Even More Notes From the Universe: Dancing Life's Dance

Mike Dooley - 2008
    Even More Notes from the Universe combines Mike Dooley's pithy and inspiring messages, direct from the Universe, to help you start living the life of your dreams -- today. Focusing on the desired results joyfully and with gratitude is infinitely more engaging than struggling and stressing about them. Relax, laugh, and enjoy the footwork the Universe has to share. Whether your dance is the tango, hula, or one of your own creation, dancing life's dance begins with that first brave step. The music has always been playing your favorite tune, yet hearing it requires action. And right on cue, your unfailing partner, the Universe, begins choreographing players and events in a waltz of miracles, moving heaven and earth to align the future of your dreams with your present circumstances. Nothing is impractical, impossible, or out of reach. Your thoughts create worlds, your words shape the future, and the steps you take unleash the magic behind creation. In this third book in the Notes from the Universe trilogy, Mike Dooley brings a fresh perspective from your most loyal friend.

The Seven Secrets to Healthy, Happy Relationships

Miguel Ruiz Jr. - 2018
    They provide unlimited ways for us to learn, grow, thrive, and have fun! Yet, as we know, relationships aren’t always a “bed of roses”—especially romantic ones. They don’t make themselves, nor do they continue happily on autopilot once they begin. In this one-of-a-kind book, bestselling authors don Miguel Ruiz, Jr. and HeatherAsh Amara share their seven secrets to healthy, happy relationships: Commitment Freedom Awareness Healing Joy Communication Release Understanding and enacting these principles can help you at any stage in your intimate partnering, whether you’ve been with someone for many years or are currently single and want to prepare for a relationship. The authors make clear that the principles in this book aren’t secrets because they are hidden away, but are more akin to undiscovered focal points that can lead to deeper, more meaningful connections. Part of the secret, as you will see, is in the art of putting these ideas into practice day after day and year after year.

Without and Within

Ajahn Jayasaro - 2013
    Written in a concise style which is knowledgeable, yet not overly-academic. The questions addressed are the most common and modern questions popularly asked.

The Tao Of Poker: 285 Rules to Transform Your Game and Your Life

Larry W. Phillips - 2003
    In The Tao of Poker, prize-winning poker player Larry Phillips offers more than 280 rules to bring you to new levels of personal achievement, just when and where you need them most.Here are some of The Tao of Poker’s rules for success:Take the long viewOnce you commit to a hand, play it strongDon’t throw in good money after badIf you think you’re beat, get outTry out these rules and watch your game, and your life, improve. Now you can be a winner at home, at work, and at the casino - wherever the stakes for success are high!

Inner Life

Hazrat Inayat Khan - 1997
    His teaching was noted for its stirring beauty and power, as well as for its applicability to all people, regardless of religious or philosophical background. This book gathers together three of Inayat Khan's most beloved essays on the spiritual life from among the fourteen volumes of his collected works:    • "The Inner Life": Inayat Kahn's sublime portrait of the person whose life is a radiant reflection of the Divine    • "Sufi Mysticism": in which the author identifies and shatters the common misconceptions about mysticism to reveal its true meaning    • "The Path of Initiation and Discipleship": What it means to set out on the spiritual path and how to find and maintain the right relationship with a teacher

The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other: A History of Mighty Companions

Gary R. Renard - 2017
    Gary immortalized what he learned in the books of his best-selling series: The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, and Love Has Forgotten No One. This fourth book is a companion to the original trilogy, yet written to stand alone, an invitation for new readers into this fascinating work.This book explores six of the lifetimes in which the incarnations of Jesus and Buddha lived together, beginning in 700 B.C. when they were known as Saka and Hiroji. Arten and Pursah, through the spiritual lessons that Jesus and Buddha learn on their path, clarify the difference between duality and nonduality. When you are able to internalize these lessons, you will be saved countless years in your spiritual development.

Your Aura and Your Chakras: The Owner's Manual

Karla McLaren - 1998
    McLaren, who has worked with survivors of abuse and trauma, shows how to clear the chakras of old hurts and to cleanse and strengthen the aura for protection against invasive energy.

