Return of the Wolf

Leela Ash - 2019
    but had almost given up hope it was possible... Kelly had almost given up on having any of her dreams come true. Just getting by with her young son seemed to be all she could ask for. It took all of her energy just to make ends meet and deal with her crazy ex... So when her rich best girlfriend offers to pay for an African safari she was all over it... Little did she know what she was getting into... Derek is not like other men. So much so that the only place he can find peace - the only place his beast can find peace - is on the African savanna, far from the little midwestern town that he has tried so hard to push from memory. The pain and damage of his youth - and his sense of loyalty - are not so easily forgotten though. When another of his old Damaged Pack raises the alarm, he knows he must return to help the one man who gave them all a chance... Will this unlikely pair be able to navigate their own damage in time to save his home town? Can they save the one man that believed in Derek and shaped his Damaged Pack in his youth? Can they save themselves? Also included is a short preview of another story, Alpha Daddy Bear. Warning: This ebook contains mature themes and language and is meant for 18+ readers only. It also of course has an HEA for our couple and no cheating. But be aware it is the beginning of a new adventure and will introduce a few mysteries ...

The Midnight Sea

Kat Ross - 2016
    A girl of the isolated Four-Legs Clan, all she knows about the King's elite Water Dogs is that they leash wicked creatures called daevas to protect the empire from the Undead. But when scouts arrive to recruit young people with the gift, she leaps at the chance to join their ranks. To hunt the monsters that killed her sister.Scarred by grief, she's willing to pay any price, even if it requires linking with a daeva named Darius. Human in body, he's possessed of a terrifying power, one that Nazafareen controls. But the golden cuffs that join them have an unwanted side effect. Each experiences the other's emotions, and human and daeva start to grow dangerously close.As they pursue a deadly foe across the arid waste of the Great Salt Plain to the glittering capital of Persepolae, unearthing the secrets of Darius's past along the way, Nazafareen is forced to question his slavery—and her own loyalty to the empire. But with an ancient evil stirring in the north, and a young conqueror sweeping in from the west, the fate of an entire civilization may be at stake…

Every Last Kiss

Courtney Cole - 2011
    Controlled by the Fates. Can Macy's love for her soul mate survive the bonds of time... and death?17-year old Macy Lockhart is as far from normal as any one girl can be. The problem is, she doesn’t know it yet.After a bloodstone pendant is mysteriously left on her door, Macy’s life begins to change in ways she’d never dreamed. And while she will eventually come to realize that nothing is ever what it seems, that her life is a tangled web of lies and the Fates themselves pull the strings, for now she is left with only the explanations that they offer her.Macy is led to believe that if she doesn’t return to a previous doomed life, one in which she served as Queen Cleopatra ‘s handmaiden, the fate of the entire world will be threatened in a way that would destroy history as we know it. She learns that she has lived thousands of lives, each one ending tragically…but none as tragic as this one.After returning to ancient Egypt, she is faced with heart-wrenching decisions. Unless she interferes with Fate’s plan, the very thing she was born to protect, her soul mate will die leading Marc Antony’s forces against Rome. Can she really stand aside and watch the love of her life die all over again?In this fascinating novel-length prequel to The Bloodstone Saga, Courtney Cole sets the stage for an epic journey that will have readers holding their breath until the very last page of the very last book has been turned.What would you do if you held Fate in your hands?

Kill the Willing / Bury the Past But Shoot It First / Reload Faster / Dead In Plain Sight / Tomb Raiding PhD / Tomb Raider Emeritus

Martha Carr - 2020
    Requires Life Insurance. Will be working with deadly magical artifacts and killers. Kill The Willing: Shay Carson had a wake up call when a hitman was sent after her. Her previous profession was getting a bit personal. Then, life offered her a chance to disappear, and she did. What's a girl to do with a very specific set of skills? Take up Tomb Raiding!Behind every complicated woman is a story. For Shay, it happens to be a little complicated and she can't share with her new friends. Better to lie to her friends, than have to kill more for knowing too much! Bury The Past, But Shoot it First: Magic is back on Earth and there’s money to be made. It didn’t take long for Shay Carson to figure out that being a hitman isn’t good for a girl’s retirement plans. Time to fake her own death and get the hell out of town. Start over in L.A. with dream job number two – tomb raider in a world just coming to terms with magic. Just as dangerous a profession but the payoff’s bigger even if someone’s still shooting at her. Good thing this girl has better aim and no problem pulling the trigger. Reload Faster: Killer for hire needs to retool her skill set. Find a new career with a little less risk. Meet Shay Carson – Tomb Raider for hire. Good with weapons, works badly with others, can leave at a moment’s notice and not thrown by magic. She’s already making a name for herself on the dark web. Rich people in search of treasure willing to pay to send someone else. Look out world… Dead In Plain Sight: Shay Carson's rep as a tomb raider grows, along with her list of new friends. The former killer for hire has managed to figure out what a life looks like without killing off her inner circle. But a teenage elf may upend all of it.New adventures across France hunting for the lost scepter of Dagobert protected by dark magic or finding the answers to a broken piece of machinery that’s 300 million years old. Not your typical day job. Shay is not your typical woman… just ask Brownstone. Tomb Raiding PHD: What do you do when someone threatens your man? If his name is Brownstone, you can take the easy way out and just tell him. He’ll take care of the rest. But if you’re Shay Carson, archaeologist of magic and history, you take care of it, permanently. It’s her specialty. In a surprising twist, Shay’s turned out to be teachable and is taking along Lily, a Gray Elf to help her settle the score, while Peyton, her IT specialist with a love of costumes and pizza has her back. Tomb Raider Emeritus: Shay Carson has a secret. Not all aliens are Oricerans.

