The Billionaire's Proposal (Book 1)

Melody Sanders - 2013
    Vicki had spent the intermission backstage, chatting with two of her favorite singers who would soon grace the stage once more as the booming baritone Magnifico and his daughter Angelina, a dazzling soprano whose career had reached new heights during these ten, high-profile New York performances.Vicki couldn’t conceal her delight at the absolutely full house. “I guess the new marketing firm really hit one out of the park,” she commented quietly to Martin as the lights dimmed. “All ten performances are sold out!”Her lawyer friend smiled. “It’s the inspired leadership they’ve been getting,” he replied. “New blood, new ideas. It’s just magnificent.” The maestro appeared at the edge of the orchestra pit and received enthusiastic applause. “Although even I would admit that Rossini’s genius might have something to do with it,” Martin said, raising his voice over the audience’s appreciation. “Still, you’ve broken the glass ceiling yet again, I would say. Bravo, Miss Vydra.”“You’re too kind,” she said, patting his hand as the strings stirred in a quiet but ominous tremolo, quickly ushering in a sudden and violent orchestral tutti, brassy and loud, which filled the huge auditorium with the dark ferocity of the storm it depicted. Vicki let the eruption pass through her, finding herself carried by its torrential force, allowing the moment to fill her with an awed respect for nature’s power. She knew that it could not last, and the audience was soon deposited kindly into the peaceful meadow of the storm’s passing. Horn calls signaled the all-clear and, as one can always expect from Rossini, the good humor and delicate, social fun-poking resumed.***Content warning: For adults only!***

Songbird: A Small-Town Romantic Comedy

Caroline Tate - 2018
    He’s a career-focused charmer whose greatest appeal is his nerdy sense of humor. Ellie Stone’s only goal this summer is to get the Southport Music Festival off the ground without a hitch. But when she randomly meets Mason Matthews at a concert in Wilmington, they instantly connect on an honest, soul-stirring level.As they head their separate ways after sharing an almost-night of pure lust, Ellie is ready to focus all of her attention back on festival prep. When plans nosedive and the feature band pulls out of the lineup, she decides to get scrappy and take action, no matter who it involves.After an ego-shattering scuffle with Mason in the middle of town, Ellie has to swallow her pride in exchange for his help promoting the event. But Mason, Editor of the Southport Anchor, swears his hands are tied.While his feelings for Ellie continue to grow, are they strong enough that he’ll risk breaking company policy just to help promote her dream? Or will he leave her hanging on the very last note?

The Passion Thief

Anne McCarthy Strauss - 2014
    At least that’s what Betty Boomer tells herself at night, while Stan, her husband of two decades, snores upright on the couch. Emboldened by too much Chardonnay, she searches the Internet for her college boyfriend Michael, the proverbial one who got away. Memories of their youthful passion reignite a lust Betty thought had dried up long ago.Michael responds to Betty’s cyber message, and temptation calls this globe-trotting freelance journalist. While Stan’s idea of excitement is staying up past ten o’clock on a Saturday night, Michael has evolved into a flashy Las Vegas casino manager with three ex-wives. Which man offers stimulation and which one brings monotony coupled with reliability is vividly clear.Written with the yearning and struggle many women feel, Betty Boomer is not alone when she asks, “Is this all I need or should I take another shot at passion?” Author Anne McCarthy Strauss brings us her latest women’s fiction coupled with a large dose of romantic comedy and a dozen long-stemmed roses.

Dancing with the Ferryman

Frankie Valente - 2011
    She is not quite so happy to find out that her fiance David is a gambling addict. When she discovers that she was just days away from losing all of the assets from the sale of her home she panics. She runs away to Shetland to start a new life for herself. She is hoping for peace and quiet; after all, what could happen in Shetland? It is so far away from everything. What could go wrong? Everything it seems.A romantic comedy.Cover photo of the Northern Lights over Shetland: Dave Wheeler (Fair Isle)

Your Gift to Me

Bonnie Bartel Latino - 2012
    Nearly ten years after Emily Ann Meade's husband died in a fiery Special Operations helicopter crash in the Gulf War, grief still follows her like a second skin shadow. Still single and emotionally guarded, she clings to her vow never to get involved with another man committed to a dangerous profession ... until she meets charismatic F-16 Viper pilot, Colonel Ted Foley, in Hawaii. Although she is attracted to Ted, he is assigned to a fighter wing that has recently lost two pilots in unexplained air crashes. Ted finds the elusive Emily to be like smoke--smoke that surrounds and envelopes him, but that he can't quite grasp. He is intrigued by the first woman who has made him feel alive since his wife died of breast cancer. Allowing her mind to wander through fields of dreams on which she can't afford the emotional mortgage, Emily lowers her barriers and discovers Ted's greatest virtue. He makes the ordinary feel sublime! Healing in shared confidences solidifies their relationship. As Emily becomes the vivacious woman she was before her husband's death devastated her spirit, her worst fear resurfaces. Ted's squadron suffers a third mysterious F-16 crash. Terrified that his life could be in danger, and she will be left to suffer the emotional consequences, she pushes him away . . . again. Their relationship shatters. Emily must find a path through her emotional minefields or risk never discovering that she's rejecting the only type of man to whom she is genuinely attracted . . . and a man whose life could be in danger! Ultimately Ted and Emily discover that grief, like joy, is finite, but love is infinite. Written from alternate he said/she said points of view, this full length novel will appeal to anyone, age eighteen to eighty, who requires both entertainment and substance in their leisure reading.