The Rainman's Third Cure: An Irregular Education

Peter Coyote - 2015
    For Coyote, the twin forces Dylan identifies as Texas Medicine and Railroad Gin – represent the competing forces of the transcendental, inclusive, and ecstatic world of love with the competitive, status-seeking world of wealth and power. The Rainman’s Third Cure is the tale of a young man caught between these apparently antipodal options and the journey that leads him from the privileged halls of power to Greenwich Village jazz bars, to jail, to the White House, lessons from a man who literally held the power of life and death over others, to government service and international success on stage and screen.Expanding his frame beyond the wild ride through the 1960’s counterculture that occupied so much of his lauded debut memoir, Sleeping Where I Fall, Coyote provides readers intimate portraits of mentors that shaped him—a violent, intimidating father, a be-bop Bass player who teaches him that life can be improvised, a Mafia consiglieri, who demonstrates to him that men can be bought and manipulated, an ex game-warden who initates him into the laws of nature, a gay dancer in Martha Graham’s company who introduces him to Mexico and marijuanas, beat poet Gary Snyder, who introduces him to Zen practice, and finally famed fashion designer Nino Cerruti who made the high-stakes world of haute monde Europe available to him.What begins as a peripatetic flirtation with Zen deepens into a life-long avocation, ordination as a priest, and finally the road to Transmission---acknowledgement from his teacher that he is ready to be an independent teacher. Through Zen, Coyote discovers a third option that offers an alternative to both the worlds of Love and Power’s correlatives of status seeking and material wealth. Zen was his portal, but what he discovers on the inside is actually available to all humans. In this energetic, reflective and intelligent memoir, The Rainman’s Third Cure is the way out of the box. The way that works.

Writing on Water

Mooji - 2011
    It is especially geared towards those with a fervour for deeper spiritual truths, awakening and enlightenment. Humanity's basic assumptions are being challenged. First and foremost among them is the 'I am the body' idea, which is the cause of suffering for mankind. What is special about these words presented here is that they tackle the truth from both vantage points: the absolute plane of existence and the practical aspect of daily living in this world.

The Tibetan Book of Yoga: Ancient Buddhist Teachings on the Philosophy and Practice of Yoga

Michael Roach - 2004
    In this small book readers will discover Heart Yoga, which developed over the centuries in the Gelukpa tradition of the Dalai Lamas. The program presented here combines popular yoga exercises wtih special Tibetan poses, and methods of working from the inside to give a healthy and a happy heart. Roach discovered a number of previously unknown Tibetan works on yoga in the course of his ongoing efforts to find and preserve ancient Tibetan Buddhist texts. He discusses the ideas and insights presented in these texts and places them within the context of the Buddhist tradition. To help readers incorporate this ancient wisdom in their daily lives, he provides a specific regime of yoga postures and meditations. Combining instructive illustrations with the unique philosophical underpinnings of the Buddhist approach, Geshe Roach has created a unique program for yoga on a physical and spiritual level.

The Entitlement Cure: Finding Success in a Culture of Entitlement

John Townsend - 2015
    Its effects are devastating, contributing to relational problems, work ethic issues, and emotional struggles.It comes down to this: People are not getting to where they want to go, because they don’t know how to do life the Hard Way. Their entitlement keeps them from tackling challenges and finding success.This audiobook provides principles and tools for change. It teaches people the skills of learning to tackle and resolve matters that are difficult, rather than avoiding them, giving up too quickly, or hoping someone else will do it for them. The habits gleaned from this audiobook will lead to success in the listener's relationships, finances, self-care, and work. When the listener faces what must be faced, he stands to meet his goals and resolve his struggles better and faster. In that sense, this audiobook brings a great deal of hope and positivity to a tough arena of life.The Hard Way is simple: it is facing any challenge required to accomplish what matters most. Anything worth doing will have a cost of being hard to do. But when we learn how to do the right things, and push through the pain that comes, we stand a much better chance of success.Sometimes trials are put upon us, such as a troubled marriage, a failing business, or an illness. At other times they are opportunities where we need to take a risk, such as starting a part-time business, or simply being vulnerable with someone. At still other times they are problems that must be faced, such as a troubled teen, a conversation we have been avoiding, or a team at work that needs to be restructured. Whatever the context, the Hard Way is the first and best way to approach a good outcome.

