The Seventh Trumpet and the Seven Thunders

Russell M. Stendal - 2013
    This is where we discover the message of the seventh trumpet. It will sound along with the previous six trumpets on the last day, but the Lord has been sounding this message throughout all of history. The trumpet symbolizes the direct voice of God and the gospel of redemption. It was blown to warn of danger and announce that there is shelter and protection in God.So what does the Lord require of us so that we may participate in His plan of redemption?In this book, you’ll discover:Cross-referenced scriptures unveiling the definition of the seventh trumpet and seven thunders.Incredible symbolism concerning Noah, the Ark, and God’s plan for us today.Insights concerning the altar, blood, and communion with God.Revealing details of Leviathan and our current government and institutions.Scripture references indicating widespread false new births and “spiritual abortions”, and what a genuine new birth looks like.God’s requirements for individuals in order to escape the day of wrath.The Seventh Trumpet will help you connect the dots, bringing end times Bible prophecy and all that is involved into clearer light. The antichrist, rapture of the church, second coming of Jesus and predictions concerning the end of the world will all make more sense.

Bigger than Impossible (Keys to Experiencing the Impossible through God)

Lydia Chorpening - 2013
    Faith, in the life of the believer, is meant to be tested. Without adversities faith will never become strong and overcoming.God has not planned crises, pain and disaster to enter our lives as a dead-end to faith's venture. Many situations vaunt themselves as "impossible", but when they are stripped from their "I" and "M" and become dependent on God, they become "God-possible".In this book:• Live life victoriously as you learn to rely on God.• Learn how to overcome all life’s obstacles.• Watch depression and anxiety disappear.• Understand why God is allowing you to experience mountains.Each chapter of Bigger Than Impossible highlights a specific area of Lydia Chorpening's difficult past, and contrasts it with Scriptures which make God bigger than the seemingly impossible. By utilizing the complete assurance of these Biblical concepts you will develop your trust in the God who is bigger than impossible.About Lydia ChorpeningI was born in Iowa and raised in a strict Amish home and as Joseph, have seen my purpose in life fulfilled in most unexpected ways. From my humble beginnings, as Joseph, I saw my dreams ultimately fulfilled in my ‘Egypt.’ My husband and I were missionaries to the Philippines for eight years, and as Joseph, we were no saints at the beginning of our journey; needing to allow God to mold us into His perfect will. We traveled to remote areas, crossed turbulent oceans and trudged dangerous territories, learning to trust God as we went.This ebook is offered free of charge on your Kindle, Nook, and Ipad. Enjoy this free Christian Ebook, and share the good news with anyone willing to listen!

Walking in the Supernatural: Another Cup of Spiritual Java

Bill JohnsonPaul Manwaring - 2012
    Take a deep whiff of what Bill, his wife Beni, and their friends Danny Silk, Kevin Dedmon, Banning Liebscher, Chris Overstreet, Judy Franklin, Eric Johnson and Paul Manwaring have brewed specially for you. The cappuccino-sized stories are guaranteed to lift your spirit and sooth your mind. Flavorful chapter titles include:Taking Captive Every Scary Thought Lifeguards Must Be Swimmers Too Stupid to be Loved Post-Katrina Miracles Faith Is Spelled R-I-S-K Are You a Chevette or a Lamborghini? As you sip through each chapter, relax in God’s presence, learn to listen to His voice, and follow His directions. God will take you into exciting new territory, and your explorations will not end with the final page of this enjoyable book.

Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword

Andrew Wommack - 2011
    Teachings include sections from some of his most popular titles: Better Way To Pray, God Wants You Well, The War is Over, Believer's Authority, Spirit Soul & Body, You've Already Got It, The True Nature of God, The Holy Spirit, True Christianity, Hardness of Heart, The Effects of Praise, Grace: The Power of the Gospel, Harnessing Your Emotions, Staying Full of God, and more. The power to live a holy life does not come from your works, but only through His grace. Discover rest in knowing that Jesus wants you to live in peace, not condemnation. Andrew Wommack, seen nationwide on his television broadcast, The Gospel Truth, brings a remarkable revelation of God's grace for readers today!

Land of July: A Real Life Scandal of Sex & Social Media at a Connecticut High School

Robert M. Marchese - 2018
    Land of July tells the true story of a teacher/student sex scandal that not only shocked an entire school and small suburban community, but made national news. It’s a story filled with countless anecdotes about marriage, trust, infidelity, grief, and the desperate search for hope and family in the face of ruin. Practically ripped from the daily headlines, Land of July is as salacious as it is sobering. At its best, it’s a cautionary tale that might just inspire an awakening of morality; at its worst, it’s one man’s tumultuous journey to hell...and possibly back.