Stuck in the Middle

Virginia Smith - 2008
    Meanwhile, Joan is stuck at home with Mom and her aging grandmother. Not exactly a recipe for excitement—or romance.When a hunky young doctor moves in next door, Joan sets out to catch his eye. But it won’t be easy. Pretty Tori flirts relentlessly, and Joan is sure that she can’t compete. But with a little help from God, Allie, and an enormous mutt with bad manners, Joan begins to find her way out of this rut and into the life she’s been hiding from.Book 1 of the Sister-to-Sister series, Stuck in the Middle combines budding romance, soul searching, and a healthy dose of sibling rivalry that is sure to make you smile.

The House on the Beach

Linda Barrett - 2004
    A script that doesn’t play well for a single woman. Happy childhood summers in Pilgrim Cove pull her back to town and a stay in Sea View House. Matthew Parker, his two young sons and his dad have shared a home since both men were widowed several years ago. And now, no women are needed in the Parker domain. But when Matt meets Laura, he discovers that his home might be missing something vital — a woman’s love. Can these two determined people figure out what’s important and take a chance on a new beginning?

Under The Stars

Linn B. Halton - 2015
     She has just been made redundant from her job as an accountant and she finds herself with no career, no direction in life and no relationship to fall back on. To make matters worse, the one thing that she could always depend on – genius astrological readings from her idol, Mark Ainsley-Thomas – is even beginning to fail her. At a crossroads in her life and starting a career as a full-time writer, Katherine cannot believe that the readings from the world-renowned astrologist are failing to guide her through this tumultuous time. She sends an email to Mark’s webpage, venting her frustration at the recent unhelpful readings. Little does Katherine know that Mark’s busy publicity schedule and his overbearing agent are taking over his life and that he has hired an assistant astrologist, James, to take over the readings. James, returning to astrology after a failed business career and disastrous marriage, is also at a vulnerable stage in his life and reacts angrily when he receives Katherine’s emails criticising his work. Their heated email exchange reveals the frustrations in both their lives but the reappearance of Mark Ainsley-Thomas helps to smooth this friction over, and Katherine and James begin a tentative friendship which soon blossoms into something much more. Katherine, James and Mark realise just how small the world is when their complicated lives become forever entangled. Amidst the chaos of their lives, including a cat named No. 4, a local writing group, a difficult ex, an old war veteran named Jake, a potential book deal and a last-minute trip to LA, will there ever be a happy ever after for Katherine and James…? 'Under The Stars' is a page-turning story of new love and new beginnings. 'A memorable story'. - Robert Foster, best-selling author of 'The Lunar Code'. Bristol-born Linn B Halton lives in the small village of Lydbrook, which nestles on the edge of the Forest of Dean, in the UK. She resides there with her husband and feline with 'catitude'- Mr Tiggs. Linn began writing in March 2009 and her debut novel was published in February 2011. Lynn says about her writing – “my stories are about love, life and real relationships - but romance is always the one thing that holds each story together. Often there's a light, psychic touch and I never dreamed I would write drawing upon my personal psychic experiences. But as my interest and understanding in the subject has grown, it is now such a part of my life that it finds its way into my fictional tales. However, what is heartening is that most of my experiences have been uplifting and it's wonderful to know loved ones are around me always. I hope it will make readers stop and wonder 'What if?' Endeavour Press is the UK's leading independent digital publisher. For more information on our titles please sign up to our newsletter at Each week you will receive updates on free and discounted ebooks. Follow us on Twitter: @EndeavourPress and on Facebook via We are always interested in hearing from our readers. Endeavour Press believes that the future is now.

Can't Love You More

Sabrina Quinn - 2014
    The two of them had a special bond that only grew deeper the older they became. The love that was once considered one of a kind was shattered graduation night, resulting in Braelyn leaving her small hometown for the big city. She now has a secret of her own to shield. A year in Chicago altered her life more than she ever thought imaginable. Braelyn moves back to Indiana in desperation to find the happy, free-spirited girl she left behind, but she isn't sure that is possible. Braelyn’s new downstairs neighbor, Gabe, is quickly becoming her new best friend. Though jaded from his own past back in Georgia, he is on a mission to help her out of the deep depression that has consumed her over the past year. Can Gabe help Braelyn find herself? Will Aiden's confession change the past, or will it ruin her forever?

Sticky Notes, Part 1

Sherri Schoenborn Murray - 2014
    This lighthearted Christian romance is set in the rolling hills of the Palouse, in the university town of Moscow, Idaho. An unusual friendship forms between a young history professor and the grandmother of one of his loveliest students.

