Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth

David Wilkerson - 1986
    But he also brings a message of courage and comfort--a call to return to God with all our hearts and to fulfill God's purposes for us as His beloved children.

Breathe: Making Room for Sabbath: 5-Session Bible Study

Priscilla Shirer - 2014
    One of the greatest challenges among women in our culture is taking time to stop and cease from all the activities and busyness and just breathe. We are in bondage to busyness. We constantly strive to complete the limitless to-do lists that hinder us from experiencing all that God has for us. We miss the moments because we rush ahead to the next thing. By neglecting time for tranquility, serenity, and repose, we limit our Christlikeness and miss out on some of God's greatest gifts. It is time for us to breathe and build margin into our lives for God. In the Old Testament, God instituted principles and laws that would transform the Israelites' mindset. He didn't just want them legally free; He wanted them to be able to walk in the freedom and enjoy it. So God gave them many gifts, including boundaries in which to enjoy those gifts. Sabbath was intended as a gift, and it is still a gift to us today. If you are weary, worn out, and exhausted the concept of Sabbath will change your life.

Choose Love: The Three Simple Choices That Will Alter the Course of Your Life

Stormie Omartian - 2014
    Recent books have taken a closer look at the leading of the Holy Spirit and the call to be a prayer warrior for God. Now Stormie takes a fresh look at another powerful aspect of knowing our Creator…His amazing and great love for us.We reflect God most clearly when we are motivated by the power of love in all we say and do. But first we have to understand the depth of God's love for us and receive it. Then we must learn how to effectively express our love for Him.“One of the many ways we can show our love to God is to deliberately choose to show love to others and in every situation,” says Stormie. “We can only accomplish this with the guidance and enablement of the Holy Spirit. When we do that, God blesses us and transforms our lives in ways we cannot even imagine. And we will have a sense of God's pleasure toward us that is far more valuable than anything else we may desire. This book is about making that sometimes difficult choice and the rewards that follow.”Transform your heart, your relationships, and your future as you press into God’s love and let the power of His life and character move through you.

The Greatest Coach Ever: Timeless Wisdom and Insights of John Wooden

Fellowship of Christian Athletes - 2010
    Yet decades after he retired and now after his passing, his wisdom capsulized so clearly in his famous "Pyramid of Success "continues to guide new generations of athletes, coaches, and people of all walks of life. In "The Greatest Coach Ever, "the Fellowship of Christian Athletes features 40 tributes from athletes, coaches, and other influential leaders like Bobby Bowden, Tom Osborne, Sue Semrau, Tony Dungy, Mike Singletary, Tamika Catchings, Joe Girardi, Jim Tressel and David Robinson playing honor to Coach Wooden and reflecting on how his example has challenged and changed them. Their stories can challenge and change your life, too. Coach Wooden appreciated the tributes and the honor of being called the greatest coach ever, but felt uncomfortable with the title. He was eager to see that this book points to the one whom he calls the greatest coach ever. I am happy being remembered as a man of integrity. I like that, --John Wooden, May 21 2010.

Sandcastle Kings: Meeting Jesus in a Spiritually Bankrupt World

Rich Wilkerson Jr. - 2015
    We yearn for more, or less, or something that’s just different from what we have right now. Deep down, we know there must be satisfaction for our longing. We just don’t know where to find it.In Sandcastle Kings, Rich Wilkerson uses four powerful stories from the seventh chapter of Luke to explain why spiritual fulfillment cannot be found in ourselves, in other people, in material things, or even in religion. By studying the stories of the centurion’s faith, the resurrection of the widow’s son, Jesus’ message about John the Baptist, and the anointing by the woman with the alabaster jar, you will be able to face your doubts and insecurities and overcome your anxiety, discontentment, and depression. Wilkerson wants you to understand that the only answer for your spiritual bankruptcy is Jesus and that until you turn to him you will never experience the lasting peace and joy you so desperately crave.

Just Open the Door - Bible Study Book: A Study of Biblical Hospitality

Jen Schmidt - 2018
    But often we get caught up in perfecting our homes and conversations before we open our doors.Over 7 sessions, look to Jesus as your model for hospitality. Discover how He lived a life full of interruptions, yet always welcomed people and invited them to follow Him. Learn to replace cultural expectations with biblical hospitality to create a legacy of invitation and reflect Jesus through simple acts of service.Features: Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groupsPersonal study segments with homework to complete between 7 weeks of group sessionsBenefits: Replace cultural expectations with biblical hospitality to create a legacy of invitation.Discover daily rhythms of kindness, generosity, and presence at home and on the go.Learn to view welcome as worship, and reflect Jesus through simple acts of service.Become a woman of influence through hidden hospitality.Create spaces of welcome in your heart, home, and beyond.

Possession, Exorcism, and Hauntings

Adam C. Blai - 2014
    Mr. Blai is an auxiliary member of the International Association of Exorcists, a peritus of religious demonology and exorcism in the Roman Catholic church, and he trains priests in exorcism and deliverance on a national level in the United States. He has worked on demonic cases for about 10 years and has combined this with his professional training in adult clinical psychology, brain research experience, and clinical exposure to mental illness. This unique perspective and experience has been summarized here for the public audience.

