Book picks similar to
Dignity & Disgrace: A Pride & Prejudice Retelling by Joy Myron


Reluctantly Mrs. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Regency Variation

Claire Cartier - 2018
     Elizabeth believes Darcy to be a proud, dour gentleman who cannot allow himself to be happy. She attends the Netherfield Ball in hopes of a promised dance with the handsome Mr. Wickham. When Wickham asks her to meet him in the Netherfield Library, she is cautious but willing to hear the gentleman out. Instead, Mr. Darcy meets her, intent on saving her from a mistake she hasn’t yet made. And when his passion surfaces, he kisses her only to have Miss Caroline Bingley throw open the library doors in hopes of finding a scandal. Now Elizabeth and Darcy must marry, else she is ruined and the scandal will prevent the happiness of her sisters. Over the course of their marriage, Elizabeth learns more about the man she once thought cold-hearted and ill-humored. Indeed, she finds herself falling in love with her husband and can only hope that he returns her sentiments. But their newly-formed affections are tested as Wickham steals Lydia away, Mr. Collins is revealed to have a dangerous temper, and Miss Bingley does not allow a marriage to stand in the way of her own inappropriate designs. Reluctantly Mrs. Darcy is a sweet, clean, and wholesome romance featuring Our Dear Couple in this Pride & Prejudice Variation. It is complete and features a compromising situation, forced marriage, gentlemanly behavior, the love of sisters, and a true romance of the heart with a guaranteed happily-ever-after.

A Night with Mr. Darcy to Remember

P.O. Dixon - 2018
    Because now and then, a short and steamy romantic escape with our dear couple is what you’re searching for. Long after the Netherfield household has retired, a servant shows Mr. Darcy to an apartment thought to be unoccupied. The gentleman is more than capable of attending himself for the night, and thus the servant is dismissed. What is Darcy to do when he discovers someone else in his bed? Feeling as though she is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, with no one to help see her through, Elizabeth awakens from a restless slumber to find a stranger in the room. Utterly disappointed in her life, she is poised to embark on a path destined to cause her misery of the acutest kind mainly for the sake of her family. Will Elizabeth put her own needs above everything else - if only for one night? Does Elizabeth dare spend her life forever regretting what might have been, or does she choose a night with Mr. Darcy to remember? A Night with Mr. Darcy to Remember is just that—one night and quite a steamy one at that. At under 10,000 words, this story is best termed a novelette. It is short. It is provocative. A tale of two strangers in the night, it is also enticing. A fan of short and steamy romantic escapes with Darcy and Elizabeth? If yes, look no further. Intended to be the first of a number of episodic encounters, this novelette presents but the first of many obstacles for Darcy and Elizabeth on their journey to happily ever after—obstacles they must face together and against all odds.

Balter: A Retelling of Pride and Prejudice

Newton Priors - 2020
    They stop to see Pemberley and Elizabeth encounters Mr. Darcy, a man she has never met before. She expects never to see him again, but her expectations prove mistaken. Repeatedly.

Darcy's Redemption: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

M.A. Sandiford - 2019
    He would have met her again at Pemberley, had he returned a day early instead of a day late. He has seen her once or twice at a distance. But they have never met face-to-face.Deprived of his help at a crucial time, the Bennets are disgraced and ruined. After desperately searching for Lydia in London Mr Bennet fell sick; he died soon after. Longbourn was lost to Collins, Elizabeth compelled to work as child minder and lady’s companion. After hearing of her marriage to a clergyman, Darcy saw no alternative to getting married in his turn. But the union proved barren. He is now a widower with no heir.The year is 1837, start of the Victorian era. Travelling from Pemberley to London, Darcy tries a new railway line for the final stretch to Euston. At a station along the way, he spots a woman hurrying towards the cheaper carriages …Could it be Elizabeth? Might she now accept his friendship? After so many years of regret, has fortune granted him a chance of redemption?

Sanctuary: Volume 2

Cat Andrews - 2020
    Yet here he was, falling in love with her, holding her while she slept, and embracing emotions he never imagined he would feel again.'***Will Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have unexpectedly found each other—and a slice of happiness—on a tiny island off the coast of Maine. With wonderful friends surrounding them and a passionate new love in full bloom, life is moving forward; they’re planning a future together as a family of three with Will’s son Jack, and the lazy days of summer are looking exceedingly bright.But while some relationships are slowly and painstakingly being rebuilt, a long-kept secret, finally revealed, threatens to tear others apart. ***'Sanctuary' is a contemporary love story inspired by Jane Austen’s 'Pride and Prejudice', but uses Austen’s characters only as a launching point; it is not a meticulous and faithful retelling of the original. It contains mature content and is intended for adult readers.