Then She Danced (Islander Romance Book 1)

Janice Godin - 2018
    A story within a story, two fabulous endings, and characters that you will fall in love with." ~ The Artful Reader "This book is about love and growth, tears and happiness and healing. I was so deeply affected and moved by this story, I had my own laughter and tears." ~ Amazon reviewer Everyone in Kathleen's life thinks she's crazy when she decides to spend her well-earned summer working in a tiny, dusty attic sorting through old church papers, but the peace and quiet of working alone is exactly what she wants. She's back home again and happy, or as happy as anyone who's left behind a troubled past can be. She has amazing coworkers, a wonderful best friend, a supportive family, and not one single person in her life who knows what she's been through. So, when Kathleen stumbles across an old French diary written by a battered wife, she connects with the story and Emilie. Kathleen's life changes when she meets Grant, a gorgeous local man with a past of his own. Their connection is undeniable, even for her, and proves that second chances are possible, if she can just leave her past behind.

Sunset's Dawn (Christian Romance) (Sunset Series)

J. Brent Eaton - 2013
    Can Jake Jennings, a man who has suffered unspeakable loss find peace and God's grace in his new home town of Sunset, or will the woman he never hoped to find be the answer to his prayers? Jacob Jennings Jake escapes the emotional entanglements of Houston, where he lost his wife and baby over a decade ago, to start a new life in Central Texas. His desire is to live in solitude on a quiet ranch and continue his ministry as a chaplain:From the Prologue:   "Mindy, I'm starting my new job in Sunset in two days. I've talked to you about the reasons   for my move for a long time. I only hope you understand why I'm leaving Houston. You would    love the log cabin I built there. It's a lot bigger than what we dreamed of raising Adam in, but   it really doesn't feel like home without the two of you.   "I know I wanted to get away from a lot of things here and move to a smaller and quieter   place, but the way I feel right now, I don't know if I'm really leaving anything behind. Sunset is   the kind of town I was looking for when I decided to make a move. Maybe I just need to give   myself more time.   "Just because I've moved three hours away doesn't mean I won't come to visit. Your Mom says   I'm abandoning you and Adam by moving. That's not it at all. You know I'll be back to see the   two of you. I miss you... I love, Mindy."   The Reverend Jacob Jennings stood motionless for a moment, then turned toward his truck and   walked over the green manicured lawn past the rows of carved stones, each a gray granite   reminder of the same sadness and loss he suffered thirteen years before. Jennifer Lawson Jen is a nurse, a single mother, and wants nothing more than to rid herself of ties to her ex-husband, the man who wrecked her dream of a loving family for her children. The last thing she wants is an attraction to another man:   It seems like I am just getting Steve out of my hair, and poof! Jake appears. This ain't fair,   God. It just ain't fair. I asked you to make it so that I could manage my life and be happy,   not make it more complicated. Now I find myself drawn to this guy like a mosquito to a bug   light and we both know how that ends. Why, Lord? Why? Then they meet... It's Jake's first day on the job.Can Jake overcome his fear of loving again and risk sharing his soul with another woman? Is it safe for Jennifer to be close to another man? How will a relationship affect her children?Sometimes, God's grace is difficult to accept. Jake and Jen learn that grace can overcome even the most difficult circumstances and pain. Author's Note I'm writing from experience as a hospice chaplain and a hopeless romantic. I hope you fall in love with the story of Jen and Jake and what they do to make life better for the people they serve. It's a deeply emotional and spiritual journey that I know will touch your heart and your soul.While this is a Christian romance novel and romantic religious fiction, the patient-related events are real with some details altered to protect privacy.There will be future stories about Jen and Jake as well as other wonderful people from Sunset, Texas. I'm committed to bringing you high quality romance under $3.


Dixie Burns - 2015
    Head down and deep into a job, an eleven-year-old son, and a failing marriage, she hasn't got time for jury duty. Who does? However, the county court has other ideas. Serving on an all-female jury, she is forced to deliberate about more than the trial at hand. Old memories surface and Leigh makes a deliberate decision to take a hard look at her life and where it is going. I've certainly been there. Haven't you?


Lisa-Marie Cabrelli - 2017
     When Claire's creepy new boss Nick promotes her to a job she doesn't understand; it's obvious to everyone but her that he wants something in return. To make matter worse, she accidentally upsets the very man that Nick told her to avoid, the unbearably sexy Vice-President, Satish Bhatt. Things get even stickier for Claire when her "friends" decide that sabotage is the answer, her roommate Sally drops a bombshell and Claire starts to want a lot more of the man she supposed to avoid. A man who seems to have secrets of his own. Unraveled is the first book in the Jersey Girls series. If you like fast-paced, breezy, funny chick-lit with characters you fall in love with and a dash of intrigue and suspense that will keep you turning pages, you will love Unraveled. Pick up Unraveled today to find out the secrets that rock Claire's world!

Six Miles From Nashville (The Nashville Series)

Elaine Littau - 2013
    Since leaving for a large Bible College in Missouri, her life has been twisted around. Not that things weren't already a challenge for her with her brother in Vietnam and her heart bleeding from a recent break up. Faced with unbearable loneliness and loss, she arrives at a diner six miles from Nashville. There, she has a chance to pick up the pieces and build a new life for herself as an independant young woman with a great future ahead of her