Spiritual Notes to Myself: Essential Wisdom for the 21st Century

Hugh Prather - 1998
    This longawaited companion to the classic fivemillioncopy bestseller, Notes to Myself, Spiritual Notes to Myself provides indispensible material for the journey to a more satisfying inner life.

Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams

Kevin L. Michel - 2013
    This is most blatantly revealed in the mind shattering 'double-slit' experiment and is at the core of what is called 'the measurement problem,' in quantum physics. The results are startling, but this is what the science is clearly showing. It is human awareness that causes matter to fix into a single position, and reveal a single reality. The science is showing that at every moment we become aware of our reality, the universe splits into unseen parallel dimensions and we become trapped in just one of these many parallel realities. This is all powerful stuff but what does this mean for our lives? What if you could learn how to access these parallel worlds that are being created? What if you could do what many billionaires and great minds in history have done but have only hinted at. What if you could move through parallel realities in order to achieve unfathomable greatness. Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Michelangelo, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, John D. Rockefeller and many others all used this quantum mind power that is now available to you. This is one of the most powerful books you shall ever read. With research from quantum physics, psychology, biology and behavioral epigenetics, as well as many great spiritual teachings, 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds' will guide you on a path to achieving your grandest ambitions. The title, 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams,' is literal - based on the 'Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,' and it is also a metaphor suggesting positive life transformation. This very night, you shall be reading and then applying the concepts in this book, and that moment will be the starting point of your mastery of wealth, romance, creation, and mastery of all things in the physical world. 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds' draws on science and timeless wisdom, to guide you on a path to unlimited power and enlightenment. 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams' will allow you to bridge the discontinuity in your life from the point where you are at right now, to the point where you dream that you can be. This book shall put you into alignment with all that you have imagined possible for yourself and shall show you a path even to that which you may have considered impossible. This book has emerged so that you may be lifted up, and that you may come to realize the power you have to exist in a world that is exactly as you imagine it should be. This is your moment and this book is here, just for you. Enjoy the journey!

God Stories: Inspiring Encounters with the Divine

Jennifer Skiff - 2008
    . . . I did have stories. I hadn’t dared to tell many people about them, but I definitely had had what I believed to be encounters with the Divine. I wondered if many other people had stories too. What happened next surprised me most. I realized that a Divine intelligence that many people call God is connecting with millions of people every day. These are their stories.” —from the IntroductionIn God Stories, Jennifer Skiff shares the extraordinary experiences of people who have felt the power of God’s presence in their lives and been forever changed. A doctor opens the chest of a dying heart patient to discover her heart is healed; Marines watch as a fellow soldier in Iraq is hit by a powerful explosion only to discover, when the dust settles, that he is still standing and has no injuries; a struggling couple receive an answer to a prayer and are prevented from making a mistake that could cost them their children; a young woman loses her boyfriend on 9/11 and receives a message that brings her peace.Reassuring, hopeful, and unforgettable, these amazing confirmations of divine intervention will lift your spirit and leave you wondering—and even remembering—when your life was touched by a miracle.

Almighty: A Short Tale of Omnipotent Proportions

Justine Avery - 2014
    It's a Tuesday.Bradley Michaels is just another man ending just another workday at just another job. He can list the usual complaints, can point his finger at the usual causes, and he can go about his routine as if one day is absolutely no different from the next. Until God himself just shows up uninvited and shakes up Bradley's entire existence by flaunting his own. It's not fair, but Bradley never claimed life is. And he tries to handle the new, omniscient presence in his head with calm attention and cool collectedness. But God happens to be a bit of a kid. He likes to joke, to prod, to stir things up. And what God sets his mind to, God succeeds at. Just as Bradley believes he's got life all figured out, God has to throw a wrench into it. But not at all in the way that Bradley—or you—can expect. Just when you think life is going according to plan, you find out your plan sucks. And it's time for a new one.

Beginning Magic Money: A Course in Creating Abundance, Book One (Magic Money Books 1)

Holly Alexander - 2017
     This book shares my simple Magic Money Philosophy and the steps needed to go from striving to thriving, from lack to abundance. If you’re like me, you watched The Secret, attended seminars, and studied every other new-age and new-thought authors and teachers, but with little success. Eventually, I combined the different advice I’d received and started to develop what I’ve nicknamed "Magic Money." But don’t get me wrong—this isn’t the woo-woo, Law of Attraction stuff you’ve heard before. Magic Money is practical prosperity that, when you practice it, works like a charm. And, it usually starts within 24 hours! Once I started thinking, saying, and doing a series of practical actions on a consistent basis, I have never been without exactly what I needed. This Course shares everything I’ve discovered, including the exact process I used, and continue to use, to this day. Many people fail at engaging in new ideas because they try to do everything all at one. I know from experience that taking small steps consistently over time is the true secret to success. Each book carefully takes you down your own path from lack to abundance with simple, easy to do action steps that make sense. • Book One of this course, Beginning Magic Money, includes a 30-day Experiment. This experiment will eliminate your doubt once and for all. You’ll prove to yourself, once and for all, there is an abundance of everything you want and need (including money) available to you. • In Book Two, Advanced Magic Money, I share next-level techniques and instructions for activating magic money into your life—along with money, clients, goods, services, and opportunities. You’ll know how to allocate your money to activate your own stream of magic money, now and forever. • Finally, in Magic Money Mastery, Book Three in the series, I’ll share my extra-special, high-level advice for how to effortlessly expand your abundance until your every desire and whim is granted almost instantaneously. Scroll up and get your copy of Beginning Magic Money and start your own flow of abundance today!