Phoenix Rising, #1-5

Annie Anderson - 2021
    Maybe he saved it. Now, it's my turn to save us both.Living forever isn't all it's cracked up to be.Fall into the realm of Phoenixes and Wraiths who guard the gates of the beyond. The Phoenix Rising Complete Series Box Set contains all five books in this thrilling paranormal romance series.

The Bone Season: Sneak Preview

Samantha Shannon - 2013
    Nineteen-year-old Paige Mahoney is working in the criminal underworld of Scion London, based at Seven Dials, employed by a man named Jaxon Hall. Her job: to scout for information by breaking into people's minds. For Paige is a dreamwalker, a clairvoyant and, in the world of Scion, she commits treason simply by breathing.It is raining the day her life changes for ever. Attacked, drugged and kidnapped, Paige is transported to Oxford - a city kept secret for two hundred years, controlled by a powerful, otherworldly race. Paige is assigned to Warden, a Rephaite with mysterious motives. He is her master. Her trainer. Her natural enemy. But if Paige wants to regain her freedom she must allow herself to be nurtured in this prison where she is meant to die.The Bone Season introduces a compelling heroine and also introduces an extraordinary young writer, with huge ambition and a teeming imagination. Samantha Shannon has created a bold new reality in this riveting debut.

Heat: A Fire Novella and Elemental Spin-off

A.L. Knorr - 2018
    If the fire inside hadn't scared off everyone he knew and loved, maybe he'd find it easier to get out of the rut he's found himself in. When he meets beautiful Angelica, an earnest and sweet Canadian antique-hunter, he jumps at the opportunity to learn a new trade and just maybe, change his life for the better.What Chad didn't count on was meeting another fire mage, a stronger, smarter, faster, more experienced supernatural with all the debonair clothes and manner of a true aristocrat. At a snobby antiques a huge old mansion...full of wood and other burnables.Meeting Basil Chaplin, founder of Arcturus, a secret school for fire magi, means Chad had better bring his A-game.

Resurrected (Vampire Legacy, #1) Excerpt

Morgan Rice - 2012
    This file contains Part One of the book only, which is 20,000 words.In RESURRECTED (Book #1 of the Vampire Legacy), 16 year old Scarlet Paine finds herself changing in mysterious ways. She is becoming sensitive to light, able to read peoples’ thoughts, and is faster and stronger than she’s ever been. She doesn’t understand what’s happening to her, and tries to ignore it. But she can only dismiss it for so long.Caitlin Paine, her mom, knows too well what’s happening to her daughter. She underwent the same transformation to vampire once, centuries ago. But now, in the present day, as a mere human, she has no memory of it. All she has is the journal she found in the attic—her mysterious vampire journal—telling of her exploits in another time and place, and of the vampire race being eradicated. But was there one exception to the rule? Could it be that Scarlet, her daughter, is the last remaining vampire on earth?As Scarlet tries to fight who she’s becoming, she also tries to fight her intense feelings for Blake, a boy in her grade who she has a crush on. She can’t tell, though, if he’s into her, and with the big Halloween dance just days away, the pressure is on. She would do anything for Blake to ask her. But Vivian, the meanest of the popular girls, is also on Blake’s radar, and she’ll do anything to make Blake hers—and to make Scarlet’s life a living hell.Luckily Scarlet has her own clique of friends to back her up, including her best friends Maria and Jasmin. They, too, have guy troubles—but it isn’t until Sage appears, the mysterious new boy, that her friends become obsessed. Scarlet finds herself attracted to him, too—and is surprised when it is her, of all the girls in the school, that he pays attention to. But her mind is set on Blake, at least for now, and she continues to hope he’ll ask her to the dance.Just when it seems that Scarlet has what she wants, her body changes. Soon it may be impossible for her to be near her fellow humans. Soon, she may have to choose between her desire to live and her desire for love.Book #2 in the series, CRAVED (Book #2 of the Vampire Legacy), is now also available.“Grabbed my attention from the beginning and did not let go….This story is an amazing adventure that is fast paced and action packed from the very beginning. There is not a dull moment to be found.”--Paranormal Romance Guild {regarding Turned}“A great plot, and this especially was the kind of book you will have trouble putting down at night. The ending was a cliffhanger that was so spectacular that you will immediately want to buy the next book, just to see what happens.”--The Dallas Examiner {regarding Loved}“Morgan Rice proves herself again to be an extremely talented storyteller….This would appeal to a wide range of audiences, including younger fans of the vampire/fantasy genre. It ended with an unexpected cliffhanger that leaves you shocked.”--The Romance Reviews {regarding Loved}Morgan Rice is the #1 Bestselling author of THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, an eight-book series which has sold over 100,000 copies and has been translated into six languages. Morgan is also author of ARENA ONE, the first book in a dystopian, post-apocalyptic action-thriller trilogy.

