An Unwitting Compromise

Sue Barr - 2021
    Finding herself pregnant with Mr. Darcy’s baby, she is forced to make decisions that will have an impact on the rest of not only her life but her family’s.Mr. Darcy, who cannot remember the night in question and therefore does not believe he is the father of Elizabeth’s child, soldiers on in his pride and arrogance until he's forced to admit - he is the father.His realization comes too late. She is now married and not only is she unattainable, but so is his son.**Warning** There is a hint of what some might feel is sexual violence in the first chapter. It is not graphic, but some readers who are sensitive to this type of scenario should read with caution.

Expectations & Apologies

Elizabeth Squire - 2020
    Darcy's caustic remarks about her at the assembly. Would she still have seen him as arrogant, selfish and conceited? Would he have been able to remain aloof and prideful if Elizabeth was not initially prejudiced against him? The road to true love turns in unexpected ways. Although there will be others in my What if series they are all stand alone stories.

Master of Netherfield: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Martin Hunnicutt - 2020
    Wishing to keep his mistress close as he recovers from a recent illness, George Darcy gifts his heir with an estate named Netherfield in Hertfordshire. The challenge of building up the distant estate will keep his son away and provide a safe home to his daughter.‘Master William’ takes on the responsibilities for Netherfield and his young sister with the help of his nearest neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennet while the five Bennet daughters adopt Georgiana as another sister. Several years later, when George Darcy becomes ill and dies, William becomes ‘Mr. Darcy’. As the new master takes control of the great estate of Pemberley with his sister at his side, Georgiana asks that they return to their ‘home’ and ‘family’ in Hertfordshire. When Darcy realizes he misses their home in Hertfordshire and one Bennet sister in particular, they return.

In Search of Happiness: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Nicky Roth - 2019
    In this slow-paced feel-good variation of Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy, disillusioned and tired of London society, decides that it is time to take a break and do something both drastic and unexpected to at long last find himself again and quite unexpectedly also happiness and love.

Being Mrs Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth M. Bridges - 2018
     Elizabeth Bennet takes her friend's words to heart and when Mr Darcy proposes to her in Hunsford, she doesn't reject his hand. She decides to put her feelings aside and responds in a more reasonable manner. Flattered at his affection and devotion, Elizabeth is drawn to Mr Darcy, realising that they are both well-matched in a sense, and their tempers are complementary to each other. Nevertheless, his condescending attitude and pride still trouble her. And the gentleman himself is indeed very proud of his excellent bride and the mistress of his home. And being very selfish in his love for Elizabeth and grateful to her for his happiness, Mr Darcy doesn't recognise her true sentiments. And he isn't aware that he is forcing his wife to acknowledge that she is depending on him for her finances, her social status, and even her name. Their marriage is just the beginning of getting to know one another. Therefore, the misunderstandings between the young couple increase and their felicity in marriage is soon to be threatened...

Mr. Darcy's Bet

Regina Jeffers - 2019
    4, William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure FITZWILLIAM DARCY has done everything within his power to prove his devotion to ELIZABETH BENNET. He believes they are so close to knowing happiness; howbeit, when his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, accosts Elizabeth with predictions of Elizabeth never being able to fit in with his social connections, everything changes. Although the lady sent his aunt packing with words to the contrary, a bit of doubt has slipped under Elizabeth’s shield of confidence, and she again refuses his hand in marriage: This time to protect him from the gossiping 'beau monde.' Therefore, Darcy must take a leap of faith; he proposes to her before the congregation gathered for the marriage of Jane Bennet and his friend Charles Bingley—a public proposal from which Darcy cannot legally or morally withdraw, one only Elizabeth Bennet can refuse. He bets, this time, he can win not only her heart, but also her consent. With the assistance of his family and hers, a plan is put into motion to prove to all comers that Elizabeth Bennet is not only worthy of his attentions, but also the only one Darcy should consider marrying.

In My Heart: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Madeline Kennet - 2017
    Darcy is frequently in her thoughts. She enters into Derbyshire half afraid of running into him and half wanting to see him again. When that meeting does occur, she learns how much she means to him and what is really in her heart. A novella of 27000 words

A Fortunate Alliance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emma Crawley - 2017
    When a storm obligates them to spend the day at their inn, Elizabeth befriends a young girl called Georgiana Wickham, who is travelling with her brother, George. The two become close right away, but it is obvious Mr Wickham is uneasy about their friendship. And it is just as obvious Georgiana is not whom she says she is. Why else would she seem so uncomfortable in her charming brother’s presence? When Georgiana confesses that she and Mr Wickham have travelled from Ramsgate to elope to Gretna Green, and begs Elizabeth to help her, Elizabeth is determined to do all she can. Including reaching out to Georgiana’s proud brother, Mr Darcy, who is in Bath in search of a wife of his own, and completely unaware of his sister’s plight. Can Elizabeth help Georgiana escape the avaricious ambitions of Mr Wickham? And will Mr Darcy arrive on time to save her from his old enemy? When Georgiana disappears with Wickham from her room at the inn, Elizabeth and Darcy are forced to team up to rescue her. And the experience forces a closer intimacy between the two than might otherwise have been expected.

