Book picks similar to
Sex And Spirit: Ecstasy, Ritual And Taboo by Clifford Bishop


The 7 Ahas of Highly Enlightened Souls: How to Free Yourself from All Forms of Stress

Mike George - 2003
    In 7 insights, it reminds us of the essence of all the different paths of spiritual wisdom. It succinctly describes what we need to realize in order to create authentic happiness and live with greater contentment. It finishes with the 7 AHA!s, the 'eureka moments,' the practice of any one of which will profoundly change your life in the most positive way.

Walking on Water When You Feel Like You're Drowning: Finding Hope in Life's Darkest Moments

Tommy Nelson - 1995
    Whether they are dealing with depression, anxiety, obsessiveness, fear, worry, or stress, their lives are limited and compromised by the ill-effects. People who suffer from emotional distress often feel isolated and unloved, either by God or by others, and often believe that there is no hope and no way out.There is good news, however! A truly biblical approach to healing emotional distress focuses on a holistic cure that integrates the mind, body, and spirit. Even when we feel truly alone, God is holding us in His hand. Even when we feel truly hopeless, God offers comfort and purpose. And even when we feel like we will never escape the pit of emotional distress, God sets our feet on firm ground and promises to never let us go. No matter what we have been through or what we are going through now, God can bring critically needed healing and transformation into our lives when we adjust what the authors refer to as "stinkin' thinkin'."

The Clairvoyant's Handbook: A Practical Guide to Mediumship

Amy Hale - 2012
    It describes aspects of the authors journey from a new learner and previous sceptic to a practising medium with all of the highs, lows and difficulties experienced along the way. This is an absolute must for anyone who is trying to develop their clairvoyant abilities or for those who are simply curious about the spirit world. The exercises are so easy to follow - the first down to earth spiritual book with a large dose of humour thrown in.

The Power in You: How to Accept Your Past, Live in the Present and Shape a Positive Future

Henry Fraser - 2020
    Combining his wisdom and insight, Henry shows you that the key to keeping a positive attitude—in the face of difficult and unexpected challenges—is to accept that seemingly negative experiences, such as failures, disappointments, mistakes and misfortunes, are actually the ultimate markers of human success. Sharing the lessons he learned after a freak accident left him paralysed from the neck down, Henry shows us that setbacks are inevitable in life but defeat is optional. He will encourage you to always search for a new perspective if what you see, at first, seems only dark, limiting or frightening. He believes there is always a reason to be grateful. The Power of Acceptance inspires you to accept yourself and to release negative feelings towards things, situations or people that you have no control over and cannot change. Henry reveals the simple words you can say to yourself and the practical changes you can make to become someone who adapts to unpredictable events and obstacles, and who accepts whatever hand they are dealt in this crazy game called life.

Not To Blame - Maggie Hartley ebook short

Maggie Hartley - 2020
    Social Services are at a loss as to what to do with the troubled teenager. Prone to violent outbursts and sudden, uncontrollable tantrums, Rebecca has never spent more than a few months in any one placement. When she comes to live with foster carer Maggie Hartley, it seems like there is little hope of Rebecca ever finding a long-term home. Her strange behaviour and sudden flashes of anger present challenges unlike any Maggie has ever seen before.But when a secret from Rebecca's past finally comes to light, it seems that Maggie has finally found the root of this vulnerable girl's out-of-control behaviour. Can Maggie help Rebecca come to terms with her past and realise she's not to blame?

The Little Book of Yoga

Chronicle Books - 2014
    Introducing The Little Book of Yoga. This petite hardcover presents all the basics for yoga lovers of every interest and skill level—beginner or advanced, committed or just curious. The contents, broken into five sections for a customizable reading experience, include illustrated pose instructions and practical wisdom that yields rewards on and off the mat. Authoritative yet approachable, compact yet robust, it's a timely offering for a practice that continues to grow. Fans will recognize it as the only fundamental yoga book and gift givers will rejoice in finding the perfect present for the yogi in their life.

The Science of Mind Management

Mukundananda - 2020

Understanding the Highly Sensitive Child: Seeing an Overwhelming World through Their Eyes

James Williams - 2014
    Nor is it always easy to raise, care for, guide and teach a highly sensitive child. Because the highly sensitive child experiences the world a little differently, and that can be difficult to understand. This book aims to help you experience the world from the child’s perspective, so that you can better understand them and help them to grow and thrive. In this simple, concise guide I distil the reams of information available on the highly sensitive child so that you can get the knowledge you need quickly and easily. Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: ‘And those who were seen dancing were thought to be crazy by those who could not hear the music.’ The highly sensitive child isn’t crazy. Nor are they slow, or weak, or just ‘not tough enough’. They simply dance to a tune that not everyone can hear. This book helps you hear the music to which the highly sensitive child dances. Once you know the tune exists, and you listen for it carefully, you’ll find it’s beautiful, moving, powerful music.This is what Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. thought of the book. Elaine is the author of the worldwide bestsellers The Highly Sensitive Person and The Highly Sensitive Child she has pioneered the research into Highly Sensitive People.“As the author of this truly brilliant little book, Jamie Williamson explains that he is not an academic or a psychologist. I am simply a man who feels very passionately about the subject. He is highly sensitive and so is one of his daughters, and he writes about sensitivity with both simplicity and depth. His sensitivity also shows in his book’s briefness. Caregivers of children need an author to get to the point so they can go get groceries, pick up the kids etc. Jamie’s book can be read in an hour, yet it has charming examples as well as great suggestions and a full, scientifically accurate description of the trait. Jamie is reaching out to all parents, carers and teachers of sensitive children and whether through this book or on his website, he is a wonderful resource.” – Elaine N. Aron.