Elizabeth Bennet's Wedding: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Olivia Kane - 2018
    Fitzwilliam Darcy are due to be married in a few weeks time in a double wedding with Mr. Bingley and Jane in the local church at Meryton. But Lady Catherine de Bourgh, still smarting from the loss of her nephew Darcy as a husband for her daughter Anne, has her own ideas about their wedding day and she can't help but interfere. Will Darcy live to regret inviting Lady Catherine back into his life, or will Lady Catherine's plan to take a little revenge on Elizabeth unwittingly backfire on her?

To Teach the Admiring Multitude: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Continued

Eleanor Wilton - 2019
    Fitzwilliam Darcy has married Miss Elizabeth Bennet, a young lady with neither fortune nor connections. Will Mr. Darcy regret his choice? Can the new Mrs. Darcy prove her worth to an incredulous and envious society?In this elegant, romantic and faithful continuation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Eleanor Wilton explores how Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy might have lived the early months of their marriage, telling their journey in a manner that seeks not to alter the essence of what made their story so unforgettable and beloved to begin with, but to enrich it. It is a story about the bonds of matrimony, a love story about two people entirely different in disposition, experience and background, striving to create a sustainable happiness against the backdrop of friends and relations who either do not understand or do not approve their union.True to the tone and tenor of the original novel, To Teach the Admiring Multitude is a captivating homage to Austen's beloved Pride and Prejudice. An uplifting exploration of marriage, intimacy, family and forgiveness, admirers of Jane Austen’s novels will be delighted with this carefully crafted continuation of her most famous story.

Fine Eyes and Pert Opinions: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Maria Grace - 2019
     As guardian to his younger sister, he wants her to become a properly accomplished woman--she is coming out soon, after all. But Georgiana steadfastly refuses despite the encouragement of Elizabeth Bennet, long time Darcy family friend. Darcy invites a few guests to Pemberley in the hopes of encouraging Georgiana's improvement with a taste of society. Unexpected additions to the party prove dangerously distracting, leaving the Darcy family on the brink of disaster. Elizabeth holds the key to their restoration, but she has fled Pemberley, unable to tolerate another day in the Darcys' company. Will Darcy relinquish his pride and prejudice to seek out a woman below his notice before his family is irreparably ruined?

To Love and Cherish: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Paisley James - 2018
     Georgiana Darcy is about to make her debut into London society. She has grown into a sensible, intelligent young lady, who has inherited her mother’s beauty and her father’s character. However, she is still haunted by the shadows of Ramsgate and George Wickham’s treachery and she worries how she can ever cull the swains, fops, and fortune hunters once she enters the marriage mart. The Marquess of Dartfort, a renowned rake, has decided to marry to beget his own heir, rather than leave everything to his unworthy, shiftless cousin. But when he travels to Pemberley and sees his friend’s younger sister again, he discovers that the attraction he felt toward her two years ago run deeper than he imagined. After Lord Paisley creates a stir at Georgiana’s ball, all the gossips cannot but speculate how the sweet debutante enchanted the marquess. Jealousy, money, and power all come into play when His Lordship’s heir learns his inheritance is at risk, past loves desire to rekindle relationships, and old foes return to Town. Georgiana finds herself not only the object of more than one gentlemen’s affections but also a sinister plot—and Lord Paisley and Darcy must conspire to keep her safe and bring justice to those that threaten their happiness. Can their love withstand so many trials? And what will Mr. Darcy do once he learns this confirmed bachelor has fallen for his beloved sister?

For Worse and For Better: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Alexa Douglas - 2021
    A miserable wife. How can their marriage survive when “for better, for worse” becomes worse… and worse… and worse?Elizabeth Bennet does not want to marry Fitzwilliam Darcy. He's rude, arrogant, and selfish. But her father's illness changes everything: if she holds out for love, her family may be destitute. Hoping Mr. Darcy's friends are right — that he is truly a better man than she knows — she accepts him. Afterward she begins to glimpse the generous, affectionate man she'd heard about. Until he learns what she really thinks of him.Furious and betrayed, ensnared by a fortune-hunter who hates him, Fitzwilliam Darcy is nevertheless a man of his word. He will marry Elizabeth Bennet, but he will never again trust her with his heart. Returning to Pemberley and his sham of a marriage, he can hardly bear to be in the same room with his wife. Then he falls, and the real troubles begin.Shakespeare wrote, “The course of true love never did run smooth,” but the Bard never scripted a path so perilous as Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy's. Join them as they face disasters both natural and man-made in search of their happy ending.

Darcy and Elizabeth: The Faces of Love

Arthel Cake - 2017
    The arc of their courtship, marriage, and the starting of a family serves as the foundation for a turbulent series of events. As it always is within Austen’s world, there is the familiar carousel of suitors, betrothals, triumphs, and societal disgrace. Many of the familiar characters are on hand, including Mr. and Mrs. Bennet; their daughters Jane and Elizabeth; Colonel Fitzwilliam; and Bingley, who has his eyes on Jane. Also here is the bitter Lady Catherine, as the novel also considers the more ominous social realities of the fondly remembered age. The handsome but conniving Mr. Wickham seeks to even an old score with his former friend Darcy. False accusations challenge Elizabeth’s love for her new husband, and the novel careens to a violent climax that is the result of society gossip and damaged reputations. This attention to the consequences of the contemporary mores of the day in the lives of these characters represents a fresh take on this time-honored tale.