Secrets of Relationships

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - 2005
    People, throughout the ages, have felt that they cannot communicate their feelings. If we could communicate all our feelings through words, then we would be leading very shallow lives. Life is rich because feelings cannot be captured in words! So we use all these gestures - we hug, so that hearts come closer, we give flowers, so that feelings are conveyed... We put all our efforts into expressing our feelings...and still, feelings remiain unexpressed. His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a spiritual leader and humanitarian, was born in 1956 in southern India. He was often found deep in meditation as a child. At the age of four, he astonished his teachers by reciting the Bhagavad Gita. To globalise the knowledge of leading a happy, stress-free life, H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar established an international educational and humanitarian NGO - The Art of Living, in 1982. Today, with a presence in over 151 countries, The Art of Living is one of the largest voluntary organizations in the world.

I Love You, Nice to Meet You: A Guy and a Girl Give the Lowdown on Coupling Up

Lori Gottlieb - 2006
    Like romance anthropologists, they deconstruct every key moment in the life cycle of a relationship. In this book, get both the male and female perspectives on:   * Fighting etiquette (is all fair in love and war?) * Voice-mail message analysis. ("Hi, it's who?") * Body hair (where, why, and how much?) * Blind dates (are your good friends good pimps?) * To cry or not to cry (if you're a guy) in front of a woman * Cheating (without actually cheating) * Knowing when a relationship is really over (or: whether it's better to dump or be dumped) * And much, much more   I Love You, Nice to Meet You is a hilarious and eye-opening collection of anecdotes from a guy and a girl who just want to find the one, but---lucky for you---they haven't.

Be Nobody

Lama Marut - 2014
    No one wants to be a loser, a small fry, a big zero.But maybe we've got it all wrong.With his edgy tone and radical perspective, Lama Marut follows up A Spiritual Renegade's Guide to the Good Life by calling for the biggest revolution of all: the overthrow of our obsessive quest to be somebody. It is this quest to distinguish ourselves that is the true cause of our dissatisfaction, leaving us feeling isolated and alone.Drawing from the spiritual truism that only by losing the self can we discover our real potential, Be Nobody provides action steps and simple meditations that lay down the heavy burden of trying to be somebody. Without the need to seclude oneself in a monastery or retire to a cave in the Himalayas, Marut gives readers the freedom to find true fulfillmentSo stop narrating your life and start living it. Be nobody.

New Moon Astrology: Using New Moon Power Days to Change and Revitalize Your Life

Jan Spiller - 2001
    happiness ... health ... career ... money ... and more!The Moon’s influence on human destiny has been recognized since ancient times, but its potential for generating positive outcomes has often been ignored — until now. In this breakthrough book, master astrologer Jan Spiller reveals the secrets of harnessing the Moon’s astonishing power to make your goals a reality! Not just another astrology book, New Moon Astrology provides practical, step-by-step instructions, based on ancient rites and philosophy as well as on Jan Spiller’s own vast astrological experience, in framing your wishes in any area — love, career, family, or health. On New Moon Power Days, your desires become incantations with amazing focus and strength. Using the special Moon chart included here, you’ll be able to express your wishes during a “magic” moment — a personal power period in the astrological cycle — setting forces in motion that transform your desires into reality. With this exciting technique, you will see your wishes actually coming true in the months — and years — ahead! If you are ready to live your dreams, use this proven-effective approach to personal fulfillment. Learn:• How to use the potent New Moon each month to time your power wishes• How to locate the three to five weeks each year when you personally are in a position of tremendous empowerment to achieve your goals• Which special Moons throughout the year help grant specific wishes, such as attracting money, meeting a new lover, or traveling to exciting places!• How to use the destiny revealed by your astrological chart along with then New Moon to achieve an energy shift — a power surge to help you succeed in weight loss, relationships, career advancement, sexual intimacy, and more!From the Trade Paperback edition.