If God Were Your Therapist: How to Love Yourself and Your Life and Never Feel Angry, Anxious or Insecure Again

David J. Lieberman - 2010
    Given the high level of both opportunity and comfort, one would expect people to be happier than ever, and even more satisfied with their lives. The reality, though, is startlingly different. Instead of thriving and feeling empowered as a result of greater choices, we are deteriorating. According to the latest research, one in four Americans suffers from mental illness. The drug companies try to keep pace, with the sales of anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and mood-stabilizing drugs at record levels, and tens of millions of new prescriptions being written each year.But that doesn't seem to be enough.Many people are finding life just too painful. Every day, 80 Americans take their own lives, and over 1,900 Americans visit Emergency Departments for self-inflicted injury. So why are we suffering from such emotional pain and anguish? Drawing on timeless wisdom and fundamental principles in psychology, If God Were Your Therapist offers insights into the human condition, and reveals how regardless of the opportunities available to us today, a lack of self-control results in poor choices, and ultimately leads to negative emotions and destructive habits.As a solution, this book offers neither exercises or affirmations, nor meditations or motivating mantras. There is no homework to do or journals to fill out. Rather, readers learn how to regain self-control and move their thoughts, choices, and lives in a purposeful, powerful, direction, free from the shackles of anxiety and stress.A Look Inside:What makes some people capable of handling life’s challenges with quiet calm and optimistic resolve, while others dissolve at the slightest insult or frustration? The answer has to do with our perspective: how we see, feel, behave, and, ultimately, respond to circumstances in our life. Imagine a small child playing with a toy that suddenly breaks. The child’s whole world is shattered, and she may respond by crying, or by becoming frustrated, sad, or even angry. The child fails to appreciate, let alone recognize, that she is still being clothed, fed, loved, and taken care of — not to mention that there is a whole world outside of her own smaller world. The child’s parents know that the broken toy has no significance, but the parents have perspective that the child lacks. Intellectually, we may know that what makes us anxious or upset is actually unimportant and insignificant. The qualities however, that most of us strive to exemplify — such as objectivity, calm, and patience — are lost to annoyance and impatience when, in a hurry, we encounter the checkout clerk with the trainee name-tag staring at the cash register as if it were the cockpit of a 757. We try to maintain our cool, but negative emotions surface, and once sparked, blaze. Now we face an uphill battle. Techniques such as taking deep breaths, reciting affirmations, or practicing visualization, might work when we face minor issues, but they’re insufficient for life’s really big challenges. Reminding ourselves not to get annoyed is not a solution. Yes, the objective is to remain calm, but this is better accomplished through not becoming agitated in the first place. When we fight the urge to blow up or melt down, we battle our own nature. Without perspective, we are forever like the child holding the broken toy. This book shows you how to experience a new kind of freedom and power when you learn how to permanently shift your perspective and move through life without anger, fear, or frustration . . .

Finding Church: What If There Really is Something More?

Wayne Jacobsen - 2014
    Here is straight talk from a man who has sought authentic New Testament community for more than fifty years and who has discovered it in the most unlikely places.

Autism By Hand

Lorca Damon - 2011
    It feels as though I’m holding her hand as she dangles above certain death and the only thing that will keep her from falling is my ability to hang on. If I’m too weak and I let go, she’s gone. And she’s not able to do her part to help me. She’s looking at my struggling face and smiling, but the whole time I’m screaming at her to hold on, to climb up, to try to reach the branch above her. And she won’t, because she doesn’t know how. It’s up to me to save her."Autism By Hand is the laundry list I wrote for the first eight years of Carrie's life, from diagnosis to preschool to public school. It's about the brutal truth and the absolute love I use to help her navigate our world. It contains no research or theories but it's full of the tools I used to help Carrie live in my universe.

