The Rogue Sorcerer: The Caldronian Guild : Book 2

Andrew G. Wood - 2016
     With the Belarian forces defeated, the Caldronian Guild knows it needs to reinforce quickly. Leo, once more finds himself in demand as he is immediately sent out to help recruit more apprentices. Knowing the victory at Surmont would only give them temporary respite from an enemy also rebuilding, the Caldronians hope that its neighbouring countries of Arandor and Farasavia might yet come to its aid. Mia, having struggled to cope in the battle at Surmont soon finds a new persona, one capable of dealing with her current predicament. With a new found inner strength the young apprentice sorcerer sets herself a new path, one that shocks not only Leo but the entire guild. UK English

The Divine Art of Living: Selections from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, the Bab, and Abdu'l-Baha

Mabel Hyder Paine - 1960
    Addresses such topics as learning how to know, love, and trust God; recognizing the purpose of this life; the importance of daily prayer and meditation; and service to mankind. The Divine Art of Living is a source of inspiration and encouragement towards developing a positive perspective on life.

21 days to Improve Communicating with your Angels

Doreen Virtue - 2011

The Essenes: Children of the Light

Stuart Wilson - 2005
    * Did Jesus really die on the cross? * Who was Mary Magdalene and what was her real connection with Jesus?* Extensive new information about the secretive Essene mystery schools. It is one of the great tragedies of Western culture that Christianity forgot and eventually denied its Essene roots. Those roots are herein explored from the perspective of past life regression. Fascinating new information emerged, including Essene links with the Druids, the existence of a secret Core Group around Jesus, and contacts with the Order of Melchizedek. Perhaps the most remarkable thing is that the Essene Jesus is restored to us, bringing to life the wise and loving Being who has been obscured by so much doctrine and dogma. His words speak to us across the centuries and open a clearer understanding of the Way, which he established, and the ultimate goal of that Way. This book makes clear that Jesus did not stand alone. He had the backing of a powerful and dedicated team of Essenes, including Joseph of Arimathea. Thanks to the technique of past life regression, this story can now be told for the first time, opening up a fascinating window onto a unique and vital time in history.

I Saw God: The True Story of a Young Boy's Miraculous Return from Death

James Anderson - 2012
    If that's you, read the astonishing true story of a young boy's deadly head-crushing injury and his three visits to Heaven....and your fears may vanish forever. Run over by a car at age five, Billy Anderson died three times prior to emergency surgery. Left in a vegetative coma after large portions of his damaged brain were removed, doctors gave him no hope to survive. But God had other plans - completely healing Billy only SIX days after his skull-shattering accident. Yet beyond the undeniably miraculous healing, little Billy was given a glimpse of heaven. Returning home just 13 days after his brush with death, Billy stunned his parents by telling them of his visits to heaven.... ''The doctors fixed my head, but God made me well. I saw God...and Jesus is coming.'' Now, through Billy's extraordinary journey, we have the blessed opportunity to learn what it's like to leave your body at death, to experience the majesty of Heaven and the electrifying presence of Jesus. As told by Bill's brother Jim, I Saw God will take you on an unforgettable reading adventure -- a comforting and inspiring revelation of God's mercy and grace... a story that will prepare you for eternity... a story that begs to be told.

We Don't Die: A Skeptic's Discovery of Life After Death

Sandra Champlain - 2012
    The goal of “We Don’t Die” is to have people believe that their deceased loved ones are still near them, help them navigate through the grieving process and educate that we are ‘eternal souls having a human experience. It is unique because it teaches people about the grieving process, keeping relationships whole, gives awe inspiring exercises that the reader experiences that we must be ‘more than our bodies.’ It gets readers in touch with the purpose of their lives and gets them on the path to producing results. Readers will no longer fear death, their pain of losing someone will be lessened, they will have hope, faith, and powerful access to live a successful life.