Confessions of a Transformed Heart

Nancy D. Sheppard - 2010
    Their idyllic first term was followed by the Liberian Civil War and a nightmarish year working among Liberian refugees in the Ivory Coast. Conditions were difficult, expectations overwhelming and the tensions of the war at their doorstep. Fear, self-pity, resentment and depression haunted her. God used Nancy's difficult decision to follow her husband's leadership and remain in refugee work to begin an amazing spiritual journey—one that led to a clearer understanding of biblical womanhood as well as a deeper relationship with the Lord and with her husband. The book chronicles Nancy's journey to true peace in the midst of very difficult circumstances. As God teaches her about genuine service, submission, sincere prayer, reverence and humility, she is totally and completely transformed. The scenarios are unique to Nancy, but every seeking Christian can fully identify with the spiritual lessons. A unique reading experience, this interactive eBook contains many full color pictures as well as links to pertinent YouTube videos. This Kindle edition of "Confessions of a Transformed Heart" will not disappoint!

Raising an Original: Parenting Each Child According to their Unique God-Given Temperament

Julie Lyles Carr - 2016
    In parenting eight kids over the last twenty-five years, Julie Lyles Carr and her husband experienced plenty of opportunity for learning, but it was when they began to understand it was about parenting each child according to their own unique needs and personality style that something wonderful happened. In Raising an Original, Carr helps to redefine the primary purpose of Christian parenting, this raising of the next generation. God has given each of our children specific gifts, abilities and capacities for specific purposes and He can equip parents to discover and support those powerful personality traits if they know where to look and how to respond. So many kids raised in Christian homes launch into their adult lives without any sense of knowing who they are called to be or what their mission on earth is. What if parents, teachers or mentors could help them discover the wondrous, unique threads woven within them that will enable them to see their part in the fabric of God’s universe? Readers of Raising an Original will be equipped to help their children:Understand their unique strengths and the challenges associated with themDiscover their God-given gifts and how to use them for His glorySucceed regardless of their circumstances Raising an Original will provide readers with tools for better communication with their children as well as tools for uniquely guiding and disciplining each unique child.  With a helpful and detailed Personality Trait Assessment Tool included as a major part of the book, readers will understand themselves, their parenting style, and their child better. They will also discover ways to improve their children’s communication within sibling groups and with parents themselves. Readers will find freedom in discovering that God hasn’t asked them to raise perfect children; He’s asked them to uniquely raise purposed children.

The Insulin Resistance Solution

Rob Thompson - 2016
    But where should you start? Americans are slowly becoming ill from impaired glucose metabolism that manifests itself as a debilitating illness or chronic condition. You may try to manage one problem after another– diuretics to treat blood pressure, statins to lower cholesterol, metformin and insulin to treat diabetes--without fully realizing that the root of these issues is insulin resistance which revs up inflammation, damages the immune system, and disrupts the whole hormonal/chemical system in the body.It's time to feel better and get healthy by following a simple step-by-step plan to a healthy lifestyle. Rob Thompson, MD and Dana Carpender create the ultimate dream team in your journey to wellness.The Insulin Resistance Solution offers a step-by-step plan and 75 recipes for reversing even the most stubborn insulin resistance.The Program:- Reduce Your Body's Demand for Insulin: This is the stumbling block of many other plans/doctor recommendations. Even "healthy" and "moderate" carb intake can continue to fuel insulin resistance.- Fat is Not the Enemy: Stop Worrying about Fat, Cholesterol, and Salt- Exercise--the RIGHT way:- Use Carb Blockers: Eat and Supplement to Slow Glucose Digestion and Lower Insulin Levels- Safe, Effective Medication

The Great American Divorce: Why Our Country Is Coming Apart—And Why It Might Be for the Best

David Austin French - 2020

Nightmare Along Pennsylvania Avenue: Prophetic Insight into America's Role in the Coming End Times

Perry Stone - 2009
    Today we may be experiencing a government that our founding fathers warned about. What’s more, this frightening trend can be tied directly to Bible prophecy. America is the end time gentile nation raised up to be a “spiritual Israel,” until the days when God would once again restore His chosen people, Israel. America is experiencing change and transition as we enter the time of the end. From the founding of the nation, to the American Revolution and the Civil War, you will discover America’s prophetic destiny is found in parallel stories, Hebrew patterns and prophetic dates. From the prophecies concerning the presidents to the astonishing patterns of the tabernacle and emblems of the tribes found in America and in Washington, D.C., this book will reveal America’s prophetic past, present and future.