Fighting for Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

David Russel - 2020
    She is reunited with her sister Jane, who is still in the Gardiners’ home.As both sisters are in low spirits, Mrs. Gardiner attempts to cheer them and arranges for them to attend several parties, balls and plays.These occasions lead Elizabeth and Darcy to be caught in some awkward encounters, both filled with regret for their past behaviour.Furthermore, the beautiful Jane Bennet appears to have gained the interest of a wealthy earl, who has begun courting her. She is still very much in love with Mr. Bingley – who, however, has not appeared again.Darcy has more knowledge about the earl’s true character and does not consider him a suitable match for the kind Miss Bennet. Feeling guilty for his intervention that separated Jane and Bingley, and willing to show Elizabeth that he has taken her reproaches to heart, he intervenes to remedy a situation caused by his arrogant presumptions.When Bingley returns in town, Darcy reveals the whole truth to him. Unlike in canon, Bingley’s reaction is very strong, against Darcy, against his sisters, even against the earl who seems unworthy of Jane.Fighting for his love, Bingley is badly injured, in danger of losing his life.Darcy intervenes again, protecting his friend, helping him to heal in body and spirit and to reunite with the woman he loves.Amidst these endeavours, Darcy and Elizabeth finally put their pride and prejudice aside, and unite their efforts in a fight for love and happiness.

The Nunnery: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Anne Morris - 2018
     Colonel Fitzwilliam arrives. Mr. Collins invites Lady Catherine. And Bingley requests that Caroline keeps house, then she brings a friend. With the weather keeping everybody in the village, intrigues begin... With its neat blend of drama and humour, The Nunnery will have you transfixed and laughing simultaneously throughout. Anne Morris is popular on fan fiction sites for her unique blending of genres whilst penning solid variations of the famed Pride and Prejudice story.

Refusing Mr. Collins: A Pride and Prejudice Possibility

Carrie Mollenkopf - 2019
    This may be especially so when the man in question not only possesses the rightful inheritance of said ladies, but is also of a most odious disposition and less than agreeable in appearance. Such was the lot of five young women near the town of Meryton. Not only had they no fortune, their own father, an absentee parent at best, had not the foresight to put aside a single pound should they not have the opportunity marry. For this sole reason, their overbearing mother deemed it necessary for one of her daughters to marry this impossible man. However, a mother’s best laid plans cannot come to pass if the gentleman in question is not only repulsive, but also very, very dead. Desperate times often call for desperate measures. There is a myriad of ways to dispose of an unwanted suitor, all of which may be deemed accidental, for who would ever accuse a young lady of good family? The answer is simple… no one. However, some persons are as extremely difficult to be rid as they are to tolerate in life. The Reverend Mr. Collins, despite his obvious deficiencies when it came to appearance and personality, has an uncanny knack for staying alive but, where there is a will, there is always a way…

The Diary: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kate Speck - 2019
    In this variation, she meets Georgiana first and thinks the worst of her brother but also finds the mysterious gentleman fascinating. Will she be able to overcome her prejudice to find the proud man worthy, when he is keeping several secrets while holding her own? Rated T for mild language and adult situations

Anything Is Possible: A Story of the Darcys and Bennets

Don H. Miller - 2018
    She is on her way to America to retrieve her sister, Lydia, who had eloped to America with George Wickham, but their marriage went sour, he abandoned her, and thus, pregnant and penniless, she wants to return to England. Unknown to Elizabeth, she is sailing on a ship which Darcy had built in honor of his mother, and he, his sister Georgiana, and his cousin Col. Fitzwilliam, are also sailing on the ship. The three of them are on the ship both because they wanted to be on its maiden voyage and because they wanted to visit America for the first time. Part 1 of the story is about the forty-five day voyage to America and the romantic struggles of Darcy and Elizabeth, as well as an unexpected attraction between Col. Fitzwilliam and a woman he meets on board. Part 2 tells of their reception back in England by their respective families and friends and the subsequent romantic adventures of Georgiana and Catherine Bennet, Elizabeth’s next-to-youngest sister.

An Engagement at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Rosemary Barton - 2020
    Though she has heard that the owner is a proud, unpleasant man, he is away from home and will not interfere with her enjoyment of the woods and fields surrounding the magnificent house. But when a strange man encounters her in the woods and accuses her of being a thief, she is determined to embarrass him for his error. Only to discover she has been completely mistaken in his identity. Fitzwilliam Darcy is perplexed by the strange girl before him. Her appearance is dishevelled from her walk in his woods, but her eyes sparkle, and she has a quick wit that captivates him. He is eager to know more of her, but his initial impression of her as a thief means the sentiment is not returned. As Darcy and Elizabeth are thrown together more and more in the beautiful Derbyshire countryside, their initial feelings for one another grow and deepen into something more. But Miss Bingley, the sister of Darcy’s closest friend, is not pleased by the love developing between Eliza Bennet and the man Miss Bingley is determined to marry. Fearing a proposal is imminent, she stoops to a level which shocks even those who know her best and which threatens to tear Elizabeth and Darcy apart forever.

A Longbourn Entanglement

Monica Fairview - 2021
    If Darcy discovers it, will it spell the end of their fledgling romance?When Mrs. Bennet falls ill after the Netherfield Ball, Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley postpone their trip to London to offer their assistance. But things are never what they seem. Before long, Darcy is entangled in a chaotic situation at Longbourn, and Elizabeth is faced with a thorny dilemma that could drive Darcy away from her forever.Will Elizabeth and Darcy muddle their way through the mayhem, or is everything just too tangled for them to find love?If you are looking for a sweet, frolicsome Jane Austen short read, this romantic comedy is just what you need.