Love Cards: What Your Birthday Reveals about You and Your Personal Relationships

Robert Lee Camp - 1994
    Did you ever wonder why some people are afraid of commitment and others always put work before love? Is the woman you met last night right for you? Why does your spouse put household chores before sex? Why is your best friend an incurable romantic? The newly discovered fortune telling system in Love Cards offers explanations for why we are the way we are and reveals the secret truths about our love life. First, use your birthdate to find your birth card. Discover everything from karma you might be carrying from a past life to which celebrities share your card. Then check out your lovers', family's and friends' cards. Your compatibility chart will tell you who is destined to be your soulmate and who will break your heart. --Find out exactly who you are compatible with in love, sex, romance & marriage.--Learn quickly how to do a complete relationship reading between any two people.--Find out how your Karma and Past Life cards affect your present relationships.--Discover why you have chosen past partners and learn to make better decisions.--Explore the real reasons for your attractions--it's really card chemistry!

Daring To Ask For More

Melody Mason - 2014
    In Daring to Ask for More, Melody Mason has shone the light of God’s Word on the path to true revival—Holy Spirit-inspired, daring, audacious prayer. I know this book will be a tremendous blessing to many.Doug Batchelor, President and Speaker, Amazing Facts If prayer is “the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse” as Steps to Christ declares, then Melody Mason’s new book is long overdue. Daring to Ask for More is precisely God’s strategic appeal to this generation living on the edge of eternity. Daring to Ask for More indeed! May our hearts be stirred up as never before to seek God through prayer as never before, while there is still time.Dwight K. Nelson, Senior Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church, Andrews University Melody Mason’s new book, Daring to Ask for More, is driving me to my knees. My needs are so great and my resources so few, what self-righteousness it is to pray so little. Thank you for that push!Frank Fournier, President, ASI

A Course of Love: Combined Volume

Mari Perron - 2014
    It is the way of direct experience of Truth. It is the way of the heart.It may be astonishing to hear that there is a continuation of A Course in Miracles, but it is true. Forty years ago Jesus dictated ACIM to the scribe Helen Schucman. More recently, over three years, he similarly dictated A Course of Love to Mari Perron. Students of ACIM will recognize the Voice. Students of truth, whatever their background, will find that ACOL resonates with the heart.In A Course of Love Jesus says: "This time we take a direct approach, an approach that seems at first to leave behind abstract learning and the complex mechanisms of the mind that so betray you. We take a step away from intellect, the pride of the ego, and approach this final learning through the realm of the heart. This is why, to end confusion, we call this course A Course of Love." (Prelude.44)ACIM and ACOL are complementary. The same Voice, more accessible. The same thought system, expanded.Like all non-dual teachings, ACOL is not about adding to one s life but about un-doing the ties that bind us to what it calls the "house of illusion." In ACOL we are gently guided to awaken, step by loving step. We find ourselves in the unlimited, eternal field of our own awareness, laughing and crying at the glory of what is.


Anand Kadakol - 2019
    I was in sublime touch shooting off arrow after arrow. The targets were drifting across my vision and all it took was one aim and release; the arrows shot off with a swish only to hit the target where I intended it and killed the recipient of the shot. A few lefthanded shots depending on the angle of the shot where I could find the target best positioned for the shot; others right handed. The bow was drifting from one hand to the other flawlessly and the arrows were flowing out like spit from a cobra's mouth, both accurate and deadly. Before we realised there were hardly any leaders standing. By the time Jarasandha recovered, his leaders and his entire army had perished. Jarasandha gave a loud shout and invited us to come out in the open and fight like real warriors. By this time Balarama also came into the battlefield.Jarasandha did not turn back and run; he was livid and angry; he started challenging us to come down and fight like real warriors.Rama and I descended into battleground. Jarasandha was aghast to see Kids trying to defeat him. Jarasandha invited us for a duel. He said two versus one couldn't be fair in a war. Balarama moved ahead and chose mace as his weapon. He was adept at mace and Jarasandha was no less a mace warrior. The fight that took place was of a quality that I wouldn't witness for a long time to come. Jarasandha was more than accomplished. While Jarasandha unleashed himself upon Balarama with full force and vigour, Balarama was deftly defending himself. Mace was flying into Rama from all directions. Balarama was saving his energy for the future; if he could wear Jarasandha down, he could then unleash himself upon him. Balarama was not through and through defensive. There would be moments when he surprised Jarasandha by his speed and power.Rama's mace would start banging into Jarasandha with immense strength and speed. Before Jarasandha would recover from one bout of attack the second one would begin in a different style of attack. The lesson and practice with our Guru was paying results; I could see that in this bout. Jarasandha couldn't fathom the skill level of Rama. He had thought it would be child's play and he would crush Rama in no time and head for me. But this challenge was more than what he had imagined. The fact that his theory proved wrong gave him the mental agony which the real fight had not given. That agony was showing in his inconsistent fighting method. He would burst at Rama; Rama would easily read the move and defend himself; that would frustrate Jarasandha; he would change his move, which Rama easily anticipated and countered, Jarasandha would get more frustrated and soon he lost his mace to a vicious shot by Rama. Now it was Rama with his mace facing an unarmed Jarasandha.Rama shouted at me and said he wanted to finish this fight right away, and lifted his mace to hit Jarasandha. I stopped Rama, it's unfair to kill someone who is unarmed on a battlefield. I said another day would come and he had to let him go with honour.

Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma

Kevin J. Todeschi - 2011
    Rather than being some type of unavoidable destiny or a fate about which we can do very little, the Edgar Cayce material instead sees karma as essentially an unconscious reservoir of information stored within the soul’s memory. Although this memory may draw certain events and individuals to one another, personal free will and the way in which an individual responds to that memory determines her or his actual life experiences. Drawing upon contemporary family relationships, as well as family relationships for individuals who received guidance from Edgar Cayce, this insightful volume examines the activities of reincarnation and karma, especially as they play out in the dynamics of family relationships. All individuals are brought together within their respective families as a means of learning specific lessons and having opportunities for personal soul growth. In addition to examining the universal laws of reincarnation and karma, this book illustrates the lawfulness of life, the exacting nature of individual responsibility, and the ever-present hopefulness of personal free will. In the end, Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma makes an enormous contribution to demonstrating that life is a completely lawful experience, that individuals can overcome whatever “karmic lessons” they seem to be faced with, that free will is completely free, and that God is truly as fair and as loving as we have always wished for our Creator to be.

I'm Not Dead, I'm Different: Kids in Spirit Teach Us About Living a Better Life on Earth

Hollister Rand - 2011
    Whether in person, on radio, TV, or in this book...she delivers.”—John Edward, author of Infinite QuestPsychic medium Hollister Rand is a magnet for opinionated young people who have lots to say—even after death. In I’m Not Dead, I’m Different, she shares with readers the uplifting and enlightening wisdom she has gained from the spirits of children taken from the earthly plane before their time, wisdom that far surpasses their years on Earth. Readers of John Edward, Sylvia Browne, Alison Dubois, and Conchetta Bertoldi will immediately recognize the worth in the guidance offered by these departed young ones, and anyone seeking solace or answers after the loss of a loved one will find great comfort in I’m Not Dead, I’m Different.

Life Beyond Death

Abhedananda - 1944
    The present work is free from all prejudices and never subscribes to any of these blindly biased views.It has given an impartial or dispassionate view on spiritualism showing wisely and ably it's merits and demerits,it's bright and dark sides as well.All the problems of soul,pre-existence,immortality,reincarnation and eternality have been clearly solved by the Philosopher Saint Swami Abhedananda in these lectures in a remarkably lucid and characteristic style of his own.The Book,originally printed in the year 1944 has run into eight editions printed in 2005.

Pagan Portals: Hedge Witchcraft

Harmonia Saille - 2012
    It only has a little about hedge riding as this book has too small a scope to include it. Please read the accompanying book in the Pagan Portal series, Hedge Riding.

Conversations with God - Book 2: An uncommon dialogue

Neale Walsch - 1997
    What he did not expect was a response and the result was Conversations with God Book 1. In Book 2, the dialogue expands to deal with the more global topics of geopolitical and metaphysical life on the planet, and the challenges now facing the world. This incredible series contains answers that will change you, your life, and the way you view other beings.