Releasing the Spirit of Prophecy: The Supernatural Power of Testimony

Bill Johnson - 2014
    Telling others about the miracles in your life makes God more real to them. As people hear about God’s supernatural acts, they start to expect and see the extraordinary happen in their own lives. As you share your miracle stories, you actually release the spirit of prophecy and declare into the atmosphere, “The Jesus Who transformed my circumstance will do the same for you!”   In this timely repackaged edition of Release the Power of Jesus, Pastor Bill Johnson shows you how to: Release God’s power wherever you go by simply talking about His miracles Build a supernatural heritage by sharing stories of God’s acts Create an atmosphere of faith and expectancy for the healing power of Jesus Activate everything you have received from God through inheritance   Your spiritual birthright is to experience and release the power of Jesus. Share your miracle stories and watch these prophecies of God’s power set your world on fire today!

The Lost Art of Intercession: Restoring the Power and Passion of the Watch of the Lord

James W. Goll - 1997
    Their commitment to restore the Watch of the Lord, through 24 hours of unbroken prayer and intercession continued for more than 100 years. God is calling His warriors once again to mount the Watch of the Lord. When God s people send up the incense of prayer and worship, God will send down supernatural power, anointing, and acts of intervention. Author James W. Goll combined with the writings of E.M. Bounds paints an inspiring picture of prophetic clarity and prayerful urgency that sound God s clarion call to His Church. Now is the time to mount the walls with prayer and praise, and restore The Lost Art of Intercession.

Missionaries Are Real People: Surviving transitions, navigating relationships, overcoming burnout and depression, and finding joy in God.

Ellen Rosenberger - 2016
    Ellen Rosenberger grapples with the real problems, needs, and emotions that missionaries experience. She brings to light the struggles that are not talked about but are very real. She writes openly about depression and burnout, exploring the difficulties of transitions and overcoming conflict. Ellen addresses abuse, struggles with faith, and grief. By talking about these normally overlooked issues, Missionaries Are Real People aims to bring clarity and healing to silent hurts. Maybe you are a missionary who longs for someone to understand your struggles and name your issues. You think, I can’t let anyone know I am struggling with this, especially because I’m a missionary! Perhaps you feel debilitated by the stereotype that “missionaries are perfect” as you are living in the reality of your own brokenness and imperfection. You might feel as though you cannot express the under-the-surface issues that you are facing on the mission field. Having grown up on the mission field and having spent most of her adult life there, Ellen knows what it’s like to have struggled to live under the pressure to be perfect. She’s felt the pain of hidden struggles and masked-over issues. And she’s experienced freedom and healing in being vulnerable about her imperfections as a missionary. This book is not about methodology or theory, but about real life stories and experiences. It’s about the multi-faceted dynamics of missionary relationships with all their joys and struggles. Missionaries Are Real People unveils the unspoken realities of missionary life. Not for the sake of shaming but for the purpose of restoring. The time is now to break down stereotypes, to speak up for what is really going on, and to seek solutions. Let’s not delay another day. There might be a missionary’s life that depends on it.

By Faith, Not by Sight: The Inspirational Story of a Blind Prodigy, a Life-Threatening Illness, and an Unexpected Gift

Scott MacIntyre - 2012
    A piano prodigy, a nineteen-year-old college grad, a Marshall scholar, and an American Idol finalist. This guy had it made. He could sing.He could ski blind. What couldn't he do?Even if you saw him in concert, you might not believe that Scott MacIntyre is blind, and you'd never guess that at nineteen, he faced a diagnosis that rocked his family and nearly took his life.So how did he do it? How did he overcome the odds?This is Scott's story, but he'd be the first to tell you that it's not really about him. This is the story of how God used a dedicated family, a selfless acquaintance, hardship, and a host of characters to give him life, faith, determination, and experiences most can only imagine.Peek behind the scenes to see how he learned to overcome his disability, how he made it in the music industry, how he found the love of his life, and how God taught him that in all things, we can truly achieve our dreams By Faith, Not by Sight.

Always and Forever

Zoe Matthews - 2017
    None of them are interested in marrying at the moment, so their grandfather takes things into his own hands. He met his wife through an arranged marriage and they had over sixty years together; why not do the same for his grandchildren? In this first book, Quinn is the oldest of the cousins, he decides to use some information his grandfather finds through a Christian online dating service about a woman named Grace. As they get to know each other through emails, he decides to propose. They can both help each other out, he with her young daughter and she with his plans to start a new business. But will this marriage be one of convenience like Quinn suggests or will it turn into love?