Mackenzie's Beat

Maggie Brown - 2015
    Rachel Anderson wants no help from a war-shocked journalist—what police detective ever needs an amateur tagging along, especially a damnably attractive one? But Brisbane is under siege and a serial killer’s body count is rising. With the clock ticking, no lead is too slim. Rachel needs Mac’s help, and there’s no chance Mac won’t take. Neither of them means for it to go as far as it does…

Desperate Measures

P.J. Trebelhorn - 2014
    After assaulting him, she’s suspended from her job. She uses her unexpected time off to make some home improvements, but Kay has no idea Rayne is stalking her, and he’s hell-bent on revenge. Brenda Jansen owns Jansen Construction with her father. A routine job brings her to Kay’s doorstep, and Brenda is blissfully unaware of the twists and turns her life is about to take. The instant attraction she feels toward her newest client is something Brenda’s doing her best to ignore. Since her two previous girlfriends cheated on her, she’s having a hard time putting her trust in anyone. Brenda’s indifference toward her intrigues Kay, who does everything she can to get Brenda to admit their attraction is mutual. As they grow closer, so does Tommy Rayne, until he finally threatens everything Kay holds dear.

Less Happier Lands

Annette De Burgh - 2013
    A war of words soon spirals into a forbidden and passionate love that covers many years.But as the years move on, troubled waters lie ahead.


Jessa Stone - 2019
    What she was never sure about, was if she would be blessed with a true mate. Choosing her long time companion as her mate seemed the right course of action, only things get complicated when an undeniable attraction to a stranger has her wolf eager to rightfully claim its true mate. Sabine is all innocence and sweetness, having never experienced the heated desire that erupts within her from a strangers glance. Unsure of what is happening to her, she tries to deny her wolf’s urgings, since the object of her lust is already taken. MATE is the first book in Jessa Stone’s Urban Paranormal Romance, Lesbian Romance, Gay Romance, LGBT Bisexual Romance series.

Reckless Love

Carol Wyatt - 2017
    Cam's best friend, Kayla, convinced her to join her summer softball team.Cam wanted to get back in shape and she used to love playing in high school so she figured she had nothing to lose.The last thing Cam expected was to be pursued by Kayla's friend and teammate, Jackie.Jackie's stunning good looks combined with her charming smile, immediately grab Cam's attention.The chemistry is undeniable but is that enough?


Kate Genet - 2011
    It comes with the territory and she's learned to be particular about her privacy. She's learned that keeping to yourself is always the best option. Until Scarcity turns up. Teresa's never met anyone like her and it worries her how much she likes the girl's presence. What happens when two desperate, needy worlds collide? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REVIEW "I thought this story was wonderful, showing two damaged women slowly opening up to each other. Kate Genet has a way of writing strong, vivid prose that gets under your skin. The light, the weather, and nature all figure strongly in her work. But then her earthy characters are also forces of nature! This isn't pretty writing, it's stark, sensual and gorgeous. I plan to read more of her work." - Gabriella West ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXCERPT ‘I’m Scarcity. Pleased to meet you, Teresa.’ She was smiling. Teresa looked at the outstretched arm. The girl’s hand turned out to be warm against her palm. Scarcity took a step forward and looked up at her. She was still smiling. ‘I gotta go. Thanks for the beer. I’ll come and see you again, shall I?’ She dropped Teresa’s hand and grinned, heading for the door before Teresa could answer. Teresa followed slowly. The blonde girl disappeared around the side of the house. ‘What sort of name is Scarcity?’ Teresa asked the empty yard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kate Genet is a New Zealand author who enjoys writing books with strong lesbian characters. Even if they don't start out feeling all that strong, they've usually found their tenacity and self-assurance by the time she's done with them; characters you can like, admire, and wish you knew - maybe they're even a bit like you. With her interest in telling compelling stories she spreads herself across a few genres within lesbian fiction - supernatural suspense, adventure, science fiction and fantasy, and now romance. Keep up to date with her writing life and new releases by visiting her website at (coming January 2014). She also writes mainstream speculative fiction under the name Kate Hansen.

Burning Desire

Rachel Maldonado - 2016
    In a harrowing rescue during an apartment fire, she meets young Candace Beacon. Candi becomes displaced when everything she owns is ruined and her apartment is deemed a hazard by the fire department.In an attempt to help Candi, Suzanne invites her to move in with her until she can find a place of her own. What ensues is a push and pull relationship when the two women discover that they are at odds with one another. Will Suzanne find that she is in over her head? Or will they discover they had more in common than they initially thought?