Tomb of Atlantis

Christopher David Petersen - 2012
    This was to address reader's concerns. There are 6 books in the Atlantis series: Hidden Courage; Tomb of Atlantis; Curse of Atlantis; Tomb of Zeus; Weapon of Atlantis; and Atlantis: The Sacred Orb. Please see recommended order of reading below. Hidden Courage: is the back story of the main character in the Atlantis series (Interesting, but not essential) Tomb of Atlantis: is book 1 Curse of Atlantis: is book 2 Tomb of Zeus: is book 3 Weapons of Atlantis: is book 4 Atlantis: The Sacred Orb: is book 5 Tomb of Atlantis: Young Jack Roberts is an adventurer. While flying up through the Caribbean many years ago, he spotted what he believed was a golden artifact resting on the ocean’s floor. Without the resources to investigate further, he snapped some photos and flew home. Years later, he makes a startling discovery. While watching an interview on TV, he sees an exact duplicate of the symbol he photographed now displayed on a set of ancient tablets reported to be 7,000 years old. With his curiosity piqued, he knows he must return. Jack’s new adventure leads him back to the Caribbean Sea in search of the golden artifact. While diving, he finds other ancient relics that point to the first real evidence of Atlantis. Excited and energized, he returns to the dive zone once more. Tragedy strikes and Jack is now forced to fight for his life. Violent storms and vicious predators force him beyond even his own endurance as he clings to an improvised raft, driven not just to survive, but to solve the 7,000-year-old mystery of Atlantis. 82,000 words For those interested in updates on book releases, please sign up for my news letter:

Double Trouble : A Silent Luna Bonus Chapter

Sabrina Noury - 2017
     The storm has finally passed and all the pack is left to do now is to wait for their Luna to pull through and finally wake up. While unconscious and recovering, James, her loving and faithful Alpha mate, never leaves her side; sitting and waiting beside her bed, day and night. Until two bundles of joy arrive to the pack at an unexpected moment; bringing hope and reminding everyone that there are still things worth celebrating. Join James in discovering and experiencing the wonderful chaos of having a double dose of surprise in one day. Grab a copy of the epilogue to Sabrina Noury’s “Silent Luna.”

The Hound

H.P. Lovecraft - 1924
    P. Lovecraft was one of the greatest horror writers of all time. His seminal work appeared in the pages of legendary Weird Tales and has influenced countless writer of the macabre. This is one of those stories.

The Heresy

Stephen Marley - 2013
    No autopsy is performed.The body of a young nun is discovered near the Vatican. The verdict, death by poisoning.Present Day:Dominic Quinn returns to Ireland to attend his father's funeral. His sole inheritance, a mystery dating back two thousand years. His only clues, a few enigmatic words that others would prefer to stay buried - at any cost. Surrounded by lethal enemies, Dominic is drawn into the shadowy world of Vatican covert operations. He travels to Rome to unravel the secrets of a first-century manuscript, reputedly written by the Virgin Mary. What he finds will challenge everything he thought he knew about his past, the origins of Christianity, and the nature of the universe itself.And, beneath the Vatican, in an unexcavated region of the necropolis where the tomb of the Virgin Mary is rumored to reside, the evil that pursues him will clash head on with the divine.Stephen Marley, a member of International Thriller Writers, is a British author and video game designer. He has had eight novels and a number of short stories published, including a revised edition of "Mary Messiah." His third novel, "Mortal Mask," was acclaimed a 'masterpiece' in the Clute/Grant The Encyclopedia of Fantasy.

Magic Below Paris Complete Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 8): Trading Into Shadow, Trading Into Darkness, Trading Close to Light, Trading By Firelight, Trading by Shroomlight, plus 3 more

C.M. Simpson - 2021

Her Greek Inheritance (The Moustakas Book 1)

Amanda Horton - 2020
    Each book in this series comes with a guaranteed HEA and no cliff-hangers.***

The BirthRight Trilogy

Nicole MacDonald - 2014
    But what seems like a harmless spell bridges the gap between our world and another. A world where myth is reality and sword and sorcery rule. Thrust into this strange new land the four friends soon find themselves caught in the midst of a war between two archaic families; a war in which their unique powers make them the ultimate weapons. Or the ultimate prize… This set gives you three full length novels (approx. 345,000 words), the complete BirthRight Trilogy. Book One: The Arrival Book Two: Awakening Book Three: Feel the Burn