Three Daughters Married

Renata McMann - 2014
    This short story assumes the reader is familiar with Pride and Prejudice.Cover by Summer Hanford

Through the Lens of a Letter: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth Frerichs - 2021
    Fitzwilliam Darcy to the second daughter in a family of Bennets, she believes it to be nothing more than a practical joke—after all, the letter is peopled with unfamiliar names. Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy’s arrival, however, shifts her perspective drastically, causing her to question herself, her family, and the things she thought she knew about the world.Fitzwilliam Darcy had few expectations of pleasure in accompanying Charles Bingley to survey his new property. However, Hertfordshire would provide more than refuge or companionship. Instead, a certain impoverished gentlewoman opens his eyes to flaws in his relationships, his methods—even his very character.Join our beloved canon characters as they embark on a journey of self-discovery with ripples that affect the lives of their family and friends. Through it all, they find that lasting change, though hard, is the pathway to greater happiness, and that they are stronger together.All because of a piece of the future.

Progression Vol. 3: A Continuation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Jodi L. Covey - 2017
     After a long and arduous Season in London, Mr. and Mrs. Darcy wish more than anything to return to Pemberley and await the birth of their first child. Life, however, has other plans for the couple. As Elizabeth's pregnancy advances, they are ultimately obliged to part long enough to face ordeals without the benefit of each other's company, comfort and support. Will the separation serve to strengthen or torment them? Just returned from battle, Richard Fitzwilliam finds himself grudgingly adapting to a life forever altered by a sudden and tragic change of circumstance. His duties vastly more significant, he discovers a threat to his family that cannot be ignored as a nefarious nobleman appears bent on claiming the infatuated Anne de Bourgh's hand and fortune. Will Fitzwilliam's honorable endeavors to protect his cousin only make things worse? Charlotte Collins, meanwhile, is granted no more peace as she frets over her vulnerable friend and her own burgeoning attraction to the local physician. Will her prayers to find serenity in her comfortably secure situation be answered? Is the scorned Caroline Bingley truly mad, or just horribly bitter? And who will be hurt by her poor judgment as a result? Is Georgiana Darcy finally ready to make her own decisions, or is it best to continue trusting in her wise, well-intentioned and ever-devoted brother with regards to her future? For better or worse, Jane Austen's beloved characters continue to make choices and suffer consequences in this third installment.

Until My Last Breath: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Rose Lorimer - 2018
     After his unfortunate marriage proposal, Darcy writes Elizabeth a letter and, in his attempt to hand it to her, everything changes – both of them are kidnapped. In just a few days, Elizabeth finds herself floundering in fear, loneliness and despair, facing a terrible future at the hands of heartless mercenaries, while Darcy, injured, is left behind. Determined to save the lady who holds his heart, Darcy embarks on an uncertain journey to rescue Elizabeth. Together with his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, he discovers the power of love, friendship and trust, which goes beyond any familial connection. In this romantic, dramatic adventure, involving sea travels, mercenary pirates and bloody fights able to determine life or death, Darcy and Elizabeth come to realise that they must never let hope die. Hope and their mutual love are all they have to keep them alive. Until their last breath. EXTRACT Richard was now very curious about how Darcy had managed to bear the journey from London to Portsmouth in his present condition. Darcy chuckled at his enquiries. “Richard, you know me well enough to guess I could not stay back when so much is at stake, when Elizabeth’s life is in such danger.” He looked around and all eyes were on him. He became serious again. “They say that love and hate are the two most powerful forces to move a man. I can guarantee you all, I have plenty of both.” ABOUT THE AUTHOR As a non-fiction writer and polyglot, I am fascinated by the beauty of writing, and the gift of combining words and sentences to achieve the perfect expression of ideas and critical analysis. But writing fiction also takes one a step further and expresses, at a much deeper level, not only creativity, but feelings and emotions. And that is my intention from now on: to write stories that can arouse people’s feelings and dreams. And what could be better than starting it with something I just love? As a huge fan of 'Pride and Prejudice' – my favourite book by far – I have spent the last two years reading not only the original, but also hundreds and hundreds of P&P variations. As a result, while increasing my knowledge of the English language on an academic level, I decided I would like to start writing my own versions. I can only hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. POST SCRIPTUM - 27th Sep 2018 Please, allow me to add a small comment about some of the reviews I have received in USA. Indeed, English is not my native language, but contrarily to what was said, I am aware of my limitations and had this story analysed by an editor and copyedited by a registered professional. Unfortunately, as it seems, I was not very happy with my choices. I can just add that I have a deep respect for my readers, and that I have already corrected those mentioned mistakes.