Rocky Road

Anna Cove - 2018
     Billie Page. IndyCar racing’s darling. To the outside world, she seems put together. Determined. Serious. Only she and the ones close to her know the truth. Billie’s a failure. She works every day to change that, to strengthen her mind and her body for the grueling demands of her job. Everything is about racing. It has to be. It’s all she has left. Then a woman makes her laugh. Krysta Ekert lives life on the whims of the wind. She doesn’t know where her next paycheck will come from and doesn’t care. She does what she wants, when she wants it, and asks for forgiveness rather than permission. The moment she meets Billie Page she knows whose bed she’ll be sleeping in that night and it’s not her own. When Krysta is hit by a car, her accident binds the women together in a way neither of them could have predicted. It’s dangerous for both to stay—Billie may lose her career, Krysta her independence—but leaving becomes less and less of an option the longer they wait. Will they find a way to make it work? Can one really have it all? Heartwarming and often humorous, Rocky Road is an emotional look at two women searching for happiness in all the wrong places and discovering how much more life offers when you open your heart.

Please Baby

S.L. Kassidy - 2014
    She plans to hold onto her niece and gain custody of her, but there are some factors against her. Her girlfriend doesn't want the baby around. Her mother wants to take the baby from her, and her brother has disappeared. Things only seem to get worse when Gus Tucker comes into her life.Gus Tucker's life isn't going much better. She recently divorced her wife and moved into a new home. She's looking forward to a new start and spending time with her sister. Before she can do that, though, she ends up causing trouble for Jayce Newton, getting her fired from her job and kicked out of her home. She tries to make it up to Jayce by taking her in during her time of need. Now, it's just a struggle to see if they're able to coexist in the same house with a baby between them.Words: 98,820

Treasured Past

Linda Hill - 2000
    Except for occasional annoyances (like her boss’ insistence that she take on his brother’s messy divorce case), the change is just what the doctor ordered. And the substantial salary increase and 9-to-5 schedule gives her more time and money for her preferred pastime: shopping for antiques.On one such outing, Kate meets Annie Walsh, owner of the small shop, Treasured Past. Although she’ s barely making ends meet, Annie finds struggling to keep her shop open preferable to dealing with the turmoil of her personal life. The women become friends and before long they are sharing much more than their passion for antiques. All signs point to a happy ending— until Kate learns something surprising about the client she's been forced to represent...

Hurricane Season

B.J. Phillips - 2016
    Richardson) is a romance author. She’s had her heart broken badly again and is done with love. Ditching San Francisco, she moves back home to Southwest Florida to get her feet back under her and finish her latest novel.Carrie Alexander is a huge S.K. Richardson fan, but has no idea what she looks like. She does, however, like the looks of the new neighbor down the street, Shawn Richards. Drawn to each other as friends, Shawn still tries to keep some distance in spite of what she’s beginning to feel for Carrie. Carrie isn’t the kind of woman you just have a fun night with and then move on. Carrie’s the kind you fall in love with and make love to, and live happily ever after with—but she just can’t let herself trust her heart yet. After all, the last time she fell for one of her fans, it ended badly. Carrie is looking for ‘happy ever after’ just like in all those romance novels she reads. Shawn could be the one, or maybe Carrie’s fooling herself and there’s really no such thing as all that romantic stuff in Shawn’s books. Shawn is afraid she can’t deliver on that ‘happy ever after’ she knows Carrie wants—and she wants, too, truth be told. Destiny might have given them a push when Carrie tripped at the local grocery store and literally fell into Shawn’s arms. But fear could cost Shawn the woman of her dreams.Words: 64,530

Shared History

Emma Chamberlain - 2018
    Forced to have words, after years of avoidance, the two sift through their own rubble, pulling to the surface the dark secret that caused them to prematurely split-up.

I Spy

Noelle Winters - 2017
     Returning home to a house full of bad memories only reinforces Dr. Jordan Kalusky’s desire to never get attached. But then the mysterious super-spy Carys Mitchell comes through the door of her ICU. A woman of more questions than answers, Carys has long put her country ahead of her heart. She won’t make the mistake of falling in love. Last time cost her a friend. What would it cost this time? When Carys is forced into retirement, she smells a rat and starts delving into the case surrounding her injury - one that draws Jordan in, deeper and deeper. When Carys rescues Jordan from an assassin, she realizes their lives are twined together whether she wanted them to be or not. When the temptation becomes impossible to resist, Carys has to figure out whether she can protect her heart - or whether she wants to risk opening up to Jordan for the first time. Can they overcome the barriers between them? Or will fate break them apart and destroy their happy ending?

Those Who Wait

Peggy J. Herring - 1999
    Secretly in love with Cheryl for years, Elaine hopes she'll finally have a chance to win Cheryl's heart. But will she? Mickey's fling will soon be over and she'll want Cheryl the worst way.

Fake Girlfriend

Clara Reese - 2020
    It wasn’t just my first time at Club Trillium, Portland’s premiere lesbian hotspot.It was also my first night out of the closet.I’ve never even kissed anyone, let alone another girl.Then, two powerful billionaires spot me.They have a PR problem and need a fake girlfriend to show the world they’ve “settled down.”There’s just one problem with the arrangement: I want to make it real.