.– Inquiry cards help you tune in to the whispers of your soul.– Action cards guide you on what action to take.– Activation cards invoke healing within you.– Transmission cards connect you with supportive energies.The accompanying guidebook explains how to use the Work Your Light Oracle to deepen your relationship with your soul and the Source of all things. It contains in-depth meanings for each of the 44 cards, and reveals how to attune your cards, activate soul space before starting work, create different card spreads, and give readings for other people.When you work with the cards, you will find that your intuition increases, your soul’s voice gets louder, and you are able to deeply embrace who you are and the work you came here to do.

Energy Oracle Cards: A 53-Card Deck and Guidebook

Sandra Anne Taylor - 2013
    The unlimited power of your own consciousness is a vital force that moves through the Universe and plants the seeds of your destiny far and wide. These easy-to-use cards will help you to understand what your consciousness is creating, as well as reveal any hidden blocks that may be delaying your progress. The information they bring will empower and inspire you, for it comes from heavenly messengers, friends from the spirit realm, and your own higher self. All that you need is available to you, so let your intuition soar. Listen to the messages it brings and take your life to wonderful new heights!

Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards

Alberto Villoldo - 2018
    The Medicine Wheel, the Curse, the Eagle, the Jaguar, and others spoke to us intimately. In their countless manifestations, they offered hope, expressed caution, illuminated opportunity, inspired creation, courted power, and shared knowledge. The sacred symbols belong to the realm of archetypes and the collective unconscious, the spiritual common ground shared by peoples modern and ancient.Now, three master teachers and healers—Alberto Villoldo, Colette Baron-Reid, and Marcela Lobos—have brought their wisdom and talents together to offer a doorway into the realm of the sacred symbols with the Mystical Shaman Oracle. When you consult the oracle, you summon power and insight that can help you understand the present, heal the past, and influence the course of your future.We can become our own prophets and visionaries. We can converse directly with Spirit, dialogue with the forces of nature, speak with the great archetypes—the ancient gods—without intermediaries. No one needs to stand between the Creator and you, or between you and the great powers of nature.

Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards

Kyle Gray - 2016
    These amazing masters transcend religion and go beyond time – they are here and willing to help all of those who call on them.   The new Keepers of the Light oracle card deck from Kyle Gray draws together 44 Ascended Masters, spiritual deities, and beings from many world traditions, and embraces spiritual teachings from ancient to modern times. The deck balances male and female energies, and includes traditional masters like Lord Buddha and Mother Mary, Earth-based deities like Gaia and Cernunnos, and modern favorites like Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, and Saint Germain.   Each card is beautifully hand drawn by visionary artist Lily Moses, who paints what she sees from a deep meditative state. The deck’s aim is to help spiritual seekers to develop their intuition and to really start trusting the messages that spirit shares.

Light Seer's Tarot: A 78-Card Deck & Guidebook

Chris-Anne - 2019
    This deck is an ideal companion as you seek to uncover the places in your life-and in yourself-that are most in need of illumination.

Moonology Oracle Cards

Yasmin Boland - 2018
    Astrologer Yasmin Boland is an expert on the moon’s influence on our lives and knows the tricks of working with its phases to yield positive results. Following the popularity of her book Moonology, she has created this oracle deck to bring more answers and guidance for those who feel a connection or are drawn to working with the moon’s natural magic. The cards in the deck provide answers to the user’s questions about their life as well as offering teachings on moon phases and moon positions. The cards will be named after a moon phase (full moon, new moon, quarter moon, crescent moon, super moon), or moon positions in the starsigns or houses. Each card will show how the energy of this moon position relates to an area of life, including life goals, communication, relationships, new beginnings, health, love, work, dreams, healing, success, family, home, money, travel, and friends. The cards will also offer guidance on action to take or things to reflect on. With magical and mystical illustrations, this deck is a beautiful and wise companion for those wishing to harness the moon’s power!

The Goddess Oracle Deck & Book Set

Amy Sophia Marashinsky - 1999
    This distinctive book and deck of 52 beautifully illustrated cards celebrate the many faces of the Goddess as she has been worshipped around the world since the beginning of time. 52 cards Book is 208 pp, b&w illus., pb. Not sold separately.

The Universe Has Your Back: A 52-Card Deck

Gabrielle Bernstein - 2017

The Druid Animal Oracle

Philip Carr-Gomm - 1994
    The Druids, like the Native Americans, revered animals as sacred guides, guardians and protectors. Today, the book and beautiful card set of The Druid Animal Oracle can bring healing and will help you draw strength from its intuitive knowledge. From the interpretations of the card spreads and the animal lore given, you will gain powerful insights into your life-situation and receive positive guidance for the future. Authors Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, who live in England, are Chief and Scribe of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, one of the largest international Druid groups.

Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards: The Complete Spiritual Toolkit for Transforming Your Life

Tori Hartman - 2014
    Set your intentions, break through blockages and achieve your dreams using the 49 cards and workbook of this extraordinary divination system! Each original card connects with a major chakra and represents one of the mystical fables revealed by angels to popular American psychic Tori Hartman following a near-death experience.This oracle contains:- 49 unique chakra cards, each with its own fairy-tale image- Detailed workbook on how to use the Oracle, including divination spreads and chakra-by-chakra insight to help guide you on your journey- A personal inquiry and focused meditation for each card