Converting to Judaism: How to Become a Jew (an Introduction to Judaism and Being Jewish)

Rachel Zahl - 2014
    Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device. So, you want to convert to Judaism? That’s great! You have to understand, though, that Judaism is not only a religion but is also a way of life. Jews consider themselves as one big family. Hence, to have a proper perspective about everything, you’ll have to mentally orient yourself that you’re trying to find a way in as a productive member of that Jewish family. You should also brace yourself for a long struggle ahead of you because converting to Judaism is not a walk in the park. This book will provide you with an excellent introduction to Judaism as well as what to expect during your conversion process, including lots of great tips and pointers that will help along the way. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Basic Beliefs of Judaism Important Practices of Judaism Celebrated Jewish Holidays Steps on How to Become a Jew Pointers for Converts Much, much more! Download your copy today! Tags: convert to Judaism, converting to Judaism, conversion to Judaism, how to become a jew, becoming a Jew, become a Jew, I want to become a Jew, I want to convert to Judaism, how to convert to Judaism, introduction to Judaism, being Jewish, how to be Jewish, Judaism beliefs, practice Judaism, practicing Judaism, how to become a Jew, Jewish convert, converting to Jew, convert to become a Jew, Jewish beliefs, Jewish customs, Jewish traditions, Jewish calendar, Jewish holidays, Jewish rituals, how to be Jewish, Jewish religious beliefs, becoming Jewish, Jewish celebrations, Jewish customs and traditions, Jewish baptism, Jewish practices, Jewish information, Jews religion, Jews, Jew, Judaism, Jew religion, becoming a Jew, Jews and Judaism, Jews culture, become a Jew, what is Judaism, Judaism beliefs, torah, Jewish commandments, introduction to Judaism, Jewish religion, Jewish religious beliefs, religion of Judaism, convert Judaism, converting questions, converting religion, converting religions, how to convert to Judaism, how to convert

Demonic Dolls: True Tales of Terrible Toys

John Harker - 2015
    Not only are such phenomena possible, they happen fairly often, with dolls being one of the most frequent targets of spirit attachment. Sometimes those spirits are benign, or at the most mischievous. But many are outright evil and dangerous. This book examines some of the world’s most famous haunted dolls. Some you may have heard about. Others will be new. All will make you reconsider the world you thought you knew. Here is some of what you’ll find inside: * Robert, the haunted doll from Key West. A lot of the information out there about him is wrong. Find out the truth behind the legend. But don’t think the truth is any less terrifying. * Annabelle, the demonic doll featured in the movies The Conjuring and Annabelle. Find out why the real Annabelle is much, much more frightening. * Peggy, the Internet sensation. Why you should think twice before looking at her picture. * Find out which doll started as a hoax, turned into a terrifying reality, and is now considered one of the most "active" haunted dolls in the world. * Discover which exotic locale and tourist attraction is a pediophobe’s biggest nightmare. You won’t believe such a place exists. * Clown dolls. Need more be said? These stories and many more are what you’ll find in this collection of true accounts from the frightening yet fascinating world of haunted and demonic dolls. Reading this book will undoubtedly raise more questions than it answers, but one thing is assured: you’ll never look at a doll the same again.

The Children that Time Forgot

Peter Harrison - 1983
    There was an explosion of calls which blocked the ITV phone network.There was the story of Nicola who was a boy in a previous life and was killed by a train in Yorkshire.The book's primary aim was to present the children's stories in a neutral, non-judgemental way and let the reader decide.The original idea came to co-author Mary Harrison when she observed her youngest son trying to pick flowers from a floral patternon her bed cover. The littler baby's actions seemed so quirky and amusing that Mary was prompted to have a letter published in Woman's Own.Mary asked if other mothers had experiences similar funny moments with their little ones. She was completely unprepared for the replies she got - Mary was overwhelmed with letters from parents reporting accounts of reincarnation.From this 'THE CHILDREN THAT TIME FORGOT' was born