Taming the Tongue: The Power of Spoken Words

Alex Uwajeh - 2014
    However, it's the way you use them that has the real power. When you have an optimistic frame of mind, you're far more likely to recognize opportunities when they arise. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. The way you use and choose words defines who you are. Words have power. God created the world with words. The Bible plainly says, we shall decree a thing and it shall be established. Are you ready to harness the real power of spoken words?

A Different Kind of Happiness: Discovering the Joy That Comes from Sacrificial Love

Larry Crabb - 2016
    Terrorists and political corruption, school shootings and troubled marriages, impatient online sniping and character assassination--all point to the fact that we do not know how to love one another as Jesus commanded and modeled. We put our own interests and happiness first, despite the fact that the greatest happiness comes through sacrificial love. In this book, Dr. Larry Crabb shows readers how to understand the deep and perfect love we are shown by our Creator and Redeemer, and how to pour that love into other people. This love is about more than being nice and serving others. It's about relating to others in such a way that they feel heard, seen, and valued. This love sacrifices and suffers and keeps loving, even when doing so is costly. This kind of love, says Crabb, is the kind worth fighting for in all of our relationships, and A Different Kind of Happiness shows how to make it a reality.

Kingdom Disciples: Heaven's Representatives on Earth

Tony Evans - 2017
    It’s a critical one, and its absence has led to weak believers, disintegrating families, ineffective churches, and a decaying culture. Without it, we lack what we need to fully live as heaven’s representatives on earth. That missing force is discipleship. In Kingdom Disciples, Tony Evans outlines a simple, actionable definition of discipleship to help the church fulfill its calling. Readers will learn:What a disciple isWhat a disciple cares aboutHow to be a disciple and make disciplesWhat discipleship looks like in communityWhat the impact of discipleship on the world can beKingdom disciples are in short supply, and the result is a legion of powerless Christians attending powerless churches, having a powerless presence in the world. The power, authority, abundance, victory, and impact God has promised will only come about when we understand and align ourselves with His definition of discipleship.Kingdom Disciples calls believers and churches back to our primary, divinely ordained responsibility to be disciples and make disciples. Only when we take seriously this assignment will the world see heaven at work on earth.Will you accept the assignment? Kingdom Disciples isuseful as base material for a course on discipleship.

The Supernatural Ways of Royalty: Discovering Your Rights and Privileges of Being a Son or Daughter of God

Kris Vallotton - 2006
    It is the condition of slaves who have yet to discover their freedom on the other side of the river of baptism and find themselves still captured by the dark prince of torture and torment. He is the one who assigns them to a life of poverty, pain, and depression through a diabolical play of illusion. He hopes to conceal their true identity forever. This evil prince feeds his captives the poisonous rations of religion, convincing them they will fill their soul's hunger for righteousness. These slaves, blindfolded by their sin, think that they are laboring for their own freedom and work to pave their way out of prison with bricks built from the miry clay of self-righteousness. Yet, unknowingly, brick by brick, they are erecting their own chambers of death. Worse yet, they birth children into the same darkness ultimately creating legacies of bondage with mind-sets of hopelessness.

Victorious Emotions: Creating a Framework for a Happier You

Wendy Backlund - 2017
    Victorious Emotions will help create happiness as your default emotion. Even if we have unhappy circumstances, we can build a system of beliefs that, as effortless as the tides, will always bring us back to joy.Victorious Emotions gives powerful, practical strategies to live out Romans 12:2, which says to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. The word "renewing" in the Greek means renovation. This book is about renovating and reconstructing the pathways and strongholds of our thinking. It explores how our brains create certain belief systems and how to intentionally create new ones.The goal of this book is not to focus on eliminating negative emotions, but to build a tidal wave of victorious emotions that are pulled into our lives as easily and surely as the ocean tides will appear every day. It is time to be overtaken by emotions that lead us into victory!

The New Spirit-Controlled Woman

Beverly LaHaye - 2005
    Readers will discover how temperaments impact...being singlebeing marriedlove lifecommunicationministryThe New Spirit-Controlled Woman shows readers that God loves them, that He has wonderful plans for them, and that He provides the power and drive needed to fulfill His will.

Champagne for the Soul: Celebrating God's Gift of Joy

Mike Mason - 2003
    If you were given the chance to be happy for the rest of your life, wouldn't you jump at it? In Champagne for the Soul, best-selling author Mike Mason explains that the Bible does make this offer. Yet most of us hang back, reluctant and skeptical. Theologically most Christians will agree that the Bible teaches and offers a life of joy, yet deep down we're not convinced that such a life is practical - for us, or for any ordinary person. But, says Mason, such joy truly is ours to claim and embrace. What you now hold in your hands is a call to throw off all worries and complaints and to "come and share your master's happiness." (Matthew 25:21).These pages, drawn from the author's own 90-day experiment in actively pursuing joy, will lead you on a journey that will help you - no matter what your circumstances - to escape the traps of worry, fear, and dullness and grab hold of the joy of the Lord.

God's Lavish Grace

Terry Virgo - 2004
    This concise survey of the impact and outworking of God's grace in the life of the believer will revitalize the most threadbare faith.