From Victim to Hero: The Untold Story of Steven Stayner

Jim Laughter - 2010
    Steven’s story inspires and exemplifies the goodness and strength within the human spirit. The trauma experienced by the family is shared, giving insight of the impact on the marriage, children, and friends. Whether in abuse or abduction, From Victim to Hero portrays the grooming, lying and strategies used by predators to convince and coerce their victims into compliance. This book reiterates the three principles victims must realize – 1. Nobody has the right to hurt you. 2. It’s not your fault. 3. You don’t have the right to hurt others. Buy this book. Share it with your children. Keep them safe.Ed Smart (father of kidnap victim Elizabeth Smart)President, Surviving Parents CoalitionIn this book, From Victim to Hero, Jim Laughter expresses Steven’s heart and brings to light the extraordinary spirit of a young man that endangered himself because he believed rescuing Timmy White was the right thing to do.Diane L Brown, Founder/DirectorSafety Kids, Inc.

Peace of Mindfulness: Everyday Rituals to Conquer Anxiety and Claim Unlimited Inner Peace

Barrie Davenport - 2014
    Right now, you might have everything you need for a happy life. You might have a great family, a good job, wonderful friends. But there’s one thing wrong — you simply don't feel calm and happy. The demands of everyday life, your hectic schedule, those constant feelings of overwhelm and anxiety make you feel out-of-control and exhausted. How can you jump off the hamster wheel to feel peaceful and free from anxiety symptoms? When you learn the peace of mindfulness techniques, you have the power to tap into a wellspring of tranquility and a lasting contentment you’ve never known before. MINDFULNESS IN DAILY LIFE The practice of mindfulness in daily life holds the promise not only for peace of mind, but also to revitalize your self-worth and transform the way you view the world. It awakens you to the beauty of every moment. You live in unity with life, rather than struggling against it. Mindfulness doesn’t mean you must sit for hours in meditation or attend long retreats. You can experience calmness and present moment awareness in all your daily activities, and perform every task, thought, and action through the lens of mindfulness. In Peace of Mindfulness, you’ll learn simple daily routines to bring you back again and again to the pleasure of full presence and awareness. THE BENEFITS OF MINDFULNESS: HOW MINDFULNESS CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE Whether you’re coping with stress and anxiety, or you simply want to increase self-awareness and contentment, the skills taught in Peace of Mindfulness meet you exactly where you are — in your home, your work, your simple daily tasks. Once you live your days with mindfulness, you’ll enjoy physical, emotional, and mental benefits that further enhance your experience of life. Science has proven mindfulness reduces stress, improves memory, offers pain relief, helps your sleep, improves relationships, and promotes mental health. ORDER: PEACE OF MINDFULNESS: EVERYDAY RITUALS TO CONQUER ANXIETY AND CLAIM UNLIMITED INNER PEACE Peace of Mindfulness is a handbook for winning back control of your thoughts and emotions so you can release anxiety and enjoy a happier, healthier, more conscious life.Every chapter offers specific actions you can implement and practice right away to facilitate change. You’ll learn: ** The Powerful Benefits of Mindful Breathing ** How to Tame the “Monkey Mind" ** Simple Mindfulness Meditation Practices ** How Practicing “Flow” at Work Makes You Love Your Job ** How to Use Visualization and Affirmations to Boost Brain Power **The Best Mindful Fitness Routines ** How to Practice Journaling to Enhance Mindfulness **How to Make Mindfulness a Way of Life** Want to Know More? Order and find the peace of mindfulness starting today. Scroll to the top of the page and select the “buy” button.

The Four Noble Truths

Bhikkhu Sumedho - 1992
    The teaching is conveyed through the Buddha's Four Noble Truths, first expounded in 528 B.C. in the Deer Park at Saranath near Varanasi and kept alive in the Buddhist world ever since.Venerable Ajahn Sumedho is a bhikkhu (mendicant monk) of the Theravada tradition of Buddhism. He was ordained in Thailand in 1966 and trained there for ten years. He is currently the Abbot of the Amaravati Buddhist Centre as well as teacher and spiritual guide to many bhikkhus, Buddhist nuns and lay people.This booklet has been made available through the voluntary efforts of many people for the welfare of others.Note on the Text:The first exposition of the Four Noble Truths was a discourse (sutta) called Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta — literally, 'the discourse that sets the vehicle of the teaching in motion'. Extracts from this are quoted at the beginning of each chapter describing the Four Truths. The reference quoted is to the sections in the books of the scriptures where this discourse can be found. However, the theme of the Four Noble Truths recurs many times, for example in the quotation that appears at the beginning of the Introduction."From the Preface

The Amazing Power of Animals

Gordon Smith - 2008
    But very often it’s not just human friends and family members who come through—the animals that have been so close to us in life also continue to visit us after death. There have been many times when Gordon has given readings to clients about the loss of those very close to them, but these individuals can’t “hear” the message because pain has closed them down. However, when animals turn up, the barriers just dissolve, and these people can accept the truth of the information that Gordon is relaying to them about their loved ones. In this extraordinary book, Gordon tells these heart-wrenching stories, presenting some of the amazing encounters that people have had with animals in the spirit world and here on Earth as well, including Gordon’s own experiences with his springer spaniel, Charlie. The Amazing Power of Animals is full of astounding personal accounts that are a great testament to the power of animals and their unconditional love for us!