The Ten Thousand Things

Robert Saltzman - 2017
    His book is a fresh look at the questions that occur to anyone who thinks deeply about these matters, questions about free will, self-determination, destiny, choice, and who are we anyway. I believe this is a “breakthrough book.” Robert’s style of writing about such ephemeral and difficult subjects as awareness and consciousness is honest, concise, and accurate. His ability to describe his experiences of living in a reality quite different from conventional ways of thinking is brilliantly unusual. On first encountering Robert Saltzman’s work, I am reminded of the same feelings of discovery, delight and excitement that I remember from meeting Alan Watts’ “The Wisdom of Insecurity”, Krishnamurti’s “Freedom from the Known,” and Chögyam Trungpa’s “Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism.” His clarity of mind shines brightly through every sentence in this book. His skill at making clear the most difficult ramifications and subtleties of awakened consciousness is so free of conventional cluttered thinking, so free of habitual phrases, so free of the taint of religious dogma and the conventional ways of speaking of such difficult matters, that this book stands out for me as an entirely fresh and illuminated exposition of awakened consciousness: an awakened understanding of what it is to be human. —Dr. Robert K. Hall

The Long, Steep Path

Catherine Ryan Hyde - 2013
     "What inspired you to write the novel Pay It Forward?" Years after the publication of Pay It Forward, this is still the most common question asked of Catherine Ryan Hyde, bestselling and critically acclaimed author of 20 published and forthcoming books, including Don't Let Me Go, When You Were Older, and Pay It Forward, the incredible bestselling novel that led to a movie, a foundation, and an entire social movement. Everything Pay It Forward became is rooted in a small, but extraordinary act of kindness, which Catherine received as a young adult. It was one moment that caused her to look at life in a different way. It was a moment of pure, human inspiration. In THE LONG STEEP PATH: EVERYDAY INSPIRATION FROM THE AUTHOR OF PAY IT FORWARD, Catherine shares her story, as well as what inspires her, in a series of funny and totally engaging autobiographical stories that are at once personal and universal.

Embracing the Now: Finding Peace and Happiness in What Is

Gina Lake - 2008
    Embracing the Now by Gina Lake is a collection of essays about the Now, which can serve as daily reminders of the deepest truths. Full of clear insight and wisdom, it explains how the mind keeps us from being in the Now, how to move into the Now and stay there, and what living from the Now is like. It also explains how to overcome stumbling blocks to being in the Now, such as fears, doubts, judgments, misunderstandings, distrust of life, desires, and other conditioned ideas that are behind human suffering.From Embracing the Now: "You don't have control over what arises in any moment, but you can control where your attention goes, and that will determine how you experience the moment. Any moment can be an experience of peace and contentment or an experience of upset and dissatisfaction, depending on where you put your attention. If you put it on thoughts and emotions and identify with them, you won't experience peace and contentment, but if you put it on your senses or on what is arising from Essence, you will be content and happy. Attention is the secret to happiness!"

Great Lent: A School of Repentance Its Meaning for Orthodox Christians

Alexander Schmemann - 2011
    You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Oceanic Mind - The Deeper Meditation Training Course

Tom Von Deck - 2009
    Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student of meditation, Qigong or Yoga, this book is for you! The dozens of easy to follow warm up exercises and ancient meditation techniques alone is worth the cost of this course. However, Oceanic Mind introduces not only the finest techniques, but a complete meditation strategy training for consistently profound meditation. The strategy training transforms meditation into a much much easier and a more customized process. Regardless of your background, you will love this book.

Gifted - A Guide for Mediums, Psychics & Intuitives

Lisa Andres - 2013
    Perhaps you have a strong sense of intuition or have felt empathic. You may have wondered why you felt like there were spirits around you. You have often seemed to know the answers before they are spoken. You often have felt like you absorb the energy of others around you. You've been wondering why this happens and what it means. This book will tell you how to know if you are a psychic, a medium, or an intuitive, as well as how to do readings. It will also help you to understand spirit guides, Akashic records, and more. Gifted is intended for people that are opening up to their gifts as a medium, a psychic, or an intuitive. While it can be used for all levels, it is a book that is intended for the beginning to intermediate level student. A special excerpt of Lisa Andres’ second metaphysical book, Indigo Warrior – A Guide for Indigo Adults & the Parents of Indigo Children, is included as a bonus in this book. What people are saying about the first edition of Gifted – A Guide for Mediums, Psychics & Intuitives: “I like the way she wrote the book because I felt more like I was just having a conversation with a friend than being taught.” – Amazon Reviewer “This is the best book I've read so far on the subject matter as it touches on a variety of topics and it offers a lot of possible explanations regarding the experiences that I have had and continue to have that other books have failed to provide thus far.” – Amazon Reviewer “This book has already changed my life.” – Amazon Reviewer “I am presently studying to be a medium and have read more than 200 books on the subject. This is the only book you will need to read to understand and get started.” – Amazon Reviewer

The Teachings of Abraham: The Master Course CD Program

Esther Hicks - 2008
    This 11-CD set is the most in-depth and comprehensive audio presentation on the teachings of the Non-Physical Intelligence known as Abraham. Facilitated by Esther Hicks in collaboration with her husband, Jerry, Abraham leads workshop participants on a “Voyage of Discovery” during a 2005 Alaskan cruise.This CD collection runs over ten hours and is ideal for study, sharing, and group discussion!